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Economic Logic blog

These are publications indexed on RePEc about the above topic. This reading list is managed by Jeffrey Scot Banks (who can update the reading list here). You can also create your own reading list here. This page is updated in the first days of each month, at least.
Papers and articles discussed on the Economic Logic blog. Please note that this list is not maintained by Jeffrey Banks. Jeff passed away in 2000 and I maintain his RePEc author profile in his honor.

All papers and articles were discussed on Economic Logic blog. The list is organized by month, and each blog post is linked to. You may still join the discussion even if the post may appear old.

This list is not maintained any more, now that does it automatically. See here.

March 2012

Do people know what the Taylor Rule is?

On the advantages of hiring undocumented workers

ncreasing public debt is a consequence of financial liberalization and inequality

Why do people let life insurance policies lapse?

The perpetual lag of macroeconomics teaching

Religion and the quality of public institutions

About the strange response of consumers to gas tax increases

Currency unions and trade

We all have self-centered beliefs about others

Inter-provincial risk sharing in China

Why Scandinavian social policies work

Unemployment insurance only for the rich

Women do not patent

Stock market trader inattention and major sports events

    repec:ecb:ecbwps:20111424 is not listed on IDEAS

The cost of US fiscal imbalance

Are poor American voters disenfranchised to improve long term growth?

    repec:pra:mprapa:22023 is not listed on IDEAS

About the cult of statistical significance

Why encourage more students to choose scientific careers?

How to regulate prostitution

How thieving elites can prevent rebellions

February 2012

Economists lie more

Nation building and economic growth

Ctrl-C Ctrl-V papers

Country size and the unemployment rate

Divorce risk is good for the savings rate

The housing bubble: fooled by efficiency

Risk preferences are heterogeneous across countries

Why are the poor more generous?

The Econophysics of migration

Understanding Chinese household savings

Coping with the crisis in transition and developing countries

The econophysics of religion

On the advantages of open-source econometrics

Shopping hours competition

Fiscal policy and climate change

Tax rates over the business cycle

Being landlocked and making it worse

How to fight corruption

The deadweight loss of gift certificates

    repec:dgr:uvatin:20120002 is not listed on IDEAS

Obese self-discriminators

Egoistic giving

January 2012

House prices and consumption: how model specification matters

Exchange rate modelling: is the random walk beatable?

About fertility declines in wars

The impact of poor scheduling of international football tournaments on English GCSE results

Women's rights and economic growth

Detection of wage under-reporting

The tyranny of the (secessionist) minority

    repec:ieb:wpaper:2011/12/doc2011-40 is not listed on IDEAS

Pregnant women should not fast during Ramadan

A history of national accounting

Reclassification risk in health insurance

How public debt has been liquidated

Economics and facts

    repec:bfi:wpaper:2011-006 is not listed on IDEAS

Differentiated carbon taxation

On advances in econometric orthography

Why India should let engineers and doctors emigrate

The corporate tax Laffer curve

On the ineffectiveness of a fiscal stimulus

Male circumcision and risky sexual behavior

Athletes are more competitive, but also more destructively envious

Are government workers more motivated?

More on the long term consequence of slavery in Africa

December 2011

On the superiority of secularism

Recessions are costly

Why the young demand more social insurance than older generations

Precaution versus prudence

    repec:imf:imfwpa:11/253 is not listed on IDEAS

Malthus visits Rwanda

On the mobility of academics in Europe

The surprisingly low border effect of the BigMac

The recent collapse in the trade of durable goods

The history of negative nominal interest rates

Measuring optimists and pessimists

Anonymous applications on the Economics PhD market. Really?

Banking crises and income inequality

One more argument for taxing unhealthy activities

Social security and the increase in US health care costs

Risk taking and the menstrual cycle

    repec:ecl:ucdeco:11-10 is not listed on IDEAS repec:ecl:ucdeco:11-9 is not listed on IDEAS

Are economists not humble enough?

Which childhood sport is more promising for labor market outcomes

The best solution: carbon taxes

How much tax evasion is there in the US?

Hurrican damage and climate change

Why more bad mortgages? Too much reliance on credit scores

November 2011

How much does race contribute to poverty in South Africa?

Are payroll tax cuts efficient?

Corruption and the exchange rate regime

When random taxation is better

How to get fair elections in new democracies

How societies can collapse

Meta-analyzing the price puzzle

When should a child start school?

