Kansas State Legislature

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Kansas State Legislature

Seal of Kansas.svg.png
General information
Type:   State legislature
Term limits:   None
Session start:   January 13, 2025
Website:   Official Legislature Page
Senate President:   Ty Masterson (R)
House Speaker:  Daniel Hawkins (R)
Majority Leader:   Senate: Chase Blasi (R)
House: Chris Croft (R)
Minority Leader:   Senate: Dinah Sykes (D)
House: Brandon Woodard (D)
Members:  40 (Senate), 125 (House)
Length of term:   4 years (Senate), 2 years (House)
Authority:   Art 2, Kansas Constitution
Salary:   $86.66/session day + per diem
Last election:  November 5, 2024
Next election:  November 3, 2026
Redistricting:  Kansas Legislature has control

The Kansas State Legislature is the state legislature of Kansas. It is a bicameral assembly, composed of the lower Kansas House of Representatives, and the upper Kansas State Senate, with 40 Senators. Republicans comprise a super-majority in both houses.

The State Legislature meets at the Kansas State Capitol in Topeka.

Kansas has a divided government where neither party holds a trifecta. The Democratic Party controls the office of governor, while the Republican Party controls both chambers of the state legislature.

See also: Kansas House of Representatives, Kansas State Senate, Kansas Governor


The Kansas Senate is the upper house of the Kansas Legislature. It is composed of 40 Senators representing an equal amount of districts.

As of the 2020 Census, Kansas state senators represented an average of 73,522 residents. After the 2010 Census, each member represented 71,595 residents.

Members of the Senate are elected to a four year term without term limits.

Like other upper houses of state and territorial legislatures and the federal U.S. Senate, the Senate is reserved with special functions such as confirming or rejecting gubernatorial appointments to executive departments, the state cabinet, commissions, and boards.

Leadership of the Senate

The President of the Senate presides over the body, appointing members to all of the Senate's committees and joint committees, and may create other committees and subcommittees if desired. Unlike other states, the Lieutenant Governor of Kansas does not preside over the Senate. Since a 1972 amendment to the Kansas Constitution, the Lieutenant Governor's duties have been severed from the legislative branch, and is active in other areas of the Kansas state government such as commissions on military affairs and health insurance. In the Senate President's absence, the Vice-President presides.[1]

Partisan composition

Party As of March 2025
     Democratic Party 9
     Republican Party 31
     Other 0
     Vacancies 0
Total 40

Click here for a list of members of this chamber.

Republicans won control of the Kansas State Senate in 1916. In 2024, they won a 29-11 majority.

The table below shows the partisan history of the Kansas Senate following every general election from 1992 to 2024. All data from 2006 or earlier comes from Michael Dubin's Party Affiliations in the State Legislatures (McFarland Press, 2007). Data after 2006 was compiled by Ballotpedia staff.

Kansas State Senate election results: 1992-2024

Party 92 96 00 04 08 12 16 20 24
Democrats 14 13 10 10 9 9 9 11 9
Republicans 26 27 30 30 31 31 31 29 31

House of Representatives

The Kansas House of Representatives is the lower house of the Kansas Legislature. It is composed of 125 Representatives, each representing one constituency.

As of the 2020 Census, Kansas state representatives represented an average of 23,527 residents. After the 2010 Census, each member represented 22,911 residents.

Representatives are elected to a two year term. Like the Kansas Senate, the Kansas House of Representatives does not have term limits.

Leadership of the House

The Speaker of the House presides over the House of Representatives. The Speaker is elected by the majority party caucus followed by confirmation of the full House through the passage of a House Resolution. In addition to presiding over the body, the Speaker is also its chief leadership position, and controls the flow of legislation and committee assignments. Other House leaders, such as the majority and minority leaders, are elected by their respective party caucuses relative to their party's strength in the chamber.[2]

Partisan composition

Party As of March 2025
     Democratic Party 37
     Republican Party 88
     Other 0
     Vacancies 0
Total 125

Click here for a list of members of this chamber.

Republicans won control of the Kansas House of Representatives in 1992. In 2024, they won a 88-37 majority. The table below shows the partisan history of the Kansas House following every general election from 1992 to 2024. All data from 2006 or earlier comes from Michael Dubin's Party Affiliations in the State Legislatures (McFarland Press, 2007). Data after 2006 was compiled by Ballotpedia staff.

