State legislature

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State legislatures

A state legislature is a generic term referring to the legislative body of any of the country's 50 states. The formal name varies from state to state. In 24 states, the legislature is simply called the "Legislature," or the "State Legislature," while in 19 states, the legislature is called the "General Assembly." In Massachusetts and New Hampshire, the legislature is called the "General Court," while North Dakota and Oregon designate the legislature as the "Legislative Assembly."


Every state (except Nebraska) has a bicameral legislature, meaning that the legislature consists of two separate legislative chambers (or "houses"). Nebraska has a unicameral, or one-chamber legislature. In all bicameral legislatures, the smaller chamber is called the "Senate" and is usually referred to as the "upper house." (Nebraskan legislators are referred to as "senators" for historical reasons; when the legislature was reorganized, the lower house was abolished and the Senate renamed).

The smaller chamber usually, but not always, has the exclusive power to confirm appointments made by the governor and to try articles of impeachment. (In a few states, a separate Executive Council, composed of members elected from large districts, performs the confirmation function.) Members of the smaller chamber represent more citizens and usually serve for longer terms (generally four years) than members of the larger chamber.

In 41 states, the larger chamber is called the "House of Representatives." Five states designate the larger chamber the "Assembly" and three states call it the "House of Delegates." Members of the larger chamber usually serve for terms of two years. The larger chamber customarily has the exclusive power to initiate taxing legislation and articles of impeachment.



