North Dakota 1962 ballot measures

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Seven statewide ballot measures were on the June 26 and November 6, 1962 ballots in North Dakota.

On the ballot

June 26

Type Title Subject Description Result
LRCA Referendum 1 Legislature Gives North Dakota Legislative Assembly unlimited power in cases of defense emergencies
LRCA Referendum 2 Gov't Finances Allows for separate budgets and appropriations for some agricultural issues
LRCA Referendum 3 Gov't Salaries Repeals section limiting legislators future elections and appointments
VR Referendum 4 Taxes Reduces the amount of tax levy limiting counties with no limitation on tax levy for county poor relief purposes

November 6

Type Title Subject Description Result
CICA Initiative 1 Bonds Allows state bonds to make loans to companies to establish power generating facilities
CICA Initiative 2 Term limits Changes terms of office for county officials from two to four years
CISS Initiative 3 Elections Provides for a secret primary election ballot instead of requiring voters to declare party preference at the polls

See also

North Dakota

External links