Employment Security Committee, Missouri House of Representatives (Decommissioned)

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The Employment Security Committee is a former standing committee of the Missouri House of Representatives.


The 2015 Missouri House rules described the function of this committee as outlined below.

The Committee on Employment Security may consider and report upon bills and matters referred to it relating to the regulation and administration of employment security systems by the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations pursuant to the powers thereto conferred upon by the Missouri constitution and statutes.[1][2]


2015 legislative session

The following table describes committee membership at the beginning of the 2015 legislative session.

Employment Security Members, 2015
Democratic members (3)Republican members (9)
Karla MayWanda Brown, Chair
Kevin McManusBryan Spencer, Vice chair
Joe RunionsJustin Alferman
Sue Allen
Charlie Davis
Scott Fitzpatrick
Tom Flanigan
Mark Parkinson
John Wiemann

External links


  1. Missouri House of Representatives, "Rules of the House of Representatives - 98th General Assembly," January 15, 2015 Rule 25(22)
  2. Note: This text is quoted verbatim from the original source. Any inconsistencies are attributable to the original source.