United States congressional delegations from Vermont

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Flag of Vermont
Census Topic Value
Population 643,077
49.2% Male
50.8% Female
89.8% White
1.4% Black
1.8% Asian
0.4% Native American
0% Pacific Islander
Ethnicity 2.4% Hispanic or Latino origin
Median household income $78,024
High school graduation rate 94.5%
College graduation rate 42.6%
Upcoming elections
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2020 census and 2023 ACS data. Percentages are rounded to the nearest 0.1%.

This page displays the current and historical members of U.S. Congress from Vermont. Here is the current partisan breakdown of the congressional members from Vermont.

Congressional Partisan Breakdown from Vermont
Party U.S. Senate U.S. House Total
Democratic 1 1 2
Republican 0 0 0
Independent 1 0 1
Vacancies 0 0 0
Total 2 1 3

Current members

U.S. Senate

See also: Classes of United States Senators

The current members of the U.S. Senate from Vermont are:

Office Name Party Date assumed office Date term ends
U.S. Senate Vermont Bernie Sanders Independent January 3, 2007 January 3, 2031
U.S. Senate Vermont Peter Welch Democratic January 3, 2023 January 3, 2029

U.S. House

The current members of the U.S. House from Vermont are:

Office Name Party Date assumed office Date term ends
U.S. House Vermont At-large District Becca Balint Democratic January 3, 2023 January 3, 2027

Historical members

U.S. Senate

Historical Representation to the U.S. Senate by Party from Vermont
Party Total
     Democratic 2
     Republican 20
     Whig 6
     Independent 1
     Federalist 4
     Anti-Admin 1
     Anti-Jacksonian 1
     Free Soil 1
     Democratic-Republican 4
     Democratic-Republican, National Republican, Whig 1
     Whig; Republican 1
     Democratic-Republican; National Republican; Anti-Masonic, Democratic 1
     Anti-Admin; Democratic-Republican 1
     Democratic-Republican; National Republican 1
Class 1 Senators from Vermont
Senator Years Served Party
Moses Robinson 1791-1796 Democratic-Republican
Isaac Tichenor 1796-1797 Federalist
Nathaniel Chipman 1797-1803 Federalist
Israel Smith 1803-1807 Democratic-Republican
Jonathan Robinson 1807-1815 Democratic-Republican
Isaac Tichenor 1815-1821 Federalist
Horatio Seymour 1821-1833 Democratic-Republican, National Republican, Whig
Benjamin Swift 1833-1839 Whig
Samuel S. Phelps 1839-1851 Whig
Solomon Foot 1851-1866 Whig; Republican
George F. Edmunds 1866-1891 Republican
Redfield Proctor 1891-1908 Republican
John W. Stewart 1908-1908 Republican
Carroll S. Page 1908-1923 Republican
Frank L. Greene 1923-1930 Republican
Frank C. Partridge 1930-1931 Republican
Warren R. Austin 1931-1946 Republican
Ralph E. Flanders 1946-1959 Republican
Winston L. Prouty 1959-1971 Republican
Robert T. Stafford 1971-1989 Republican
James M. Jeffords 1989-2007 Republican
Bernard Sanders 2007-Present Independent

Class 3 Senators from Vermont
Senator Years Served Party
Stephen R. Bradley 1791-1795 Anti-Admin
Elijah Paine 1795-1801 Federalist
Stephen R. Bradley 1801-1813 Anti-Admin; Democratic-Republican
Dudley Chase 1813-1817 Anti-Jacksonian
James Fisk 1817-1818 Democratic-Republican
William A. Palmer 1818-1825 Democratic-Republican; National Republican; Anti-Masonic, Democratic
Dudley Chase 1825-1831 Democratic-Republican; National Republican
Samuel Prentiss 1831-1842 Whig
Samuel C. Crafts 1842-1843 Whig
William Upham 1843-1853 Whig
Samuel S. Phelps 1853-1854 Whig
Lawrence Brainerd 1854-1855 Free Soil
Jacob Collamer 1855-1865 Republican
Luke P. Poland 1865-1867 Republican
Justin S. Morrill 1867-1898 Republican
Jonathan Ross 1899-1900 Republican
William P. Dillingham 1900-1923 Republican
Porter H. Dale 1923-1933 Republican
Ernest W. Gibson 1933-1940 Republican
Ernest W. Gibson, Jr. 1940-1941 Republican
George D. Aiken 1941-1975 Republican
Patrick Leahy 1975-2023 Democratic
Peter Welch 2023-Present Democratic

U.S. House

The following individuals were elected to the U.S. House from Vermont.