The excessive taxation of married couples in Italy

Growth by saturation

Non-conformism in academia

About beer

    repec:lic:licosd:29411 is not listed on IDEAS

Miss sharing with future generations? You are not missing much

    repec:ner:tilbur:urn:nbn:nl:ui:12-4960700 is not listed on IDEAS

Physiology and Malthus

Acquiring a firm for its workforce

Why is funeral insurance so popular in Africa?

Why top MBA programs do not disclose grades

Adaptive versus rational expectations

    repec:pri:cepsud:1334 is not listed on IDEAS

Is index-based weather insurance useful?

Unemployment insurance in developing economies?

October 2011

Religion as an insurance mechanism against aggregate shocks

Individual characteristics are more important for academic success in university

Contracts with empty promises

Seemingly unrelated regressions and lamb carcasses

A market for IP addresses

Women prefer cooperative work environments

On job loss estimates from regulation

Family firms are like public employers

Using energy taxes to dampen energy price fluctuations

The imperfect market for re-insurance

Spain: an eventful history of economic crises

Is this what Republicans are really about?

    repec:aia:ginidp:dp8 is not listed on IDEAS

No convergence in the Caribbean

Better GDP estimates

Has the Internet reduced job market frictions?

Economists' political bias and model choice

Marx and Solow

Politicians and leisure

Mandatory health insurance and informality

About a (partial) return to the gold standard

Monetary and fiscal policy cooperation in a liquidity trap

September 2011

Should small businesses be encouraged?

On the size of cities

Bruno Frey's academic utopia

Ethnic heterogeneity and natural disasters

The Internet makes you happy

One more perversion of employer-based health insurance

The fall of internal migration

Pricing Asian options

    repec:bot:quadip:111 is not listed on IDEAS

Greening production through information

Economic freedom and prisons

More on institutions and growth

Who spent the 2001 Bush tax rebate?

Why is blackmail costly?

Near rational agents and house price booms

The impact of fiscal uncertainty

The polygyny-slave trade connection

Econophysics: an introduction

    repec:arx:papers:1108.0977 is not listed on IDEAS

Progesa: a success story thanks to academics

Emotions in economic interactions

Taking peak oil seriously

Are income-contingent loans for higher education feasible?

August 2011

Make social security contributions more visible

Tax reform: Politics has more weight than Economics

Market failure and political outcomes

    repec:cep:stieop:29 is not listed on IDEAS

Was medieval seigniorage welfare improving?

How to tax addictions

    repec:vuw:vuwecf:1673 is not listed on IDEAS

Keep CEOs off outside boards

Teenage achievement and the house price bubble

File sharing and the structure of the music market

Trust in private money

Public consumption and the business cycle

Job referrals can be more efficient than open search

Penis size and growth

Sustainable retirement pension reform?

Procrastination in team work

Has the US economic policy been Keynesian for centuries?

Land titling and access to credit

Convergence in recessions

What if the US looses its reserve currency privilege?

    repec:cuf:wpaper:435 is not listed on IDEAS

About very large risk aversion estimates

Aid and remittances as hedges against food price shocks

How is China now planning its economy?

    repec:pri:cepsud:1318 is not listed on IDEAS

Policy risk and the business cycle

July 2011

Referee home bias

Do unemployed and employed compete for the same jobs?

Kuznets in a post-industrial world

Trade constraints of developing countries

How not to think about class struggles

We are turning into a rentier society again

Obesity on the German labor market

Is it cheaper to live in poor economies?

Public pensions are not sustainable, even in Norway

Should we encourage business ownership?

Razor innovation in macroeconomics

Should immigration quotas be traded?

The welfare gain from inflation targeting

The military draft, mortality and education

The Internet did not raise a generation of loners

How should I lie?

State-owned banks in the US?

Animals as forecasters

Fiscal policy as insurance

Do Italians trust the television or the judges?

The child quality/quantity trade-off in the Industrial Revolution

June 2011

Do not waste degrees of freedom with macro data

Venezuela's downfall

Energy spending and household poverty

Education for gifted students: all for nothing?

Property rights and natural resources

What is a sticky price?

The marital college premium

    repec:clu:wpaper:1011-04 is not listed on IDEAS

Inattention and bank overdrafts

Mission drift in microfinance?

Socialist economies smooth better the cycle

The daycare assignment problem

The economic behavior of bees

Economic education and opinions about free markets

The pitfalls of $1 CEO salaries

What is the value of research?

