The IndieWeb for Everyone

Dear Reader,

Since there’s a good chance that you -like me- are involved in web development and/or have a special interest in technology, I want you to play along and engage in a thought experiment for this post:

Imagine you’re a regular user.

Imagine you have never heard of git branches, postgres or a “webpack config” (lucky you). You really don’t care about all of that, but you do care about your friends and your connections online.

Ever since Elon took over (and actually even some time before that) Twitter has been feeling increasingly hostile. People start leaving, and you hear them talk about alternatives. You’re curious, so you type “mastodon” into Google and see what comes up.

You find the website and want to sign up. It tells you to choose a server:

mastodon server list

Ok wait, you wanted to join mastodon, what’s all this now? Tildes? Furries? Some Belgian company? Why do you have to apply? Everyone else had that handle - Can’t you just use that? The real one? What the hell is a fediverse?

Confused, you close the site. This seems like it’s made for someone else. Maybe you’ll stick around on Twitter for a while longer, while it slowly burns down.

You can be a developer again now.

You and I know the reasons for that experience. We know that a decentralized system has to look like this, and that the choice of instance doesn’t even matter all that much. But I’ve heard this exact story a couple of times now, all from people outside my IT filter bubble.

Why was it so easy to drive these people away?

The Web as a Commodity

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Being on the web has been heavily commoditized.

In the days of IRC and message boards, or later in the 2000s blogging era, federation was very much the norm. It was the default mode of the web: people grouping together in small communities around shared interests, but scattered on many different sites and services. It was normal to explore, find new places and discover new things by venturing out.

Through the rise of social media though, people have gotten used to being in one place all the time. Now we expect a system that’s easy to set up, handles millions of users at once and makes every interaction frictionless. We expect it to know what we want, and give it to us instantly. Anything too weird or tech-y and you start to lose people.

Mastodon is not supposed to be a second Twitter. Many of its features were designed specifically to avoid becoming another content silo and repeating the same mistakes, yet the assumption seems to be that everything should stay the same as before.

It’s like everyone has spent the last few years in a giant all-inclusive resort, screaming at each other for attention at the buffet. Now we’re moving into nice little bed-and-breakfast places, but we’re complaining because it takes slightly more effort to book a room, and the free WIFI isn’t as fast.

Maybe its time to rethink some of these expectations. Maybe we need some of that early internet vibe back and be ok with smaller, closer communities. Maybe we can even get some of the fun back and start exploring again, instead of expecting everything to be automatically delivered to us in real time.

We can remind ourselves of what social media used to be: a way to connect around shared interests, talk to friends, and discover new content. No grifts, no viral fame, no drama.

Lowering the Barrier

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Adjusting expectations is one part - but at the same time, we as developers have to try and make these systems as approachable as possible without compromising on their independence. A lot of alternative content publication methods are still very much geared towards the IT bubble.

You could loosely map some of them by how easy it is to get started if you have no technical knowledge:

chart of different methods of publishing content, on an axis ranging from 'low barrier' (left) to 'high barrier' (right)

Generally speaking: The more independence a technology gives you, the higher its barrier for adoption.

I love the IndieWeb and its tools, but it has always bothered me that at some point they basically require you to have a webdevelopment background.

How many of your non-tech friends publish RSS feeds? Have you ever seen webmentions used by someone who isn’t a developer? Hell, even for professional devs it’s hard to wire all the different parts together if you want to build a working alternative to social media.

If you want the independence and control that comes with some of these IndieWeb things, you just have to get your hands dirty. You can’t do it without code, APIs, servers and rolling your own solutions. It’s just harder.

My point is this: it shouldn’t be.

Owning your content on the web should not require extensive technical knowledge or special skills. It should be just as easy as signing up for a cellphone plan.

I know it’s no small feat to lower that barrier. Making things feel easy and straightforward while handling the technical complexity behind them is quite a challenge. Not to mention the work and financial cost involved in running systems that don’t generate millions of ad revenue.

Mastodon, Ghost, Tumblr, and others are working hard on that frontier; yet I feel they are still not widely used by the average person looking to share their mind.

Seizing Momentum

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I think we’re at a special moment right now. People have been fed up with social media and its various problems (surveillance capitalism, erosion of mental health, active destruction of democracy, bla bla bla) for quite a while now. But it needs a special bang to get a critical mass of users to actually pack up their stuff and move.

