Federal bankruptcy judge

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A federal bankruptcy judge is a judicial officer of a United States district court who is appointed by the majority of judges of the U.S. court of appeals to which his or her specific district court is attached. Bankruptcy judges exercise jurisdiction over bankruptcy matters. The number of bankruptcy judges is determined by Congress. Bankruptcy judges are appointed for renewable 14-year terms.[1]

As of September 2012, there are 350 authorized bankruptcy judgeships, including 34 temporary judgeships.[2]

Congress receives periodic advice on the number of bankruptcy judges needed from the Judicial Conference of the United States.

History of bankruptcy judgeships

The position of bankruptcy judge was established by Congress in 1978 as part of broad legislation that reorganized the nation’s bankruptcy system (92 Stat. 2657). Under the Bankruptcy Act of 1898, referees appointed by district judges oversaw the administration of bankruptcy cases in the district courts, and a series of subsequent acts increased the judicial duties of the referees.

In 1973, the Supreme Court issued rules that recognized the importance of these judicial duties and applied the title of "bankruptcy judge" to the referees. Also in 1973, the congressionally chartered Commission on Bankruptcy Laws of the United States recommended the formal establishment of bankruptcy judgeships to preside over judicial proceedings related to bankruptcy in courts that would be independent of the U.S. district courts. The commission called for the appointment of executive branch officers to carry out administrative responsibilities related to bankruptcy cases.

Over the next five years, Congress considered a range of bills to establish bankruptcy courts with their own judges. Much of the debate concerned the method of appointment and terms of service for bankruptcy judges. The Bankruptcy Reform Act of 1978 established bankruptcy courts in each judicial district, with bankruptcy judges appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate for terms of fourteen years. The act relieved the bankruptcy judges of the administrative duties of the referee system and established a pilot program for U.S. trustees who would assume these responsibilities. The act also set a transition period within which those appointed under the referee system would continue in office until March 31, 1984, or until a successor took office. Upon full implementation of the act in 1984, two bankruptcy judges were to serve on the Judicial Conference of the United States.

Temporary Bankruptcy Judgeships Extension Act of 2012

29 previously-existing temporary bankruptcy judgeships were set to expire within months of May 2012. Many of these temporary positions, approved for five-year terms, were created in 2005 to deal with an increase in bankruptcy filings. H.R. 4967, or the Temporary Bankruptcy Judgeships Extension Act of 2012, signed by Obama on May 31, 2012, extends these judgeships for another five years.[3]

Current judgeships


Northern District of Alabama

  1. Tamara O. Mitchell (Federal judge)
  2. James J. Robinson
  3. Jennifer H. Henderson
  4. Clifton R. Jessup, Jr.
  5. D. Sims Crawford

Middle District of Alabama

  1. William R. Sawyer
  2. Bess Parrish Creswell

Southern District of Alabama

  1. Jerry C. Oldshue, Jr.
  2. Henry A. Callaway


District of Alaska

  1. Gary Allan Spraker


District of Arizona

  1. Eddward Ballinger, Jr.
  2. Brenda Moody Whinery
  3. Daniel Collins (Arizona)
  4. Madeleine C. Wanslee
  5. Paul Sala
  6. Scott H. Gan
  7. Brenda K. Martin


The Eastern District of Arkansas and Western District of Arkansas are managed jointly.

  1. Richard D. Taylor
  2. Phyllis M. Jones
  3. Bianca Rucker


Central District of California

  1. Deborah Saltzman
  2. Vincent P. Zurzolo
  3. Theodor C. Albert
  4. Sheri Bluebond
  5. Victoria S. Kaufman
  6. Erithe A. Smith
  7. Maureen A. Tighe
  8. Scott C. Clarkson
  9. Wayne E. Johnson
  10. Neil W. Bason
  11. Julia W. Brand
  12. Mark D. Houle
  13. Sandra R. Klein
  14. Geraldine Mund
  15. Ernest M. Robles
  16. Barry Russell
  17. Scott H. Yun
  18. Martin R. Barash
  19. Alan M. Ahart
  20. Magdalena Reyes Bordeaux
  21. Ronald Clifford

Eastern District of California

  1. Christopher Klein
  2. Frederick E. Clement
  3. Ronald H. Sargis
  4. Christopher D. Jaime
  5. Rene Lastreto
  6. Jennifer Niemann

Northern District of California

  1. Roger L. Efremsky
  2. Dennis Montali
  3. Hannah L. Blumenstiel
  4. Mary Elaine Hammond
  5. Stephen L. Johnson (Federal judge)
  6. William Lafferty (North Carolina)
  7. Charles Novack