The high welfare cost of small information failures

Pollution has an impact on worker productivity

Does it make sense to subsidize biofuels?

Shortsightedness and tariffs

Should voting be compulsory?

Seat belts lead to safer driving

Risk-free rate tax deductions

May 2011

Minimum wage and tax evasion

What is a macroeconomic model?

Medical expenditure and technology growth

Higher local sale tax leads to more local retail activity

The demand for theater

Negotiate drug price and availability jointly

    repec:ner:dauphi:urn:hdl:123456789/5987 is not listed on IDEAS

Entrepreneurs need an educated workforce

The shoe-leather cost of inflation is minimal

Transfers to mothers may hurt children

Is chocolate milk hip?

Charter cities and colonialism

Compartmentalized thinking in personal finances

Students hate good teachers

Are PhD dissertations lagging the research frontier?

Could the Shadow Open Market Committee have outperfomed the Fed?

Who gains from public higher education?

Information with negative value

As expected, lottery players are not rational

Does hosting Olympic Games matter after all?

Cross-border banking and financial stability

Should there be international trade in pollution rights?

April 2011

On the ethics of research cloning

Using public firms to regulate the environment

An empirical nail in the coffin of Calvo pricing

Economists did see the bubble coming

Trust and the business cycle

Entrepreneurship and finger length

    repec:eui:euiwps:eco2011/01 is not listed on IDEAS

The key to understand money: vacations

How to kill growth: corruption and large military

Should universities focus on teaching or research?

Crime on the job and the business cycle

On the perception of time

  • Aadland, David & Shaffer, Sherrill, 2010. "Time Compression," MPRA Paper 29298, University Library of Munich, Germany.
    • David Aadland & Sherrill Shaffer, 2012. "Time Compression," CAMA Working Papers 2012-28, Centre for Applied Macroeconomic Analysis, Crawford School of Public Policy, The Australian National University.

Is homework worth the time?

On banning Youtube at work

The role of independent fiscal watchdogs

Optimal securitization

Search effort under mass unemployment

    repec:pri:cepsud:1295 is not listed on IDEAS

Why American politicians lie

Paying farmers for landscaping

The curse of the more trustworthy gender

Why are Europe and the US so different in terms of regulation?

    repec:lic:licosd:27611 is not listed on IDEAS

Waiting for the perfect job does not work

The impact of the extension of unemployment insurance benefits in the US

March 2011

Who is rational?

Fraud cycles

Which are the most efficient universities?

Fertility differences and agricultural techniques

What influences Fed presidents?

You want to restrict bankers' pay

Modelling without theory

The spaceship problem

The impact of job search monitoring

Fertility and self-control

Rent seeking in divorce

Properly weighting social welfare functions

Health cults in ancient Greece

Peer effects in education

On the decline of the US manufacturing wage

Using the WTO to overcome a prisoner's dilemma

Designing matching mechanisms in medieval times

The smart children of vengeance

Another French experiment with work hours going bad

Seasonal adjustment is difficult

Does it make sense to open new universities?

Latin American home owners are happier, unlike US ones

Affirmative action and stereotypes

February 2011

Feet vs. ballots in local policy choices

Are hot teachers better teachers?

What inflation target to set

Publish school performance information!

Does part-time employment increase firm productivity?

How to best increase organ donations

How to finance housing in Islamic economies

Price points, good diversity and price rigidity

The investment-consumption correlation

If anything goes wrong, it has to be the central banks

Heterodox money

Fiat money, 1683

Are minimum wages attracting immigrants?

Minimum wages in Nicaragua

Monopoly in health insurance is better

The impact of credit card cash-backs

Want more FDI in Africa? Get a foreign-trained leader

On the wisdom of Groupon

A neolithic prisonner's dilemma

A driving median voter reduces gas taxes

January 2011

Behaviorial economics is futile so far

On the emergence of money

Smokers and the smoking ban: some hate it because they quit

Breastfeeding and cognitive skills

Unskilled workers stay unskilled

How not to distribute research funds

    repec:cte:werepe:we1032 is not listed on IDEAS

Optimal aging

Revenue sharing in rock bands

    repec:eca:wpaper:2013/69468 is not listed on IDEAS

Spain: how to mess with the labor market

Towards better growth accounting

Should food prices influence monetary policy?

Do professional sports teams belong on the stock market?

