Connecticut Annual State Legislature Sessions, Question 4 (1970)

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Connecticut Constitution
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Connecticut Question 4 was a legislatively referred constitutional amendment in Connecticut which was approved on the ballot on November 1970.

  • The amendment was meant to amend Section 2 of the third article of the constitution to require the General Assembly to meet each year.

Election results

Connecticut Question 4 (1970)
Approveda Yes 455,483 76.45%

Official results via: Connecticut Secretary of State, "Statement of Vote," accessed August 4, 2013

Text of measure

Section 2 of article third of the constitution is amended to read as follows: There shall be a regular session of the general assembly on the Wednesday following the first Monday of January in the odd-numbered years and on the Wednesday following the first Monday of February in the even-numbered years, and at such other times as the general assembly shall judge necessary; but the person administering the office of governor may, on special emergencies, convene the general assembly at any other time. All regular and special sessions of the general assembly shall be held at Hartford, but the person administering the office of governor may, in case of special emergency, convene the assembly at any other place in the state. The general assembly shall adjourn each regular session in the odd-numbered years not later than the first Wednesday after the first Monday in June and in the even-numbered years not later than the first Wednesday after the first Monday in May and shall adjourn each special session upon completion of its business. If any bill passed by any regular or special session or any appropriation item described in Section 16 of Article Fourth has been disapproved by the governor prior to its adjournment, and has not been reconsidered by the assembly, or is so disapproved after such adjournment, the secretary of the state shall reconvene the general assembly on the second Monday after the last day on which the governor is authorized to transmit or has transmitted every bill to the secretary with his objections pursuant to Section 15 of Article Fourth of this constitution, whichever occurs first; provided if such Monday falls on a legal holiday the general assembly shall be reconvened on the next following day. The reconvened session shall be for the sole purpose of reconsidering and, if the assembly so desires, repassing such bills. The general assembly shall adjourn sine die not later than three days following its reconvening. In the even year session the general assembly shall consider no business other than budgetary, revenue and financial matters, bills and resolutions raised by committees of the general assembly and those matters certified in writing by the speaker of the house of representatives and president pro tempore of the senate to be of an emergency nature.[1][2]

See also

External links


  1. Connecticut Secretary of State, "1965 Connecticut State Constitution," accessed June 21, 2013
  2. Note: This text is quoted verbatim from the original source. Any inconsistencies are attributable to the original source.