Southern District of California

  1. Louise Adler
  2. Laura S. Taylor
  3. Christopher B. Latham


District of Colorado

  1. Elizabeth E. Brown
  2. Michael E. Romero
  3. Tom McNamara
  4. Joseph G. Rosania, Jr.
  5. Cathleen D. Parker
  6. Kimberley Tyson
  7. Sidney B. Brooks


District of Connecticut

  1. Julie A. Manning
  2. James J. Tancredi
  3. Ann M. Nevins


District of Delaware

  1. Brendan L. Shannon
  2. Mary F. Walrath
  3. Laurie Selber Silverstein
  4. John Dorsey
  5. Karen Owens
  6. Ashely M. Chan
  7. Kate Stickles
  8. Craig Goldblatt


Middle District of Florida

  1. Caryl E. Delano
  2. Catherine Peek McEwen
  3. Michael G. Williamson
  4. Roberta A. Colton
  5. Lori Vaughan
  6. Grace Robson
  7. Jacob Brown

Northern District of Florida

  1. Karen K. Specie
  2. Jerry C. Oldshue, Jr.
  3. Henry A. Callaway

Southern District of Florida

  1. A. Jay Cristol
  2. Erik P. Kimball
  3. Robert A. Mark
  4. Laurel M. Isicoff
  5. Mindy Mora
  6. Scott Grossman
  7. Paul G. Hyman
  8. Peter Russin


Middle District of Georgia

  1. John T. Laney
  2. Austin E. Carter

Northern District of Georgia

  1. Paul W. Bonapfel
  2. Barbara Ellis-Monro
  3. James R. Sacca
  4. Paul M. Baisier
  5. Lisa Ritchey Craig
  6. Jeffery Cavender
  7. Sage Sigler

Southern District of Georgia

  1. Susan D. Barrett
  2. Edward J. Coleman, III
  3. Michele Kim


District of Hawaii

  1. Robert J. Faris
  2. Lloyd King


District of Idaho

  1. Noah Hillen


Central District of Illinois

  1. Thomas L. Perkins
  2. William Altenberger
  3. Mary P. Gorman

Northern District of Illinois

  1. A. Benjamin Goldgar
  2. Jacqueline P. Cox
  3. Carol A. Doyle
  4. Thomas M. Lynch (United States Bankruptcy Court judge)
  5. Janet S. Baer
  6. Timothy A. Barnes
  7. Donald R. Cassling
  8. Deborah L. Thorne
  9. David Cleary (Illinois)

Southern District of Illinois

  1. Kenneth J. Meyers
  2. William Altenberger


Northern District of Indiana

  1. Robert E. Grant
  2. James Ahler
  3. Paul Singleton

Southern District of Indiana

  1. Robyn L. Moberly
  2. James Carr (Indiana)
  3. Jeffrey J. Graham (Indiana)
  4. Andrea K. McCord


Northern District of Iowa

  1. Thad J. Collins

Southern District of Iowa

  1. Lee M. Jackwig
  2. Anita L. Shodeen


District of Kansas

  1. Dale L. Somers
  2. Robert D. Berger
  3. Mitchell Herren


Eastern District of Kentucky

  1. Gregory R. Schaaf
  2. Doug Lutz

Western District of Kentucky

  1. Joan A. Lloyd
  2. Alan Stout (Kentucky)
  3. Charles Merrill


Eastern District of Louisiana

  1. Meredith Grabill

Western District of Louisiana

  1. John W. Kolwe
  2. John Hodge (Louisiana)
  3. Stephen Wheelis

Middle District of Louisiana

  1. Douglas D. Dodd


District of Maine

  1. Peter G. Cary
  2. Michael A. Fagone


District of Maryland

  1. Nancy V. Alquist
  2. Thomas J. Catliota
  3. David E. Rice
  4. Lori S. Simpson
  5. Michelle M. Harner
  6. Wendelin I Lipp
  7. Maria Ellena Chavez-Ruark


