Category:2012 election news
From Ballotpedia
Pages in category "2012 election news"
The following 135 pages are in this category, out of 135 total.
- Alabama Democrats to hold hearing on whether to disqualify their Supreme Court candidate
- Alabama election recap, 2012
- Alabama Supreme Court contenders file financial disclosure forms
- Arizona election recap, 2012
- Arizona voters will vote on changes to judicial selection
- Arkansas judicial candidates can't declare just yet
- Arkansas judicial election recap, 2012
- Attorney hopes to join brother on bench
- Attorney who sued judge to run for judge's position
- Federal judge supports injunction against reduced early voting rules
- Filing for 2012 election begins in Alabama
- Florida judicial election recap, 2012
- Florida retention election opposition heats up
- Four candidates have declared for next year's Illinois Supreme Court election
- Frank Sullivan retires from the Indiana Supreme Court
- Idaho appellate judges set for another term
- Idaho considers moving primary election
- Idaho election recap, 2012
- Idaho judicial candidates established for May primary
- Illinois judicial election recap, 2012
- Incumbent Judge Bankson defeated by Jacksonville attorney Chris McIntyre
- Incumbent Nevada Supreme Court judges face no opposition in coming election
- Indiana judicial election recap, 2012
- Injunctions bar enforcement of voter ID law in April election
- JP Election Brief: 2012 Retention Elections
- JP Election Brief: 2012 State Supreme Court Results
- JP Election Brief: Alabama dollars to Washington lawsuits (and more!)
- JP Election Brief: All about appellate courts
- JP Election Brief: An indictment, legal challenges, and First Amendment questions
- JP Election Brief: August primaries settling judicial races
- JP Election Brief: Campaign ads and voter education
- JP Election Brief: Candidates filing in Michigan, Kentucky, Washington and more!
- JP Election Brief: Changing the rules in Florida and Nevada (and more!)
- JP Election Brief: Coast to coast coverage
- JP Election Brief: Costly campaigns and a 12-way race
- JP Election Brief: Election preview for all thirty-six states
- JP Election Brief: Florida gets ready as Alabama wraps up (and more!)
- JP Election Brief: Focus on the Gulf States and Northwest
- JP Election Brief: Heading south with news from Louisiana, Alabama, Florida and Texas
- JP Election Brief: High court races setting the tone
- JP Election Brief: Highlights of the 2012 judicial elections
- JP Election Brief: It's here!
- JP Election Brief: Judges seeking retention are judged
- JP Election Brief: Judicial primaries and candidates gearing up
- JP Election Brief: Looking at Arizona, North Dakota and Texas
- JP Election Brief: May primaries and alleged campaign violations
- JP Election Brief: Money and controversies
- JP Election Brief: Nationwide statistics from the 2012 elections
- JP Election Brief: Primary results and voting lawsuits
- JP Election Brief: Primary results from Michigan and Washington (and more!)
- JP Election Brief: Race mix-ups and a pledge of peace
- JP Election Brief: Ready for the next round of primaries
- JP Election Brief: Results from Texas and Georgia (and more!)
- JP Election Brief: Results from Texas and more!
- JP Election Brief: Retentions, retirements and ratings
- JP Election Brief: Spotlight on Wisconsin
- JP Election Brief: Super PACs, primary results, and judicial selection
- JP Election Brief: Supreme Court races and controversy in Illinois
- JP Election Brief: The Rainbow Connection
- JP Election Brief: The Supreme Court Special
- JP Election Brief: Three in the midwest and two in the south
- Judge McKinnon runs for Supreme Court
- Judge Paul Lawrence seeks full term as Circuit Judge
- Judge Shirron to retire from Seventh Circuit
- Judge William Crain to run for appellate court in 2012
- Judges retained in Tennessee's August election
- Judicial candidates prepare for the final stretch: A summary of Oregon's contested 2012 judicial races
- Maryland judicial election recap, 2012
- Menahan running unopposed for 1st Judicial District
- Michigan election recap, 2012
- Minnesota judicial election recap, 2012
- Mississippi election recap, 2012
- Missouri election recap, 2012
- Missouri's primary over, leaving seven contested races for November general election
- Montana election recap, 2012
- Most Ohio Supreme Court candidates sign clean campaign pledge
- Moved primary means earlier campaigning allowed for Ohio candidates
- Nevada judicial election recap, 2012
- New chief justice on the Oregon Supreme Court
- New Mexico election recap, 2012
- North Carolina candidates file for election
- North Carolina candidates speak at forum
- North Carolina judicial election recap, 2012
- North Dakota election recap, 2012
- North Dakota: The competition's on for Judge Weir's seat
- Ohio election recap, 2012
- Ohio primary next in nation
- Ohio State Bar Association releases Supreme Court candidate ratings
- Only one judicial race in North Dakota's primary election
- Only three judicial races in Arkansas general election
- Only two contested races in North Dakota's judicial elections
- Oregon election recap, 2012
- Oregon Supreme Court Primary draws nearer
- Orion Douglass announces that he will not seek re-election
- Same-sex marriage likely to be an issue in Judge Wiggins's 2012 retention election
- Senator Goodman announces candidacy for 39th Circuit
- Some Idaho voters avoid closed primary
- South Dakota election recap, 2012
- Superior Court judge calm about next year's election
- Supreme Court hears arguments against ballot measures
- Supreme Weekly: A glimpse at next year's Supreme Court elections
- Supreme Weekly: Election fever - Races in Alabama, Oregon and Georgia
- Supreme Weekly: Election fever - Races in Michigan, North Carolina, Ohio and Texas
- Supreme Weekly: Election fever - Races in Mississippi, Montana, Washington and West Virginia