Historical Representation to the U.S. House by Party in the 2000s from Vermont
Party Total
     Democratic 2
     Independent 1
Total Representatives 3
Representatives to the U.S. House from Vermont
Representative Years Served Party
Bernard Sanders 1991-2006 Independent
Peter Welch 2007-2023 Democratic
Becca Balint 2023-Present Democratic


Historical Representation to the U.S. House by Party in the 1900s from Vermont
Party Total
     Democratic 1
     Republican 15
     Independent 1
Total Representatives 17
Representatives to the U.S. House from Vermont
Representative Years Served Party
Kittredge Haskins 1901-1908 Republican
David Johnson Foster 1901-1912 Republican
Frank Plumley 1909-1914 Republican
Frank Lester Greene 1911-1922 Republican
Porter Hinman Dale 1915-1922 Republican
Frederick Gleed Fleetwood 1923-1924 Republican
Ernest Willard Gibson 1923-1932 Republican
Elbert Sidney Brigham 1925-1930 Republican
John Eliakim Weeks 1931-1932 Republican
Charles Albert Plumley 1933-1950 Republican
Winston Lewis Prouty 1951-1958 Republican
William Henry Meyer 1959-1960 Democratic
Robert Theodore Stafford 1961-1972 Republican
Richard Walker Mallary 1971-1974 Republican
James Merrill Jeffords 1975-1988 Republican
Peter P. Smith 1989-1990 Republican
Bernard Sanders 1991-2006 Independent


Historical Representation to the U.S. House by Party in the 1800s from Vermont
Party Total
     Democratic 5
     Republican 35
     Whig 14
     Democratic Republican 2
     Greenbacker 1
     Federalist 12
     Anti-Jacksonian 2
     Anti-Administration 1
     Anti-Masonic 3
     Opposition 1
     None 2
Total Representatives 78
Representatives to the U.S. House from Vermont
Representative Years Served Party
Israel Smith 1791-1802 Democratic Republican
Daniel Buck 1795-1796 Federalist
Nathaniel Niles 1797-1-1794 Anti-Administration
Matthew Lyon 1797-1800 Republican
Lewis Richard Morris, 1797-1802 Federalist
William Chamberline 1803-1804,1809-1810 Federalist
Gideon Olin 1803-1806 Republican
James Elliot 1803-1808 Federalist
Martin Chittenden 1803-1812 Federalist
James Fisk 1805-1808, 1811-1814 Democratic Republican
James Witherell 1807-1808 Republican
Samuel Shaw 1807-1812 Republican
Jonathan Hatch Hubbard 1809-1810 Federalist
William Strong 1811-1814, 1819-1820 Republican
Ezra Butler 1813-1814 Republican
Richard Skinner 1813-1814 Republican
William Czar Bradley 1813-1814, 1823-1826 Republican
Charles Rich 1813-1824 Republican
Daniel Chipman 1815-1816 Federalist
Luther Jewett 1815-1816 Federalist
Chauncey Langdon 1815-1816 Federalist
Asa Lyon 1815-1816 Federalist
Charles Marsh 1815-1816 Federalist
John Noyes 1815-1816 Federalist
William Hunter 1817-1818 Republican
Heman Allen of Colchester 1817-1818 Republican
Orsamus Cook Merrill 1817-1820 Republican
Mark Richards 1817-1820 Republican
Samuel Chandler Crafts 1817-1824 Whig
Ezra Meech 1819-1820,1825-1826 Republican
Rollin Carolas Mallary 1819-1832 Republican
Elias Keyes 1821-1822 Republican
Phineas White 1821-1822 None
John Mattocks 1821-1826,1841-1856 Republican
Henry Olin 1823-1824 Republican
Daniel Azro Ashley Buck 1823-1824,1827-1828 Republican
George Edward Wales 1825-1828 None
Benjamin Swift 1827-1830 Whig
Jonathan Hunt Adams 1827-1832 Republican
William Cahoon 1829-1832 Anti-Masonic
Horace Everett 1829-1842 Whig
Heman Allen of Milton 1831-1838 Anti-Jacksonian
Hiland Hall 1831-1842 Anti-Jacksonian
William Slade 1831-1842 Whig
Benjamin F. Deming 1833-1834 Anti-Masonic
Henry Fisk Janes 1833-1836 Anti-Masonic
Isaac Fletcher 1837-1840 Democratic
John Smith 1839-1840 Democratic
Augustus Young 1841-1842 Whig
Paul Dillingham Jr. 1843-1846 Democratic
Solomon Foot 1843-1846 Whig
Jacob Collamer 1843-1848 Whig
George Perkins Marsh 1843-1850 Whig
William Henry 1847-1850 Whig
Lucius Benedict Peck 1847-1850 Democratic
William Hebard 1849-1852 Whig
James Meacham 1849-1856 Whig
Thomas Bartlett, Jr. 1851-1852 Democratic
Ahiman Louis Miner 1851-1852 Whig
Andrew Tracy 1853-1854 Whig
Alvah Sabin 1853-1856 Whig
George Tisdale Hodges 1855-1856 Republican
Justin Smith Morrill 1855-1866 Opposition
Homer Elihu Royce 1857-1860 Republican
Eliakim Persons Walton 1857-1862 Republican
Portus Baxter 1861-1866 Republican
Frederick Enoch Woodbrige 1863-1868 Republican
Worthington Curtis Smith 1867-1872 Republican
Luke Potter Poland 1867-1874,1883-1884 Republican
Charles Wesley Willard 1869-1874 Republican
George Whitman Hendee 1873-1878 Republican
Dudley Chase Denison 1875-1878 Republican
Charles Herbert Joyce 1875-1882 Republican
Bradley Barlow 1879-1880 Greenbacker
James Manning Tyler 1879-1882 Republican
William Wallace Grout 1881-1882,1885-1900 Republican
John Wolcott Stewart 1883-1990 Republican
Horace Henry Powers 1891-1900 Republican

District map


Democratic Party (2)
Independent (1)