Journal editors are poor selectors of best papers

The psychology of the equity risk premium

Are wars rational?

Interest-only mortgages and house price bubbles

Is there really no selection bias in laboratory experiments?

Time for an agricultural revolution in Africa?

An analysis of the oldest auction in history

Markets under-value fuel economy for new cars

Are payday loans any good?

December 2010

The impact of poor climate

How to fight tax evasion

    repec:stn:sotoec:1018 is not listed on IDEAS

Are consumption taxes more equitable?

How not to encourage home ownership


Suicide in happy places

The economics of swinging

Employer-provided health insurance is not that bad

The international flow of doctorates

Syphilis cannot be eradicated

Given free Internet to the unemployed

Trying to justify IS-LM

Property rights and the tragedy of the commons

How to measure governance

Football has an impact on college quality

Maximizing the Human Development Index

Employment protection and migration

Why is the Chinese savings rate so high?

    repec:hae:wpaper:2010-11 is not listed on IDEAS

The Dalai Lama effect on international trade

Are military expenses good for growth?

Money demand: financial adjustment cost, not cash-in-advance

How to manage rents from non-renewable resources

November 2010

On the consequences of slavery

Price rigidity all wrong

Financial development and fertility

Being rationally agnostic

    repec:unr:wpaper:10-005 is not listed on IDEAS

A balanced budget in the US constitution, really?

How to compensate the short-lived

The welfare gain from age-dependent taxation

Mergers and tax competition

Privatization-nationalization cycles

Online dating and the business cycle

Marginal returns of education policies

Irregular phenomena and the macroeconomics research agenda

US house prices have to fluctuate more than elsewhere

Academia vs. university

The impact of Oprah's book club

Was Malthus wrong about mortality?

Starve the beast?

Public pensions should not be fully funded

    repec:cdl:ucsbec:1591441 is not listed on IDEAS

An unexpected consequence of crises: birth weight loss

Pre-industrial revolution England did not grow, but was rich

Employer-based health insurance and growth

About envy

October 2010

Sovereign debt and the age pyramid

Public employees are better paid for a reason

Are we born altruistic?

Why do so few people buy long-term care insurance?

So, how large is the equity premium?

Why should marriages be eternal contracts?

    repec:pse:psecon:2010-24 is not listed on IDEAS

Minimum wages and youth unemployment

Copyright and the lack of competition in academic publishing

Rethinking college tuition and student loans

Household size heterogeneity and the representative agent

Brawn, gender and human capital investment

The origin of the demographic transition

More on the credit card puzzle

Should human capital be taxed?

What makes people save?

Economic thinking in Bulgaria after the fall of the Berlin Wall

How good is the Big Mac index?

September 2010

Luminosity as an indicator of economic activity

Overinvestment in financial expertise

    repec:dgr:kubcen:201087s is not listed on IDEAS

Women stay longer

Men last longer

Why Greece will never make it: self-fulfilling expectations about social security

When should amniocentesis be performed?

Worker overconfidence and unemployment duration

Pennsylvania liquor stores are welfare maximizing

How big are welfare stigma?

Is fair trade unfair?

How to raise government revenue: tax bling bling, but subsidize hip hop?

Trade theorems revisited

The problem with experimental economics: people are weird

C{A|R}RA utility

    repec:dgr:kubcen:201081 is not listed on IDEAS

Large plants and distance to customers

Bubbles with collateral and infinite credit

It is difficult to measure poverty

    repec:unu:wpaper:wp2010-74 is not listed on IDEAS

The iPhone must have an exclusive carrier

    repec:reg:wpaper:599 is not listed on IDEAS

Studying migration with experiments

    repec:crm:wpaper:201017 is not listed on IDEAS

Growth success in Africa: firms become smaller

The Great Depression: demand or supply shocks?

    repec:san:cdmawp:1013 is not listed on IDEAS

August 2010

The mysterious rise of absenteeism in Norway

Are New Economic Geography models any good?

ow to solve the Kyoto and Copenhagen climate gridlocks

The falling college premium in Spain

How can very small economies survive?

Why road pricing is so difficult to impose

The economics of piracy in Somalia

The strange dynamics of faculty merit pay

Homosexuals and savings

Women's rights and development

The economics of compartments

Laws and attitudes: which comes first?

What makes a great journal in Economics?

How good is it to have a stable banking sector?

The impact of political violence on tourism

Is live or Internet instruction better?