Kansas House of Representatives election results: 1992-2024

Year '92 '94 '96 '98 '00 '02 '04 '06 '08 '10 '12 '14 '16 '18 '20 '22 '24
Democrats 59 45 48 48 46 45 42 47 48 33 35 28 40 40 39 40 37
Republicans 66 80 77 77 79 80 83 78 77 92 90 97 85 85 86 85 88



See also: Kansas House of Representatives elections, 2026

Elections for the Kansas House of Representatives will take place in 2026. The general election is on November 3, 2026.


See also: Kansas State Senate elections, 2024 and Kansas House of Representatives elections, 2024

Elections for the Kansas State Senate took place in 2024. The general election was on November 5, 2024. The primary was August 6, 2024. The filing deadline was June 3, 2024.

Elections for the Kansas House of Representatives took place in 2024. The general election was on November 5, 2024. The primary was August 6, 2024. The filing deadline was June 3, 2024.


See also: Kansas House of Representatives elections, 2022

Elections for the Kansas House of Representatives took place in 2022. The general election was on November 8, 2022. A primary was scheduled for August 2, 2022. The filing deadline was June 1, 2022.


See also: Kansas State Senate elections, 2020 and Kansas House of Representatives elections, 2020

Elections for the office of Kansas State Senate took place in 2020. The general election was held on November 3, 2020. A primary was scheduled for August 4, 2020. The filing deadline was June 1, 2020.

Elections for the office of Kansas House of Representatives took place in 2020. The general election was held on November 3, 2020. A primary was scheduled for August 4, 2020. The filing deadline was June 1, 2020.


See also: Kansas House of Representatives elections, 2018

Elections for the Kansas House of Representatives took place in 2018. The closed primary election took place on August 7, 2018, and the general election was held on November 6, 2018. The candidate filing deadline was June 1, 2018.


See also: Kansas State Senate elections, 2016 and Kansas House of Representatives elections, 2016

Elections for the Kansas State Senate took place in 2016. The primary election was held on August 2, 2016, and the general election was held on November 8, 2016. The candidate filing deadline was June 1, 2016.

Elections for the Kansas House of Representatives were held in 2016. The primary election was held on August 2, 2016, and the general election was held on November 8, 2016. The candidate filing deadline was June 1, 2016.


See also: Kansas House of Representatives elections, 2014

Elections for the Kansas House of Representatives took place in 2014. A primary election was held on August 5, 2014, and a general election was held on November 4, 2014. The signature filing deadline for candidates wishing to run in this election was June 2, 2014.


See also: Kansas State Senate elections, 2012 and Kansas House of Representatives elections, 2012

Elections for the office of Kansas State Senate took place in 2012. The primary election was held on August 7, 2012, and the general election was held on November 6, 2012. The candidate filing deadline was June 11, 2012.

Elections for the office of Kansas House of Representatives took place in 2012. The primary election was held on August 7, 2012, and the general election was held on November 6, 2012. The candidate filing deadline was June 10, 2012.


See also: Kansas House of Representatives elections, 2010

Elections for the office of Kansas House of Representatives took place in 2010. The primary election was held on August 3, 2010, and the general election was held on November 2, 2010. The candidate filing deadline was June 10, 2010.


Article 2 of the Kansas Constitution establishes when the Legislature is to be in session. Section 8 of Article 2 states that the Legislature is to convene on the second Monday of January of each year. Section 8 also limits the length of regular sessions in even-numbered years to ninety calendar days, but it allows these sessions to be extended by a two-thirds affirmative vote of both houses.[3] In 2010, this kind of extension occurred, moving the session's adjournment date from March 30 to May 28.[4]

Bills may be pre-filed between sessions in odd years and sessions in even years for consideration during the following session.[5]


See also: 2025 Kansas legislative session and Dates of 2025 state legislative sessions

In 2025, the legislature was scheduled to convene on January 13, 2025, and adjourn on May 6, 2025.

Role in state budget

See also: Kansas state budget and finances
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The state operates on an annual budget cycle. The sequence of key events in the budget process is as follows:[17]

  1. Budget instructions are sent to state agencies in June.
  2. State agencies submit their budget requests to the governor in September.
  3. The governor submits his or her proposed budget to the state legislature in January.
  4. The legislature typically adopts a budget in May. A simple majority is required to adopt a budget. The fiscal year begins in July.

