- Si regionem hodiernam quaeris, vide paginam de Vandalitia.
Andalusia[1] (Hispanice Al-Ándalus; Arabice الأندلس al-ʼAndalus) fuit Paeninsula Iberica in dicione Musulmanorum. Hoc vocabulum prioribus civitatibus Islamicis in Iberia ab historicis hodiernis adhibetur.[2] Terrae huius regionis tempore maximi spatii geographici plurimam paeninsulae partem[3] et Septimaniam, partem Franciae meridianae hodiernae, saeculo octavo occupaverunt, ac paene uno saeculo (inter saecula nonum et decimum) dicionem a Fraxinet per transitus alpinos quae Italiam Europamque Occidentalem coniungebant extenderunt.[4][5]
Litterae, medicina, poesis, mathematica sub imperium calipharum et regum floruerunt.
Nexus interni
[recensere | fontem recensere]- ↑
Fons nominis Latini desideratur (addito fonte, hanc formulam remove)
- ↑ Camilo Gómez-Rivas (21 Novembris 2014). Law and the Islamization of Morocco under the Almoravids: The Fatwās of Ibn Rushd al-Jadd to the Far Maghrib. Brill. pp. 1, note 3. ISBN 978-90-04-27984-1.
- ↑ Fernando Luis Corral (2009). "The Christian Frontier against al-Andalus (Muslim Spain): concept and politics during the reigns of King Fernando I of Castile and Leon and his successors until 1230". Walls, Ramparts, and Lines of Demarcation: Selected Studies from Antiquity to Modern Times. LIT Verlag Münster. p. 67. ISBN 978-3-8258-9478-8,
- ↑ Versteegh, Kees (1 Ianuarii 1990). "The Arab Presence in France and Switzerland in the 10Th Century". Arabica 37 (3): 359–388.
- ↑ Wenner, Manfred W. (Augustus 1980). "The Arab/Muslim Presence in Medieval Central Europe". International Journal of Middle East Studies 12 (1): 59–79.
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Nexus externi
[recensere | fontem recensere]- Omaar, Rageh. 2005. 'An Islamic History of Europe. Pellicula documentaria, BBC 4, Augustus 2005.