Does faculty quality matter for PhDs?

How high in the true US unemployment rate?

Veiling bans can be counterproductive

Business research is as out of focus as Economics

July 2010

Did modern growth kill inheritances?

    repec:pse:psecon:2010-12 is not listed on IDEAS

Energy taxes and employment

Globalization and the size of the public sector

Immigrants and crime

Social conflict and endogenous growth

Deviations from PPP: a micro-macro disconnect?

Offering childcare to unemployed actually helps

Free university does not improve achievement equality

The impact of taxing plastic bags

Does regulating alcohol reduce crime?

The crisis and the loss of Bourgeois values

Vernon Smith discovers the business cycle

Are academics still dysfunctional in Italy?

What if a cohort lives too long?

Becker's marriage market cum sociology

Make good grades costly to teachers

Even coercion is Pareto efficient

Multiple equilibria in environmental policy

Richard Wagner's Lohengrin and game theory

    repec:ner:ucllon: is not listed on IDEAS

June 2010

Vegetarianism and income

Health, growth and small samples

Making Sen's capacity approach functional

Smoking ban or cigarette taxation?

Publish school rankings, and bad schools improve

Natural resources, rent seeking and civil war

Politically feasible reform of social security

Minority protection and mass killings

Expectations and the employment effect of minimum wages

About the impact of anticipated tax changes

Overconfident CEOs are better

How to price museum visits

How to tax covert child labor

Fight AIDS with life insurance

US households under-estimate gains from fuel efficiency

The impact of annual report language on firms

An economic model of God

Today's students are lazy

Religious sacrifices in the lab

Are ignorant managers better?

On the cost of financial crises

Are bubbles observable?

May 2010

How to avoid academic deadwood

Repo runs

Filtering scholarly information

Ideological segregation is low on the internet

When voting is not optimal

Peer alcohol consumption and adolescent sexual activity

Does the minimum wage raise employment?

Why volunteer?

Less competition is good for insurance

Why recent tax rebates did not work

The parental home as unemployment insurance

Technocrats vs. Referenda

A measure of guilt

Saving pensions with conditional benefits

How to remove tax distortions with revenue neutrality

Reciprocity in blogging networks

Increasing trade by creating more borders

Timing death with tax changes

University endowment shocks and resource allocation

Mafia, education, and emigration

    repec:bai:series:wp0028 is not listed on IDEAS

Expectation-driven business cycles

April 2010

Doing Calvo all wrong

Earth magnetism and the crisis

You are more trustworthy if you are drunk

Olympic Games have no long-term impact on employment

Physics envy?

The point of not overdoing entrepreneurship favoritism

Forecasting with CGE models

Bounded rationality or limited information?

Why less educated mothers have children from different fathers

Optimizing patent law design is hard, why not drop it

What is legal tender

How could price risk hedging be bad for producers?

    repec:bwp:bwppap:11309 is not listed on IDEAS

About the persistence of gender roles

Why do daughters have a more positive impact on parents than sons?

The disadvantage of being incumbent

Local academic research is good for firm R&D

    repec:ner:leuven:urn:hdl:123456789/252486 is not listed on IDEAS

How to become a successful French chef

About the impact of environmental product regulation on the environment in the North and the South

Further evidence on the profit motive of churches

Managing money in a centrally planned economy is hard

Accounting for moderate religion

Do not cut unemployment insurance benefits, shorten eligibility

March 2010

Measuring seasonality

The green paradox

Static innovation

Saving social security by allowing older workers to work more

Neoliberalism and the Church

Binge drinking, drink type and dangerous behavior

The trouble with single respondents in household surveys

Compact cities a better for the environment, mostly

Why criticize modern macro when you do not follow modern macro?

Family values and labor market regulation

Why Japanese farms are so small

    repec:eab:develo:897 is not listed on IDEAS

Is birthright citizenship any good?

Biases from returnees in experimental economics

  • Pablo Guillen & Róbert F. Veszteg, 2010. "Raising "lab rats"," ThE Papers 09/11, Department of Economic Theory and Economic History of the University of Granada..

How simultaneously borrowing and saving can be rational

Savings and religion

Facts for heterogeneous agent macroeconomics

Should Economics adopt methods from Physics?

Growth and democratic change: there is no free lunch

Inequality and growth

Price discrimination drives industry leaders to further innovate

Lowering crime: police versus redistribution

Tall people get paid more despite sedentary work

February 2010

Posting calories in restaurants is Pareto improving

Why boards keep bad CEOs

Audit the Federal Reserve?

