A–Z Title List
- 17th and 18th Century Theories of Emotions (Amy M. Schmitter)
- 18th Century British Aesthetics (James Shelley)
- 18th Century French Aesthetics (Jennifer Tsien and Jacques Morizot)
- 18th Century German Aesthetics (Paul Guyer)
- 18th Century German Philosophy Prior to Kant (Corey Dyck and Brigitte Sassen)
- 19th and 20th Century Chilean Philosophy (Ivan Jaksic)
- 19th Century Romantic Aesthetics (Keren Gorodeisky)
- ‘Abd al-Latif al-Baghdadi (Cecilia Martini Bonadeo)
- Abduction (Igor Douven)
- Abhidharma (Noa Ronkin)
- Abilities (John Maier)
- Abner of Burgos (Shalom Sadik)
- Abraham Ibn Daud (Resianne Fontaine and Amira Eran)
- Abraham Ibn Ezra (Tzvi Langermann)
- Absolute and Relational Space and Motion: Classical Theories (Carl Hoefer, Nick Huggett, and James Read)
- Absolute and Relational Space and Motion: Post-Newtonian Theories (Nick Huggett, Carl Hoefer, and James Read)
- Abstract Objects (José L. Falguera, Concha Martínez-Vidal, and Gideon Rosen)
- Abu Bakr al-Razi (Peter Adamson)
- Action (Juan S. Piñeros Glasscock and Sergio Tenenbaum)
- Action-based Theories of Perception (Robert Briscoe, Rick Grush, and Alison Springle)
- Action at a Distance in Quantum Mechanics (Joseph Berkovitz)
- Actualism and Possibilism in Ethics (Travis Timmerman and Yishai Cohen)
- Adam de Wodeham (John T. Slotemaker and Jeffrey C. Witt)
- Adam Smith’s Moral and Political Philosophy (Samuel Fleischacker)
- Adaptationism (Steven Hecht Orzack and Patrick Forber)
- Adolf Reinach (Alessandro Salice, James DuBois, and Barry Smith)
- Advance Directives and Substitute Decision-Making (Agnieszka Jaworska)
- Aesthetic Experience (Antonia Peacocke)
- Aesthetic Judgment (Nick Zangwill)
- Aesthetics and Cognitive Science (Jon Robson and Gregory Currie)
- Aesthetics of the Everyday (Yuriko Saito)
- Aesthetic Testimony (Jon Robson and Rebecca Wallbank)
- Affirmative Action (Robert Fullinwider)
- Africana Philosophy (Lucius T. Outlaw Jr.)
- African Ethics (Kwame Gyekye)
- African Sage Philosophy (Dismas Masolo)
- Afterlife (William Hasker and Charles Taliaferro)
- Agency (Markus Schlosser)
- Agent-Based Modeling in the Philosophy of Science (Dunja Šešelja)
- Akan Philosophy of the Person (Ajume Wingo)
- al-Farabi (Therese-Anne Druart)
- al-Farabi’s Metaphysics (Stephen Menn)
- al-Farabi’s Philosophy of Logic and Language (Wilfrid Hodges and Therese-Anne Druart)
- al-Farabi’s Philosophy of Society and Religion (Nadja Germann)
- al-Farabi’s Psychology and Epistemology (Luis Xavier López-Farjeat)
- al-Ghazali (Frank Griffel)
- al-Kindi (Peter Adamson)
- Alain LeRoy Locke (Jacoby Adeshei Carter and Corey Barnes)
- Alan Turing (Andrew Hodges)
- Albert Camus (Ronald Aronson)
- Albert of Saxony (Joél Biard)
- Albert the Great (Markus Führer)
- Alcmaeon (Carl Huffman)
- Alexander Crummell (Stephen Thompson)
- Alexander of Aphrodisias (Dorothea Frede and Marije Martijn)
- Alexander von Humboldt (Dalia Nassar)
- Alexius Meinong (Johann Marek)
- Alfred Jules Ayer (Graham Macdonald, Ádám Tamás Tuboly, and Nikhil Krishnan)
- Alfred North Whitehead (Ronald Desmet and Andrew David Irvine)
- Alfred Schutz (Michael Barber)
- Alfred Tarski (Mario Gómez-Torrente)
- Algebra (Vaughan Pratt)
- Algebraic Propositional Logic (Ramon Jansana)
- Alienation (David Leopold)
- Alonzo Church (Harry Deutsch and Oliver Marshall)
- Alternative Axiomatic Set Theories (M. Randall Holmes)
- Altruism (Richard Kraut)
- Ambiguity (Adam Sennet)
- Ammonius (David Blank)
- Analogy and Analogical Reasoning (Paul Bartha)
- Analysis (Michael Beaney and Thomas Raysmith)
- Analytical Marxism (David Leopold)
- Analytic Feminism (Ann Garry)
- Analytic Philosophy in Early Modern India (Jonardon Ganeri)
- Analytic Philosophy in Latin America (Diana Ines Perez and Santiago Echeverri)
- Anaphora (Jeffrey C. King and Karen S. Lewis)
- Anarchism (Andrew Fiala)
- Anaxagoras (Patricia Curd)
- Ancient and Medieval Empiricism (Gregory W. Dawes)
- Ancient Atomism (Sylvia Berryman)
- Ancient Ethical Theory (Richard Parry and Harald Thorsrud)
- Ancient Logic (Susanne Bobzien)
- Ancient Political Philosophy (Melissa Lane)
- Ancient Skepticism (Katja Vogt)
- Ancient Theories of Freedom and Determinism (Tim O’Keefe)
- Ancient Theories of Soul (Hendrik Lorenz)
- Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius (John Marenbon)
- Animal Cognition (Kristin Andrews and Susana Monsó)
- Animal Communication (Richard Moore and Giulia Palazzolo)
- Animal Consciousness (Colin Allen and Michael Trestman)
- Animalism (Stephan Blatti)
- Animal Social Cognition (Cameron Buckner)
- Anna Julia Cooper (Kathryn Sophia Belle)
- Anomalous Monism (Steven Yalowitz)
- Anselm of Canterbury (Thomas Williams)
- Anthony Collins (William Uzgalis)
- Antiochus of Ascalon (James Allen)
- Antoine Arnauld (Elmar Kremer)
- Antoine Le Grand (Patricia Easton)
- Antonio Gramsci (James Martin)
- Antonio Rosmini (Denis Cleary)
- Anton Marty (Robin Rollinger and Hynek Janousek)
- A Priori Justification and Knowledge (Bruce Russell)
- A Priorism in Moral Epistemology (Michael DePaul and Amelia Hicks)
- Aquinas’ Moral, Political, and Legal Philosophy (John Finnis)
- Arabic and Islamic Metaphysics (Amos Bertolacci)
- Arabic and Islamic Natural Philosophy and Natural Science (Jon McGinnis)
- Arabic and Islamic Philosophy of Language and Logic (Tony Street and Nadja Germann)
- Arabic and Islamic Philosophy of Mathematics (Mohammad Saleh Zarepour)
- Arabic and Islamic Philosophy of Religion (Jon McGinnis and Rahim Acar)
- Arabic and Islamic Psychology and Philosophy of Mind (Alfred Ivry)
- Arcesilaus (Charles Brittain and Peter Osorio)
- Archytas (Carl Huffman)
- Argument and Argumentation (Catarina Dutilh Novaes and Marcin Lewiński)
- Arguments for Incompatibilism (Kadri Vihvelin)
- Aristotelianism in the Renaissance (David Lines)
- Aristotle (Christopher Shields)
- Aristotle and Mathematics (Henry Mendell)
- Aristotle on Causality (Andrea Falcon)
- Aristotle on Non-contradiction (Paula Gottlieb)
- Aristotle’s Aesthetics (Pierre Destrée)
- Aristotle’s Biology (James Lennox)
- Aristotle’s Categories (Paul Studtmann)
- Aristotle’s Ethics (Richard Kraut)
- Aristotle’s Logic (Robin Smith)
- Aristotle’s Metaphysics (S. Marc Cohen and C. D. C. Reeve)
- Aristotle’s Natural Philosophy (Istvan Bodnar)
- Aristotle’s Political Theory (Fred Miller)
- Aristotle’s Psychology (Christopher Shields)
- Aristotle’s Rhetoric (Christof Rapp)
- Arrow’s Theorem (Michael Morreau)
- Arthur Prior (B. Jack Copeland)
- Arthur Schopenhauer (Robert Wicks)
- Artifact (Beth Preston)
- Artificial Intelligence (Selmer Bringsjord and Naveen Sundar Govindarajulu)
- Assertion (Peter Pagin and Neri Marsili)
- Associationist Theories of Thought (Eric Mandelbaum)
- Atheism and Agnosticism (Paul Draper)
- Atomism from the 17th to the 20th Century (Alan Chalmers)
- Atonement (Joshua C. Thurow)
- Attention (Christopher Mole)
- Auditory Perception (Casey O’Callaghan)
- Auguste Comte (Michel Bourdeau)
- Augustine of Hippo (Christian Tornau)
- August Wilhelm Rehberg (Frederick C. Beiser)
- August Wilhelm von Schlegel (Katia D. Hay)
- Authenticity (Somogy Varga and Charles Guignon)
- Authority (Tom Christiano)
- Automated Reasoning (Frederic Portoraro)
- Autonomy in Moral and Political Philosophy (John Christman)
- Axiomatic Theories of Truth (Volker Halbach and Graham E. Leigh)
- ʿAyn al-Qudat (Muhammad U. Faruque and Mohammed Rustom)
- Ayn Rand (Neera K. Badhwar and Roderick T. Long)
- Backward Causation (Jan Faye)
- Baron de Montesquieu, Charles-Louis de Secondat (Hilary Bok)
- Baruch Spinoza (Steven Nadler)
- Basil [Cardinal] Bessarion (Eva Del Soldato)
- Bayesian Epistemology (Hanti Lin)
- Bayes’ Theorem (James Joyce)
- Beardsley’s Aesthetics (Michael Wreen)
- Beauty (Crispin Sartwell)
- Behaviorism (George Graham)
- Being and Becoming in Modern Physics (Steven Savitt)
- Belief (Eric Schwitzgebel)
- Belief Merging and Judgment Aggregation (Gabriella Pigozzi)
- Bell’s Theorem (Wayne Myrvold, Marco Genovese, and Abner Shimony)
- Benjamin Peirce (Ivor Grattan-Guinness and Alison Walsh)
- Bernard Bolzano (Edgar Morscher)
- Bernard Bosanquet (William Sweet)
- Bernardino Telesio (Michaela Boenke)
- Bernard Mandeville (Mikko Tolonen and Robin Douglass)
- Bernard Williams (Sophie-Grace Chappell and Nicholas Smyth)
- Bertrand Russell (Andrew David Irvine)
- Binarium Famosissimum (Paul Vincent Spade)
- Biodiversity (Daniel P. Faith)
- Biological Altruism (Samir Okasha)
- Biological Individuals (Robert A. Wilson and Matthew J. Barker)
- Biological Information (Marc Artiga)
- Black Reparations (Bernard Boxill and J. Angelo Corlett)
- Blaise Pascal (Desmond Clarke and William Wood)
- Blame (Neal Tognazzini and D. Justin Coates)
- Bodily Awareness (Frédérique de Vignemont)
- Boethius of Dacia (Sten Ebbesen)
- Bohmian Mechanics (Sheldon Goldstein)
- Bohr’s Correspondence Principle (Alisa Bokulich and Peter Bokulich)
- Boltzmann’s Work in Statistical Physics (Jos Uffink)
- Bolzano’s Logic (Paul Rusnock and Jan Šebestik)
- Bonaventure (Tim Noone, R. E. Houser, and Joshua Benson)
- Boundary (Achille Varzi)
- Bounded Rationality (Gregory Wheeler)
- Bradley’s Moral Philosophy (Dina Babushkina and David Crossley)
- Bradley’s Regress (Katarina Perovic)
- Brentano’s Theory of Judgement (Johannes L. Brandl and Mark Textor)
- Bruno Bauer (Douglas Moggach)
- Buddha (Mark Siderits)
- Business Ethics (Jeffrey Moriarty)
- Byzantine Philosophy (Katerina Ierodiakonou and Börje Bydén)
- Callicles and Thrasymachus (Rachel Barney)
- Cancer (Anya Plutynski and Lucie Laplane)
- Carl Hempel (James Fetzer)
- Carl Schmitt (Lars Vinx)
- Carl Stumpf (Denis Fisette)
- Carneades (James Allen)
- Categories (Amie Thomasson)
- Category Mistakes (Ofra Magidor)
- Category Theory (Jean-Pierre Marquis)
- Catharine Macaulay (Karen Green)
- Catharine Trotter Cockburn (Patricia Sheridan)
- Causal Approaches to Scientific Explanation (Lauren Ross and James Woodward)
- Causal Decision Theory (Paul Weirich)
- Causal Determinism (Carl Hoefer)
- Causal Models (Christopher Hitchcock)
- Causal Theories of Mental Content (Fred Adams and Ken Aizawa)
- Causation and Manipulability (James Woodward)
- Causation in Arabic and Islamic Thought (Kara Richardson)
- Causation in Physics (Mathias Frisch)
- Causation in the Law (Michael Moore)
- Cellular Automata (Francesco Berto and Jacopo Tagliabue)
- Certainty (Baron Reed)
- Ceteris Paribus Laws (Alexander Reutlinger, Gerhard Schurz, Andreas Hüttemann, and Siegfried Jaag)
- Challenges to Metaphysical Realism (Drew Khlentzos)
- Chan Buddhism (Peter Hershock)
- Chance versus Randomness (Antony Eagle)
- Change and Inconsistency (Chris Mortensen)
- Chaos (Robert Bishop)
- Charles Hartshorne (Dan Dombrowski)
- Charles Leslie Stevenson (Daniel Boisvert and Teemu Toppinen)
- Charles Sanders Peirce (Robert Burch)
- Charlie Dunbar Broad (Kent Gustavsson)
- Chauncey Wright (Jean De Groot)
- Children’s Rights (David William Archard)
- Chinese Ethics (David Wong)
- Chinese Philosophy and Chinese Medicine (Lisa Raphals)
- Chinese Philosophy of Change (Yijing) (Tze-Ki Hon)
- Christian von Ehrenfels (Robin Rollinger and Carlo Ierna)
- Christian Wolff (Matt Hettche and Corey Dyck)
- Church’s Type Theory (Christoph Benzmüller and Peter Andrews)
- Cicero (Raphael Woolf)
- Citizenship (Dominique Leydet)
