Only one judicial race in North Dakota's primary election
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May 15, 2012
North Dakota: Just like two years ago, only one judicial race will be contested in the primary election in North Dakota this year. That is the seat currently held by H. Patrick Weir, of the Southwest Judicial District, who is retiring at the end of his current term. Kevin McCabe, Dann Greenwood and Tom M. Henning will compete for the seat on June 12.
Only one other race will be contested for the North Dakota District Courts in 2012. That race is for the Southeast Judicial District, where Brad Cruff is challenging incumbent Richard W. Grosz.[1]
In North Dakota, judicial candidates participate in a primary only when the race is contested by more than two candidates. If only two candidates file for a seat, they face off in the general election. Judicial races in the state are nonpartisan.[2]
Thirteen District Court judges are also running unopposed for re-election.
To view the complete list of judicial candidates, visit: North Dakota Secretary of State, 2012 Primary Election Contest/Candidate List.