Kansas is one of 44 states in which the governor has line item veto authority.[17][18]

The governor is legally required to submit a balanced proposed budget. Likewise, the legislature is legally required to pass a balanced budget.[17]


See also: Redistricting in Kansas

In Kansas, the state legislature draws both congressional and state legislative district lines. Redistricting plans are subject to veto by the governor. State legislative district maps must be submitted for final approval to the Kansas Supreme Court, which must determine whether the maps are constitutional. If the court rules that the maps violate the law, the state legislature may attempt to draw the lines again. There are no such provisions in place for congressional redistricting.[19]

In 2002, Kansas adopted guidelines for congressional and state legislative redistricting. These guidelines ask that "both congressional and state legislative districts be contiguous, as compact as possible, and recognize and consider communities of common 'social, cultural, racial, ethnic, and economic' interests." In addition, these guidelines stipulate that state legislative districts should "preserve existing political subdivisions and avoid contests between incumbents to the extent possible." Congressional districts should "preserve whole counties and maintain the core of existing districts where possible." The state legislature may amend these guidelines at its discretion.[19]


See also: Redistricting in Kansas after the 2020 census

Kansas enacted legislative district boundaries on May 18, 2022, when the Kansas Supreme Court unanimously upheld the validity of the legislative districts that Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly (D) signed into law on April 15, 2022.[20][21] Both chambers of the legislature passed the redistricting legislation on March 30, 2022, after a joint House-Senate conference committee had developed it.[22] The Kansas House of Representatives approved the legislative boundaries, 83-40, and the State Senate approved them, 29-11.[22]After Kelly signed the maps, Andrew Bahl and Rafael Garcia of the Topeka Capital-Journal wrote, "The state Senate and House maps were mildly contested in the Legislature, particularly in the Senate where the map will create a fourth, Democrat-leaning district in Topeka and Lawrence."[23]


See also: Redistricting in Kansas after the 2010 census

Kansas received its local census data on March 3, 2012. The state grew by 6.1 percent to over 2.58 million, with growth concentrated in the northeast corner of the state and the remainder largely showing slight declines.[24] Wichita grew by 11.1 percent, Overland Park grew by 16.3 percent, Kansas City decreased by 0.7 percent, Topeka grew by 4.2 percent, and Olathe grew by 35.4 percent.[25]

The Legislature attempted redistricting in its 2012 session. Traditionally, the chambers passed their own maps. In 2012, the Senate passed revisions to a new House map, and the House passed a map for the Senate; neither chamber was amenable to the other's actions. On May 20, the Legislature adjourned amid deadlock, meaning the courts would have to decide the new boundaries.



See also: Comparison of state legislative salaries
State legislative salaries, 2024[26]
SalaryPer diem
$86.66/session day$166/day

When sworn in

See also: When state legislators assume office after a general election

Kansas legislators assume office on the second Monday of January after their election.[27]

District maps

State Senate

State House

Veto overrides

Veto Override Graphic-Republican Party.png

See also: Veto overrides in state legislatures

State legislatures can override governors' vetoes. Depending on the state, this can be done during the regular legislative session, in a special session following the adjournment of the regular session, or during the next legislative session. The rules for legislative overrides of gubernatorial vetoes in Kansas are listed below.

How many legislators are required to vote for an override? Two-thirds of members in both chambers.

Two-thirds of members in both chambers must vote to override a veto, which is 84 of the 125 members in the Kansas House of Representatives and 27 of the 40 members in the Kansas State Senate. Kansas is one of 36 states that requires a two-thirds vote from both of its legislative chambers to override a veto.

Authority: Article 2, Section 14 of the Kansas Constitution.

"If the governor approves a bill, he shall sign it. If the governor does not approve a bill, the governor shall veto it by returning the bill, with a veto message of the objections, to the house of origin of the bill. Whenever a veto message is so received, the message shall be entered in the journal and in not more than thirty calendar days (excluding the day received), the house of origin shall reconsider the bill. If two-thirds of the members then elected (or appointed) and qualified shall vote to pass the bill, it shall be sent, with the veto message, to the other house, which shall in not more than thirty calendar days (excluding the day received) also reconsider the bill, and if approved by two-thirds of the members then elected (or appointed) and qualified, it shall become a law, notwithstanding the governor's veto."


Bleeding Kansas

The Kansas Territory was created by the Kansas-Nebraska Act in 1854. In several of the provisions of the act, the law allowed the settlers of the newly-created territory to determine, by vote, whether Kansas, once statehood was achieved, would be entered as either a free state or a slave state. The act created a rush of both abolitionist and pro-slavery immigrants to the territory, hoping that strength through numbers would place Kansas in their camp. Animosities between the newly-arrived sides quickly turned into open violence and guerrilla warfare, giving name to this period known as Bleeding Kansas.

