- DTE 649 Status of Women in Economics: Mexico
by Eva O. Arceo-Gómez - DTE 648 Gender Stereotypes and Homophily in Team Formation
by Antonio Cabrales & Lorenzo Ductor & Ericka Rascon-Ramirez & Ismael Rodriguez-Lara - DTE 647 Choosing Democracy Over Party? How Civic Education Can Mitigate the Anti-Democratic Effects of Partisan Polarization
by Melek Hilal Eroglu & Steven Finkel & Anja Neundorf & Aykut Ozturk & Ericka G. Rascon-Ramirez - DTE 646 Effort Provision in Peer Groups
by Isabel Melguizo & Sergio Tovar - DTE 645 Import Competition and Educational Attainment: Evidence from the China Shock in Mexico
by Francisco Cabrera-Hernandez & Mateo Hoyos & Emmanuel Chavez
- DTE 644 La concentración histórica del sistema bancario mexicano: estructura y ciclos
by Gustavo A. Del Angel & Manuel E. Prado Cedano - DTE 643 Sobre la relación entre la inclusión financiera y la movilidad social de las personas
by Gustavo A. Del Angel - DTE 642 The Barcelona Football Club: A Different Referee Bias Case?
by Fausto Hernández-Trillo & Aaron Zaragoza - DTE 641 Diffusion of mobile banking among rural women: Incentivizing local leaders vs. a marketing campaign
by Pablo Brañas-Garza & Jaromír Kovárík & Ericka G. Rascon-Ramirez - DTE 640 The Legal and Real Incidence of VAT Reforms in Mexico: Distributional Effects and Impacts on Poverty
by Aldair Rivas & Emmanuel Chavez & Irvin Rojas & Aaron Zaragoza - DTE 639 Pandemic and SMEs in an emerging country
by Hernán Bejarano & Pedro Hancevic & Héctor Núñez - DTE 638 Tariffs and Growth: Heterogeneity by Economic Structure
by Mateo Hoyos - DTE 637 The Hidden Costs of Tariff Misclassification: Structural Winners and Losers
by Hector Sandoval & Pedro Hancevic & Hernán Bejarano - DTE 636 Pro-Environmental Values and Energy Practices in Mexican Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: Insights from the New Ecological Paradigm
by Hernán Bejarano & Pedro Hancevic & Yadira Peralta - DTE 635 When Prices Go Awry: the Effects of an Oil Price Bust in a Subnational Oil-Producing Economy
by Gerardo Juárez & Emmanuel Chávez & Irvin Rojas - DTE 634 Monetary Policy in Emerging Markets under Global Uncertainty
by Juan R. Hernández & Mateo Hoyos & Daniel Ventosa-Santaulària - DTE 633 Exploring Executive Bargaining Dynamics: An Empirical Investigation
by Sonia B. Di Giannatale & Itza Tlaloc Quetzalcoatl Curiel-Cabral & Genaro Basulto - DTE 632 Using stated preference responses to address endogeneity in the single site travel cost equation
by Adan L. Martinez Cruz & Yadira Elizabeth Peralta Torres & Valeria Garcia Olivera
- DTE 631 La pandemia de COVID-19 y la vida financiera de los mexicanos. Nota de investigación sobre la evidencia de la ENIF 2021
by Gustavo A. Del Angel & Silvia María De Hoyos - DTE 630 The Dynamics of Bargaining Power in a Principal-Agent Model
by Sonia B. Di Giannatale & Itza Tlaloc Quetzalcoatl Curiel-Cabral & Genaro Basulto
- DTE 629 Diverse Opinions and Obfuscation through Hard Evidence in Voting Environments
by Antonio Jiménez-Martínez & Isabel Melguizo-López
- DTE 628 Making Friends: the Role of Assortative Interests and Capacity Constraints
by Antonio Jiménez-Martínez & Isabel Melguizo-López - DTE 627 Geopolitics and diplomacy: México's 1942 foreign debt settlement
by Gustavo A. Del Angel & Lorena Pérez-Hernández - DTE 626 Government Intervention in Rural Insurance and Reinsurance Markets in Mexico, 1940-2000
by Gustavo A. Del Angel
- DTE 625 Persuasion under "Aspect-Restricted" Experimentation
by Antonio Jiménez-Martínez
- DTE 606 The technology Gradient in the Market Economy
by David Mayer-Foulkes & Kurt A. Hafner - DTE 603 Stochastic Frontiers and Technical Efficiency of Local Public Expenditure in Mexico
by Alejandro U. Becerra Ornelas & Héctor M. Núñez
- DTE 605 Complejidad, competitividad e innovación en los estados mexicanos: La urgencia de una Política Industrial integral y diferenciada
by Kurt Unger & Fernando Varela - DTE 602 El proceso de convergencia regional en México: un anáisis de la dinámica de transición bajo heterogeneidad estatal y temporal
by José Angel López González & Rodolfo Sócrates - DTE 601 On Efficient Information Aggregation Networks
by Antonio Jiménez-Martínez - DTE 600 Discrimination through "Versioning" with Advertising in Random Networks
by Antonio Jiménez-Martínez & Óscar González-Guerra - DTE 599 Evolución de la competitividad de los estados mexicanos en el siglo XXI ¿Quién gana o pierde?
