Oregon 1962 ballot measures
In 1962, voters decided on 11 statewide ballot measures in Oregon. On May 18, voters decided on two measures. On November 6, voters decided on nine measures.
- One of the measures was an initiated constitutional amendment.
- One of the measures was an initiated state statute.
- Eight of the measures were legislatively referred constitutional amendments.
- One of the measures was a legislatively referred state statute.
- Voters approved eight (73%) and rejected three (27%) measures.
On the ballot
May 18, 1962
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Measure 1 | Taxes | Change the six percent limitation by preventing tax base loss for taxing bodies, allowing the first-year levy without an election, and setting fixed election dates. |
141,728 (35%) |
262,140 (65%) |
Measure 2 | Legislature; Salaries | Establish and pay state legislators’ salaries in the same manner as other elected state officers' salaries. |
241,171 (57%) |
178,749 (43%) |
November 6, 1962
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Measure 10 | Education | Repeal the school district reorganization law and unify administrative districts. |
206,540 (39%) |
320,917 (61%) |
Measure 1 | Administration; War | Authorize the legislature to reorganize the state militia and empower the Governor and Adjutant General to appoint all officers. |
312,680 (57%) |
234,440 (43%) |
Measure 2 | Budgets | Revise the forest rehabilitation constitutional debt limit from 3/4 of 1% assessed valuation to 3/16 of 1% all taxable property value. |
323,799 (62%) |
199,174 (38%) |
Measure 3 | Budgets | Revise the debt limit for permanent road purposes from 4% assessed valuation to 1% true cash value of all taxable property in state. |
319,956 (62%) |
200,236 (38%) |
Measure 4 | Budgets | Revise the debt limit for power development purposes from 6% assessed valuation to to 1.5% true cash value of all taxable property. |
298,255 (59%) |
208,755 (41%) |
Measure 5 | Judiciary | Authorize the legislature to create lower state courts and regulate their jurisdiction. |
307,855 (61%) |
193,487 (39%) |
Measure 6 | Time | Establish daylight saving time from the last Sunday in April until the last Saturday in September. |
388,154 (63%) |
229,661 (37%) |
Measure 7 | Taxes | Change the six percent limitation by preventing tax base loss for taxing bodies, setting fixed election dates, and exempting required expenditures from the $5,000 county debt limitation. |
270,637 (55%) |
219,509 (45%) |
Measure 9 | Legislature; Redistricting | Increase Senate members limit to 35 and the House of Representatives to 65, providing new formula for both fixed and population-based districts. |
197,322 (38%) |
325,182 (62%) |
See also
- Laws governing the initiative process in Oregon
- Types of ballot measures in Oregon
- List of Oregon ballot measures
- 1962 ballot measures
External links
State of Oregon Salem (capital) | |
Elections |
What's on my ballot? | Elections in 2025 | How to vote | How to run for office | Ballot measures |
Government |
Who represents me? | U.S. President | U.S. Congress | Federal courts | State executives | State legislature | State and local courts | Counties | Cities | School districts | Public policy |