The 1855 legislature

During Kansas' first elections for a territorial government on March 30, 1855, nearly 5,000 Missouri "Border Ruffians" led by federal Senator David Rice Atchison and his followers, crossed the territorial border to stuff ballot boxes with votes for pro-slavery candidates. Using their overwhelming numbers, the Missouri Border Ruffians elected 37 out of 38 candidates for the Territorial Legislature. Free-Staters called the new Kansas Territorial Legislature, the "Bogus Legislature." Upon convening in Pawnee and shortly later at the Shawnee Methodist Mission, the Legislature began crafting over a thousand pages of laws aimed at making Kansas a slave state.

The four constitutions and the battle for legitimacy

In response to the illegitimacy of the 1855 legislature, Free-Staters convened their own unauthorized shadow legislature and territorial government in Topeka, crafting their own Topeka Constitution in late 1855. While the document was debated and submitted to a vote to the territory, it was never accepted by the federal government as it considered the Free-State body illegitimate and in rebellion. The pro-slavery Legislature responded to the Free-Staters and growing violence by writing of the Lecompton Constitution in 1857. Due to an electoral boycott by abolitionist groups and the questions regarding the validity of the Legislature itself, it never officially became law.

While the Lecompton Constitution was debated, new elections for the Territorial Legislature in 1857 gave the Free-Staters a majority government, caused in part by a boycott by pro-slavery groups. With this new mandate, the Legislature convened to write the Leavenworth Constitution, which outlined some rights for women and African-Americans. The constitution was adopted in 1858, though it too was not ratified by the U.S. Congress.

Following the Leavenworth Constitution's defeat, the Legislature again crafted a new document the following year, dubbed the Wyandotte Constitution. A compromise of sorts, it outlawed slavery in the territory, while removing certain rights for Native Americans, women, and Black people. The Legislature successfully passed the document and submitted it to public referendum. It was passed by the Kansas electorate on October 4, 1859.

Statehood and the American Civil War

Following long debates in both the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate, on January 29, 1861, President James Buchanan authorized Kansas to become the 34th state of the United States. It had entered into the Union as a free state. Only six days later, the Confederate States of America formed between seven Southern states that had seceded from the United States in the previous two months.

Partisan balance 1992-2013

Who Runs the States Project
See also: Ballotpedia:Who Runs the States and Ballotpedia:Who Runs the States, Kansas
Partisan breakdown of the Kansas legislature from 1992-2013

Kansas State Senate: Throughout every year from 1992-2013, the Republican Party was the majority in the Kansas State Senate. The Kansas State Senate is one of 13 state senates that was Republican for more than 80 percent of the years between 1992-2013. During the final three years of the study, Kansas was under Republican trifectas.

Across the country, there were 541 Democratic and 517 Republican state senates from 1992 to 2013.

Kansas State House of Representatives: From 1992 to 2013, the Democratic Party was the majority in the Kansas State House of Representatives for the first year while through the last 21 years the Republican Party was the majority. The Kansas State House of Representatives is one of nine state Houses that was Republican for more than 80 percent of the years between 1992-2013. During the final three years of the study, Kansas was under Republican trifectas.

Across the country, there were 577 Democratic and 483 Republican State Houses of Representatives from 1992 to 2013.

Over the course of the 22-year study, state governments became increasingly more partisan. At the outset of the study period (1992), 18 of the 49 states with partisan legislatures had single-party trifectas and 31 states had divided governments. In 2013, only 13 states had divided governments, while single-party trifectas held sway in 36 states, the most in the 22 years studied.

The chart below shows the partisan composition of the Office of the Governor of Kansas, the Kansas State Senate and the Kansas House of Representatives from 1992 to 2013.

Partisan composition of Kansas state government(1992-2013).PNG

SQLI and partisanship

To read the full report on the State Quality of Life Index (SQLI) in PDF form, click here.

The chart below depicts the partisanship of the Kansas state government and the state's SQLI ranking for the years studied. For the SQLI, the states were ranked from 1-50, with 1 being the best and 50 the worst. Kansas has never had a Democratic trifecta, while it has had a Republican trifecta in two separate periods of the study (between 1995 and 2003, and again beginning in 2011). The state cracked the top-10 in the SQLI ranking once in 1992. Kansas’s most precipitous drop in the ranking occurred under divided government between 1993 and 1994, when the state fell nine spots. The state’s largest gain in the SQLI ranking occurred between 2007 and 2008, also under divided government. Kansas reached its lowest point in 1999 (29th) under divided government.

