United States District Court for the Northern District of Indiana

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Northern District of Indiana
Seventh Circuit
Posts: 5
Judges: 5
Vacancies: 0
Chief: Holly Brady
Active judges: Holly Brady, Cristal Brisco, Damon R. Leichty, Gretchen S. Lund, Philip Simon

Senior judges:
Jon E. DeGuilio, Robert Miller, James T. Moody, Theresa Springmann, Joseph Van Bokkelen

The United States District Court for the Northern District of Indiana is one of 94 United States district courts. It was created in 1928 by an act of Congress that split Indiana into two separate districts, northern and United States District Court for the Southern District of Indiana. The Northern District of Indiana has courthouses in Fort Wayne, Hammond, Lafayette and South Bend, Indiana. Decisions of the court may be appealed to the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit based in Chicago, Illinois, at the Everett M. Dirksen Federal Courthouse and Building.


See also: Current federal judicial vacancies

There are no current vacancies on the United States District Court for the Northern District of Indiana, out of the court's five judicial positions.

Pending nominations

There are no pending nominees for this court.

Active judges

Article III judges

Judge Appointed By Assumed Office Bachelors Law

Philip Simon

George W. Bush (R)

March 27, 2003 -

University of Iowa, 1984

Indiana University School of Law, 1987

Holly Brady

Donald Trump (R)

April 16, 2019 -

Indiana University, Bloomington, 1991

Valparaiso University School of Law, 1994

Damon R. Leichty

Donald Trump (R)

July 26, 2019 -

Wabash College, 1994

Indiana University, Bloomington, Maurer School of Law, 1999

Cristal Brisco

Joe Biden (D)

January 26, 2024 -

Valparaiso University, 2002

University of Notre Dame Law School, 2006

Gretchen S. Lund

Joe Biden (D)

January 29, 2024 -

Butler University

Valparaiso University

Active Article III judges by appointing political party

The list below displays the number of active judges by the party of the appointing president. It does not reflect how a judge may rule on specific cases or their own political preferences.

  • Democrat appointed: 2
  • Republican appointed: 3

Senior judges

Judge Appointed By Assumed Office Bachelors Law

James T. Moody

Ronald Reagan (R)

June 17, 2003 -

Indiana University, 1960

Indiana University School of Law, 1963

Robert Miller

Ronald Reagan (R)

January 11, 2016 -

Northwestern University, 1972

Indiana University School of Law, 1975

Joseph Van Bokkelen

George W. Bush (R)

September 29, 2017 -

Indiana University, 1966

Indiana University School of Law, 1969

Theresa Springmann

George W. Bush (R)

January 23, 2021 -

Indiana University, 1977

University of Notre Dame, 1980

Jon E. DeGuilio

Barack Obama (D)

July 17, 2023 -

University of Notre Dame, 1977

Valparaiso University School of Law, 1981

Senior judges by appointing political party

The list below displays the number of senior judges by the party of the appointing president. It does not reflect how a judge may rule on specific cases or their own political preferences.

  • Democrat appointed: 1
  • Republican appointed: 4

Magistrate judges

Federal magistrate judges are federal judges who serve in United States district courts, but they are not appointed by the president and they do not serve life terms. Magistrate judges are assigned duties by the district judges in the district in which they serve. They may preside over most phases of federal proceedings, except for criminal felony trials. The specific duties of a magistrate judge vary from district to district, but the responsibilities always include handling matters that would otherwise be on the dockets of the district judges. Full-time magistrate judges serve for renewable terms of eight years. Some federal district courts have part-time magistrate judges, who serve for renewable terms of four years.[1]

Judge Appointed By Assumed Office Bachelors Law

John E. Martin

March 1, 2013 -

Valparaiso University Law School

Susan L. Collins

January 16, 2015 -

Drake University School of Law

Former chief judges

Former judges

For more information about the judges of the Northern District of Indiana, see former federal judges of the Northern District of Indiana.


The Counties of the Northern District of Indiana (click for larger map)

The Northern District of Indiana has original jurisdiction over cases filed within its jurisdiction. These cases can include civil and criminal matters that fall under federal law.

There are three court divisions, each covering the following counties:

The Fort Wayne Division, covering Adams, Allen, Blackford, DeKalb, Grant, Huntington, Jay, LaGrange, Noble, Steuben, Wells and Whitley counties.[2]

The South Bend Division, covering Cass, Elkhart, Fulton, Kosciusko, LaPorte, Marshall, Miami, Pulaski, St. Joseph, Starke and Wabash counties.[2]

The Hammond Division, covering Benton, Carroll, Jasper, Lake, Newton, Porter, Tippecanoe, Warren and White counties.[2]


This section contains court management statistics dating back to 2010. It was last updated in September 2024.

