Sharee Langenstein

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Sharee Langenstein

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Christian: Catholic

Sharee Langenstein (b. September 25, 1970) was a 2016 Republican candidate for District 58 of the Illinois State Senate.


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Langenstein earned her bachelor's degree in English from Missouri State University in 1995. She began law studies at the University of Missouri at Kansas City, later transferring to Southern Illinois University, where she earned her J.D. in 1988.[1]

Campaign themes


A Nation and State of Laws

One of the biggest crises in our country today is the denigration of the rule of law. Judges re-interpret the plain language of a tatute to suit the political agenda of those who elected or appointed them. Government agencies pick and choose which laws and egulations they will enforce. Cities enact ordinances (like those declaring themselves sanctuary cities) that refuse to comply with overriding state and federal statutes.

I believe strongly that the rule of law should be restored to this state. My guiding principle is the same as that of our Founding Fathers: limited government and individual freedom as protected by the Constitution.

Building Strong Families with Good Jobs

Over 400,000 Illinoisans are actively seeking employment, and we know that 62% of all twenty-first century jobs are created by small to medium sized businesses. In order to create those twenty-first century jobs, those businesses have told us that they need tax reform, tort reform, and regulatory reform.

We Must Hold the Line On Taxes

Four years ago, the General Assembly received a 26 billion dollar blank check in the form of an income tax increase, yet our state is now in worse financial condition than it was before our taxes went up. I WILL NOT vote to give the legislature any additional money with no “strings” attached. Only after we have enacted true reforms, such as those laid out in the Governor’s Turn Around Agenda, and have given our economy a chance to get moving, would I even remotely consider voting on additional tax revenues. I don’t think that tax increases are the answer to our fiscal mess- pro business reforms are.

I will oppose any effort to move Illinois from its current “flat” income tax structure to a graduated or “progressive” income tax.

I also support the Governor’s plan to freeze real estate taxes.

Reduce Needless Lawsuits

I have been a long-time supporter of tort reform, and I sit on the Board of Illinois Lawsuit Abuse Watch. Families and businesses are leaving Illinois in droves, yet our state has become a destination location for trial lawyers. The Illinois General Assembly has twice passed tort reform and twice it has been struck down by the Illinois Supreme Court. I will use my expertise as a Constitutional Law Attorney to help write a new law to bring common sense tort reform to Illinois.

Reduce Burdensome Regulations

Some of the biggest job-killers in Illinois are our workmen’s compensation regulations. The current laws encourage fraud, and the expensive premiums drive down wages. I will be a strong voice for regulatory reform, including workmen’s compensation reform.

Fair and Constitutional Pension Reform

The single biggest financial crisis facing us in Illinois is our underfunded state employee pension system. Last year, the General Assembly enacted a “pension reform” law that was later deemed unconstitutional by the Illinois Supreme Court. Many state employees contacted me after the pension reform lawsuit was filed. I told them what the General Assembly should have known before they voted- the law was not Constitutional.

I am in favor of pension reforms, but the reform must conform with the Illinois Constitution, which prohibits reducing the benefits of state workers, both current and retired. Promising to uphold the Constitution of the State of Illinois means promising to protect existing benefits.

Two years ago, the Illinois Policy Institute proposed a plan that would make the pension system solvent, while allowing privatization of pensions for new employees. I support the IPI measure or any other measure that would give state employees the option of managing their own money, empowering them to make their own decisions.

Any new bill passed should only affect legislators’ pensions until we see if it is deemed Constitutional by the Illinois Supreme Court. State employees should not be left hanging in the balance while a court decision is pending. Another part of pension reform begins with me- as your state senator, I will renounce any claim I have to a pension from this State.

Supporting the Values that Have Made Our Nation Great

100% Pro-Life

I am pro-life. I not only speak the pro-life message, I live it. I have six children, two of whom were adopted. I believe that life begins at conception and deserves legal protection at all pre-birth stages.

I am completely in favor of legislation that will regulate abortion clinics and require them to comply with the health and safety requirements already imposed on ambulatory care clinics.

I oppose all efforts to restrict the First Amendment rights of pro-life doctors and health care workers such as those contained in SB 1564, currently pending before the Illinois House.

I am also against euthanasia. I am disturbed by the growing trend in our society of using government regulations to ration healthcare for the elderly and disabled. Through my law practice, I was recently referred a case involving a hospitalized young boy; his parents wanted him to continue on life support, but his doctors did not. I was able to help the child’s parents move him to another facility where he continues to improve.