District of Massachusetts

  1. Henry J. Boroff
  2. Christopher J. Panos
  3. Elizabeth D. Katz
  4. Janet Bostwick (Massachusetts)


Eastern District of Michigan

  1. Mark Randon
  2. Daniel S. Opperman
  3. Thomas J. Tucker
  4. Maria L. Oxholm
  5. Joel Applebaum
  6. Lisa Gretchko

Western District of Michigan

  1. Scott W. Dales
  2. James W. Boyd
  3. John T. Gregg (Michigan)


District of Minnesota

  1. Michael E. Ridgway
  2. Katherine A. Constantine
  3. William J. Fisher
  4. Kesha Tanabe


Northern District of Mississippi

  1. Jason D. Woodard
  2. Selene Maddox

Southern District of Mississippi

  1. Katharine Malley Samson
  2. Jamie Wilson


Eastern District of Missouri

  1. Barry S. Schermer
  2. Kathy Surratt-States
  3. Bonnie Clair

Western District of Missouri

  1. Dennis R. Dow
  2. Cynthia A. Norton
  3. Brian T. Fenimore


District of Montana

  1. Benjamin Philip Hursh


District of Nebraska

  1. Thomas L. Saladino
  2. Brian Kruse


District of Nevada

  1. Mike Nakagawa
  2. August B. Landis
  3. Natalie Cox

New Hampshire

District of New Hampshire

  1. Bruce A. Harwood

New Jersey

District of New Jersey

  1. Rosemary Gambardella
  2. Kathryn C. Ferguson
  3. Michael B. Kaplan
  4. Christine M. Gravelle
  5. Andrew B. Altenburg, Jr.
  6. Stacey L. Meisel
  7. Vincent F. Papalia
  8. Jerrold N. Poslusny
  9. John K. Sherwood

New Mexico

District of New Mexico

  1. Robert H. Jacobvitz
  2. David T. Thuma

New York

Western District of New York

  1. Carl L. Bucki
  2. Michael J. Kaplan
  3. Paul R. Warren

Eastern District of New York

  1. Elizabeth S. Stong
  2. Alan S. Trust
  3. Robert E. Grossman
  4. Nancy Hershey Lord
  5. Louis A. Scarcella
  6. Jil Mazer-Marino

Southern District of New York

  1. Martin Glenn
  2. Cecelia G. Morris
  3. Sean H. Lane
  4. James Garrity (New York)
  5. Robert E. Grossman
  6. Michael E. Wiles
  7. David Jones (New York bankruptcy judge)
  8. Lisa Beckerman

Northern District of New York

  1. Robert E. Littlefield
  2. Wendy Kinsella

North Carolina

Western District of North Carolina

  1. Laura T. Beyer
  2. J. Craig Whitley

Eastern District of North Carolina

  1. David M. Warren
  2. Joseph N. Callaway
  3. Pamela W. McAfee (North Carolina)

Middle District of North Carolina

  1. Benjamin A. Kahn
  2. Lena M. James

North Dakota

District of North Dakota

  1. Shon Hastings


Southern District of Ohio

  1. Guy R. Humphrey
  2. John E. Hoffman, Jr.
  3. C. Kathryn Preston
  4. Beth Buchanan
  5. Mina Nami Khorrami

Northern District of Ohio

  1. Arthur I. Harris
  2. Russ Kendig
  3. Mary Ann Whipple
  4. Jessica E. Price Smith
  5. John P. Gustafson
  6. Alan M. Koschik
  7. Tiiara Patton


Eastern District of Oklahoma

Northern District of Oklahoma

  1. Terrence L. Michael
  2. Dana L. Rasure

Western District of Oklahoma

  1. Sarah A. Hall
  2. Janice Loyd
  3. Niles L. Jackson


District of Oregon

  1. Thomas M. Renn
  2. David W. Hercher
  3. Peter C. McKittrick
  4. Teresa Pearson


Eastern District of Pennsylvania

  1. Eric L. Frank
  2. Magdeline D. Coleman
  3. Ashely M. Chan
  4. Patricia Mayer
  5. Richard E. Fehling

Middle District of Pennsylvania

  1. Henry W. Van Eck
  2. Mark Conway (Pennsylvania)

Western District of Pennsylvania

  1. Thomas P. Agresti
  2. Jeffery A. Deller
  3. Gregory L. Taddonio
  4. Carlota Bohm

Puerto Rico

District of Puerto Rico

  1. Enrique S. Lamoutte
  2. Mildred Cabán
  3. Edward A. Godoy
  4. Maria de los Angeles Gonzalez

Rhode Island

District of Rhode Island

  1. Diane Finkle

South Carolina

District of South Carolina

  1. Helen Elizabeth Burris
  2. David Duncan (South Carolina)
  3. John E. Waites

South Dakota

District of South Dakota

  1. Charles L. Nail, Jr.


Eastern District of Tennessee

  1. Suzanne H. Bauknight
  2. Nicholas W. Whittenburg

Middle District of Tennessee

  1. Marian F. Harrison
  2. Randal S. Mashburn
  3. Charles M. Walker

Western District of Tennessee

  1. Jennie D. Latta
  2. James L. Croom
  3. Ruthie Hagan
  4. Denise Barnett


Western District of Texas

  1. Ronald B. King
  2. Craig A. Gargotta
  3. Tony M. Davis
  4. H. Christopher Mott
  5. Michael Parker (Texas)

Eastern District of Texas

  1. Brenda Rhoades
  2. Joshua Searcy

Southern District of Texas

  1. Marvin Isgur
  2. Eduardo V. Rodriguez
  3. Jeffrey P. Norman
  4. Edward Morris (Texas)
  5. Christopher Lopez (United States bankruptcy court judge)