Does estate taxation matter at all?

How not to model transition economies

The Boris Becker effect

How to reduce the brain drain in the medical sector

Divorce and the happiness gap

Should we own our children?

The demand elasticity of prescription drugs

Lords, bondage, Hegel, and ... the US-China current acount balance

When ad avoidance backfires

Nowcasting: recession ended in July 2009

National drought insurance

Open platforms versus cartels in professional sports leagues

Smoking bans versus tobacco taxation

Discouting with uncertain discount rates

Lottery wins and health

Why families?

Even producer prices are flexible

January 2010

Introduce real time electricity pricing?

The debt that would not disappear

Currency denomination does not matter for exports

The proliferation of journals and desk rejects

Advertising and GDP

Willingness to pay for bird conservation

Why growth regressions are so scary

After all, not that much moral hazard in unemployment insurance?

Borrowing constraints and (seasonal) famines

Does voting for an inefficient government make sense?

Girls are as competitive as boys

Is it good to have a college in town?

Do not buy American

Africa was underpopulated

Transcontinental experimental economics

How much to save for retirement

Prices are not rigid in the UK, too

Economists are less generous, but not by indoctrination

    repec:udb:wpaper:uwec-2009-20 is not listed on IDEAS

College fraternities and the labor market

Charities: competition vs. the social planner

December 2009

The development cost of informality and low debt enforcement

Life expectancy, quality of the environment, and mutliple equilibria

Wages in high-end prostitution

    repec:clu:wpaper:0809-16 is not listed on IDEAS

Are wages really that rigid?

Sex choice and poverty

    repec:clu:wpaper:0910-04 is not listed on IDEAS

Drinking and Sex

Why the Catholic Church should not abolish celibacy for priests

Divorce and labor division in the household

Local authorities under-invest in disaster prevention

Is education bad for growth?

The gold standard as a commitment technology

Should old women pay for the health of old men?

Gay couples are different, even on the labor market

Why is Argentina poorer than Canada?

File sharing is welfare enhancing

What intertemporal policy objective to take?

The changing selectivity of US colleges

Television, the root of the crisis?

We need public data on general trustworthiness

Do rising top incomes mean higher growth?

The loss aversion of economic forecasters

November 2009

Optimal unemployment insurance monitoring

Why third generation immigrants earn less

How people pick a good wine

What do Economics graduate students think?

Policy inertia through educational elites

On the optimality of longevity?

Are school uniforms useful?

    repec:hou:wpaper:2009-03 is not listed on IDEAS

Are ethnic differences across nations relevant?

Do big boxes displace mom-and-pop stores?

Play with your colleagues, and write a paper about your experience

The international movement of euro coins

On the impact of religion on social trust

Are school lunch subsidies useful?

Do remittances help growth back home?

Program evaluation: estimation vs. simulation

    repec:imf:imfwpa:09/187 is not listed on IDEAS

How to forecast inflation in Sudan

Many people do not plan ahead

Are children a source of happiness or not?

Is crime a habit?

Growth leads to savings, not vice-versa

Houses are a poor way to share risk

October 2009

Longevity and the cost of health

Model uncertainty and portfolio management

Want more babies? Reduce public debt

Calvo pricing is a costly assumption

    repec:hum:wpaper:sfb649dp2009-042 is not listed on IDEAS

Isolation and development

Competition, property rights and credit

Shorter copyrights stimulate artistic creation

Dealing with pet overpopulation

A new look at the Laffer curve

Stock spams work

Why are bad mortgages not renegociated?

Why it is foolish to tax outsourced goods

Better incentives for CEOs, and mutual fund managers, too

Technology shocks and hours: it is the identification, stupid!

Low labor market attachment and disability insurance, some expected relationships

Traffic safety, obesity, and ... organ donations

Climate change and non-committal governments

    repec:san:wpecon:0909 is not listed on IDEAS

Rents differ markedly from user costs in the US

    repec:bls:wpaper:ec080080 is not listed on IDEAS

Gas taxes are still the best option to reduce CO2 emissions

Are women really more generous?

Measuring the peace dividend

September 2009

The efficient allocation of slaves in Korea

Fair labor income tax and human capital accumulation

Terrorism reduces crime

Hurricane insurance needs to be government run

On the advantage of marriage over cohabitation

Entry on the labor market and social beliefs: the impact of recessions

Sweatshop equilibrium

Is hyperbolic discounting rational?