I am endorsed by Illinois Citizens for Life and received a 100% pro-life rating.

Fighting for Traditional Families

I stand strongly in favor of traditional families. I am admitted to the United States Supreme Court and filed an Amicus Brief in the recent Supreme Court case involving genderless marriage.

I oppose all efforts to redefine traditional marriage as well as traditional family. I will vote against three parent families (which recently passed in Maryland and California) and any other efforts to define parenthood outside of biology or adoption decree. When children are raised in an intact two parent family with a mother and a father, government is significantly less likely to be involved in the children’s lives and the children are much more likely to grow up into productive citizens.

Recent assaults on traditional families have also involved assaults on the First Amendment Rights of bakers and wedding photographers whose Free Exercise rights are being infringed. I will stringently work to protect First Amendment rights.

One of my first ventures into grassroots advocacy was on behalf of Catholic Social Services of Southern Illinois, in an effort to keep them open after passage of the civil union law.

I am endorsed by two leading pro-family organizations, Family-PAC and Eagle Forum, as well as having the personal endorsements of David Smith of the Illinois Family Institute and Reverend Bob Vanden Bosch of Concerned Christian Americans.

Second Amendment Rights

I am a strong proponent of Second Amendment rights. I am known throughout Southern Illinois as the Gun Rights Lawyer. Over half of my law practice involves cases where the government has infringed on my clients’ rights to keep and bear arms.

I am in favor of reducing the restrictions on concealed carry in Illinois and I am already working to add additional Due Process protections into the law for persons who have been denied their concealed carry rights.


Parents should have the option of sending their children to the school of their choice. I support vouchers, charter schools and the right to homeschool. I have opposed Common Core for years and will continue to fight that battle on behalf of Illinois families. If the people of the 58th District vote to send me to the Illinois Senate, I will propose legislation to increase the private school tax credit that began in the year 2000. Finally, I believe strongly that tax dollars paid by Southern Illinois families should not be redistributed to bail out failing schools in Chicago.

I am a conservative and I will not apologize for it. I believe strongly that preserving the family is the most fiscally conservative thing we can do. Our current fiscal crisis is tearing families apart and we must work to bring our state back to solvency so that we can continue to live the lifestyle and values that are important to the citizens of Southern Illinois.[2][3]



See also: Illinois State Senate elections, 2016

Elections for the Illinois State Senate were held in 2016. The primary election was held on March 15, 2016, and the general election was held on November 8, 2016. The candidate filing deadline was November 30, 2015.[4] Incumbent David Luechtefeld (R) did not seek re-election.

Paul Schimpf defeated Sheila Simon in the Illinois State Senate District 58 general election.[5][6]

Illinois State Senate, District 58 General Election, 2016
Party Candidate Vote % Votes
     Republican Green check mark transparent.png Paul Schimpf 60.56% 59,735
     Democratic Sheila Simon 39.44% 38,905
Total Votes 98,640
Source: Illinois State Board of Elections

Sheila Simon ran unopposed in the Illinois State Senate District 58 Democratic primary.[7][8]

Illinois State Senate, District 58 Democratic Primary, 2016
Party Candidate
    Democratic Green check mark transparent.png Sheila Simon  (unopposed)

Paul Schimpf defeated Sharee Langenstein in the Illinois State Senate District 58 Republican primary.[9][10]

Illinois State Senate, District 58 Republican Primary, 2016
Party Candidate Vote % Votes
     Republican Green check mark transparent.png Paul Schimpf 67.08% 19,649
     Republican Sharee Langenstein 32.92% 9,641
Total Votes 29,290

Recent news

The link below is to the most recent stories in a Google news search for the terms Sharee Langenstein Illinois. These results are automatically generated from Google. Ballotpedia does not curate or endorse these articles.

See also

External links


Current members of the Illinois State Senate
Senate President:Don Harmon
Majority Leader:Kimberly Lightford
Minority Leader:John Curran
District 1
District 2
District 3
District 4
District 5
District 6
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District 18
District 19
District 20
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District 22
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District 24
District 25
District 26
District 27
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District 30
District 31
District 32
District 33
District 34
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District 36
District 37
District 38
Sue Rezin (R)
District 39
District 40
District 41
District 42
District 43
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District 45
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District 47
District 48
District 49
District 50
Jil Tracy (R)
District 51
District 52
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District 54
District 55
District 56
District 57
District 58
District 59
Democratic Party (40)
Republican Party (19)