When that happens, we have the chance to build something better. We could enable people to connect and publish their content on the web independently – the technology for these services is already there. For that to succeed though, these services have to be useable by all people - not just those who understand the tech.

Just like with migration to another country, it takes two sides to make this work: Easing access at the border to let folks in, and the willingness to accept a shared culture - to make that new place a home.


What’s this?
  1. Manuel Matuzović
    I love it when @mxbck finds the time to write.❤️“Maybe we need some of that early internet vibe back and be ok with smaller, closer communities. Maybe we can even get some of the fun back and start exploring again, instead of expecting everything to be automatically delivered to us in real time.We can remind ourselves of what social media used to be: a way to connect around shared interests, talk to friends, and discover new content. No grifts, no viral fame, no drama” Rethinking Social Media
  2. Just read: Rethinking Social Media…
  3. Daniel Souza
    thanks for writing this — I keep thinking your approach to 11ty / posse is something I have to adopt.
  4. jamiemchale
    @mxbck I wonder which technical steps need lowering? Many people learn enough to navigate Excel, and MySpace had a lot of CSS tweaks made my users. Perhaps there are different categories of technical know-how? Infrastructure vs visuals vs formula language
  5. Osvaldo
    @mxbck Mastodon and Wordpress allow people to create content with very little knowledge about tech issues. In both cases it's possible to choose your instance / hosting company and generally it's very easy to set up.
Show All Webmentions (100)
  1. Matthias Ott
    @mxbck Your header… lol 😍
  2. Stefan Pfister
    @matthiasott @mxbck Good point.
  3. @mxbck Very well put! And you’re right — even as a web developer with ten years of professional experience I still had to wrap my head around the full implications of choosing a Mastodon server.I’m split between a desire to lower the barrier, as you describe, but also kinda giddy at the thought of how the fediverse landscape “forces” users to acquire some technical knowledge. Just like 15-20 years ago when everyone had to learn at least some basic HTML to set up their blogs and MySpace pages.
  4. Arjen Haayman
    "It’s like everyone has spent the last few years in a giant all-inclusive resort. Now we’re moving into nice little bed-and-breakfast places, but we’re complaining because it takes slightly more effort to book a room, and the free WIFI isn’t as fast."…
  5. gotofritz
    @mxbck I’m pessimistic it can ever be done. By definition the indieweb is indie and doesn’t have money and resources to develop, maintain and evolve “civilian” friendly tools. The best we can hope for is short periods when the stars align and tools are both easy to use and with minimal corporate intervention. But they tend not to last
  6. Daniel Mclaughlan
    @mxbck Great article, thanks for sharing. Reading this in combination with Matthias’ article this morning has been inspiring.I think there’s still a socioeconomic barrier. The big hosted platforms are attractive because they’re free or low cost (unfortunately at the expense of your personal data) and widely available.Self-hosting, domains, CMS integrations etc aren’t approachable for everyone. Static sites are an attractive option but there remains the technical barrier.
  7. Kirill So
    We still keep building products for techies, yet the entire world awaits outside. What an incredible reminder.
  8. Jan Boddez
    @mxbck Thought about this more than I like to admit. It’s hard enough trying to explain Mastodon, let alone the Fediverse. The “IndieWeb,” with its many, largely optional, building bricks, is an even more complex beast. A Mastodon-like sort of “monolithic” application may be your best bet—I think comes close, as does Known. WordPress with a single or very few plugins might work, too; afraid it’s currently too big of an effort to keep it all working smoothly.
  9. Jan Boddez
    @mxbck (Currently working on “yet another IndieWeb plugin” for WordPress, a rather opinionated one [limited post types, somewhat hardcoded markup], and I kind of think I’m going to need to dumb it down some more. Not too many people know about the “microformats”—try explaining those to non-devs—required to get checkins to be parsed okay, but that may be okay; there may in fact not be very many people looking for that exact functionality.)
  10. Malina Kirn
    @mxbck what a very thoughtful and well written post. I remember when I first stumbled on the Internet in 1995 and the feeling of exploration was invigorating and exciting. It really felt like the next frontier. I miss that sensation and agree that Mastodon and Fediverse bring that feeling of social discovery back. Thank you for sharing. I look forward to reading more of your posts.