Predicting oil prices from interest in electric cars

Child labor and trade liberalization

The punishment of unemployment insurance cheaters

Family environment and IQ

How to select presidential candidates based on their biography

Cattle as self-insurance in modern economies

About estate subsidies and capital income taxation

Religiosity and risky behavior

Placement officers can lower unemployment

Optimal deposit insurance

Rational procrastination

People are nasty

Optimal irrationality

Why all the fuss about business cycles?

August 2009

Competition is key to getting good politicians

The long-term impact of hurricanes

Unemployment: Culture matters more than policy

Strategic tax auditing

Saving for the nursing home and aggregate capital

Risk taking and the menstrual cycle

Intellectual protection should be decreasing, not increasing

Why are so many elderly widows living alone?

Mortgage innovation was good for home ownership

Limit foreigners in sports leagues

Open source and private firms can coexist

One more argument against banning child labor

Using oaths to elicit true preferences

How well does the flat tax work?

The industrial organization of extortion

Public pensions vs. public investment

Explaining high unemployment and low mobility in Europe

The impact of wage subsidies

Patriotism and tax compliance

July 2009

Education, natural resources and corruption

How to discount time for climate change policies

Can migration be Pareto optimal?

Forecasting with DSGE models

Credit markets and the persistence of unemployment

A large US current account deficit is normal

Unemployment insurance and work ethic

When to bribe with sex

Risk aversion is learned behavior

Automatic fiscal discipline

Are the sick or the rich retiring early?

Optimal doping testing

Measuring unemployment with Google

June 2009

Housing market boom-bust cycles and monetary policy

Reproducing business cycle features: what for?

What makes you happy? Expectations

Did railroads induce or follow economic growth?

Why so much teenage sex?

Brain drain and brain backflow: nothing to do with economic factors

Institutions do not affect the business cycle

Measuring centuries of numerical literacy

Encouraging early retirement does not increase youth employment

    repec:ran:wpaper:679 is not listed on IDEAS

Where most of tax avoidance happens: small business owners

Savings rates and public pensions in China

    repec:hhs:bofitp:2009_002 is not listed on IDEAS

Expected earnings do not matter for post-secondary studies

Poor macroeconomics of money market freezes

The case for independent statistical agencies

Regulation and the financial crisis

When matching markets go crazy

We need public and private research and development

Again: tax, do not subsidize

Ponzi and regulation

    repec:imf:imfwpa:09/95 is not listed on IDEAS

Student aid and duration and success of study

May 2009

Who buys online porn?

Structural product rating and sensitivity to mismeasurement

Estate taxation is good, end the debate

Same-sex marriage and democracy

Traffic fines, safety and revenue

Class size and student performance: major pitfalls in measurement

Yes, tax capital income

Risk sharing among states: Canada does it well

    repec:pra:mprapa:15206 is not listed on IDEAS

How to insure against natural disasters in the absence of insurance

The Bible and the price volatility

How to best auction natural resources

Sharing NIMBY

The value of virginity

Who benefits from agricultural subsidies?

The proper way to create education vouchers

Mom should stay at home

April 2009

Safe haven currencies

Welfare-to-work programs work, sort of

Taxing drunk drivers

Minimum wages and the stickiness of restaurant prices

Cheaper daycare, more kids

    repec:ieb:wpaper:2009/10/doc2009-2 is not listed on IDEAS

Development economics needs to refocus on theory

Tax political contributions

Credit rating inflation and naive investors

A little money gets people to exercice in the long term

    repec:cdl:ucsbec:11-08 is not listed on IDEAS

March 2009

College major choice by gender: market outcomes matter more than interest

Does home production matter for income inequality?

Pork-barrel cycles

The curse of the swing voter

A poor test for scientific bias in peer review

Housing is not the business cycle

The subtle strategies of early college admissions

Smart parents, smart kids?

Catch-22 for publish-and-perish

Macroeconomics needs more microfoundations than microeconomics

Rethinking the labor matching function

Should we adopt solar energy before it is more efficient than fuel energy?