by Kurt Unger - DTE 598 Optimal Transmission Planning under the Mexican New Electricity Market
by Juan Rosellón & Eric Zenón - DTE 597 Do industries pollute more in poorer neighborhoods? Evidence from toxic releasing plants in Mexico
by Lopamudra Chakraborti & Michael Margolis & José Jaime Sainz Santamaria - DTE 596 Are Land Values Related to Ambiet Air Pollution Levels? Hedonic Evidence from Mexico City
by Lopamudra Chakraborti & David Ricardo Heres & Danae Hernández Cortés - DTH 001 Symbioses imperative and convenient: The Evolution of Crony Capitalism in Puebla, Mexico, 1920-1940
by Andrew Paxman
- DTE 595 Innovación, Competitivad y Rentabilidad en los Sectores de la Economía Mexicana
by Kurt Unger - DTE 594 Is crime in Mexico a disamenity? Evidence from a hedonic valuation approach
by Hector Nuñez & Dusan Paredes & Rafael Garduño Rivera - DTE 593 How Does Explicit Discrimination in Job Ads Interact with Discrimination in Callbacks? Evidence form a Correspondence Study in Mexico City
by Eva O. Arceo-Gómez & Raymundo M. Campos-Vázquez - DTE 592 Inclusión financiera y el desarrollo económico de México
by Ricardo David Castañeda Orozco & David Juárez-Luna - DTE 591 Does Trade Imply Convergence? Analyzing The Effect of NAFTA on The Local Convergence in Mexico
by Alberto Díaz Dapena & Esteban Fernández Vázquez & Rafael Garduño Rivera & Fernando Rubiera Morollón - DTE 590 Pobreza, desigualdad y aprovechamiento de recursos naturales: Aproximaciones metodológicas desde la economía
by Alejandro López-Feldman - DTE 589 Alfabetismo financiero y matemáticas: un estudio entre jóvenes preparatorianos en México
by Alejandro Villagómez & José Antonio Hidalgo - DTE 588 Estimating the Technical Efficiency of Mexican States
by Antonio Álvarez-Pinilla & Rafael Garduño-Rivera & Héctor M. Núñez - DTE 587 Do Industries Pollute More in Poorer Neighborhoods? Evidence From Toxic Releasing Plants in Mexico
by Lopamudra Chakraborti & José Jaime Sainz Santamaría - DTE 586 La nueva política de innovación y competitividad Sectores, entidades y empresas líderes
by Kurt Unger - DTE 585 Impact of U.S. Biofuel Policy in the Presence of Drastic Climate Conditions
by Héctor M. Núñez & Andrés Trujillo-Barrera - DTE 584 Innovación y competitividad en una selección de los estados de México
by Kurt Unger - DTE 583 Competition and Bank Risk Taking in a Differntiated Oligopoly
by Kaniska Dam & Martín Basurto - DTE 582 Fundamentos de largo plazo de la crisis económica del 2008
by David Mayer Foulkes - DTE 581 Mass Production and Competition
by David Mayer Foulkes - DTE 579 Incentives and Competition in Microfinance
by Kaniska Dam & Prabal Roy Chowdhuri - DTE 577 An Assignment Model of Monitored Finance
by Arturo Antón-Sarabia & Kaniska Dam