  11. @mxbck i think key for mastodon at least is making sign-up easier and all features accessible via the mobile app. Social media is mobile-first. It’s how most of us access services like Twitter and Mastodon and it means that a good, fully-featured mobile app is needed.
  12. John Conway
    @mxbck I feel like there’s a good opportunity for a “Squarespace” of Mastodon. One-stop-shop for domain, instance, and crowdfunding.It obviously has the danger of centralisation at the hosting level, but I’m struggling to see anything else getting around the problem of setting up domain names.
  13. Sebastian Lammers
    @mxbck I agree with everything you say. Esp. I also feel like the current times have the potential to be a turning point.What I wonder: do you have more concrete ideas on how to actually make it easier for non-devs to get into #indieWeb stuff?To be honest, I expected that you try to give answers to the question "How can we lower that barrier and build better social media?"... :)Would love to hear you and others discuss more about potential ways to actually answer this together. indieweb
  14. Koos 🆗
    @frank Oof, yes, very much agree! I'm a designer doing quite a lot of dev work, but indieweb is just hard. Every year or so I try to get webmentions to work on my Jekyll site (WordPress is supposed to be easy, but with the theming and plugin soup, I gave that up). But even when I get it to work, it just shows useless mentions, like people tweeting a link to my article. A wall of avatars isn't exactly of value to readers either. And having a conversation in webmentions—I don't even know if that's possible.And I thought I understood Mastodon well enough, but why did this reply include a lot of @ mentions of people? I mean I don't see their comments. I removed them, because I don't want to bother anyone, but maybe I'm doing it wrong now?
  15. Michael Jones
    Everything starts out as Indie web, then it becomes popular & needs money to function properly, then they hire 'activist' engineers (who secretly love money) to deflect from the tax avoidance and vast immorality. Then it gets sold. Repeat.
  16. Julian Elve
    @mxbck I think you might want to link up with @aral and his work on the Small Web
  17. Kristof Zerbe
    @mxbck Thanks. Your thing gave me the momentum to register here finally, after several years of inactivity on Twitter.
  18. Jim Nielsen
    This was great max. You’re section “imagine you’re a regular user” described my relationship with mastodon perfectly
  19. Fesh
    @jamiemchale @mxbck gen z does not have the computer literacy that millennials do. They’ve been navigating the web via apps on devices but a lot of them couldn’t tell you how to use word or excel properly. There’s exceptions for sure but they aren’t tech savvy the way millennials are.That being said I think that mastodon is distributed across multiple servers like email is confusing to the layperson. Everyone was on Twitter not a Twitter server
  20. DWVM2
    @mxbck it might not be a popular thing what I’m about to say, but user friendliness is exactly the cover under which our most private details were stolen by big immoral tech companies to be sold to even more immoral buyers
  21. Roy Tang
    Shared: The IndieWeb for Everyone | Max Böck….
  22. bitbyte
    @mxbck you nailed with this post. The user expectations in the web are so high for so many fields and that hits us as a users and web developers.Maybe it's time to get a "detox" or all of it.Mastodon will be never Twitter and that's a relief.
  23. Juan Lam
    @mxbck I completely agree with you in this article! To be honest, you were a critical figure in my adaption of indieweb technology. I'm not traditionally a web developer -- I'm a writer who knows how to code. But I have no clue what a webpack is, or even what the hell a Promise is in Javascript. I built my indieweb site through much fumbling and bumbling, and help from you and @sia. IndieWeb is amazing -- but we need more user friendly tools for non-developers
  24. Roni Laukkarinen
    The IndieWeb for Everyone by @mxbck…
  25. Jared White
    @mxbck Good thoughts all around. It's only logical most people use apps/services not for technical or moral reasons but because they're fun or because they produce value of some kind (money, fame, whatever). Only a small subset will care about the underlying technological design, and that's fine! So as long as we focus on providing fun or providing value, the indie web will grow.
  26. Aaron Pettman
    "...we expect a system that’s easy to set up, handles millions of users at once and makes every interaction frictionless. We expect it to know what we want, and give it to us instantly. Anything too weird or tech-y and you start to lose people." #twitter…
  27. ΔŞ Đ (⊙_⊙)
    @mxbck good article 💪
  28. Les Orchard