- Civic Education (Jack Crittenden and Peter Levine)
- Civic Humanism (Cary Nederman)
- Civil Disobedience (Candice Delmas and Kimberley Brownlee)
- Civil Rights (Robin L. West)
- Clarence Irving Lewis (Bruce Hunter)
- Classical Logic (Stewart Shapiro and Teresa Kouri Kissel)
- Climate Justice (Simon Caney)
- Climate Science (Wendy Parker)
- Cloning (Katrien Devolder)
- Coercion (Scott Anderson)
- Cognitive Disability and Moral Status (David Wasserman, Adrienne Asch, Jeffrey Blustein, and Daniel Putnam)
- Cognitive Science (Paul Thagard)
- Coherentist Theories of Epistemic Justification (Erik Olsson)
- Collapse Theories (Giancarlo Ghirardi and Angelo Bassi)
- Collective Intentionality (David P. Schweikard and Hans Bernhard Schmid)
- Collective Responsibility (Marion Smiley)
- Collingwood’s Aesthetics (Gary Kemp)
- Colonialism (Margaret Kohn and Kavita Reddy)
- Color (Barry Maund)
- Combinatory Logic (Katalin Bimbó)
- Combining Logics (Walter Carnielli and Marcelo Esteban Coniglio)
- Commentators on Aristotle (Andrea Falcon)
- Common Ground in Pragmatics (Bart Geurts)
- Common Knowledge (Peter Vanderschraaf and Giacomo Sillari)
- Communitarianism (Daniel Bell)
- Comparative Philosophy: Chinese and Western (David Wong)
- Comparative Philosophy of Religion (Mikel Burley)
- Compatibilism (Michael McKenna and D. Justin Coates)
- Compositionality (Zoltán Gendler Szabó)
- Computability and Complexity (Neil Immerman)
- Computational Complexity Theory (Walter Dean)
- Computational Linguistics (Lenhart Schubert)
- Computational Philosophy (Patrick Grim and Daniel Singer)
- Computation in Physical Systems (Gualtiero Piccinini and Corey Maley)
- Computer Simulations in Science (Eric Winsberg)
- Computing and Moral Responsibility (Merel Noorman)
- Concepts (Eric Margolis and Stephen Laurence)
- Concepts of Disease and Health (Dominic Murphy)
- Conceptual Art (Elisabeth Schellekens)
- Condemnation of 1277 (Hans Thijssen)
- Confirmation (Vincenzo Crupi)
- Confucius (Mark Csikszentmihalyi)
- Connectionism (Cameron Buckner and James Garson)
- Connexive Logic (Heinrich Wansing)
- Conscience (Alberto Giubilini)
- Consciousness (Robert Van Gulick)
- Consciousness and Intentionality (Charles Siewert)
- Consequentialism (Walter Sinnott-Armstrong)
- Consequentializing (Douglas W. Portmore)
- Conservation Biology (Jay Odenbaugh)
- Conservatism (Andy Hamilton)
- Constitutionalism (Wil Waluchow and Dimitrios Kyritsis)
- Constructive Empiricism (Bradley Monton and Chad Mohler)
- Constructive Mathematics (Douglas Bridges, Erik Palmgren, and Hajime Ishihara)
- Constructivism in Metaethics (Carla Bagnoli)
- Constructivism in Political Philosophy (Andrew Williams)
- Contemporary Africana Philosophy (Paul C. Taylor)
- Contemporary Approaches to the Social Contract (Fred D’Agostino, Gerald Gaus, and John Thrasher)
- Content Externalism and Skepticism (Gary Ebbs)
- Continental Feminism (Dilek Huseyinzadegan, Jana McAuliffe, Jameliah Inga Shorter-Bourhanou, B. Tamsin Kimoto, Ege Selin Islekel, Marie Draz, and Erika Brown)
- Continental Rationalism (Shannon Dea, Julie Walsh, and Thomas M. Lennon)
- Continuity and Infinitesimals (John L. Bell)
- Contractarianism (Ann Cudd and Seena Eftekhari)
- Contractualism (Elizabeth Ashford and Tim Mulgan)
- Contradiction (Laurence R. Horn)
- Convention (Michael Rescorla)
- Conventionality of Simultaneity (Allen Janis)
- Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics (Jan Faye)
- Corruption (Seumas Miller)
- Cosmological Argument (Bruce Reichenbach)
- Cosmology: Methodological Debates in the 1930s and 1940s (George Gale)
- Cosmology and Theology (Hans Halvorson and Helge Kragh)
- Cosmopolitanism (Pauline Kleingeld and Eric Brown)
- Counterfactuals (W. Starr)
- Counterfactual Theories of Causation (Peter Menzies and Helen Beebee)
- Count Paul Yorck von Wartenburg (Ingo Farin)
- Creation and Conservation (David Vander Laan)
- Creationism (Michael Ruse)
- Creativity (Elliot Samuel Paul and Dustin Stokes)
- Critical Disability Theory (Melinda C. Hall)
- Critical Philosophy of Race (Linda Alcoff)
- Critical Theory (Frankfurt School) (Robin Celikates and Jeffrey Flynn)
- Critical Thinking (David Hitchcock)
- Croce’s Aesthetics (Gary Kemp)
- Cultural Evolution (Tim Lewens and Andrew Buskell)
- Culture (Patti Tamara Lenard)
- Culture and Cognitive Science (Daniel Kelly and Andreas De Block)
- Curry’s Paradox (Lionel Shapiro and Jc Beall)
- Cusanus, Nicolaus [Nicolas of Cusa] (Clyde Lee Miller)
- Dante Alighieri (Winthrop Wetherbee and Jason Aleksander)
- Daoism (Chad Hansen)
- Darwin: From the Origin of Species to the Descent of Man (Phillip Sloan)
- Darwinism (James Lennox and Charles H. Pence)
- David (Christian Wildberg)
- David Hartley (Richard Allen)
- David Hume (William Edward Morris and Charlotte R. Brown)
- David Lewis (Brian Weatherson)
- David Lewis’s Metaphysics (Ned Hall, Brian Rabern, and Wolfgang Schwarz)
- Death (Steven Luper)
- Decision-Making Capacity (Jennifer Hawkins and Louis C. Charland)
- Decision Theory (Katie Steele and H. Orri Stefánsson)
- Dedekind’s Contributions to the Foundations of Mathematics (Erich Reck)
- Deductivism in the Philosophy of Mathematics (Alexander Paseau and Fabian Pregel)
- Defaults in Semantics and Pragmatics (Katarzyna M. Jaszczolt)
- Defeasible Reasoning (Robert Koons)
- Definitions (Anil Gupta and Stephen Mackereth)
- Deflationism About Truth (Bradley Armour-Garb, Daniel Stoljar, and James Woodbridge)
- Delusion (Lisa Bortolotti)
- Democracy (Tom Christiano and Sameer Bajaj)
- Democritus (Sylvia Berryman)
- Denis Diderot (Charles T. Wolfe and J.B. Shank)
- Deontic Logic (Paul McNamara and Frederik Van De Putte)
- Deontological Ethics (Larry Alexander and Michael Moore)
- Dependence Logic (Pietro Galliani)
- Depiction (John Hyman and Katerina Bantinaki)
- Descartes and the Pineal Gland (Gert-Jan Lokhorst)
- Descartes’ Epistemology (Lex Newman)
- Descartes’ Ethics (Donald Rutherford)
- Descartes’ Life and Works (Kurt Smith)
- Descartes’ Mathematics (Mary Domski)
- Descartes’ Method (Tarek R. Dika)
- Descartes’ Modal Metaphysics (David Cunning)
- Descartes’ Ontological Argument (Lawrence Nolan)
- Descartes’ Physics (Edward Slowik)
- Descartes’ Theory of Ideas (Kurt Smith)
- Descriptions (Peter Ludlow)
- Descriptive Decision Theory (Jake Chandler)
- Desert (Fred Feldman and Brad Skow)
- Desiderius Erasmus (Erika Rummel and Eric MacPhail)
- Desire (Tim Schroeder)
- Determinables and Determinates (Jessica Wilson)
- Developmental Biology (Alan Love)
- Dewey’s Aesthetics (Tom Leddy and Kalle Puolakka)
- Dewey’s Moral Philosophy (Elizabeth Anderson)
- Dewey’s Political Philosophy (Matthew Festenstein)
- Dharmakīrti (Tom Tillemans)
- Diagrams (Sun-Joo Shin, Oliver Lemon, and John Mumma)
- Dialectical School (Susanne Bobzien and Matthew Duncombe)
- Dialetheism (Graham Priest, Francesco Berto, and Zach Weber)
- Dialogical Logic (Nicolas Clerbout and Zoe McConaughey)
- Dietrich of Freiberg (Markus Führer)
- Dignity (Remy Debes)
- Diodorus Cronus (Matthew Duncombe)
- Disability: Definitions and Models (David Wasserman and Sean Aas)
- Disability: Health, Well-Being, and Personal Relationships (David Wasserman, Adrienne Asch, Jeffrey Blustein, and Daniel Putnam)
- Disability and Health Care Rationing (Jerome Bickenbach)
- Disability and Justice (Daniel Putnam, David Wasserman, Jeffrey Blustein, and Adrienne Asch)
- Disagreement (Bryan Frances and Jonathan Matheson)
- Discourse Representation Theory (Bart Geurts, David I. Beaver, and Emar Maier)
- Discrimination (Andrew Altman)
- Disjunction (Maria Aloni)
- Dispositions (Sungho Choi and Michael Fara)
- Distributive Justice (Julian Lamont and Christi Favor)
- Distributive Justice and Empirical Moral Psychology (Christian B. Miller)
- Divine Freedom (William Rowe)
- Divine Illumination (Robert Pasnau)
- Divine Providence (Hugh J. McCann and Daniel M. Johnson)
- Divine Revelation (Mats Wahlberg)
- Divine Simplicity (William F. Vallicella)
- Doctrine of Double Effect (Alison McIntyre)
- Doing vs. Allowing Harm (Fiona Woollard and Frances Howard-Snyder)
- Domination (Richard C. McCammon)
- Donald Cary Williams (Keith Campbell, James Franklin, and Douglas Ehring)
- Donald Davidson (Jeff Malpas)
- Double Consciousness (John P. Pittman)
- Doxastic Voluntarism (Mark Boespflug and Elizabeth Jackson)
- Doxography of Ancient Philosophy (Jaap Mansfeld and David Runia)
- Dreams and Dreaming (Jennifer M. Windt)
- Dualism (Howard Robinson)
- Dutch Book Arguments (Susan Vineberg)
- Dynamic Choice (Chrisoula Andreou)
- Dynamic Epistemic Logic (Alexandru Baltag and Bryan Renne)
- Dynamic Semantics (Rick Nouwen, Adrian Brasoveanu, Jan van Eijck, and Albert Visser)
- Early Philosophical Interpretations of General Relativity (Thomas A. Ryckman)
- Ecological Genetics (Michael Wade)
- Ecology (Alkistis Elliott-Graves)
- Economics in Early Modern Philosophy (Margaret Schabas)
- Edith Landmann-Kalischer (Daniel Dahlstrom)
- Edith Stein (Thomas Szanto and Dermot Moran)
- Edmund Burke (Ian Harris)
- Edmund Husserl (Christian Beyer)
- Egalitarianism (Juliana Bidadanure and David Axelsen)
- Egoism (Robert Shaver)
- Einstein’s Philosophy of Science (Don A. Howard and Marco Giovanelli)
- Elias (Christian Wildberg)
- Elijah Delmedigo (Michael Engel)
- Eliminative Materialism (William Ramsey)
- Elisabeth, Princess of Bohemia (Lisa Shapiro)
- Embodied Cognition (Lawrence Shapiro and Shannon Spaulding)
- Emergent Properties (Timothy O’Connor)
- Émilie du Châtelet (Karen Detlefsen and Andrew Janiak)
- Emily Elizabeth Constance Jones (Gary Ostertag)
- Emmanuel Levinas (Bettina Bergo)
- Emotion (Andrea Scarantino and Ronald de Sousa)
- Emotional Responses to Fiction (Katie Tullmann)
- Emotions in the Christian Tradition (Robert Roberts)
- Empathy (Karsten Stueber)
- Empedocles (K. Scarlett Kingsley and Richard Parry)
- Empirical Approaches to Altruism (John Doris, Stephen Stich, and Lachlan Walmsley)
- Empirical Approaches to Moral Character (Christian B. Miller)
- Enlightenment (William Bristow)
- Environmental Aesthetics (Glenn Parsons and Allen Carlson)
- Environmental Ethics (Andrew Brennan and Norva Y. S. Lo)
- Envy (Justin D’Arms)
- Epictetus (Margaret Graver)
- Epicurus (David Konstan)
- Epiphenomenalism (William Robinson)
- Episteme and Techne (Richard Parry)
- Epistemic Closure (Steven Luper)
- Epistemic Contextualism (Patrick Rysiew)
- Epistemic Foundations of Game Theory (Eric Pacuit and Olivier Roy)
- Epistemic Logic (Rasmus Rendsvig, John Symons, and Yanjing Wang)
- Epistemic Paradoxes (Roy Sorensen)
- Epistemic Self-Doubt (Sherrilyn Roush)
- Epistemic Utility Arguments for Epistemic Norms (Richard Pettigrew)
- Epistemological Problems of Memory (Matthew Frise)
- Epistemological Problems of Perception (Jack Lyons)
- Epistemological Problems of Testimony (Nick Leonard)
- Epistemology (Matthias Steup and Ram Neta)
- Epistemology in Chinese Philosophy (Jana Rošker)
- Epistemology in Classical Indian Philosophy (Stephen Phillips and Anand Vaidya)
- Epistemology in Latin America (Diego Machuca)
- Epistemology of Geometry (Jeremy Gray and José Ferreirós)
- Equality (Stefan Gosepath)
- Equality of Educational Opportunity (Liam Shields, Anne Newman, and Debra Satz)
- Equality of Opportunity (Gideon Elford)
- Ernst Bloch (Ivan Boldyrev)
- Ernst Cassirer (Michael Friedman)