- DTE 576 El efecto del alfabetismo financiero en el ahorro para el retiro en México
by F. Alejandro Villagómez & Alayn González - DTE 575 Alfabetismo financiero en jóvenes mexicanos de 15 a 18 años
by F. Alejandro Villagómez - DTE 574 Pensión proporcional y pensión universal: costo fiscal
by F. Alejandro Villagómez & Gabriel Dario Ramírez - DTE 573 Elite capture of democratic politics: the role of social identity
by David Juárez-Luna & Christian Ghiglino - DTE 572 A model of belief influence in large social networks
by Antonio Jiménez-Martínez - DTE 571 The challenge of market power under globalization
by David Arie Mayer-Foulkes - DTE 570 An economic analysis of transportation fuel policies in Brazil
by Héctor M. Núñez & Hayri Onal - DTE 569 Competitividad y Especialización en el Bajío Mexicano: ¿Acaso una región homogénea?
by Kurt Unger & Diana Flores & Lizet A. Pérez
- DTE 568 Economic Analysis of Theft Reporting: the Case of Mexico City
by Víctor Gerardo Carreón Rodríguez & Jorge L. García-Menéndez - DTE 567 Cooperation among Strangers in the Presence of Defectors: An Experimental Study
by Luciana Cecilia Moscoso Boedo & Lucia Quesada & Marcela Tarazona - DTE 566 Política Monetaria Estadounidense y Tipo De Cambio Real en México, 1996-2012
by Rodolfo Cermeño & Mario Negrete García - DTE 565 Regímenes Monetarios y Volatilidad del Tipo de Cambio Real: El Caso Peruano, 1995-2012
by Rodolfo Cermeño & Julio Mamani-Palacios - DTE 563 On Distributive Effects of Optimal Regulation for Power Grid Expansion
by Juan Rosellon & Luis Herrera - DTE 562 Power System Transformation towards Renewables: An Evaluation of Regulatory Approaches for Network Expansion
by Juan Rosellon & Jonas Egerer & Wolf-Peter Schill - DTE 561 Propuesta de una Pensión Universal Proporcional en México
by Alejandro Villagómez & Gabriel Ramírez - DTE 560 Impacto Macroeconómico de la Reforma de Pensiones en México
by Alejandro Villagómez & Arturo Antón-Sarabia - DTE 559 Compromises and Incentives
by Sonia Di Giannatale Menegalli & Itza T. Q. Curiel-Cabral - DTE 556 Evolución de la Brecha Salarial de Género en México
by Eva Olimpia Arceo Gómez & Raymundo Campos-Vázquez - DTE 555 Optimal Gasoline Tax in Developing, Oil-Producing Countries: The Case of Mexico
by Fausto Hernández-Trillo & Arturo Antón-Sarabia - DTE 554 Productividad y capital humano: fuentes complementarias de la competitividad de los estados mexicanos
by Kurt Unger & Diana Flores & José Eduardo Ibarra - DTE 553 Race and Marriage in the Labor Market: A Discrimination Correspondence Study in a Developing Country
by Eva Olimpia Arceo Gómez & Raymundo Campos-Vázquez - DTE 552 How Relevant Has Been the Learning-by-Doing for Brazilian Sugarcane Ethanol Production?