How to fight terrorism and suicide bombers in particular

The Great Moderation hides a lot of volatility

Lead papers are not particularly better

Genetic diversity and development

Do new drugs reduce medical costs?

    repec:pra:mprapa:13628 is not listed on IDEAS

February 2009

One rationale for the public provision of public goods

How to increase employment, and at what cost

Self-confidence and self-employment

    repec:pra:mprapa:9811 is not listed on IDEAS

Democracy and public good provision

Minimum wages and optimal taxes

Gender based taxation

Subprime borrowers make stupid financial decisions

Momentum traders and the housing market bubble

Who bears the cost of fluctuations?

What households are financially sophisticated?

Private charity vs. government support

What can we learn from Barbados?

Credit card payment fees need regulation

    repec:dnb:dnbwpp:197 is not listed on IDEAS

January 2009

Commuting is critical for female labor participation

Competing schools are more efficient

Heterogeneity is crucial for business cycle models

Labor supply elasticity: micro versus macro estimates

Income makes happy after all

Fairness, culture and selfish American men

People overvalue their own homes

The economics major in a liberal education

Restaurants are not the cause of the obesity epidemic

    repec:cdl:agrebk:1056 is not listed on IDEAS

Why you lost the office pool

For development, institutions matter more than endowments

    repec:ris:snbwpa:2008_008 is not listed on IDEAS

Brain drains can be beneficial

Lending to the borrower from hell

December 2008

New insights on optimal unemployment insurance

Transfers: cash or in-kind?

The impact of leader assassinations on institutions

Why do Europeans work so little?

Cost of default on sovereign debt

Sexism and university administrators

The cost of corruption

What are unemployed people doing with their time?

    repec:pri:indrel:1062 is not listed on IDEAS repec:pri:indrel:1070 is not listed on IDEAS

Looking for Giffen

We are impatient because our brains are schizophrenic

November 2008

Undersaving governments

Marry our daughter

Are democracies good for peace?

National flag color and well-being

Fair marriages are impossible

War was good

The advantage of being tall

Cheap talk matters

October 2008

The minimum wage lowers wages

Social security and immigration policy cycles

Victoria, Sex and the City and why women get married

Blanchard's sad state of macroeconomics

Generalized fraud on Wall Street

Red-shirting the first grade, a good idea?

Is skill-biased technological change driving education improvements?

On adult literacy in the United States

Why are stocks dropping so fast?

What faculty spend their time on

Why is prostitution so well paid?

September 2008

What is a CEO worth?

Polls are useless

Voting with your feet

Income and Democrady

The electoral college and candidate attention

Guarding the guardians

Building trust

Spite and development

Rest unemployment

What are unemployeds doing with their time?

Who becomes a suicide bomber?

The Economics of toilet cleaning

Women in politics

On the dispersion in price rigidities

How to make soccer more exciting

How much did marketization of home production contribute to GDP?

Soft budget constraints may be optimal

Single mothers and Stackelberg games

August 2008

Are preferences stable?

Directed labor search and the cycle

The rise of Europe, the standstill of Asia

What is an MBA worth?

Regulating private money

How can housing bubbles happen?

Optimal portfolios for retirement

Why three medals at the Olympics?

Who will win the Olympics?

Why are retirees not buying annuities?

July 2008

The Economics of toilet seats

Zimbabwe: how to beat hyperinflation

On-the-job search and exploding wages

Neuroeconomics: the nanofoundations of economics

On the pitfalls of institutional reform in developing economies

The evil of virtual inflation

June 2008

Becoming President of the US: a good face is enough

The impact of credit constraints

A Stern Review of Pascal's Wager

On low probability catastrophic events

Politicizing markets: the India example

May 2008

The 19th century westward expansion of the U.S.

The Baby Boom and World War II

April 2008

Taxing the Workalcoholics

GDP is not everything

Zambia on the verge of a Dutch disease?

US environmental policy: going nowhere

Does productivity growth reduce unemployment?

Why do people vote?

Why is gold valued?

Social security reform is possible

March 2008


Free, and yet better than costly goods: open source software

Global imbalances and sliding dollar, is the US doomed?

Prices are not rigid

Taxes, everything is relative

Quebec's failed daycare policy

February 2008

Dual price systems

Time to ditch Calvo Pricing

The long term effect of slavery on Africa

January 2008

Why buying a lottery ticket may be rational

The credit card debt puzzle

The Bush fiscal stimulus and Ricardo

Men, start grooming!

Is Jeff Sachs wrong again?

Impressions about depressions

December 2007


The dead weight loss of Christmas

Congestion Charge, the London Experience

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