Northern District of Texas

  1. Robert L. Jones (Texas federal bankruptcy court judge)
  2. Stacey G.C. Jernigan
  3. Harlin D. Hale
  4. Mark X. Mullin
  5. Michelle Larson
  6. Edward Morris (Texas)


District of Utah

  1. Joel T. Marker
  2. Kevin R. Anderson (Utah)


District of Vermont

  1. Colleen A. Brown


Western District of Virginia

  1. Rebecca Connelly
  2. Paul M. Black

Eastern District of Virginia

  1. Stephen C. St. John
  2. Frank J. Santoro
  3. Kevin R. Huennekens
  4. Brian F. Kenney
  5. Keith L. Phillips
  6. Klinette H. Kindred


Western District of Washington

  1. Timothy W. Dore
  2. Christopher M. Alston
  3. Mary Jo Heston

Eastern District of Washington

  1. Frederick P. Corbit
  2. Whitman Holt

West Virginia

Southern District of West Virginia

  1. B. McKay Mignault

Northern District of West Virginia

  1. David Bissett


Eastern District of Wisconsin

  1. G. Michael Halfenger
  2. Beth E. Hanan
  3. Rachel Blise
  4. Katherine Maloney Perhach

Western District of Wisconsin

  1. Catherine J. Furay


District of Wyoming

  1. Cathleen D. Parker

Types of bankruptcy

Most bankruptcy cases are filed under one of three main chapters of the Bankruptcy Code: Chapter 7, Chapter 11, or Chapter 13.[4]

Common Types of Bankruptcy

Chapter 7

Under Chapter 7 bankruptcy, a trustee appointed to the case sells the debtor's nonexempt assets and uses the money to pay the creditors. Exemptions vary from state to state, but can include items such as a home, motor vehicles or jewelry up to a certain value, "reasonably necessary" amounts of clothing and household furnishings, and pensions.[5][6]

Chapter 11

Chapter 11 bankruptcy is frequently referred to as "reorganization" because it allows businesses and partnerships to propose a plan to pay off their creditors over time while keeping the business alive.[7]

Chapter 13

Chapter 13 bankruptcy is also called the "wage earner's plan." It allows individuals to create a plan to repay all or some of their debt within three to five years. Chapter 13 allows an individual to save their home from foreclosure.[8]

In rarer cases, these chapters of the Bankruptcy Code are used: Chapter, 9, Chapter 12, or Chapter 15.

Chapter 9

Chapter 9 bankruptcy exists for municipal reorganization, and is intended to offer municipalities protection from their creditors while they reorganize and negotiate their debts. Unlike other chapters of the Bankruptcy Code, there is no requirement for municipalities to liquidate their assets.[9]

Chapter 12

"Family Farmer or Family Fisherman" bankruptcy in Chapter 12 of the Bankruptcy Code covers farmers and fishermen with regular income to repay debts in a three to five year framework, depending on the case. Cheaper and more streamlined than Chapter 11, it is intended for small operations, not large corporations.[10]

Chapter 15

The newest chapter in the Bankruptcy Code, Chapter 15 was added by the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005. It exists to aid in bankruptcy cases involving more than one country.[11]

Judicial Conference

As of February 2013, there is one federal bankruptcy judge on the Judicial Conference of the United States. Judge Michael E. Romero, from the District of Colorado, is an Observer of the conference.The Judicial Conference is responsible for all "policy with regard to the administration of the U.S. courts." This includes making periodic recommendations to Congress on the number of bankruptcy judges needed.[12]


As of 2012, federal bankruptcy judges earn $160,100 per year. Since October 1988, the salary of federal bankruptcy judges has been set at 92 percent of the salary of district judges. The following table shows federal bankruptcy judge salaries over time:[13][14]

Federal Bankruptcy Judge Salaries: 1978 - Present
Year Salary
1978 $50,000
1979 $53,500
1982 $58,500
1983 $63,600
1984 $66,100
1985 $68,400
1987 $70,500
1988 $72,500
1989 $82,300
1990 $88,800
1991 $115,100
1992 $119,100
1993 $122,900
1994 $122,900
1995 $122,900
1996 $122,900
1997 $122,900
1998 $125,700
1999 $125,700
2000 $130,000
2001 $133,500
2002 $138,000
2003 $142,300
2004 $145,400
2005 $149,100
2006 $152,000
2007 $152,000
2008 $155,700
2009 $160,100
2010 $160,100
2011 $160,100
2012 $160,100

See also

External links


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