by Héctor M. Núñez - DTE 551 The Real Exchange Rate, Regime Changes and Volatility Shifts
by Daniel Ventosa-Santaularia & Frederick Wallace & Manuel Gomez-Zaldívar
- DTE 548 Infraestructura y Cobertura Universal en Salud
by Víctor Gerardo Carreón Rodríguez & Maite Guijarro Arrillaga & José Eduardo Ibarra Olivo - DTE 547 Democracia y Desarrollo para México
by David A. Mayer Foulkes & Raúl García-Barrios - DTE 546 Does the Effect of Pollution on Infant Mortality Differ Between Developed and Developing Countries? Evidence from Mexico City
by Eva Olimpia Arceo Gómez & Rema Hanna & Paulina Oliva - DTE 545 A Cross-Country Causal Panorama of Human Development and Sustainability
by David A. Mayer Foulkes - DTE 544 Financial Development and Growth Volatility: Time Series Evidence for Mexico and The United States
by Rodolfo Cermeño Bazán & María Roa García & Claudio González Vega - DTE 543 Economic Development and Non-Communicable Chronic Diseases
by David A. Mayer Foulkes & Claudia Pescetto Villouta - DTE 542 Do Consumers Really Prefer Formal Credit to Informal Credit? Evidence from a Pseudo-Experimental Design in Mexico
by Víctor Gerardo Carreón Rodríguez & Sonia Di Giannatale & Jorge L. García-Menéndez - DTE 541 Ideology, swing voters, and taxation
by David Juárez Luna - DTE 540 Oil and Gas in Mexico
by Víctor Gerardo Carreón Rodríguez & Juan Rosellón - DTE 538 Pemex: ¿La no empresa de todos los mexicanos?
by Víctor Gerardo Carreón Rodríguez & Miriam Grunstein Dickter - DTE 537 Volatilidad de la inflación y crecimiento del producto: el caso de México
by Rodolfo Cermeño & Nahieli Vasquez Feregrino - DTE 536 Anticipating Future Expected Utility and Coordination Motives for Information Decisions in Networks
by Antonio Jiménez-Martínez - DTE 532 Does Malthus's principle of population still have a practical purpose nowadays?
by José Carlos Ramírez Sánchez - DTE 531 Productivity Shocks, Discount Rate and Incentives
by Sonia Di Giannatale & Itza Curiel & Juan Herrera & Katya Rodríguez - DTE 530 Especializaciones reveladas y condiciones de competitividad en las entidades federativas de México
by Kurt Unger - DTE 529 Consensus in Communication Networks under Bayesian Updating
by Antonio Jiménez-Martínez - DTE 528 Environmental Dependence of Mexican Rural Households: Exploring the Role of Income, Shocks, Rules and Roads
by Alejandro López-Feldman - DTE 527 Deforestación en México: Un análisis preliminar
by Alejandro López-Feldman - DTE 526 Drug-Related Violence and Forced Migration from Mexico to the United States
by Eva Olimpia Arceo-Gómez - DTE 525 Evaluación de los resultados de la Licitación del Espectro Radioeléctrico de la COFETEL y su impacto en el sector de servicios de telecomunicación móvil en México
by Brasil Alberto Acosta Peña & Víctor Gerardo Carreón Rodríguez & Alexander Elbittar H. & Huver Rivera
- DTE 524 ¿Quiénes son los NiNis en México?
by Eva O. Arceo-Gómez & Raymundo M. Campos-Vázquez - DTE 523 Regulated Expansion of Electricity Transmission Networks: The Effects of Fluctuating Demand and Wind Generation
by Juan Rosellón & Wolf-Peter Schill & Jonas Egerer - DTE 522 Transmission Investment in the Peruvian Electricity Market: Theory and Applications
by Juan Rosellón & Erix Ruiz - DTE 521 Risk Aversion and the Pareto Frontier of a Dynamic Principal-Agent Model: An Evolutionary Approximation
by Sonia Di Giannatale & Itza T. Q. Curiel & Juan A. Herrera & Katya Rodríguez - DTE 520 Trivariate Probit with Double Sample Selection: Theory and Application
by Víctor Gerardo Carreón Rodríguez & Jorge L. García García-Menéndez - DTE 516 Teenage Pregnacy in Mexico: Evolution and Consequences
by Eva O. Arceo-Gómez & Raymundo M. Campos-Vázquez - DTE 515 Un análisis empírico de redes sociales: Características y recursos asociados
by Sonia Di Giannatale & Alexander Elbittar & María José Roa García & