Temporary Provisions, Vermont Constitution

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Vermont Constitution
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Chapter I
Chapter II
Voter Qualifications

The Temporary Provisions part of the Vermont Constitution contains three sections.

Section 74

Text of Section 74:

Extension of Terms of Certain Officers

The persons severally elected in 1912 to the offices mentioned in section 43 shall hold such offices until the term of their successors elected the first Tuesday next after the first Monday of November, A.D. 1914, shall begin as herein provided.[1]

Section 75

Text of Section 75:

Revision of Chapter II

The Justices of the Supreme Court are hereby authorized and directed to revise Chapter II of the Constitution by incorporating into said Chapter all amendments of the Constitution that are now or may be then in force and excluding therefrom all sections, clauses and words not in force and rearranged and renumbering the sections thereof under appropriate titles as in their judgment may be most logical and convenient; and said revised Chapter II as certified to the Secretary of State by said Justices or a majority thereof shall be a part of the Constitution of this State in substitution for existing Chapter II and all amendments thereof.[1]

Section 76

Text of Section 76:

Inclusive Language Revision

The Justices of the Supreme Court are hereby authorized and directed to revise Chapters I and II of the Constitution in gender inclusive language. This revision shall not alter the sense, meaning or effect of the sections of the Constitution. When the revision is certified by the Justices or a majority thereof to the Secretary of State, it shall be a substitute for existing Chapters I and II of the Constitution.[1]

See also

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External links

Additional reading