- Ernst Mach (Paul Pojman)
- Ernst Mally (Alexander Hieke and Gerhard Zecha)
- Erotic Art (Hans Maes)
- Essence and Existence in Arabic and Islamic Philosophy (Fedor Benevich)
- Essential vs. Accidental Properties (Teresa Robertson Ishii and Philip Atkins)
- Eternity in Christian Thought (Natalja Deng)
- Ethics in Indian Buddhism (Charles Goodman and Aaron Schultz)
- Ethics of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (Vincent C. Müller)
- Ethics of Stem Cell Research (Andrew Siegel)
- Étienne Bonnot de Condillac (Lorne Falkenstein and Giovanni Grandi)
- Eugenics (Inmaculada de Melo-Martin and Sara Goering)
- Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy (Wayne Cristaudo)
- Events (Roberto Casati and Achille Varzi)
- Everettian Quantum Mechanics (Jeffrey Barrett)
- Evidence (Thomas Kelly)
- Evolution (Roberta L. Millstein)
- Evolution and Development (Jan Baedke and Scott F. Gilbert)
- Evolutionary Epistemology (Michael Bradie and William Harms)
- Evolutionary Game Theory (J. McKenzie Alexander)
- Evolutionary Psychology (Stephen M. Downes)
- Evolutionary Thought Before Darwin (Phillip Sloan)
- Existence (Michael Nelson)
- Existentialism (Kevin Aho)
- Existentialist Aesthetics (Jean-Philippe Deranty)
- Experimental Moral Philosophy (Mark Alfano, Edouard Machery, Alexandra Plakias, and Don Loeb)
- Experimental Philosophy (Joshua Knobe and Shaun Nichols)
- Experimental Philosophy of Art and Aesthetics (Elzė Sigutė Mikalonytė, Ryan Doran, and Shen-yi Liao)
- Experiment in Biology (Marcel Weber)
- Experiment in Physics (Allan Franklin and Slobodan Perovic)
- Exploitation (Matt Zwolinski, Benjamin Ferguson, and Alan Wertheimer)
- Externalism About the Mind (Mark Rowlands, Joe Lau, and Max Deutsch)
- Externalism and Self-Knowledge (T. Parent)
- Facts (Kevin Mulligan and Fabrice Correia)
- Faith (John Bishop and Daniel J. McKaughan)
- Fakhr al-Din al-Razi (Peter Adamson and Fedor Benevich)
- Fallacies (Hans Hansen)
- Fatalism (Hugh Rice)
- Federalism (Andreas Follesdal)
- Feminist Aesthetics (Carolyn Korsmeyer and Peg Brand Weiser)
- Feminist Bioethics (Jackie Leach Scully)
- Feminist Environmental Philosophy (Karen J. Warren)
- Feminist Epistemology and Philosophy of Science (Elizabeth Anderson)
- Feminist Ethics (Kathryn Norlock)
- Feminist History of Philosophy (Charlotte Witt and Lisa Shapiro)
- Feminist Metaphysics (Katharine Jenkins, Matthew Cull, Sally Haslanger, and Ásta)
- Feminist Moral Psychology (Anita Superson)
- Feminist Perspectives on Argumentation (Catherine E. Hundleby)
- Feminist Perspectives on Autonomy (Natalie Stoljar)
- Feminist Perspectives on Class and Work (Ann Ferguson, Rosemary Hennessy, and Mechthild Nagel)
- Feminist Perspectives on Disability (Anita Silvers)
- Feminist Perspectives on Globalization (Serena Parekh and Shelley Wilcox)
- Feminist Perspectives on Objectification (Evangelia (Lina) Papadaki)
- Feminist Perspectives on Power (Amy Allen)
- Feminist Perspectives on Rape (Rebecca Whisnant)
- Feminist Perspectives on Reproduction and the Family (Debra Satz)
- Feminist Perspectives on Science (Sharon Crasnow)
- Feminist Perspectives on Sex and Gender (Mari Mikkola)
- Feminist Perspectives on Sex Markets (Laurie Shrage)
- Feminist Perspectives on the Body (Kathleen Lennon and Clara Fischer)
- Feminist Perspectives on the Self (Ellie Anderson, Cynthia Willett, and Diana Meyers)
- Feminist Perspectives on Trans Issues (Talia Bettcher)
- Feminist Philosophy (Noëlle McAfee, Ann Garry, Anita Superson, Heidi Grasswick, and Serene Khader)
- Feminist Philosophy of Biology (Carla Fehr and Letitia Meynell)
- Feminist Philosophy of Language (Jennifer Saul, Esa Diaz-Leon, and Samia Hesni)
- Feminist Philosophy of Law (Leslie Francis)
- Feminist Philosophy of Religion (Nancy Frankenberry)
- Feminist Political Philosophy (Noëlle McAfee and Katie B. Howard)
- Feminist Social Epistemology (Heidi Grasswick)
- Fiction (Fred Kroon and Alberto Voltolini)
- Fictional Entities (Fred Kroon and Alberto Voltolini)
- Fictionalism (Matti Eklund)
- Fictionalism in the Philosophy of Mathematics (Mark Balaguer)
- Fideism (Richard Amesbury)
- Fine-Tuning (Simon Friederich)
- Finitism in Geometry (Jean Paul Van Bendegem)
- First-order Model Theory (Wilfrid Hodges and Thomas Scanlon)
- Fitch’s Paradox of Knowability (Berit Brogaard and Joe Salerno)
- Fitness (Alexander Rosenberg and Frederic Bouchard)
- Fitting Attitude Theories of Value (Christopher Howard)
- Folk Psychology as a Theory (Daniel Hutto and Ian Ravenscroft)
- Folk Psychology as Mental Simulation (Luca Barlassina and Robert M. Gordon)
- Foreknowledge and Free Will (David Hunt and Linda Zagzebski)
- Forgiveness (Paul M. Hughes and Brandon Warmke)
- Formal Approaches to Social Procedures (Jan van Eijck and Rineke (L.C.) Verbrugge)
- Formal Epistemology (Jonathan Weisberg)
- Formalism in the Philosophy of Mathematics (Alan Weir)
- Formal Learning Theory (Oliver Schulte)
- Formal Representations of Belief (Konstantin Genin and Franz Huber)
- Form vs. Matter (Thomas Ainsworth)
- Foundationalist Theories of Epistemic Justification (Ali Hasan and Richard Fumerton)
- Francesco Patrizi (Fred Purnell)
- Francis Bacon (Jürgen Klein)
- Francisco Sanches (Rolando Pérez)
- Francisco Suárez (Christopher Shields and Daniel Schwartz)
- Francis Herbert Bradley (Stewart Candlish and Pierfrancesco Basile)
- Francis Hutcheson (Dale Dorsey)
- Francis of Marchia (Christopher Schabel)
- François Poulain de la Barre (Martina Reuter)
- Frank Ramsey (Fraser MacBride, Mathieu Marion, María José Frápolli, Dorothy Edgington, Edward Elliott, Sebastian Lutz, and Jeffrey Paris)
- Frantz Fanon (John Drabinski)
- Franz Brentano (Wolfgang Huemer)
- Franz Rosenzweig (Benjamin Pollock)
- Frederick Douglass (Ronald Sundstrom)
- Freedom of Association (Kimberley Brownlee and David Jenkins)
- Freedom of Speech (Jeffrey W. Howard)
- Free Logic (John Nolt)
- Free Will (Timothy O’Connor and Christopher Franklin)
- Frege’s Logic (Roy Cook)
- Frege’s Theorem and Foundations for Arithmetic (Edward N. Zalta)
- Friedrich Albert Lange (Nadeem J. Z. Hussain and Lydia Patton)
- Friedrich Daniel Ernst Schleiermacher (Michael Forster)
- Friedrich Hayek (David Schmidtz and Peter Boettke)
- Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi (Paolo Livieri and George di Giovanni)
- Friedrich Nietzsche (R. Lanier Anderson)
- Friedrich Schiller (Lydia L. Moland)
- Friedrich Schlegel (Allen Speight)
- Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling (Andrew Bowie and Marcela García-Romero)
- Friendship (Bennett Helm)
- Functionalism (Janet Levin)
- Fundamentality (Tuomas E. Tahko)
- Future Contingents (Peter Øhrstrøm and Per Hasle)
- Fuzzy Logic (Petr Cintula, Christian G. Fermüller, and Carles Noguera)
- Gabriel (-Honoré) Marcel (Brian Treanor and Brendan Sweetman)
- Gadamer’s Aesthetics (Nicholas Davey and Cynthia Nielsen)
- Galen (P. N. Singer)
- Galileo Galilei (Peter Machamer and David Marshall Miller)
- Games, Full Abstraction and Full Completeness (Felice Cardone)
- Game Theory (Don Ross)
- Game Theory and Ethics (Keith Hankins and Peter Vanderschraaf)
- Gaṅgeśa (Stephen Phillips)
- Gelukpa [dge lugs pa] (Douglas Duckworth)
- Gender in Confucian Philosophy (Li-Hsiang Rosenlee)
- Gene (Robert Meunier)
- Generalized Quantifiers (Dag Westerståhl)
- Generic Generalizations (Sarah-Jane Leslie and Adam Lerner)
- Genetic Drift (Roberta L. Millstein)
- Genetics (James Tabery)
- Genomics and Postgenomics (Stephan Guttinger and John Dupré)
- Georg [György] Lukács (Titus Stahl)
- George Berkeley (Lisa Downing)
- George Boole (Stanley Burris)
- George Edward Moore (Tom Baldwin)
- George Herbert Mead (Mitchell Aboulafia and Scott Taylor)
- George Santayana (Herman Saatkamp and Martin Coleman)
- Georg Friedrich Philipp von Hardenberg [Novalis] (Kristin Gjesdal)
- Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (Paul Redding)
- Géraud de Cordemoy (Fred Ablondi)
- Gershom Scholem (Shaul Magid)
- Gersonides (Tamar Rudavsky)
- Gertrude Elizabeth Margaret Anscombe (Eric Wiland and Julia Driver)
- Giacomo Zabarella (Heikki Mikkeli and Tawrin Baker)
- Giambattista della Porta (Sergius Kodera)
- Giambattista Vico (Timothy Costelloe)
- Gilbert Ryle (Julia Tanney)
- Giles of Rome (Roberto Lambertini)
- Gilles Deleuze (Daniel Smith, John Protevi, and Daniela Voss)
- Giordano Bruno (Dilwyn Knox)
- Giovanni Pico della Mirandola (Brian Copenhaver)
- Girolamo [Geronimo] Cardano (Guido Giglioni and Jonathan Regier)
- Global Democracy (Jonathan Kuyper)
- Globalization (William Scheuerman)
- Global Justice (Gillian Brock and Nicole Hassoun)
- God and Other Necessary Beings (Matthew Davidson)
- God and Other Ultimates (Jeanine Diller)
- Godfrey of Fontaines (John Wippel)
- Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorems (Panu Raatikainen)
- Gómez Pereira (José Manuel García Valverde)
- Goodman’s Aesthetics (Alessandro Giovannelli)
- Gorampa [go rams pa] (Constance Kassor)
- Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (Brandon C. Look)
- Gottlob Frege (Edward N. Zalta)
- Gratitude (Tony Manela)
- Greek Sources in Arabic and Islamic Philosophy (Cristina D’Ancona)
- Gregory of Rimini (Christopher Schabel and Charles Girard)
- Group Rights (Peter Jones)
- Gustav Theodor Fechner (Frederick C. Beiser)
- Haecceitism (Sam Cowling)
- Hannah Arendt (Tatjana Tömmel and Maurizio Passerin d’Entreves)
- Hans-Georg Gadamer (Jeff Malpas)
- Hans Reichenbach (Clark Glymour and Frederick Eberhardt)
- Hans Vaihinger (Timothy Stoll)
- Happiness (Dan Haybron)
- Harold Arthur Prichard (Jonathan Dancy)
- Harriet Taylor Mill (Dale E. Miller)
- Hasdai Crescas (Shalom Sadik)
- Hate Speech (Luvell Anderson and Michael Barnes)
- Heaven and Hell in Christian Thought (Thomas Talbott)
- Hedonism (Andrew Moore)
- Hegel’s Aesthetics (Stephen Houlgate)
- Hegel’s Dialectics (Julie E. Maybee)
- Hegel’s Social and Political Philosophy (Thom Brooks)
- Heidegger’s Aesthetics (Iain Thomson)
- Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim (Vittoria Perrone Compagni)
- Heinrich Rickert (Andrea Staiti and Luca Oliva)
- Heinrich Scholz (Volker Peckhaus)
- Henri Bergson (Leonard Lawlor and Valentine Moulard-Leonard)
- Henricus Regius (Desmond Clarke and Erik-Jan Bos)
- Henri Poincaré (Gerhard Heinzmann and David Stump)
- Henry David Thoreau (Rick Anthony Furtak)
- Henry Habberley Price (Arthur Schipper and Paul Snowdon)
- Henry More (John Henry)
- Henry of Ghent (Pasquale Porro)
- Henry Sidgwick (Barton Schultz)
- Heraclitus (Daniel W. Graham)
- Herbert Feigl (Matthias Neuber)
- Herbert Marcuse (Arnold Farr)
- Herbert Spencer (David Weinstein)
- Heritability (Stephen M. Downes and Lucas Matthews)
- Hermann Cohen (Scott Edgar)
- Hermann Lotze (David Sullivan)
- Hermann von Helmholtz (Lydia Patton)
- Hermann Weyl (John L. Bell and Herbert Korté)
- Hermeneutics (Theodore George)
- Hiddenness of God (Daniel Howard-Snyder and Adam Green)
- Higher-Order Evidence (Sophie Horowitz)
- Higher-Order Theories of Consciousness (Peter Carruthers and Rocco Gennaro)
- Hilbert’s Program (Richard Zach)
- Historicist Theories of Scientific Rationality (Thomas Nickles)
- History of the Ontology of Art (Paisley Livingston)
- History of Western Philosophy of Music: Antiquity to 1800 (Matteo Ravasio)
- History of Western Philosophy of Music: since 1800 (Matteo Ravasio)
- Hobbes’ Philosophy of Science (Marcus P. Adams)
- Hobbes’s Moral and Political Philosophy (Sharon A. Lloyd and Susanne Sreedhar)
- Holes (Roberto Casati and Achille Varzi)
- Holism and Nonseparability in Physics (Richard Healey and Henrique Gomes)
- Homosexuality (Brent Pickett)
- Hope (Claudia Bloeser and Titus Stahl)
- Huayan Buddhism (Bryan Van Norden and Nicholaos Jones)
- Hugo Grotius (Jon Miller)
- Human/Non-Human Chimeras (Robert Streiffer)
- Human Enhancement (Eric Juengst and Daniel Moseley)
- Human Nature (Neil Roughley)
- Human Rights (James Nickel and Adam Etinson)
- Hume on Free Will (Paul Russell)
- Hume on Religion (Paul Russell and Anders Kraal)
- Hume’s Aesthetics (Theodore Gracyk)
- Hume’s Moral Philosophy (Rachel Cohon)
- Hume’s Newtonianism and Anti-Newtonianism (Eric Schliesser and Tamás Demeter)
- Hybrid Logic (Torben Braüner)
- Hyperintensionality (Francesco Berto and Daniel Nolan)
- Iamblichus (Riccardo Chiaradonna and Adrien Lecerf)
- Ibn ‘Arabî (William Chittick)
- Ibn Bâjja [Avempace] (Josep Puig Montada)
- Ibn Kammūna (Tzvi Langermann)
- Ibn Rushd [Averroes] (Fouad Ben Ahmed and Robert Pasnau)
- Ibn Rushd’s Natural Philosophy (Josep Puig Montada)
- Ibn Sina [Avicenna] (Dimitri Gutas)
- Ibn Sina’s Logic (Riccardo Strobino)
- Ibn Sina’s Metaphysics (Olga Lizzini)
- Ibn Sina’s Natural Philosophy (Jon McGinnis)
- Ibn Taymiyya (Jon Hoover)
- Idealism (Paul Guyer and Rolf-Peter Horstmann)
- Identity (Harold Noonan and Ben Curtis)
- Identity and Individuality in Quantum Theory (Steven French and Tomasz Bigaj)
- Identity Over Time (Andre Gallois)
- Identity Politics (Cressida Heyes)
- Ideology (William Clare Roberts)
- Idiolects (Alex Barber and Eduardo Garcia Ramirez)
- Ikhwân al-Safâ’ (Carmela Baffioni)
- Imagination (Shen-yi Liao and Tamar Gendler)
- Imaginative Resistance (Emine Hande Tuna)
- Immanuel Kant (Michael Rohlf)
- Immigration (Christopher Heath Wellman)
- Immutability (Brian Leftow)
- Impartiality (Troy Jollimore)
- Implicature (Wayne Davis)
- Implicit Bias (Michael Brownstein)
- Impossible Worlds (Francesco Berto and Mark Jago)
- Imprecise Probabilities (Seamus Bradley)
- Imre Lakatos (Alan Musgrave and Charles Pigden)
- Incommensurable Values (Nien-hê Hsieh and Henrik Andersson)
- Incompatibilist (Nondeterministic) Theories of Free Will (Randolph Clarke, Justin Capes, and Philip Swenson)
- Inconsistent Mathematics (Chris Mortensen)
- Independence and Large Cardinals (Peter Koellner)
- Independence Friendly Logic (Tero Tulenheimo)
- Indexicals (David Braun)
- Indicative Conditionals (Dorothy Edgington)
- Indispensability Arguments in the Philosophy of Mathematics (Mark Colyvan)
- Inductive Logic (James Hawthorne)
- Infinitary Logic (John L. Bell)
- Infinite Regress Arguments (Ross Cameron)
- Infinity (Kenny Easwaran, Alan Hájek, Paolo Mancosu, and Graham Oppy)
- Influence of Arabic and Islamic Philosophy on Judaic Thought (Mauro Zonta and Charles Manekin)
- Influence of Arabic and Islamic Philosophy on the Latin West (Dag Nikolaus Hasse)
- Informal Logic (Leo Groarke)
- Information (Pieter Adriaans)
- Information Processing and Thermodynamic Entropy (Owen Maroney)
- Information Technology and Moral Values (John Sullins)
- Informed Consent (Nir Eyal)
- Inheritance Systems (Ehud Lamm)
- Innateness and Contemporary Theories of Cognition (Jerry Samet and Deborah Zaitchik)
- Innateness and Language (Fiona Cowie)
- Inner Speech (Daniel Gregory and Peter Langland-Hassan)
- Insolubles (Paul Vincent Spade and Stephen Read)
- Instrumental Rationality (Niko Kolodny and John Brunero)
- Integrity (Damian Cox, Marguerite La Caze, and Michael Levine)
- Intellectual Property (Adam Moore and Ken Himma)
- Intensional Logic (Melvin Fitting)
- Intensional Transitive Verbs (Graeme Forbes)
- Intention (Kieran Setiya)
- Intentionality (Pierre Jacob)
- Intentionality in Ancient Philosophy (Victor Caston)
- Intergenerational Justice (Lukas Meyer)
- Internalist vs. Externalist Conceptions of Epistemic Justification (George Pappas)
- International Distributive Justice (Michael Blake and Patrick Taylor Smith)
- Internet Research Ethics (Elizabeth A. Buchanan and Michael Zimmer)
- Interpretation and Coherence in Legal Reasoning (Julie Dickson)
- Interpretations of Probability (Alan Hájek)
- Intersections Between Analytic and Continental Feminism (Georgia Warnke)
- Intersections Between Pragmatist and Continental Feminism (Shannon Sullivan and Erin Tarver)
- Intertheory Relations in Physics (Patricia Palacios)
- Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Properties (Dan Marshall and Brian Weatherson)
- Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Value (Michael J. Zimmerman and Ben Bradley)
- Introspection (Eric Schwitzgebel)
- Intuition (Joel Pust)
- Intuitionism in Ethics (Philip Stratton-Lake)
- Intuitionism in the Philosophy of Mathematics (Rosalie Iemhoff)
- Intuitionistic Logic (Joan Moschovakis)
- Intuitionistic Type Theory (Peter Dybjer and Erik Palmgren)
- Inverted Qualia (Alex Byrne)
- Iris Murdoch (Lawrence Blum)
- Isaac Albalag (Bakinaz Abdalla)
- Isaac Israeli (Leonard Levin, R. David Walker, and Shalom Sadik)
- Isaac Newton (George Smith)
- Isaac Polqar (Racheli Haliva)
- Isaiah Berlin (Joshua Cherniss and Henry Hardy)
- Jacques Derrida (Leonard Lawlor)
- Jacques Lacan (Adrian Johnston)
- Jacques Lefèvre d’Étaples (Richard J. Oosterhoff)
- Jacques Maritain (William Sweet)
- Jaina Philosophy (Marie-Hélène Gorisse)
- James Mill (Terence Ball and Antis Loizides)
- James of Viterbo (Antoine Côté)
- James Ward (Pierfrancesco Basile)
- Jane Addams (Maurice Hamington)
- Jan Łukasiewicz (Peter Simons)
- Japanese Aesthetics (Graham Parkes and Adam Loughnane)
- Japanese Confucian Philosophy (John Tucker)
- Japanese Philosophy (Thomas Kasulis)
- Japanese Pure Land Philosophy (Dennis Hirota)
- Japanese Zen Buddhist Philosophy (Shigenori Nagatomo)
- Jayarāśi (Piotr Balcerowicz)
- Jean-Baptiste Du Bos (James O. Young and Margaret Cameron)
- Jean-Paul Sartre (Jack Reynolds and Pierre-Jean Renaudie)
- Jean Baudrillard (Douglas Kellner)
- Jean Bodin (Mario Turchetti)
- Jean François Lyotard (Peter Gratton)
- Jean Jacques Rousseau (Christopher Bertram)
- Jeremy Bentham (James E. Crimmins)
- Joane Petrizi (Tengiz Iremadze)
- Johannes Clauberg (Nabeel Hamid)
- Johannes Kepler (Daniel A. Di Liscia)
- Johannes Sharpe (Alessandro Conti)
- Johann Friedrich Herbart (Alan Kim)
- Johann Georg Hamann (Gwen Griffith-Dickson)
- Johann Gottfried von Herder (Michael Forster)
- Johann Gottlieb Fichte (Dan Breazeale)
- Johann Sturm (Andrea Sangiacomo and Christian Henkel)
- John Anderson (Creagh McLean Cole)
- John Austin (Brian Bix)
- John Buridan (Jack Zupko)
- John Cook Wilson (Mathieu Marion)
- John Dewey (David Hildebrand)
- John Duns Scotus (Thomas Williams)
- John Italos (András Kraft)
- John Langshaw Austin (Guy Longworth)
- John Locke (William Uzgalis)
- John M. E. McTaggart (Kris McDaniel)
- John Niemeyer Findlay (Douglas Lackey)
- John Norris (June Yang)
- John of Salisbury (Karen Bollermann and Cary Nederman)
- John Philoponus (Christian Wildberg)
- John Rawls (Leif Wenar)
- John Scottus Eriugena (Dermot Moran and Adrian Guiu)
- John Stuart Mill (Christopher Macleod)
- John Wyclif (Alessandro Conti)
- John Wyclif’s Political Philosophy (Stephen Lahey)
- Jonathan Edwards (William Wainwright)
- José Ortega y Gasset (Oliver Holmes)
- Joseph Albo (Dror Ehrlich and Shira Weiss)
- Joseph Butler’s Moral Philosophy (Aaron Garrett)
- Joseph Kaspi (Hannah Kasher and Moshe Kahan)
- Josiah Royce (Kelly A. Parker and Scott Pratt)
- Juan Luis Vives [Joannes Ludovicus Vives] (Lorenzo Casini)
- Judah Abrabanel (Aaron Hughes)
- Judah Halevi (Barry Kogan)
- Jürgen Habermas (James Gordon Finlayson and Dafydd Huw Rees)
- Jury Theorems (Franz Dietrich and Kai Spiekermann)
- Justice (David Miller)
- Justice, Inequality, and Health (Douglas MacKay and Gopal Sreenivasan)
- Justice and Access to Health Care (Norman Daniels)
- Justice and Bad Luck (Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen)
- Justice as a Virtue (Mark LeBar)
- Justification Logic (Sergei Artemov, Melvin Fitting, and Thomas Studer)
- Justus Lipsius (Jan Papy)
- Kant and Hume on Causality (Graciela De Pierris and Michael Friedman)
- Kant and Hume on Morality (Eric Entrican Wilson and Lara Denis)
- Kantian Conceptualism/Nonconceptualism (Colin McLear)
- Kant’s Account of Reason (Garrath Williams)
- Kant’s Aesthetics and Teleology (Hannah Ginsborg)
- Kant’s Critique of Metaphysics (Michelle Grier)
- Kant’s Moral Philosophy (Robert Johnson and Adam Cureton)
- Kant’s Philosophical Development (Martin Schönfeld and Michael Thompson)
- Kant’s Philosophy of Mathematics (Lisa Shabel)
- Kant’s Philosophy of Religion (Lawrence Pasternack and Courtney Fugate)
- Kant’s Philosophy of Science (Eric Watkins and Marius Stan)
- Kant’s Social and Political Philosophy (Frederick Rauscher)
- Kant’s Theory of Judgment (Robert Hanna)
- Kant’s Transcendental Arguments (Derk Pereboom)
- Kant’s Transcendental Idealism (Nicholas F. Stang)
- Kant’s View of the Mind and Consciousness of Self (Andrew Brook and Julian Wuerth)
- Kant’s Views on Space and Time (Andrew Janiak)
- Karl Jaspers (Chris Thornhill and Ronny Miron)
- Karl Leonhard Reinhold (Dan Breazeale and John Walsh)
- Karl Marx (Jonathan Wolff and David Leopold)
- Karl Popper (Stephen Thornton)
- Kazimierz Twardowski (Arianna Betti)
- Kinds and Origins of Evil (Andrew Chignell)
- Knowledge by Acquaintance vs. Description (Ali Hasan and Richard Fumerton)
- Knowledge How (Carlotta Pavese)
- Korean Buddhism (Lucy Hyekyung Jee)
- Korean Confucianism (Kevin N. Cawley)
- Korean Philosophy (Halla Kim)
- Kumārila (Daniel Arnold)
- Kurt Gödel (Juliette Kennedy)
- Kūkai (John Krummel)
- Lady Anne Conway (Sarah Hutton)
- Lady Damaris Masham (Sarah Hutton)
- Lambert of Auxerre (Sara L. Uckelman)
- Language and Testimony in Classical Indian Philosophy (Madhav Deshpande)
- Laozi (Alan Chan)
- Large Cardinals and Determinacy (Peter Koellner)
- Latin American Feminism (Stephanie Rivera Berruz)
- Latin American Philosophy (Jorge Gracia and Manuel Vargas)
- Latin American Philosophy: Metaphilosophical Foundations (Susana Nuccetelli)
- Latinx Philosophy (Manuel Vargas)
- Law and Ideology (Christine Sypnowich)
- Law and Language (Timothy Endicott)
- Laws of Nature (John W. Carroll)
- Legal Interpretation (Mark Greenberg)
- Legal Interpretivism (Nicos Stavropoulos)
- Legalism in Chinese Philosophy (Yuri Pines)
- Legal Obligation and Authority (Massimo Renzo and Leslie Green)
- Legal Positivism (Leslie Green and Thomas Adams)
- Legal Probabilism (Rafal Urbaniak and Marcello Di Bello)
- Legal Punishment (Zachary Hoskins and Antony Duff)
- Legal Rights (Ori Herstein)
- Leibniz on Causation (Marc Bobro)
- Leibniz on the Problem of Evil (Michael J. Murray and Sean Greenberg)
- Leibniz’s Ethics (Andrew Youpa)
- Leibniz’s Exoteric Philosophy (John Whipple)
- Leibniz’s Influence on 19th Century Logic (Volker Peckhaus)
- Leibniz’s Influence on Kant (Catherine Wilson)
- Leibniz’s Modal Metaphysics (Brandon C. Look)
- Leibniz’s Philosophy of Mind (Mark Kulstad and Laurence Carlin)
- Leibniz’s Philosophy of Physics (Jeffrey K. McDonough)
- Leo Strauss (Leora Batnitzky)
- Leucippus (Sylvia Berryman)
- Levels of Organization in Biology (Markus I. Eronen and Daniel Stephen Brooks)
- Liar Paradox (Jc Beall, Michael Glanzberg, and David Ripley)
- Liberal Feminism (Amy R. Baehr)
- Liberalism (Shane D. Courtland, Gerald Gaus, and David Schmidtz)
- Liberalism in Latin America (Faviola Rivera)
- Libertarianism (Bas van der Vossen and Billy Christmas)
- Life (Carlos Mariscal)
- Linear Logic (Roberto Di Cosmo and Dale Miller)
- Literary Forms of Medieval Philosophy (Eileen Sweeney)
- Location and Mereology (Cody Gilmore, Claudio Calosi, and Damiano Costa)
- Locke On Freedom (Samuel Rickless)
- Locke on Medicine (Jonathan Craig Walmsley)
- Locke on Personal Identity (Jessica Gordon-Roth)
- Locke on Real Essence (Jan-Erik Jones)
- Locke’s Moral Philosophy (Patricia Sheridan)
- Locke’s Philosophy of Science (Hylarie Kochiras)
- Locke’s Political Philosophy (Alex Tuckness)
- Logic-Based Artificial Intelligence (Richmond Thomason)
- Logical Consequence (Jc Beall, Greg Restall, and Gil Sagi)
- Logical Constants (John MacFarlane)
- Logical Constructions (Bernard Linsky)
- Logical Empiricism (Richard Creath)
- Logical Form (Paul Pietroski)
- Logical Pluralism (Gillian Russell and Christopher Blake-Turner)
- Logical Truth (Mario Gómez-Torrente)
- Logic and Games (Wilfrid Hodges and Jouko Väänänen)
- Logic and Information (Maricarmen Martinez and Sebastian Sequoiah-Grayson)
- Logic and Language in Early Chinese Philosophy (Marshall D. Willman)
- Logic and Ontology (Thomas Hofweber)
- Logic and Probability (Lorenz Demey, Barteld Kooi, and Joshua Sack)
- Logic in Classical Indian Philosophy (Brendan Gillon)
- Logicism and Neologicism (Neil Tennant)
- Logic of Belief Revision (Sven Ove Hansson)
- Logics for Analyzing Games (Johan van Benthem and Dominik Klein)
- Lord Shaftesbury [Anthony Ashley Cooper, 3rd Earl of Shaftesbury] (Michael B. Gill)
- Lorenzo Valla (Lodi Nauta)
- Louis Althusser (William Lewis)
- Louis de La Forge (Andrea Sangiacomo and Desmond Clarke)
- Love (Bennett Helm)
- Loyalty (John Kleinig)
- Lucretius (Simon Trépanier)
- Lucrezia Marinella (Marguerite Deslauriers)
- Ludwig Andreas Feuerbach (Todd Gooch)
- Ludwig Wittgenstein (Anat Biletzki and Anat Matar)
- Ludwik Fleck (Wojciech Sady)
- Luitzen Egbertus Jan Brouwer (Mark van Atten)
- Luther’s Influence on Philosophy (Robert Stern and Volker Leppin)
- Lvov-Warsaw School (Jan Woleński)
- Madeleine de Scudéry (John Conley)
- Madhyamaka (Richard Hayes)
- Maimonides (Kenneth Seeskin)
- Malebranche’s Theory of Ideas and Vision in God (Lawrence Nolan)
- Mally’s Deontic Logic (Gert-Jan Lokhorst)
- Many-Sorted Logic (María Manzano and Víctor Aranda)
- Many-Valued Logic (Siegfried Gottwald)
- Many-Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics (Lev Vaidman)
- Marcus Aurelius (Rachana Kamtekar)
- Margarete Susman (Willi Goetschel)
- Margaret Fell (Jacqueline Broad)
- Margaret Fuller (Daniel Howe)
- Margaret Lucas Cavendish (David Cunning)
- Maria Montessori (Patrick Frierson)
- Marin Mersenne (Philippe Hamou)
- Markets (Lisa Herzog)
- Marriage and Domestic Partnership (Elizabeth Brake)
- Marsilio Ficino (Christopher S. Celenza)
- Marsilius of Inghen (Maarten Hoenen)
- Martin Buber (Michael Zank and Zachary Braiterman)
- Martin Heidegger (Mark Wrathall)
- Martin Luther (Robert Stern and Volker Leppin)
- Mary Astell (Alice Sowaal)
- Mary Shepherd (Martha Bolton)
- Mary Wollstonecraft (Sylvana Tomaselli)
- Material Constitution (Ryan Wasserman)
- Mathematical Explanation (Paolo Mancosu, Francesca Poggiolesi, and Christopher Pincock)
- Mathematical Style (Paolo Mancosu)
- Maurice Merleau-Ponty (Ted Toadvine)
- Max Horkheimer (J.C. Berendzen)
- Max Scheler (Zachary Davis and Anthony Steinbock)
- Max Stirner (David Leopold)
- Max Weber (Sung Ho Kim)
- Meaning Holism (Henry Jackman)
- Measurement in Science (Eran Tal)
- Mechanisms in Science (Carl Craver, James Tabery, and Phyllis Illari)
- Medieval Mereology (Andrew Arlig)
- Medieval Philosophy (John Marenbon)
- Medieval Political Philosophy (Cary Nederman and Alessandro Mulieri)
- Medieval Semiotics (Stephan Meier-Oeser)
- Medieval Skepticism (Charles Bolyard)
- Medieval Theories: Properties of Terms (Stephen Read)
- Medieval Theories of Analogy (E. Jennifer Ashworth and Domenic D’Ettore)
- Medieval Theories of Causation (Graham White)
- Medieval Theories of Conscience (Peter Eardley)
- Medieval Theories of Consequence (Catarina Dutilh Novaes and Milo Crimi)
- Medieval Theories of Demonstration (John Longeway)
- Medieval Theories of Future Contingents (Simo Knuuttila)
- Medieval Theories of Haecceity (Richard Cross)
- Medieval Theories of Modality (Simo Knuuttila)
- Medieval Theories of Obligationes (Mikko Yrjönsuuri)
- Medieval Theories of Practical Reason (Anthony Celano)
- Medieval Theories of Relations (Jeffrey Brower)
- Medieval Theories of Singular Terms (Julie Brumberg-Chaumont and E. Jennifer Ashworth)
- Medieval Theories of the Categories (Jorge Gracia and Lloyd Newton)
- Medieval Theories of the Emotions (Simo Knuuttila)
- Medieval Theories of the Syllogism (Henrik Lagerlund)
- Medieval Theories of Transcendentals (Wouter Goris and Jan Aertsen)
- Meister Eckhart (Amber L. Griffioen)
- Memory (Kourken Michaelian and John Sutton)
- Mencius (Bryan Van Norden)
- Mental Causation (David Robb, John Heil, and Sophie Gibb)
- Mental Disorder (Illness) (Jennifer Radden and Jonathan Y. Tsou)
- Mental Imagery (Bence Nanay)
- Mental Representation (David Pitt)
- Mental Representation in Medieval Philosophy (Henrik Lagerlund)
- Mereology (Achille Varzi)
- Meritocracy (Thomas Mulligan)
- Metaepistemology (J. Adam Carter and Ernest Sosa)
- Metaethics (Geoff Sayre-McCord)
- Metaphor (David Hills)
- Metaphysical Explanation (Andrew Brenner, Anna-Sofia Maurin, Alexander Skiles, Robin Stenwall, and Naomi Thompson)
- Metaphysical Grounding (Ricki Bliss and Kelly Trogdon)
- Metaphysics (Peter van Inwagen, Meghan Sullivan, and Sara Bernstein)
- Metaphysics in Chinese Philosophy (Franklin Perkins)
- Method and Metaphysics in Plato’s Sophist and Statesman (Mary-Louise Gill)
- Methodological Holism in the Social Sciences (Julie Zahle)
- Methodological Individualism (Joseph Heath)
- Methods in Comparative Cognition (Marta Halina)
- Michael Oakeshott (Terry Nardin)
- Michel de Montaigne (Marc Foglia and Emiliano Ferrari)
- Michel Foucault (Gary Gutting and Johanna Oksala)
- Michel Henry (Frédéric Seyler)
- Mill’s Moral and Political Philosophy (David Brink)
- Mind (Heart-Mind) in Chinese Philosophy (David Wong)
- Mind in Indian Buddhist Philosophy (Christian Coseru)
- Miracles (Timothy McGrew and Robert Larmer)
- Modal Fictionalism (Daniel Nolan)
- Modal Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics (Olimpia Lombardi and Dennis Dieks)
- Modal Logic (James Garson)
- Models in Science (Roman Frigg and Stephan Hartmann)
- Model Theory (Wilfrid Hodges)
- Modern Confucianism (David Elstein)
- Modern Origins of Modal Logic (Roberta Ballarin)
- Modesty and Humility (Nicolas Bommarito)
- Modularity of Mind (Philip Robbins)
- Mohism (Chris Fraser)
- Mohist Canons (Chris Fraser)
- Molecular Biology (Tudor Baetu, Monika Piotrowska, and James Tabery)
- Molecular Genetics (Ken Waters)
- Molyneux’s Problem (Marjolein Degenaar and Gert-Jan Lokhorst)
- Monism (Jonathan Schaffer)
- Monotheism (William Wainwright)
- Montague Semantics (Theo M. V. Janssen and Thomas Ede Zimmermann)
- Moore’s Moral Philosophy (Thomas Hurka)
- Moral Anti-Realism (Richard Joyce)
- Moral Arguments for the Existence of God (C. Stephen Evans and David Baggett)
- Moral Character (Marcia Homiak)
- Moral Cognitivism vs. Non-Cognitivism (Mark van Roojen)
- Moral Decision-Making Under Uncertainty (Christian Tarsney, Teruji Thomas, and William MacAskill)
- Moral Demands and Permissions/Prerogatives (Thomas Hurka)
- Moral Dilemmas (Terrance McConnell)
- Moral Disagreement (Folke Tersman)
- Moral Epistemology (Richmond Campbell)
- Morality and Evolutionary Biology (William FitzPatrick)
- Moral Luck (Dana K. Nelkin)
- Moral Motivation (Connie S. Rosati)
- Moral Naturalism (Matthew Lutz)
- Moral Non-Naturalism (Michael Ridge)
- Moral Particularism (Jonathan Dancy)
- Moral Particularism and Moral Generalism (Michael Ridge and Sean McKeever)
- Moral Phenomenology (John Drummond and Mark Timmons)
- Moral Psychology: Empirical Approaches (John Doris, Stephen Stich, Jonathan Phillips, and Lachlan Walmsley)
- Moral Realism (Geoff Sayre-McCord)
- Moral Reasoning (Henry S. Richardson)
- Moral Relativism (Chris Gowans)
- Moral Responsibility (Matthew Talbert)
- Moral Responsibility and the Principle of Alternative Possibilities (David Robb)
- Moral Sentimentalism (Antti Kauppinen)
- Moral Skepticism (Walter Sinnott-Armstrong)
- Moral Theory (Julia Driver)
- Moral Vegetarianism (Tyler Doggett)
- Moritz Schlick (Thomas Oberdan)
- Moses Mendelssohn (Daniel Dahlstrom)
- Mulla Sadra (Sajjad Rizvi)
- Multiculturalism (Sarah Song)
- Multiple Realizability (John Bickle)
- Mysticism (Richard Jones and Jerome Gellman)
- Mysticism in Arabic and Islamic Philosophy (Mehdi Aminrazavi)
- Nāgārjuna (Jan Christoph Westerhoff)
- Names (Sam Cumming)
- Narrow Mental Content (Curtis Brown)
- Nationalism (Nenad Miscevic)
- Natural Deduction Systems in Logic (Francis Jeffry Pelletier and Allen Hazen)
- Naturalism (David Papineau)
- Naturalism in Classical Indian Philosophy (Amita Chatterjee)
- Naturalism in Epistemology (Patrick Rysiew)
- Naturalism in Legal Philosophy (Brian Leiter and Matthew X. Etchemendy)
- Naturalism in the Philosophy of Mathematics (Alexander Paseau and Marianna Antonutti Marfori)
- Naturalistic Approaches to Social Construction (Ron Mallon)
- Natural Kinds (Alexander Bird and Emma Tobin)
- Natural Language Ontology (Friederike Moltmann)
- Natural Law Theories (John Finnis)
- Natural Philosophy in the Renaissance (Eva Del Soldato)
- Natural Properties (Cian Dorr)
- Natural Selection (Peter Gildenhuys)
- Natural Theology and Natural Religion (Andrew Chignell and Derk Pereboom)
- Necessary and Sufficient Conditions (Andrew Brennan)
- Needs in Moral and Political Philosophy (Gillian Brock and David Miller)
- Negation (Laurence R. Horn and Heinrich Wansing)
- Négritude (Souleymane Bachir Diagne)
- Nelson Goodman (Daniel Cohnitz and Marcus Rossberg)
- Neo-Daoism (Alan Chan)
- Neo-Kantianism (Jeremy Heis)
- Neoliberalism (Kevin Vallier)
- Neoplatonism (Christian Wildberg)
- Neuroethics (Adina Roskies)
- Neutral Monism (Leopold Stubenberg and Donovan Wishon)
- Newton’s Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica (George Smith)
- Newton’s Philosophy (Andrew Janiak)
- Newton’s Views on Space, Time, and Motion (Robert Rynasiewicz)
- Niccolò Machiavelli (Cary Nederman)
- Nicholas of Autrecourt (Hans Thijssen)
- Nicolai Hartmann (Keith Peterson and Roberto Poli)
- Nicolas Malebranche (Tad Schmaltz)
- Nicolaus Copernicus (Sheila Rabin)
- Nicolaus Taurellus (Andreas Blank)
- Nicole Oresme (Stefan Kirschner)
- Nietzsche’s Aesthetics (Timothy Stoll)
- Nietzsche’s Life and Works (Robert Wicks)
- Nietzsche’s Moral and Political Philosophy (Brian Leiter)
- Nineteenth Century Geometry (Roberto Torretti)
- Nishida Kitarō (John C. Maraldo)
- Nominalism in Metaphysics (Gonzalo Rodriguez-Pereyra)
- Nominalism in the Philosophy of Mathematics (Otávio Bueno)
- Non-Deductive Methods in Mathematics (Alan Baker)
- Non-monotonic Logic (Christian Strasser and G. Aldo Antonelli)
- Non-wellfounded Set Theory (Lawrence S. Moss)
- Nonconceptual Mental Content (José Bermúdez and Arnon Cahen)
- Nonexistent Objects (Maria Reicher)
- Normative Economics and Economic Justice (Marc Fleurbaey)
- Normative Theories of Rational Choice: Expected Utility (R. A. Briggs)
- Normative Theories of Rational Choice: Rivals to Expected Utility (Lara Buchak)
- Normativity in Metaethics (David Copp and Justin Morton)
- Nothingness (Roy Sorensen)
- Numenius (George Karamanolis)
- Object (Bradley Rettler and Andrew M. Bailey)
- Obligations to Oneself (Daniel Muñoz)
- Occasionalism (Sukjae Lee)
- Olympiodorus (Christian Wildberg)
- Omnipotence (Joshua Hoffman and Gary Rosenkrantz)
- Omnipresence (Edward Wierenga)
- Omniscience (Edward Wierenga)
- Ontological Arguments (Graham Oppy, Joshua Rasmussen, and Joseph Schmid)
- Ontological Commitment (Phillip Bricker)
- Ontological Dependence (Tuomas E. Tahko and E. Jonathan Lowe)
- Operationalism (Hasok Chang)
- Optimality-Theoretic and Game-Theoretic Approaches to Implicature (Robert van Rooij and Michael Franke)
- Ordinary Objects (Daniel Z. Korman and Jonathan Barker)
- Origen (Mark J. Edwards)
- Original Position (Samuel Freeman)
- Other Minds (Anita Avramides)
- Otto Neurath (Jordi Cat)
- Pacifism (Andrew Fiala)
- Pain (Murat Aydede)
- Panentheism (John Culp)
- Panpsychism (Philip Goff, William Seager, and Sean Allen-Hermanson)
- Pantheism (William Mander)
- Paraconsistent Logic (Graham Priest, Koji Tanaka, and Zach Weber)
- Paradoxes and Contemporary Logic (Andrea Cantini and Riccardo Bruni)
- Paradox of Tragedy (Jonathan Gilmore)
- Parenthood and Procreation (Elizabeth Brake and Joseph Millum)
- Parmenides (John Palmer)
- Pascal’s Wager (Alan Hájek)
- Paternalism (Gerald Dworkin)
- Patriotism (Igor Primoratz)
- Paul-Henri Thiry (Baron) d’Holbach (Michael LeBuffe)
- Paul Feyerabend (Eric Oberheim and John Preston)
- Paul Grice (Richard E. Grandy and Richard Warner)
- Paul Natorp (Alan Kim)
- Paul of Venice (Alessandro Conti)
- Paul Ricoeur (David Pellauer and Bernard Dauenhauer)
- Peirce’s Deductive Logic (Sun-Joo Shin)
- Peirce’s Theory of Signs (Albert Atkin)
- Perceptual Experience and Concepts in Classical Indian Philosophy (Monima Chadha)
- Perceptual Experience and Perceptual Justification (Nicholas Silins)
- Perceptual Learning (Kevin Connolly and Adrienne Prettyman)
- Perfect Goodness (Mark Murphy)
- Perfectionism in Moral and Political Philosophy (Steven Wall)
- Personal Autonomy (Sarah Buss and Andrea Westlund)
- Personal Identity (Eric T. Olson)
- Personal Identity and Ethics (David Shoemaker)
- Personalism (Thomas D. Williams and Jan Olof Bengtsson)
- Personal Relationship Goods (Anca Gheaus)
- Personhood in Classical Indian Philosophy (Monima Chadha)
- Peter Abelard (Peter King and Andrew Arlig)
- Peter Auriol (Russell L. Friedman)
- Peter Damian (Toivo J. Holopainen)
- Peter Frederick Strawson (Paul Snowdon and Anil Gomes)
- Peter John Olivi (Robert Pasnau and Juhana Toivanen)
- Petitionary Prayer (Scott A. Davison)
- Petrus Ramus (Erland Sellberg)
- Phenomenal Intentionality (David Bourget and Angela Mendelovici)
- Phenomenological Approaches to Ethics and Information Technology (Lucas Introna)
- Phenomenological Approaches to Self-Consciousness (Shaun Gallagher and Dan Zahavi)
- Phenomenology (David Woodruff Smith)
- Phenomenology of Religion (Mark Wynn)
- Philanthropy (Theodore M. Lechterman, Emma Saunders-Hastings, and Rob Reich)
- Philippa Foot (John Hacker-Wright)
- Philip the Chancellor (Colleen McCluskey and Anthony Celano)
- Philodemus (David Blank)
- Philolaus (Carl Huffman)
- Philo of Alexandria (Carlos Lévy)
- Philo of Larissa (Charles Brittain and Peter Osorio)
- Philosophical Approaches to Work and Labor (Michael Cholbi)
- Philosophical Aspects of Multi-Modal Logic (Sonja Smets and Fernando Velázquez-Quesada)
- Philosophical Issues in Quantum Theory (Wayne Myrvold)
- Philosophy and Christian Theology (William Wood)
- Philosophy for Children (Michael Pritchard)
- Philosophy in Han Dynasty China (Alexus McLeod)
- Philosophy in Mexico (Guillermo Hurtado and Robert Eli Sanchez, Jr.)
- Philosophy of Architecture (Saul Fisher)
- Philosophy of Biology (Jay Odenbaugh and Paul Griffiths)
- Philosophy of Biology in Latin America (Pablo Lorenzano)
- Philosophy of Biomedicine (Sean Valles)
- Philosophy of Cell Biology (William Bechtel and Andrew Bollhagen)
- Philosophy of Chemistry (Michael Weisberg, Paul Needham, and Robin Hendry)
- Philosophy of Contract Law (Daniel Markovits and Emad Atiq)
- Philosophy of Cosmology (Christopher Smeenk and George Ellis)
- Philosophy of Economics (Daniel M. Hausman)
- Philosophy of Education (Randall Curren)
- Philosophy of Film (Thomas Wartenberg)
- Philosophy of History (Daniel Little)
- Philosophy of Humor (John Morreall)
- Philosophy of Immunology (Bartlomiej Swiatczak and Alfred I. Tauber)
- Philosophy of International Law (John Tasioulas and Guglielmo Verdirame)
- Philosophy of Liberation (Eduardo Mendieta)
- Philosophy of Linguistics (Barbara C. Scholz, Francis Jeffry Pelletier, Geoffrey K. Pullum, and Ryan Nefdt)
- Philosophy of Macroevolution (Derek Turner and Joyce C. Havstad)
- Philosophy of Mathematics (Leon Horsten)
- Philosophy of Medicine (Julian Reiss and Rachel A. Ankeny)
- Philosophy of Microbiology (Maureen A. O’Malley and Emily C. Parke)
- Philosophy of Money and Finance (Boudewijn de Bruin, Lisa Herzog, Martin O’Neill, and Joakim Sandberg)
- Philosophy of Psychiatry (Dominic Murphy)
- Philosophy of Religion (Charles Taliaferro)
- Philosophy of Science in Latin America (Olimpia Lombardi, Alberto Cordero, and Ana Rosa Pérez Ransanz)
- Philosophy of Sport (John William Devine and Francisco Javier Lopez Frias)
- Philosophy of Statistical Mechanics (Roman Frigg and Charlotte Werndl)
- Philosophy of Statistics (Jan-Willem Romeijn)
- Philosophy of Systems and Synthetic Biology (Sara Green)
- Philosophy of Technology (Maarten Franssen, Gert-Jan Lokhorst, and Ibo van de Poel)
- Philosophy of Theater (James R. Hamilton)
- Phylogenetic Inference (Matt Haber and Joel Velasco)
- Physicalism (Daniel Stoljar)
- Pierre Bayle (Michael Hickson)
- Pierre Duhem (Roger Ariew)
- Pierre Gassendi (Saul Fisher)
- Pietro Pomponazzi (Craig Martin)
- Plato (Richard Kraut)
- Platonism in Metaphysics (Mark Balaguer)
- Platonism in the Philosophy of Mathematics (Øystein Linnebo)
- Plato on Friendship and Eros (C. D. C. Reeve)
- Plato on Knowledge in the Theaetetus (Sophie-Grace Chappell and Francesco Verde)
- Plato on Rhetoric and Poetry (Charles L. Griswold)
- Plato on utopia (Chris Bobonich and Katherine Meadows)
- Plato’s Aesthetics (Nickolas Pappas)
- Plato’s Cratylus (David Meißner)
- Plato’s Ethics: An Overview (Dorothea Frede and Mi-Kyoung Lee)
- Plato’s Ethics and Politics in The Republic (Eric Brown)
- Plato’s Middle Period Metaphysics and Epistemology (Allan Silverman)
- Plato’s Myths (Catalin Partenie)
- Plato’s Parmenides (Samuel Rickless)
- Plato’s Shorter Ethical Works (Paul Woodruff)
- Plato’s Timaeus (Donald Zeyl and Barbara Sattler)
- Pleasure (Leonard D. Katz)
- Plotinus (Paul Kalligas)
- Pluralist Theories of Truth (Nikolaj Jang Lee Linding Pedersen and Cory Wright)
- Plural Quantification (Øystein Linnebo)
- Plutarch (George Karamanolis)
- Political Legitimacy (Fabienne Peter)
- Political Obligation (Richard Dagger and David Lefkowitz)
- Political Realism in International Relations (W. Julian Korab-Karpowicz)
- Political Representation (Suzanne Dovi)
- Population Genetics (Samir Okasha)
- Pornography and Censorship (Caroline West)
- Porphyry (Eyjólfur Emilsson)
- Port Royal Logic (Alan Nelson and Jill Buroker)
- Positive and Negative Liberty (Ian Carter)
- Possible Objects (Takashi Yagisawa)
- Possible Worlds (Christopher Menzel)
- Postmodernism (Gary Aylesworth)
- Practical Reason (R. Jay Wallace and Benjamin Kiesewetter)
- Practical Reason and the Structure of Actions (Elijah Millgram)
- Pragmatic Arguments and Belief in God (Jeff Jordan)
- Pragmatics (Kepa Korta and John Perry)
- Pragmatism (Catherine Legg and Christopher Hookway)
- Pragmatist Feminism (Judy Whipps and Danielle Lake)
- Precedent and Analogy in Legal Reasoning (Grant Lamond)
- Prediction versus Accommodation (Eric Christian Barnes)
- Preferences (Sven Ove Hansson and Till Grüne-Yanoff)
- Pregnancy, Birth, and Medicine (Quill R Kukla, Teresa Baron, and Katherine Wayne)
- Presentism (David Ingram and Jonathan Tallant)
- Presocratic Philosophy (Patricia Curd)
- Presupposition (David I. Beaver, Bart Geurts, and Kristie Denlinger)
- Primary and Secondary Qualities in Early Modern Philosophy (Martha Bolton)
- Principia Mathematica (Bernard Linsky and Andrew David Irvine)
- Principle of Sufficient Reason (Yitzhak Y. Melamed and Martin Lin)
- Prisoner’s Dilemma (Steven Kuhn)
- Privacy (Beate Roessler and Judith DeCew)
- Privacy and Information Technology (Jeroen van den Hoven, Martijn Blaauw, Wolter Pieters, and Martijn Warnier)
- Privacy and Medicine (Anita Allen)
- Private Language (Stewart Candlish and George Wrisley)
- Probabilistic Causation (Christopher Hitchcock)
- Probability in Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy (Rudolf Schuessler)
- Process Philosophy (Johanna Seibt)
- Process Theism (Donald Viney)
- Proclus (Christoph Helmig and Carlos Steel)
- Progress (Agnes Tam and Margaret Meek Lange)
- Promises (Allen Habib)
- Proof-Theoretic Semantics (Peter Schroeder-Heister)
- Proof Theory (Michael Rathjen and Wilfried Sieg)
- Properties (Francesco Orilia and Michele Paolini Paoletti)
- Property and Ownership (Jeremy Waldron)
- Prophecy (Scott A. Davison)
- Propositional Attitude Reports (Michael Nelson)
- Propositional Dynamic Logic (Nicolas Troquard and Philippe Balbiani)
- Propositional Function (Edwin Mares)
- Propositional Logic (Curtis Franks)
- Propositions (Matthew McGrath and Devin Frank)
- Protagoras (Mauro Bonazzi)
- Provability Logic (Rineke (L.C.) Verbrugge)
- Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite (Kevin Corrigan and L. Michael Harrington)
- Psychoanalytic Feminism (Emily Zakin and Claudia Leeb)
- Psychologism (Martin Kusch)
- Public Goods (Julian Reiss)
- Public Health Ethics (Ruth Faden, Justin Bernstein, and Sirine Shebaya)
- Publicity (Axel Gosseries and Tom Parr)
- Public Justification (Kevin Vallier)
- Public Reason (Jonathan Quong)
- Pufendorf’s Moral and Political Philosophy (Michael Seidler)
- Pyrrho (Richard Bett)
- Pythagoras (Carl Huffman)
- Pythagoreanism (Carl Huffman)
- Qing Philosophy (On-cho Ng)
- Qualia (Michael Tye)
- Qualia: The Knowledge Argument (Martine Nida-Rümelin and Donnchadh O Conaill)
- Quantifiers and Quantification (Gabriel Uzquiano)
- Quantum-Bayesian and Pragmatist Views of Quantum Theory (Richard Healey)
- Quantum Approaches to Consciousness (Harald Atmanspacher)
- Quantum Computing (Michael Cuffaro and Amit Hagar)
- Quantum Entanglement and Information (Jeffrey Bub)
- Quantum Field Theory (Meinard Kuhlmann)
- Quantum Gravity (Steven Weinstein and Dean Rickles)
- Quantum Logic and Probability Theory (Alexander Wilce)
- Quantum Mechanics (Jenann Ismael)
- Quantum Theory and Mathematical Rigor (Fred Kronz and Tracy Lupher)
- Questions (Charles Cross and Floris Roelofsen)
- Quine’s New Foundations (Thomas Forster)
- Quotation (Herman Cappelen, Ernest Lepore, and Matthew McKeever)
- Race (Michael James and Adam Burgos)
- Radulphus Brito (Ana María Mora-Márquez and Iacopo Costa)
- Ralph Cudworth (Sarah Hutton)
- Ralph Waldo Emerson (Russell Goodman)
- Ramon Llull (Ernesto Priani)
- Ramsey and Intergenerational Welfare Economics (Partha Dasgupta)
- Rationalism vs. Empiricism (Peter Markie and M. Folescu)
- Realism (Alexander Miller)
- Realism and Anti-Realism about Metaphysics (Mark Balaguer)
- Realism and Theory Change in Science (Stathis Psillos)
- Reason and Religious Commitment (J. L. Schellenberg)
- Reasoning About Power in Games (Paolo Turrini and Thomas Ågotnes)
- Reasons for Action: Agent-Neutral vs. Agent-Relative (Michael Ridge)
- Reasons for Action: Internal vs. External (Stephen Finlay and Mark Schroeder)
- Reasons for Action: Justification, Motivation, Explanation (Maria Alvarez and Jonathan Way)
- Recognition (Mattias Iser)
- Reconciliation (Linda Radzik and Colleen Murphy)
- Recursive Functions (Walter Dean and Alberto Naibo)
- Redistribution (Christian Barry)
- Reductionism in Biology (Ingo Brigandt and Alan Love)
- Reference (Eliot Michaelson)
- Reflective Equilibrium (Carl Knight)
- Regularity and Inferential Theories of Causation (Holger Andreas and Mario Guenther)
- Reichenbach’s Common Cause Principle (Christopher Hitchcock and Miklós Rédei)
- Reid on Memory and Personal Identity (Rebecca Copenhaver)
- Reid’s Ethics (Terence Cuneo)
- Reism (Jan Woleński)
- Relational Quantum Mechanics (Carlo Rovelli)
- Relations (Fraser MacBride)
- Relative Identity (Harry Deutsch and Pawel Garbacz)
- Relativism (Maria Baghramian and J. Adam Carter)
- Relevance Logic (Edwin Mares)
- Reliabilist Epistemology (Alvin Goldman and Bob Beddor)
- Religion and Morality in Western Philosophy (John Hare and Jennifer Herdt)
- Religion and Political Theory (Chris Eberle and Terence Cuneo)
- Religion and Science (Helen De Cruz)
- Religious Daoism (Fabrizio Pregadio)
- Religious Diversity (Pluralism) (David Basinger)
- Religious Experience (Mark Webb)
- Religious Language (Michael Scott)
- René Descartes (Gary Hatfield)
- Replication and Reproduction (John S. Wilkins and Pierrick Bourrat)
- Representational Theories of Consciousness (William Lycan)
- Reproducibility of Scientific Results (Fiona Fidler and John Wilcox)
- Republicanism (Frank Lovett)
- Respect (Robin S. Dillon)
- Retributive Justice (Alec Walen)
- Retrocausality in Quantum Mechanics (Simon Friederich and Peter W. Evans)
- Reverse Mathematics (Benedict Eastaugh)
- Revolution (Allen Buchanan and Alexander Motchoulski)
- Richard FitzRalph (Michael W. Dunne)
- Richard Kilvington (Elzbieta Jung)
- Richard Mervyn Hare (Anthony Price)
- Richard Price (David McNaughton)
- Richard Rorty (Bjørn Ramberg and Susan Dieleman)
- Richard Sylvan [Routley] (Dominic Hyde, Filippo Casati, and Zach Weber)
- Richard the Sophister (Paul Streveler)
- Rights (Leif Wenar)
- Rigid Designators (Joseph LaPorte)
- Risk (Sven Ove Hansson)
- Robert Alyngton (Alessandro Conti)
- Robert Boyle (J. J. MacIntosh, Peter Anstey, and Jan-Erik Jones)
- Robert Desgabets (Patricia Easton)
- Robert Grosseteste (Neil Lewis and Nicola Polloni)
- Robert Holkot (Hester Gelber and John T. Slotemaker)
- Robert Kilwardby (José Filipe Silva)
- Robert Nozick’s Political Philosophy (Eric Mack)
- Robin George Collingwood (Giuseppina D’Oro and James Connelly)
- Roderick Chisholm (Richard Feldman and Fred Feldman)
- Roger Bacon (Jeremiah Hackett)
- Roman Ingarden (Amie Thomasson)
- Rosa Luxemburg (Lea Ypi)
- Rudolf Carnap (Hannes Leitgeb and André Carus)
- Rule-Following and Intentionality (Alexander Miller and Olivia Sultanescu)
- Rule Consequentialism (Brad Hooker)
- Russellian Monism (Torin Alter and Derk Pereboom)
- Russell’s Logical Atomism (Kevin Klement)
- Russell’s Moral Philosophy (Charles Pigden)
- Russell’s Paradox (Harry Deutsch, Oliver Marshall, and Andrew David Irvine)
- Ruth Barcan Marcus (Roberta Ballarin)
- Saadya [Saadiah] (Sarah Pessin)
- Śāntarakṣita (James Blumenthal and James Apple)
- Śāntideva (Charles Goodman)
- Sakya Paṇḍita [sa skya paṇ ḍi ta] (Jonathan C. Gold)
- Salomon Maimon (Peter Thielke and Yitzhak Y. Melamed)
- Samuel Alexander (Emily A. E. Thomas)
- Samuel Clarke (Timothy Yenter and Ezio Vailati)
- Samuel Ibn Tibbon (James T. Robinson)
- Śaṅkara (Neil Dalal)
- Schema (John Corcoran and Idris Samawi Hamid)
- School of Names (Chris Fraser)
- School of Salamanca (Thomas Izbicki and Matthias Kaufmann)
- Schopenhauer’s Aesthetics (Sandra Shapshay)
- Science and Chinese Philosophy (Lisa Raphals)
- Science and Pseudo-Science (Sven Ove Hansson)
- Scientific Discovery (Jutta Schickore)
- Scientific Explanation (James Woodward and Lauren Ross)
- Scientific Method (Brian Hepburn and Hanne Andersen)
- Scientific Objectivity (Julian Reiss and Jan Sprenger)
- Scientific Pluralism (David Ludwig and Stéphanie Ruphy)
- Scientific Progress (Ilkka Niiniluoto)
- Scientific Realism (Anjan Chakravartty)
- Scientific Reduction (Raphael van Riel and Robert Van Gulick)
- Scientific Representation (Roman Frigg and James Nguyen)
- Scientific Research and Big Data (Sabina Leonelli)
- Scientific Revolutions (Thomas Nickles)
- Scottish Philosophy in the 18th Century (Alexander Broadie and Craig Smith)
- Scottish Philosophy in the 19th Century (Gordon Graham)
- Search Engines and Ethics (Herman Tavani and Michael Zimmer)
- Secession (Allen Buchanan and Elizabeth Levinson)
- Second-order and Higher-order Logic (Jouko Väänänen)
- Self-Consciousness (Joel Smith)
- Self-Deception (Ian Deweese-Boyd)
- Self-Defense (Helen Frowe and Jonathan Parry)
- Self-Knowledge (Brie Gertler)
- Self-Locating Beliefs (Andy Egan and Michael G. Titelbaum)
- Self-Reference and Paradox (Thomas Bolander)
- Semantic Conceptions of Information (Sebastian Sequoiah-Grayson and Luciano Floridi)
- Seneca (Katja Vogt)
- Sense Data (Gary Hatfield)
- Sentence Connectives in Formal Logic (Lloyd Humberstone)
- Set Theory (Joan Bagaria)
- Set Theory: Constructive and Intuitionistic ZF (Laura Crosilla)
- Seventeenth-Century Theories of Consciousness (Larry M. Jorgensen)
- Sex and Sexuality (Raja Halwani)
- Sextus Empiricus (Benjamin Morison)
- Shared Agency (Abraham Sesshu Roth)
- Shem Tov Ibn Falaquera (Steve Harvey)
- Sidney Hook (David Sidorsky and Robert Talisse)
- Sign Language Semantics (Philippe Schlenker, Jonathan Lamberton, and Jeremy Kuhn)
- Simone de Beauvoir (Debra Bergoffen and Megan Burke)
- Simone Weil (A. Rebecca Rozelle-Stone and Benjamin P. Davis)
- Simon of Faversham (Ana María Mora-Márquez)
- Simplicity (Alan Baker)
- Simplicius (Christoph Helmig)
- Simpson’s Paradox (Jan Sprenger and Naftali Weinberger)
- Singularities and Black Holes (Erik Curiel)
- Singular Propositions (Greg Fitch and Michael Nelson)
- Sin in Christian Thought (Kevin Timpe)
- Situations in Natural Language Semantics (Angelika Kratzer)
- Skeptical Theism (Timothy Perrine)
- Skepticism (Juan Comesaña and Peter Klein)
- Skepticism About Moral Responsibility (Gregg Caruso)
- Skepticism in Latin America (Plínio Junqueira Smith and Otávio Bueno)
- Skolem’s Paradox (Timothy Bays)
- Social and Political Thought in Chinese Philosophy (Stephen C. Angle)
- Social Choice Theory (Christian List)
- Social Epistemology (Cailin O’Connor, Sanford Goldberg, and Alvin Goldman)
- Social Institutions (Seumas Miller)
- Socialism (Pablo Gilabert and Martin O’Neill)
- Social Minimum (Stuart White)
- Social Networking and Ethics (Shannon Vallor)
- Social Norms (Cristina Bicchieri, Ryan Muldoon, and Alessandro Sontuoso)
- Social Ontology (Brian Epstein)
- Sociobiology (Catherine Driscoll)
- Socrates (Debra Nails and S. Sara Monoson)
- Solidarity in Social and Political Philosophy (Andrea Sangiovanni and Juri Viehoff)
- Solomon Ibn Gabirol [Avicebron] (Sarah Pessin)
- Song-Ming Confucianism (Justin Tiwald)
- Sophie de Grouchy (Sandrine Berges)
- Sophismata (Fabienne Pironet and Joke Spruyt)
- Søren Kierkegaard (John Lippitt and C. Stephen Evans)
- Sorites Paradox (Dominic Hyde and Diana Raffman)
- Sortals (Richard E. Grandy and Max A. Freund)
- Sounds (Roberto Casati, Jerome Dokic, and Elvira Di Bona)
- Sovereignty (Daniel Philpott)
- Space and Time: Inertial Frames (Robert DiSalle)
- Special Obligations (Diane Jeske)
- Species (Marc Ereshefsky)
- Speech Acts (Mitchell Green)
- Speusippus (Russell Dancy and Giulia De Cesaris)
- Spinoza’s Epistemology and Philosophy of Mind (Karolina Hübner)
- Spinoza’s Modal Metaphysics (Samuel Newlands)
- Spinoza’s Physical Theory (Richard Manning)
- Spinoza’s Political Philosophy (Justin Steinberg)
- Spinoza’s Psychological Theory (Michael LeBuffe)
- Spinoza’s Theory of Attributes (Noa Shein)
- Śrīharṣa (Nilanjan Das)
- Stanisław Leśniewski (Peter Simons)
- States of Affairs (Mark Textor)
- Stoicism (Marion Durand, Simon Shogry, and Dirk Baltzly)
- Structuralism in Physics (Heinz-Juergen Schmidt)
- Structuralism in the Philosophy of Mathematics (Erich Reck and Georg Schiemer)
- Structural Rationality (Benjamin Kiesewetter and Alex Worsnip)
- Structural Realism (James Ladyman)
- Structured Propositions (Jeffrey C. King)
- Substance (Howard Robinson and Ralph Weir)
- Substructural Logics (Greg Restall)
- Suhrawardi (Roxanne Marcotte)
- Suicide (Michael Cholbi)
- Supererogation (David Heyd)
- Supertasks (JB Manchak and Bryan W. Roberts)
- Supervenience (Brian McLaughlin and Karen Bennett)
- Supervenience in Ethics (Tristram McPherson)
- Susan Stebbing (Michael Beaney and Siobhan Chapman)
- Symmetry and Symmetry Breaking (Katherine Brading, Elena Castellani, and Nicholas Teh)
- Syrianus (Christian Wildberg)
- Tarski’s Truth Definitions (Wilfrid Hodges)
- Teleological Arguments for God’s Existence (Del Ratzsch and Jeffrey Koperski)
- Teleological Notions in Biology (Colin Allen and Jacob Neal)
- Teleological Theories of Mental Content (Peter Schulte and Karen Neander)
- Temporal Consciousness (Barry Dainton)
- Temporal Logic (Valentin Goranko and Antje Rumberg)
- Temporal Parts (Katherine Hawley)
- Tense and Aspect (Friedrich Hamm and Oliver Bott)
- Territorial Rights and Territorial Justice (Margaret Moore)
- Terrorism (Igor Primoratz)
- The Algebra of Logic Tradition (Stanley Burris and Javier Legris)
- The Analysis of Knowledge (Jonathan Jenkins Ichikawa and Matthias Steup)
- The Analytic/Synthetic Distinction (Georges Rey)
- The Axiom of Choice (John L. Bell)
- The Cambridge Platonists (Sarah Hutton)
- The Capability Approach (Ingrid Robeyns and Morten Fibieger Byskov)
- The Chinese Room Argument (David Cole)
- The Church-Turing Thesis (B. Jack Copeland)
- The Coherence Theory of Truth (James O. Young)
- The Common Good (Waheed Hussain and Margaret Kohn)
- The Computational Theory of Mind (Michael Rescorla)
- The Concept of Emotion in Classical Indian Philosophy (Joerg Tuske)
- The Concept of Evil (Todd Calder)
- The Concept of Religion (Kevin Schilbrack)
- The Concept of the Aesthetic (James Shelley)
- The Consistent Histories Approach to Quantum Mechanics (Robert B. Griffiths)
- The Contents of Perception (Susanna Siegel)
- The Continuum Hypothesis (Peter Koellner)
- The Correspondence Theory of Truth (Marian David)
- The Definition of Art (Thomas Adajian)
- The Definition of Death (David DeGrazia)
- The Definition of Lying and Deception (James Edwin Mahon)
- The Definition of Morality (Joshua Gert and Bernard Gert)
- The Development of Intuitionistic Logic (Mark van Atten)
- The Development of Proof Theory (Jan von Plato)
- The Disjunctive Theory of Perception (Matthew Soteriou)
- The Distinction Between Innate and Acquired Characteristics (Paul Griffiths and Stefan Linquist)
- The Donation and Sale of Human Eggs and Sperm (Reuven Brandt, Stephen Wilkinson, and Nicola Williams)
- The Donation of Human Organs (Martin Wilkinson and Stephen Wilkinson)
- The Early Development of Set Theory (José Ferreirós)
- The Economic Analysis of Law (Lewis Kornhauser)
- The Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Argument in Quantum Theory (Arthur Fine)
- The Emergence of First-Order Logic (William Ewald)
- The Emotions in Early Chinese Philosophy (Bongrae Seok)
- The Epistemic Basing Relation (Keith Allen Korcz)
- The Epistemic Condition for Moral Responsibility (Fernando Rudy-Hiller)
- The Epistemology of Modality (Antonella Mallozzi, Anand Vaidya, and Michael Wallner)
- The Epistemology of Religion (Peter Forrest)
- The Epistemology of Visual Thinking in Mathematics (Marcus Giaquinto)
- The Epsilon Calculus (Jeremy Avigad and Richard Zach)
- The Equivalence of Mass and Energy (Francisco Fernflores)
- The Ergodic Hierarchy (Roman Frigg, Joseph Berkovitz, and Fred Kronz)
- The Ethics and Rationality of Voting (Jason Brennan)
- The Ethics of Belief (Andrew Chignell)
- The Ethics of Clinical Research (David Wendler)
- The Ethics of Cultural Heritage (Erich Hatala Matthes)
- The Ethics of Manipulation (Robert Noggle)
- The Frame Problem (Murray Shanahan)
- The Free Rider Problem (Russell Hardin and Garrett Cullity)
- The Frege-Hilbert Controversy (Patricia Blanchette)
- The Genotype/Phenotype Distinction (Peter Taylor and Richard Lewontin)
- The Grounds of Moral Status (Agnieszka Jaworska and Julie Tannenbaum)
- The Historical Controversies Surrounding Innateness (Jerry Samet)
- The History of Feminism: Marie-Jean-Antoine-Nicolas de Caritat, Marquis de Condorcet (Joan Landes)
- The History of Utilitarianism (Julia Driver)
- The Hole Argument (John D. Norton, Oliver Pooley, and James Read)
- The Human Genome Project (Lisa Gannett)
- The Identity of Indiscernibles (Peter Forrest)
- The Identity Theory of Truth (Richard Gaskin)
- The Incommensurability of Scientific Theories (Eric Oberheim and Paul Hoyningen-Huene)
- The Influence of Islamic Thought on Maimonides (Sarah Pessin)
- The Kochen-Specker Theorem (Carsten Held)
- The Kokugaku (Native Japan Studies) School (Gideon Fujiwara and Peter Nosco)
- The Kyoto School (Bret W. Davis)
- The Lambda Calculus (Jesse Alama and Johannes Korbmacher)
- The Language of Thought Hypothesis (Michael Rescorla)
- The Legal Concept of Evidence (Hock Lai Ho)
- The Limits of Law (John Stanton-Ife)
- The Literal-Nonliteral Distinction in Classical Indian Philosophy (Malcolm Keating)
- The Logic of Action (Krister Segerberg, John-Jules Meyer, and Marcus Kracht)
- The Logic of Conditionals (Paul Egré and Hans Rott)
- The Logic of Mass Expressions (David Nicolas)
- The Logic of Peter of Spain (Joke Spruyt)
- The Mathematics of Boolean Algebra (J. Donald Monk)
- The Meaning of Life (Thaddeus Metz)
- The Medieval Problem of Universals (Gyula Klima)
- The Metaphysics of Causation (J. Dmitri Gallow)
- The Metaphysics of Mass Expressions (Mark Steen)
- The Mind/Brain Identity Theory (J. J. C. Smart)
- The Modern History of Computing (B. Jack Copeland)
- The Moral/Conventional Distinction (Edouard Machery and Stephen Stich)
- The Moral Status of Animals (Lori Gruen and Susana Monsó)
- The Natural Law Tradition in Ethics (Mark Murphy)
- The Nature of Law (Andrei Marmor and Alexander Sarch)
- The Neuroscience of Consciousness (Wayne Wu and Jorge Morales)
- The Nonidentity Problem (M. A. Roberts)
- The Normative Status of Logic (Florian Steinberger)
- The Normativity of Meaning and Content (Kathrin Glüer, Åsa Wikforss, and Marianna Ganapini)
- The Notation in Principia Mathematica (Bernard Linsky)
- Theodicies (Laura W. Ekstrom)
- Theodor W. Adorno (Henry Pickford and Lambert Zuidervaart)
- Theological Voluntarism (Mark Murphy)
- Theophrastus (Katerina Ierodiakonou)
- Theoretical Terms in Science (Holger Andreas)
- Theories of Biological Development (Melinda Bonnie Fagan and Jane Maienschein)
- Theories of Criminal Law (James Edwards)
- Theories of Meaning (Jeff Speaks)
- Theories of the Common Law of Torts (Arthur Ripstein)
- Theory and Bioethics (Jennifer Flynn)
- Theory and Observation in Science (Nora Mills Boyd and James Bogen)
- The Paradox of Suspense (Aaron Smuts)
- The Phenomenology of the Munich and Göttingen Circles (Alessandro Salice)
- The Philosophy of Childhood (Gareth Matthews and Amy Mullin)
- The Philosophy of Computer Science (Nicola Angius, Giuseppe Primiero, and Raymond Turner)
- The Philosophy of Dance (Aili Bresnahan)
- The Philosophy of Digital Art (Katherine Thomson-Jones and Shelby Moser)
- The Philosophy of Music (Andrew Kania)
- The Philosophy of Neuroscience (John Bickle, Peter Mandik, and Anthony Landreth)
- The Possibilism-Actualism Debate (Christopher Menzel)
- The Pragmatic Theory of Truth (John Capps)
- The Principle of Beneficence in Applied Ethics (Tom Beauchamp)
- The Problem of Dirty Hands (C.A.J. Coady)
- The Problem of Evil (Michael Tooley)
- The Problem of Induction (Leah Henderson)
- The Problem of Perception (Tim Crane and Craig French)
- The Problem of the Many (Brian Weatherson)
- The Psychology of Normative Cognition (Daniel Kelly, Evan Westra, and Stephen Setman)
- The Pure Theory of Law (Andrei Marmor)
- The Repugnant Conclusion (Gustaf Arrhenius, Jesper Ryberg, and Torbjörn Tännsjö)
- The Revision Theory of Truth (Philip Kremer and Edoardo Rivello)
- Thermodynamic Asymmetry in Time (Craig Callender)
- The Role of Decoherence in Quantum Mechanics (Guido Bacciagaluppi)
- The Rule of Law (Jeremy Waldron)
- The Sale of Human Organs (Stephen Wilkinson)
- The Social Dimensions of Scientific Knowledge (Helen Longino)
- The Sophists (C.C.W. Taylor and Mi-Kyoung Lee)
- The St. Petersburg Paradox (Martin Peterson)
- The Structure of Scientific Theories (Rasmus Grønfeldt Winther)
- The Textual Transmission of the Aristotelian Corpus (Justin Winzenrieth)
- The Theology of Aristotle (Peter Adamson)
- The Theory of Two Truths in India (Sonam Thakchoe)
- The Theory of Two Truths in Tibet (Sonam Thakchoe)
- The Traditional Square of Opposition (Terence Parsons)
- The Turing Test (Graham Oppy and David Dowe)
- The Uncertainty Principle (Jan Hilgevoord and Jos Uffink)
- The Unity of Consciousness (Andrew Brook and Paul Raymont)
- The Unity of Science (Jordi Cat)
- The Value of Knowledge (Duncan Pritchard, John Turri, and J. Adam Carter)
- Thick Ethical Concepts (Pekka Väyrynen)
- Thomas Aquinas (Robert Pasnau)
- Thomas Hill Green (David Brink)
- Thomas Hobbes (Stewart Duncan)
- Thomas Jefferson (M. Andrew Holowchak)
- Thomas Kuhn (Alexander Bird)
- Thomas More (Gerard B. Wegemer)
- Thomas of Erfurt (Jack Zupko)
- Thomas Paine (Mark Philp)
- Thomas Reid (Ryan Nichols and Gideon Yaffe)
- Thought Experiments (James Robert Brown and Yiftach Fehige)
- Tiantai Buddhism (Brook Ziporyn)
- Tibetan Epistemology and Philosophy of Language (Pascale Hugon)
- Time (Nina Emery, Ned Markosian, and Meghan Sullivan)
- Time Machines (John Earman, Christian Wüthrich, and JB Manchak)
- Time Travel (Nicholas J.J. Smith)
- Time Travel and Modern Physics (Christopher Smeenk, Frank Arntzenius, and Tim Maudlin)
- Timon of Phlius (Richard Bett)
- Toleration (Rainer Forst)
- Tommaso Campanella (Germana Ernst and Jean-Paul De Lucca)
- Torture (Seumas Miller)
- Touch (Matthew Fulkerson)
- Transcendental Arguments (Robert Stern and Tony Cheng)
- Transcendentalism (Russell Goodman)
- Transformative Experience (Rebecca Chan)
- Transitional Justice (Nir Eisikovits)
- Translating and Interpreting Chinese Philosophy (Henry Rosemont Jr.)
- Transmission of Justification and Warrant (Luca Moretti and Tommaso Piazza)
- Trans Philosophy (Perry Zurn)
- Transworld Identity (Penelope Mackie and Mark Jago)
- Treating Persons as Means (Samuel Kerstein)
- Trinity (Dale Tuggy)
- Tropes (Anna-Sofia Maurin)
- Trust (Carolyn McLeod)
- Truth (Michael Glanzberg)
- Truthlikeness (Graham Oddie and Gustavo Cevolani)
- Truthmakers (Fraser MacBride and Christopher Daly)
- Truth Values (Yaroslav Shramko and Heinrich Wansing)
- Tsongkhapa (Gareth Sparham and Chandra Chiara Ehm)
- Turing Machines (Liesbeth De Mol)
- Two-Dimensional Semantics (Laura Schroeter)
- Typelogical Grammar (Michael Moortgat)
- Types and Tokens (Linda Wetzel)
- Type Theory (Thierry Coquand)
- Umar Khayyam (Seyed N. Mousavian, Suzanne Sumner, Mehdi Aminrazavi, and Glen Van Brummelen)
- Underdetermination of Scientific Theory (Kyle Stanford)
- Understanding (Stephen Grimm)
- Units and Levels of Selection (Elisabeth Lloyd)
- Vagueness (Roy Sorensen)
- Value Pluralism (Elinor Mason)
- Value Theory (Mark Schroeder)
- Varieties of Modality (Boris Kment)
- Vasubandhu (Jonathan C. Gold)
- Vienna Circle (Thomas Uebel)
- Virtue Epistemology (John Turri, Mark Alfano, and John Greco)
- Virtue Ethics (Rosalind Hursthouse and Glen Pettigrove)
- Voltaire (J.B. Shank)
- Voluntary Euthanasia (Robert Young)
- Voting Methods (Eric Pacuit)
- W.E.B. Du Bois (Robert Gooding-Williams)
- Walter Benjamin (Peter Osborne and Matthew Charles)
- Walter Burley (Alessandro Conti)
- Walter Chatton (Rondo Keele and Jenny Pelletier)
- Wang Yangming (Bryan Van Norden)
- War (Seth Lazar)
- Watsuji Tetsurō (Robert Carter and Erin McCarthy)
- Weakness of Will (Sarah Stroud and Larisa Svirsky)
- Well-Being (Roger Crisp)
- Wesley Salmon (Maria Carla Galavotti)
- Wilfrid Sellars (Willem deVries and Carl Sachs)
- Wilhelm Dilthey (Rudolf Makkreel)
- Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt (Alan Kim)
- Wilhelm von Humboldt (Kurt Mueller-Vollmer and Markus Messling)
- Wilhelm Windelband (Katherina Kinzel)
- Willard Van Orman Quine (Peter Hylton and Gary Kemp)
- William Crathorn (Aurélien Robert)
- William David Ross (Anthony Skelton)
- William Godwin (Mark Philp)
- William Heytesbury (Miroslav Hanke and Elzbieta Jung)
- William James (Russell Goodman)
- William of Auvergne (Neil Lewis and Katrin Fischer)
- William of Champeaux (Kevin Guilfoy)
- William of Ockham (Paul Vincent Spade, Claude Panaccio, and Jenny Pelletier)
- William of Sherwood (Sara L. Uckelman)
- William Penbygull (Alessandro Conti)
- William Stanley Jevons (Bert Mosselmans)
- William Whewell (Laura J. Snyder)
- Wisdom (Sharon Ryan)
- Wittgenstein’s Aesthetics (Garry Hagberg)
- Wittgenstein’s Logical Atomism (Ian Proops)
- Wittgenstein’s Philosophy of Mathematics (Victor Rodych)
- Word Meaning (Luca Gasparri and Diego Marconi)
- World Government (Catherine Lu)
- Xenocrates (Russell Dancy)
- Xenophanes (James Lesher)
- Xunzi (Paul R. Goldin)
- Yeshayahu Leibowitz (Daniel Rynhold)
- Yogācāra (Szilvia Szanyi)
- Zeno of Elea (John Palmer)
- Zeno’s Paradoxes (Nick Huggett)
- Zermelo’s Axiomatization of Set Theory (Michael Hallett)
- Zhuangzi (Chad Hansen)
- Zhu Xi (Kirill Thompson)
- Zombies (Robert Kirk)
Copyright © 2024 •
The Metaphysics Research Lab
Department of Philosophy, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305
Department of Philosophy, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305