    @mxbck One of my usual gripes is that I wish Mozilla was in on this. I wish every Firefox account had web hosting and easy open APIs to access it for use by easily installed tools. Maybe a semi-competitor to squarespace. Maybe a competitor. Maybe a linktree competitor. I wish there was a web creator equivalent to pair with the Firefox web browser
  29. Roland Tanglao
    @lmorchard yes please read/write web for everybody powered by M*zilla and other open web folks!
  30. Fesh
    @mxbck “Owning your content on the web should not require extensive technical knowledge or special skills.”Such a salient point. I think that part of the issue is that most “laypeople” don’t know what owning their content even means. They don’t get the difference between walled and unwalled gardens. And (at least the non-techies I know) their eyes glaze over when you try to explain it. It’s a tough but I do believe in the #fediverse fediverse
  31. mara is on Mastodon
    Web developer on onboarding friction and Mastodon…
  32. Wes Souza
    @mxbck your website is :chefs-kiss:
  33. @lmorchard @mxbck what stops you achieving this?
  34. Les Orchard
    @mxbck @bogo I’m not Mozilla
  35. Jesse Harris
    @matthiasott @mxbck Some enterprising webhost is going to make it into a one click install webapp with automatic updates. The efforts by on a Docker container are a good step towards that. Also encouraging that Automattic is asking questions about ActivityPub.
  36. Tara Robertson
    @bmann @mxbck great metaphor!
  37. @mxbck @bmann this is the equivalent of a methadone clinic for users to #detoxify off a decade of non-stop dopamine hits detoxify
  38. Geraldo Fernández
    @mxbck How can lowering barriers be done without decreasing awareness of infrastructure? The monolithic web rather than DIY messy web is a major driver of vulnerability to misinformation and corporate takeover IMO. Users are safer when it’s a bit harder to do a thing without gaining some understanding of what the thing is, how it works, who finds it, etc.
  39. Arindam Basu
    @mxbck I really like your vision. Great write up! As I see it, even hosting a small website is still not as easy as writing say a word processing document or email. It does require some expertise and patience. Hosting a static site generated with something like Hugo can be too much for the uninitiated. Wix, webflow, neocities are great tools but not integrated with tools we use everyday.I believe tech needs to be more standardised and intuitive for ndieweb to take off.
  40. Dave 🌹
    @bmann @mxbck I honestly am only reading posts about people complaining that other people are complaining about Mastodon. I haven't found these people directly yet here. Or do they complain about Mastodon on birdsite instead? I guess that'd make sense. Do it behind people's back. Would fit the profile.
  41. Rei
    @mxbck l’ve been thinking about this a lot! 💭Perhaps lowering the entry barrier is not that complicated, IMO restructuring the #Mastodon landing page could help a lot, I.e: Using the word “Communities” instead of “Servers” or “Instances”, moving all the sections referring to server setup to a “For Admins” tab in the menu, etc.We just need to think: “Would my grandfather or mother in law, easily join Mastodon without calling the family techie? 👨🏻‍💻 mastodon Mastodon - Decentralized social media
  42. @mxbck We need to radically change the way we use language in technology. Away from being super advanced and unapproachable. Away from abbreviations, meaningless jargon and to something down to earth.We need to stop making arbitrary terms for different technologically solutions and start thinking wholistically about how the internet and electronics works. Through analogies that are based in the concering language.We need #groundinglanguage. groundinglanguage
  43. unclemarc
    @mxbck a good read, but one thing I did not see was the fact that for many non-technical people, social media appears to be free. We know that it’s the advertising that pays the bills, and that the users themselves are the product. With federated social media, this is no longer the case. Someone needs to pay the bills, and sometimes that’s an individual doing this for free out of an act of love. Sometimes it’s the community helping the finance their instance.
  44. Josh Eaton
    @mxbck I like it. Tech, not politics.
  45. unclemarc
    @mxbck I don’t think that we can discount this driver as well. Anyway, that’s just this old nerds opinion. Thanks for sharing yours.
  46. Max Böck
    @unclemarc very good point! Maybe I'll add that. Didn't want to get into all the finer points, but this one definitely matters.
  47. unclemarc
    @mxbck It may merit a post of it's own.
  48. @mxbck Nice thoughts, Max.I wrote on similar stuff myself, so long ago now I can scarce believe it. Praxis and the Indieweb
  49. Max Böck
    @lmorchard yeah having stuff like this built into the browser would be amazing. Like with Chrome and internal "follow this site's RSS feed" functions/integrated reader ...