Comparison of state upper houses

Chamber articleMembersParty controlTerm LengthTerm LimitSession start dateSalary
Hawaii State Senate25Democrat2-4-4 year systemNoneJanuary 15, 2025 $60,180/year + per diem
Idaho State Senate35Republican2 yearsNoneJanuary 6, 2025 $16,684/year + per diem
Indiana State Senate50Republican4 yearsNoneJanuary 8, 2025 $32,070.24/year + per diem
Kentucky State Senate38Republican4 yearsNoneJanuary 7, 2025 $188.22/calendar day during session for legislators whose terms began before 2023. $203.28/calendar day for legislators whose terms began after 2023. + per diem
Louisiana State Senate39Republican4 years3 terms (12 years)April 14, 2025 $16,800/year; plus an additional $6,000/year as an unvouchered expense + per diem
Maine State Senate35Democrat2 years4 terms (8 years)December 4, 2024 $16,245.12 for the first regular session. $11,668.32 for the second regular session.
+ per diem
Nebraska State Senate (Unicameral)49Republican4 years2 terms (8 years)January 8, 2025 $12,000/year + per diem
Maryland State Senate47Democrat4 yearsNoneJanuary 8, 2025 $54,437/year + per diem
New Jersey State Senate40Democrat2-4-4 year systemNoneJanuary 14, 2025 $49,000/year
New Mexico State Senate42Democrat4 yearsNoneJanuary 21, 2025 $0/year + per diem
North Carolina State Senate50Republican2 yearsNoneJanuary 8, 2025 $13,951/year
+ per diem and expenses
New York State Senate63Democrat2 yearsNoneJanuary 8, 2025 $142,000/year + per diem
North Dakota State Senate47Republican4 years2 terms (8 years)January 7, 2025 $592/month
+ per diem
South Dakota State Senate35Republican2 years4 terms (8 years)January 14, 2025 $13,436/year + per diem
Tennessee State Senate33Republican4 yearsNoneJanuary 14, 2025 $28,405.96/year + per diem
Texas State Senate31Republican2-4-4 year systemNoneJanuary 14, 2025 $7,200/year + per diem
Utah State Senate29Republican4 yearsNoneJanuary 21, 2025 $293.55/legislative day + per diem
Washington State Senate49Democrat4 yearsNoneJanuary 9, 2017 $60,191/year for senators. $61,997/year for representatives.
+ per diem
Wisconsin State Senate33Republican4 yearsNoneJanuary 6, 2025 $57,408/year + per diem
Wyoming State Senate31Republican4 yearsNoneJanuary 14, 2025 $150/day
+ per diem
Alabama State Senate35Republican4 yearsNoneFebruary 4, 2025 $59,674.08/year
Arizona State Senate30Republican2 years4 terms (8 years) January 13, 2025 $24,000/year + per diem
Arkansas State Senate35Republican2-4-4 year system12 consecutive years; can return after a four-year breakJanuary 13, 2025 $44,356/year + per diem
California State Senate40Democrat4 years12 years[1][2]December 2, 2024 $128,215/year + per diem
Colorado State Senate35Democrat4 years2 terms (8 years)January 8, 2025 $43,977/year for legislators whose terms began in 2023. $41,449/year for legislators whose terms began in 2021. + per diem
Connecticut State Senate36Democrat2 yearsNoneJanuary 8, 2025 $40,000/year
Georgia State Senate56Republican2 yearsNoneJanuary 13, 2025 $17,342/year + per diem
Massachusetts State Senate40Democrat2 yearsNoneJanuary 1, 2025 $73,655.01/year
Michigan State Senate38Democrat4 years12 combined years in the LegislatureJanuary 8, 2025 $71,685/year + expenses
Minnesota State Senate67Democrat2-4-4 year systemNoneJanuary 14, 2025 $51,750/year
+ per diem
Mississippi State Senate52Republican4 yearsNoneJanuary 7, 2025 $23,500/year + per diem
Missouri State Senate34Republican4 years2 terms (8 years)January 8, 2025 $41,070.14/year + per diem
Montana State Senate50Republican4 years2 terms (8 years)January 6, 2025 $104.86/legislative day + per diem
New Hampshire State Senate24Republican2 yearsNoneJanuary 8, 2025 $100/year
Ohio State Senate33Republican4 years2 terms (8 years)January 6, 2025 $71,099/year
Oregon State Senate30Democrat4 yearsNoneJanuary 21, 2025 $35,052/year + per diem
Pennsylvania State Senate50Republican4 yearsNoneJanuary 7, 2025 $106,422.33/year + per diem
Nevada State Senate21Democrat4 years3 terms (12 years) February 3, 2025 $130/legislative day + per diem
Alaska State Senate20Split4 yearsNoneJanuary 21, 2025 $84,000/year + per diem
Delaware State Senate21Democrat2-4-4 year systemNoneJanuary 14, 2025 $45,291/year
Florida State Senate40Republican2-4-4 year system 2 terms (8 years)March 4, 2025 $29,697/year + per diem
Illinois State Senate59Democrat2-4-4 year system[3]NoneJanuary 8, 2025 $89,250/year + per diem
Kansas State Senate40Republican4 yearsNoneJanuary 13, 2025 $86.66/session day + per diem
Oklahoma State Senate48Republican4 years12 year cumulative
total, in either or
both chambers
February 3, 2025 $47,500/year
+ per diem
Rhode Island State Senate38Democrat2 yearsNoneJanuary 7, 2025 $19,037/year
Vermont State Senate30Democrat2 yearsNoneJanuary 8, 2025 $843.32/week during session + per diem
South Carolina State Senate46Republican4 yearsNoneJanuary 14, 2025 $10,400/year + per diem
Virginia State Senate40Democrat4 yearsNoneJanuary 8, 2025 $18,000/year for senators. $17,640/year for delegates. + per diem
Iowa State Senate50Republican4 yearsNoneJanuary 13, 2025 $25,000/year + per diem
West Virginia State Senate34Republican4 yearsNoneFebruary 12, 2025 $20,000/year + per diem