Click [show] below for more information on caseload terms and definitions.

United States District Court for the Northern District of Indiana caseload stats, 2010-2023
Year Cases Filed Cases Terminated Cases Pending Number of Judgeships Vacant Judgeship Months Average Total Filings per Judgeship Trials Completed per Judgeship Median time from filing to disposition, criminal Median time from filing to disposition, civil Three-year civil cases (#) Three-year civil cases (%)
2010 2,282 2,103 2,313 5 4 456 23 8 10 137 8
2011 2,008 2,033 2,065 5 0 401 26 9 11 84 5
2012 2,521 2,209 2,581 5 0 504 29 10 10 100 5
2013 2,899 2,334 3,154 5 0 580 26 12 11 115 4
2014 3,520 2,572 4,098 5 0 704 20 11 10 104 3
2015 2,086 2,724 3,461 5 0 417 16 11 17 154 5
2016 2,468 2,955 2,986 5 12 494 18 11 23 185 8
2017 2,556 2,510 3,044 5 15 511 15 12 13 304 12
2018 2,639 2,712 2,974 5 19 528 14 11 14 194 8
2019 2,864 2,720 3,120 5 0 573 14 14 13 156 6
2020 2,557 2,645 3,025 5 0 511 14 13 12 129 5
2021 2,340 2,603 2,765 5 11 468 19 14 13 176 8
2022 2,328 2,673 2,416 5 12 466 18 15 12 147 8
2023 2,600 2,568 2,464 5 3 520 17 15 9 128 7
Average 2,548 2,526 2,890 5 5 510 19 12 13 151 7


Indiana was established as one judicial district by Congress on March 3, 1817 with one post to cover the entire state. This district court was not assigned to a judicial circuit and was therefore granted the same jurisdiction as the United States circuit courts, excluding appeals and writs of error, which are the jurisdiction of the United States Supreme Court.

On March 3, 1837, Statute 5 Stat. 176 allowed Congress to repeal the circuit court jurisdiction of the U.S. District Court for the District of Indiana, and then assigned the district over to the Seventh Circuit. Congress again re-organized the circuits on January 28, 1863, and assigned the District of Indiana to the Eighth Circuit, and then again over to the Seventh Circuit on July 23, 1866.

Statute 45 Stat. 437 on April 21, 1928, divided the District of Indiana into two judicial districts known as the Northern District of Indiana and the Southern District of Indiana. A judgeship was assigned to each new district. Over time 4 additional judicial posts were added for a total of 5 current posts.[3]

Judicial posts

The following table highlights the development of judicial posts for the Northern District of Indiana:[3]

Year Statute Total Seats
April 21, 1928 45 Stat. 437 1
February 10, 1954 68 Stat. 8 2
May 19, 1961 75 Stat. 80 3
October 20, 1978 92 Stat. 1629 4
December 1, 1990 104 Stat. 5089 5

Noteworthy cases

For a searchable list of opinions, please see Justia.com-Dockets and Filings-Northern District of Indiana.

Federal courthouse

Four separate courthouses serve the Northern District of Indiana and are located in Fort Wayne, Hammond, Lafayette, and South Bend.[4]

About United States District Courts

The United States district courts are the general trial courts of the United States federal courts. There are 94 such courts. Both civil and criminal cases are filed in the district court, which is a court of both law and equity.

There is a United States bankruptcy court and a number of bankruptcy judges associated with each United States district court. Each federal judicial district has at least one courthouse, and most districts have more than one.

There is at least one judicial district for each state, and one each for Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia. District courts in three insular areas—the United States Virgin Islands, Guam, and the Northern Mariana Islands—exercise the same jurisdiction as U.S. district courts. Despite their name, these courts are technically not District Courts of the United States. Judges on these territorial courts do not enjoy the protections of Article III of the Constitution, and serve terms of 10 years rather than for life.

There are 677 U.S. District Court judgeships.[5][6]

The number of federal district judge positions is set by the U.S. Congress in Title 28 of the U.S. Code, Section 133, which authorizes a set number of judge positions, or judgeships, making changes and adjustments in these numbers from time to time.

In order to relieve the pressure of trying the hundreds of thousands of cases brought before the federal district courts each year, many trials are tried by juries, along with a presiding judge.[7]

Appointments by president

The chart below shows the number of district court judges confirmed by the U.S. Senate through March 1 of the first year of each president's term in office. At this point in the term, no president had made Article III judicial appointments.

See also

External links