  • SQLI average with Democratic trifecta: N/A
  • SQLI average with Republican trifecta: 20.90
  • SQLI average with divided government: 19.09
Chart displaying the partisanship of Kansas government from 1992-2013 and the State Quality of Life Index (SQLI).

Joint Legislative Committees

See also: Public policy in Kansas

The Kansas State Legislature has 12 joint standing committees.

Constitutional amendments

In every state but Delaware, voter approval is required to enact a constitutional amendment. In each state, the legislature has a process for referring constitutional amendments before voters. In 18 states, initiated constitutional amendments can be put on the ballot through a signature petition drive. There are also many other types of statewide measures.

The methods in which the Kansas Constitution can be amended:

See also: Article 14 of the Kansas Constitution and Laws governing ballot measures in Kansas
Kansas Constitution
Flag of Kansas.png
OrdinancePreambleBill of Rights

Article 14 of the Kansas Constitution governs the ways in which the state's constitution can be changed over time.

  • One path is the legislatively referred constitutional amendment. Either house of the Kansas State Legislature can propose an amendment to the state's constitution. Two-thirds of the members of each chamber must approve the resolution. If they do, the proposed amendment goes on either the next statewide ballot during which members of the state legislature are elected or on a special election ballot if the legislature agrees to have a special election for this purpose.
  • If a simple majority of the electors of the state who vote on the proposition agree with it, it becomes part of the constitution.
  • The legislature must say what the measure's ballot title will be in their resolution authorizing it.
  • If there is more than one proposed amendment, voters must be able to vote on them separately.
  • At most, five amendments can be proposed for one election.
  • An amendment is allowed to revise one entire article of the constitution "except the article on general provisions."
  • Another path to amend the state constitution is through a constitutional convention. If two-thirds of the members of each house of the state legislature vote in favor, the question "Shall there be a convention to amend or revise the constitution of the state of Kansas?" or "Shall there be a convention limited to revision of article(s) ________ of the constitution of the state of Kansas?" shall be placed on a statewide ballot.
  • If a simple majority of those voting on that question say "yes," a convention is held.
  • Any amendments or revisions that come out of the convention must go before the state's voters.

Kansas does not feature the power of citizen initiative for either initiated constitutional amendments or initiated state statutes.

2026 measures:

See also: Kansas 2026 ballot measures


The following measures have been certified for the ballot.

No measures to list


The following measures have made it through one chamber—or one session for two session states—and may appear on the ballot in 2026.
Kansas Citizenship Voting Requirement AmendmentDemocratsRepublicans
Senate:Required: Yes votes: (%)No votes: (%)Yes: ; No: Yes: ; No:
House:Required: 84Yes votes: 90 (72.0%)No votes: 28 (22.4%)Yes: 3; No: 28Yes: 87; No: 0
Kansas Legislative Revision or Suspension of Administrative Rules and Regulation AmendmentDemocratsRepublicans
Senate:Required: Yes votes: (%)No votes: (%)Yes: ; No: Yes: ; No:
House:Required: 84Yes votes: 86 (68.8%)No votes: 37 (29.6%)Yes: 0; No: 36Yes: 86; No: 1
Kansas Establish Supreme Court Elections AmendmentDemocratsRepublicans
Senate:Required: 27Yes votes: 27 (67.5%)No votes: 13 (32.5%)Yes: 0; No: 9Yes: 27; No: 4
House:Required: Yes votes: (%)No votes: (%)Yes: ; No: Yes: ; No:

2025 measures:

Below is a list of measures that were referred to the 2025 ballot by the legislature or that have made it approximately halfway through the process in the legislature for referral to the ballot in 2025.

See also: Kansas 2025 ballot measures


The following measures have been certified for the ballot.