  50. Evan Prodromou
    @lmorchard @mxbck @bogo I really wish this had happened.
  51. Derek Moore
    “The more independence a technology gives you, the higher its barrier for adoption.”…
  52. JK
    I always thought Moz should team up with Raspberry Pi (or something else) and NextCloud (or something) and make wall-warts that give you a web-sever, email, calendar, doc sharing, etc.@lmorchard @mxbck
  53. Max Böck
    @seblammers I don't have all the answers, and there are very talented people working on this probelm already. I have some ideas of my own too, but that may be a separate post 😅
  54. void ✅
    @lmorchard @mxbck No way Mozilla would have been a saviour there, see how they fuck up firefox
  55. Ian McKellar
    @evan @lmorchard @mxbck @bogo I've always been a much bigger fan of Mozilla's goals than their actions.
  56. A Libertarian
    @mxbck Lowering the barrier is how the internet became a dumpster fire. "Regular" internet users need to be purged
  57. Sebastian Lammers
    @mxbckLove to hear it. And I'm looking forward to seeing what you and all the others come up with and share or write about in the future 😊
  58. Barry Sampson
    @mxbck I firmly believe that for most non-techies the best starting point for ‘owning their own content’ is It requires zero technical know how to get started, there is a free plan, and once you have some technical skills you can move to self hosted. I think there are potential benefits in (a) focussing on linking self hosted WordPress sites into the fediverse and (b) lobbying to support activitypub and other indieweb protocols in way that works for non-techies.
  59. CJ Brickhouse 🐀
    but we’re complaining because it takes slightly more effort to book a room, and the free WIFI isn’t as fast.”… by mxbck… (2/2)
  60. Malacandra
    @mxbck Open source and/or passion projects by a developer (or small team) typically suffer usability issues. Developers typically think in terms of features rather that user experience, and usability design skills rarely exist in the same brain as software construction. Ease-of-use issues are rarely baked in at the point of conception, as they need to be. I wish programmers were inclined to seek out UX designers and collaborate on user docs before writing a line of code.
  61. RuthieB
    Yeah but you know - followers. TBF, Stephen Fry jumped ship despite having over 12 million followers on Tw@tter. This is an interesting piece on the barriers to using a decentralised system:…
  62. essboyer
    @mxbck Beautify written! Some very valid points, and a nice framing of the goals a lot of us are striving for. What an exciting chance to bring more into the fold - I'd like to see a flood of content floating around the socials geared toward helping non-dev/*nix users feel comfortable and even excited to take back the power of their data. The potential is just staggering, and once it cat he's on, watch out!
  63. Chris Aldrich
    @seblammers @mxbck There's an upcoming session to help work on just this problem: are also a couple of platforms you might try approaching: particularly like what is doing on this front. IndieWebCamp Popup: How to Make the IndieWeb More Approachable
  64. Terence Eden
    @mxbck that's an excellent post. And, I think I have a plan.Sell domain names.For £X per year, you get - it comes pre-loaded with a blog, Mastodon, PixelFed, etc.Wouldn't have to be a single company offering these services, but to the user it would be like - and automatically updating set of features.
  65. Ed
    @mxbck you’ve posed a kind of question but then you didn’t see it through to the end. I honestly cannot determine if your thesis is that the fediverse should remain opaque to non-techies or if it should change to become more accessible.
  66. Daniel Durrans
    @mxbck The complaint I see from less tech orientated people is:1. What server do I choose?2. What do I do now I am here?The big social media companies make those two things really easy:1. There is no choice, just sign up!2. How about we get you started… tell us a few of your interests and be given suggested people and topics to follow!I would put money on many people dropping out of the Mastodon sign-up process as soon as they have to pick a server.Sometimes too much choice is bad.
  67. Ed Parkes
    @mxbck Thanks for writing this. I’m not a developer and I’m thankful for all of those that have built Mastodon. I’m having a great time here. Having used it a week or so, it’s clear that it has been built with huge care and consideration for a whole range of needs that users have - not wanting to be harassed, visual impairment etc - but not for the impairment that developers don’t experience i.e. low digital literacy.
  68. Daniel Durrans
