Ballotpedia:Premium Research Services
Ballotpedia’s Premium Research Service delivers in-depth, accurate research to a wide variety of clients. Along with attention to detail and the ability to conceptualize how to present information so our clients can easily use it, our hallmark is brainstorming with clients about just what information they might want or need given their overall goals.
What our clients are saying
“Knowledge is power, and Ballotpedia is the powerhouse of detailed policy information by state and theme. They are a trusted partner and the top result when lawmakers, reporters, and activists search for information and analysis. By partnering with Ballotpedia, we were able to fill a knowledge vacuum and get the facts on the front page. They are second to none and have a great team to produce fast, accurate content in a big way.”, Premium Research customer, 2021
White label option
Note that we are able to provide research and research reports for you to exclusively publish. If you select a white label option, the research we conduct on your behalf will not be published on or our other digital properties.
Please email for more details.