No measures to list


The following measures have made it through one chamber—or one session for two session states—and may appear on the ballot in 2025.
Kansas Property Tax Value Cap AmendmentDemocratsRepublicans
Senate:Required: 27Yes votes: 28 (70.0%)No votes: 11 (27.5%)Yes: 2; No: 6Yes: 26; No: 5
House:Required: Yes votes: (%)No votes: (%)Yes: ; No: Yes: ; No:
Kansas Changes to Property Valuations AmendmentDemocratsRepublicans
Senate:Required: Yes votes: (%)No votes: (%)Yes: ; No: Yes: ; No:
House:Required: 84Yes votes: 117 (93.6%)No votes: 4 (3.2%)Yes: 33; No: 2Yes: 84; No: 2

Noteworthy events

Legislature pay reduction (2010)

Kansas House members voted Feb. 9, 2010, to reduce their pay and the salaries of other top elected and appointed officials by 5 percent with the goal of helping balance the state’s fiscal year 2010 budget.[28] State Rep. Melvin Neufeld, R-Ingalls, proposed the cuts in an amendment to legislation ratifying cuts made the previous year by Kansas Gov. Mark V. Parkinson (D).

Neufeld estimated the measure to reduce the pay of all elected state officials, judges, cabinet secretaries, and appointed state officials by 5 percent would save the state $1.5 million by the end of the current fiscal year. Revenue estimates prepared in early February by the Kansas Legislative Research Department showed that declining revenues would likely leave a negative balance of $39 million in the 2010 budget. The pay reduction became effective March 11, 2010.

See also

Elections Kansas State Government State Legislatures State Politics
Ballotpedia Elections Badge-VOTE-no shadow-Square.jpg
Kansas State Flag-Close Up.jpg
State Houses-Tile image.png
State Courts-Tile image.png

External links


  1. Kansas Legislature, "Joint Rules of the Senate and House of Representatives," accessed February 10, 2021
  2. Kansas Legislature, "Joint Rules of the Senate and House of Representatives," accessed February 10, 2021
  3. Kansas Secretary of State, "Kansas Constitution, Section 2, Article 8," accessed February 10, 2021
  4. National Conference of State Legislatures, "2010 Legislative Session Calendar," accessed February 10, 2021
  5. Kansas Legislature, "Joint Rules of the Senate and House of Representatives," accessed February 10, 2021 (Referenced Rule 4(i))
  6. The Topeka Capital-Journal, "Kansas Legislature adopts budget, highway bill before adjourning until late April," March 19, 2020
  7. MultiState, "2020 Legislative Session Dates," last updated April 27, 2020
  8. The Wichita Eagle, "Kansas Gov. Kelly’s pandemic powers may be on the agenda when Legislature returns," May 6, 2020
  9. Associated Press, "Fiscal issues to drive Kansas lawmakers' session," December 28, 2014
  10. Lawrence Journal-World, "Issues that will dominate the 2014 legislative session," January 12, 2014
  11. Lawrence Journal World, "Key issues expected during the 2013 legislative session," January 13, 2013
  12. Kansas City Star, "Republican infighting forces Kansas Legislature to extend session," May 12, 2012 (Archived)
  13. Topeka Capital Journal, "Legislative session to start Monday," January 8, 2012
  14. Stateline.org, "States balance budgets with cuts, not taxes," June 15, 2011(Archived)
  15. The Wichita Eagle, "Kansas legislature delays hard choices on state budget," April 1, 2010 (dead link) (dead link)
  16. National Conference of State Legislatures, "2010 Legislative Session Calendar," October 30, 2010 (Archived)
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 National Association of State Budget Officers, "Budget Processes in the States, Spring 2021," accessed January 24, 2023
  18. National Conference of State Legislatures, "Separation of Powers: Executive Veto Powers," accessed January 26, 2024
  19. 19.0 19.1 All About Redistricting, "Kansas," accessed April 28, 2015
  20. Kansas Supreme Court, "In the Matter of the Petition of DEREK SCHMIDT, Attorney General, to Determine the Validity of Substitute for Senate Bill 563," May 18, 2022
  21. Kansas, Office of the Governor, "Governor Laura Kelly Signs Redistricting Maps for State House, Senate, Board of Education," April 15, 2022
  22. 22.0 22.1 Kansas Legislature, "Sub SB563," accessed April 19, 2022
  23. Topeka Capital-Journal, "Kansas governor signs new legislative, board of education maps, with legal challenge possible," April 16, 2022
  24. The adjusted total was about 14,000 less than the federal figure.
  25. U.S. Census Bureau, "U.S. Census Bureau Delivers Kansas' 2010 Census Population Totals, Including First Look at Race and Hispanic Origin Data for Legislative Redistricting," March 3, 2011
  26. National Conference of State Legislatures, "2024 Legislator Compensation," August 21, 2024
  27. Justia US Law, "Article 2--Legislative", accessed February 28, 2025
  28. The Topeka Capital-Journal, "Limited 5% pay cut in mix," March 9, 2010