    @mxbck I think that is what the more tech-literate people forget… most people don’t want to think about the technology. Most people need a really really simple onboarding process.Sure, provide options, provide ways that you can go down the tech rabbit hole if you want. But the defaults have to be so incredibly simple with zero choice at the outset. Why too much choice is bad
  69. Daniel Durrans
    @mxbck Onboarding is something we do once. I am unsurprised that the tech community don’t focus on making it easy because it isn’t affecting our daily use of the tech. We don’t struggle with it, so we don’t see a need to make it easier.
  70. Digivonity
    @mxbck I don't know the definition of better social media. What people probably want is an #app from their favorite #appstore that helps them get in touch. An app that isn't opinionated about who, how, where and when they connect. The #fediverse has the potential of becoming just that but even if it won't that's not a bad thing. As long as there are people advocating for and building interconnecting protocols and exchanges. And #DigitalMarketingAct -alike policies to open up closed networks. app appstore digitalmarketingact fediverse
  71. @mxbck "Maybe its time to rethink some of these expectations." as a Developer, I agree. But I'm pretty sure, as a "regular user" I wouldn't.As you wrote, indie platforms have to look like this, but imho it's all about #UX. Platforms like Twitter and Facebook are putting billions of dollars into designing their onboarding so that it feels smooth and not overwhelming. Indie platforms can not do that. So the gap you mentioned will always be there 🤷‍♂️nice article, thanks for sharing (and writing)! 🙏 ux
  72. Matthias Zöchling
    @mxbck Very well written. Obviously, BigCorps won’t help us here, and the money they have will always dwarf #IndieWeb efforts. But instead of putting our heads in the sand, we should contribute to the #SmallWeb, or at least support those who do — @laura and @aral come to mind. SmallWeb indieweb
  73. Matthias Zöchling
    @mxbckAnd another thing, I had an aha moment when updating my site: I wanted to replace Twitter Web Intent links with a Mastodon equivalent, but I would ultimately need my visitors to paste the URLs of their instances into an input field. So instead, when dealing with e.g. in_reply_to intents, I ended up redirecting them to my corresponding post on Mastodon, hoping they will click “Reply” there.Given the decentralized nature, the UX most likely can never be as smooth?
  74. Christian
    @mxbck Yeah that's a no.To put on some weight behind my words: I have nearly 3 decades of IT-Admin'ing, operations and CTO duty under my belt.This is prone to fail. Simply due to the lack of the "user". They don't know about tiles but are now renting their own server. To maintan, update and administer. And defend.And questions will arise. Who will man that support nightmare?And lastly, would you rather go to a professionally hosted server or to a "look I pressed a button" gal?
  75. Andrea Intonti
    @mxbck really interesting sparks, i think we need to come back on the "old" internet, the kind where we were all explorers and pirates. I think to write something about it in italian too
  76. Adactio Links
    The IndieWeb for Everyone | Max Böck…
  77. Reddie/Meghan
    @mxbck I think this is something that will definitely get more focus in the future.
  78. Trent Casey
    "Owning your content on the web should not require extensive technical knowledge or special skills. It should be just as easy as signing up for a cellphone plan."…
  79. Pinboard Popular
    The IndieWeb for Everyone | Max Böck…
  80. Johan Edlund
    Perfect summary: "I love the IndieWeb and its tools, but it has always bothered me that at some point they basically require you to have a webdevelopment background." #IndieWeb
  81. Angsuman Chakraborty
    Is the Fediverse too confusing for non-technical users?…
  82. brasil.txt
    @scottgruberI love how Mastodon is edged next to IRC.😂
  83. Mustapha Hamoui
    There is a certain type of geek who still hopes we are going back to the days of the Indie Web, blogs, RSS and all that jazz. The whole point of social media (which almost killed all that stuff) is that normal people don’t to fiddle. It just won’t happen…
  84. Frontend Dogma
    The IndieWeb for Everyone, by @mxbck:…
  85. Thom Kearney
    terrific stuff from @mxbck Webrings and the indieweb…… #GCdigital
  86. Jacky
    The IndieWeb for Everyone | Max Böck…
  87. Eloisa Marchesoni
    3/ > Indie geeks are battling to come up with a social media platform that can be as approachable as possible without compromising on the independence of its users:… Who are you vouching for? ✊
  88. Lobsters
    Owning your content on the web should not require extensive technical knowledge via @carlmjohnson #culture…
  89. Carl
    Interesting article. Not sure an IndieWeb for everyone could ever work, but it's a solid thought piece by…
  90. Mahmoud Radwan
    @mxbAmazing article, thanks for spreading awareness.