Comparison of state lower houses

Chamber articleMembersParty controlTerm LengthTerm LimitSession start dateSalary
Alaska House of Representatives40Split2 yearsNoneJanuary 21, 2025 $84,000/year + per diem
Arizona House of Representatives60Republican2 years4 terms (8 years)January 13, 2025 $24,000/year + per diem
Alabama House of Representatives105Republican4 yearsNoneFebruary 4, 2025 $59,674.08/year
Arkansas House of Representatives100Republican2 years12 consecutive years; can return after a four-year breakJanuary 13, 2025 $44,356/year + per diem
California State Assembly80Democrat2 years12 years[4][5]December 2, 2024 $128,215/year + per diem
Colorado House of Representatives65Democrat2 years4 terms (8 years)January 8, 2025 $43,977/year for legislators whose terms began in 2023. $41,449/year for legislators whose terms began in 2021. + per diem
Connecticut House of Representatives151Democrat2 yearsNoneJanuary 8, 2025 $40,000/year
Delaware House of Representatives41Democrat2 yearsNoneJanuary 14, 2025 $45,291/year
Florida House of Representatives120Republican2 years4 terms (8 years)March 4, 2025 $29,697/year + per diem
Georgia House of Representatives180Republican2 yearsNoneJanuary 13, 2025 $17,342/year + per diem
Hawaii House of Representatives51Democrat2 yearsNoneJanuary 15, 2025 $60,180/year + per diem
Idaho House of Representatives70Republican2 yearsNoneJanuary 6, 2025 $16,684/year + per diem
Illinois House of Representatives118Democrat2 yearsNoneJanuary 8, 2025 $89,250/year + per diem
Indiana House of Representatives100Republican2 yearsNoneJanuary 8, 2025 $32,070.24/year + per diem
Iowa House of Representatives100Republican2 yearsNoneJanuary 13, 2025 $25,000/year + per diem
Kansas House of Representatives125Republican2 yearsNoneJanuary 13, 2025 $86.66/session day + per diem
Kentucky House of Representatives100Republican2 yearsNoneJanuary 7, 2025 $188.22/calendar day during session for legislators whose terms began before 2023. $203.28/calendar day for legislators whose terms began after 2023. + per diem
Louisiana House of Representatives105Republican4 years3 terms (12 years)April 14, 2025 $16,800/year; plus an additional $6,000/year as an unvouchered expense + per diem
Maryland House of Delegates141Democrat4 yearsNoneJanuary 8, 2025 $54,437/year + per diem
Massachusetts House of Representatives160Democrat2 yearsNoneJanuary 1, 2025 $73,655.01/year
Michigan House of Representatives110Republican2 years12 combined years in the LegislatureJanuary 8, 2025 $71,685/year + expenses
Minnesota House of Representatives134Republican2 yearsNoneJanuary 14, 2025 $51,750/year
+ per diem
Mississippi House of Representatives122Republican4 yearsNoneJanuary 7, 2025 $23,500/year + per diem
Montana House of Representatives100Republican2 years4 terms (8 years)January 6, 2025 $104.86/legislative day + per diem
New Hampshire House of Representatives400Republican2 yearsNoneJanuary 8, 2025 $100/year
New Jersey General Assembly80Democrat2 yearsNoneJanuary 14, 2025 $49,000/year
New Mexico House of Representatives70Democrat2 yearsNoneJanuary 21, 2025 $0/year + per diem
New York State Assembly150Democrat2 yearsNoneJanuary 8, 2025 $142,000/year + per diem
North Carolina House of Representatives120Republican2 yearsNoneJanuary 8, 2025 $13,951/year
+ per diem and expenses
North Dakota House of Representatives94Republican4 years2 terms (8 years)January 7, 2025 $592/month
+ per diem
Ohio House of Representatives99Republican2 years4 terms (8 years)January 6, 2025 $71,099/year
Oklahoma House of Representatives101Republican2 years12 year cumulative
total, in either or
both chambers
February 3, 2025 $47,500/year
+ per diem
Oregon House of Representatives60Democrat2 yearsNoneJanuary 21, 2025 $35,052/year + per diem
Pennsylvania House of Representatives203Democrat2 yearsNoneJanuary 7, 2025 $106,422.33/year + per diem
Rhode Island House of Representatives75Democrat2 yearsNoneJanuary 7, 2025 $19,037/year
South Carolina House of Representatives124Republican2 yearsNoneJanuary 14, 2025 $10,400/year + per diem
South Dakota House of Representatives70Republican2 years4 terms (8 years)January 14, 2025 $13,436/year + per diem
Texas House of Representatives150Republican2 yearsNoneJanuary 14, 2025 $7,200/year + per diem
Utah House of Representatives75Republican2 yearsNoneJanuary 21, 2025 $293.55/legislative day + per diem
Vermont House of Representatives150Democrat2 yearsNoneJanuary 8, 2025 $843.32/week during session + per diem
Virginia House of Delegates100Democrat2 yearsNoneJanuary 8, 2025 $18,000/year for senators. $17,640/year for delegates. + per diem
West Virginia House of Delegates100Republican2 yearsNoneFebruary 12, 2025 $20,000/year + per diem
Wisconsin State Assembly99Republican2 yearsNoneJanuary 6, 2025 $57,408/year + per diem
Wyoming House of Representatives62Republican2 yearsNoneJanuary 14, 2025 $150/day
+ per diem
Washington House of Representatives98Democrat2 yearsNoneJanuary 13, 2025 $60,191/year for senators. $61,997/year for representatives. + per diem
Maine House of Representatives151Democrat2 years4 terms (8 years)December 4, 2024 $16,245.12 for the first regular session. $11,668.32 for the second regular session.
+ per diem
Missouri House of Representatives163Republican2 years4 terms (8 years)January 8, 2025 $41,070.14/year + per diem
Nevada State Assembly42Democrat2 years6 terms (12 years)February 3, 2025 $130/legislative day + per diem
Tennessee House of Representatives99Republican2 yearsNoneJanuary 14, 2025 $28,405.96/year + per diem

Partisan Control (1992-2013)


Praise or blame is extended to political parties for the economic, educational, health and other quality of life outcomes that result from the policies those parties enact into law. To better understand which political party enjoys power in each of the states, Ballotpedia has analyzed state government control from 1992-2013 using the concept of a "partisan trifecta." A partisan trifecta is defined as when a state's governorship and legislative chambers are controlled by the same political party.

The two major political parties claim that their policies will lead to better outcomes. What does the data show?

At Ballotpedia, we explored these issues in a three-part study, Who Runs the States.

Part 1: Partisanship

See also: Ballotpedia:Who Runs the States, Partisanship Results, Partisan Control of State Legislatures

We identified the party holding each state's legislature for the majority of time in each year from 1992 through 2013. Across the 49 states (excluding Nebraska with partisan legislatures, there were 827 years (76.7%) of legislature under the unified control of one party and 251 years (23.3%) of split legislatures. Among the unified legislatures, the Democrats had 443 years (53.6%) of legislative control, and the Republicans had 384 years (46.4%).

The trifecta analysis over this period shows a notable trend toward one-party control of state governments. At the outset of the study period (1992), 18 states had trifectas while 31 states had divided governments. In 2013, only 13 states had divided governments, while single-party trifectas hold sway in 36 states, the most in the 22 years we studied. The number of states with trifectas doubled between 1992 and 2013.

The trifecta analysis also allowed us to identify seven states that have experienced dramatic changes in partisan state government control from the first 11 years of the study to the last 11 years of the study. Studying the partisan composition of state governments as we do also allows a clean way to assess whether a state is "moving red" or "moving blue."

Legend for State government trifecta visualization -- Figures 10 and 11

Figure 10: Visualization of Trifectas from 1992-2013 -- Alabama-Missouri Trifecta visualization 1.png

Figure 11: Visualization of Trifectas from 1992-2013 -- Montana-Wyoming

Trifecta visualization 2.png

Legend for State government visualization with Presidential Voting -- Figures 19 and 20

Figure 19: Visualization of State Partisanship (with Presidential voting) from 1992-2013 -- Alabama-Missouri

Trifecta visualization 3.png

Figure 20: Visualization of State Partisanship (with Presidential voting) from 1992-2013 -- Montana-Wyoming

Trifecta visualization 4.png


See also


  1. According to the Chief Clerk of the California State Assembly, "Senators who were first elected to the State Legislature on or after the passage of Proposition 28 may serve 12 years in the Senate, or a combination of service in the Assembly and Senate as long as the combined terms do not exceed 12 years. Senators elected to the State Legislature prior to the passage of Proposition 28 are bound by two four-year terms in the State Senate and three two-year terms in the State Assembly established by the passage of Proposition 140, in 1990."
  2. California State Assembly Office of the Chief Clerk, "Elected Officials," accessed January 22, 2019
  3. Under the Illinois Constitution of 1970, senators are divided into three groups, each group having a two-year term at a different part of the decade between censuses, with the rest of the decade being taken up by two four-year terms. Depending on the election year, roughly ⅓, ⅔, or all of the senate seats may have terms ending.
  4. According to the Chief Clerk of the California State Assembly, "Assembly Members who were first elected to the State Legislature on or after the passage of Proposition 28 may serve 12 years in the Assembly, or a combination of service in the Assembly and Senate as long as the combined terms do not exceed 12 years. However, Members elected to the State Assembly prior to the passage of Proposition 28 may serve a maximum of three two-year terms established by the passage of Proposition 140, in 1990."
  5. California State Assembly Office of the Chief Clerk, "Elected Officials," accessed January 22, 2019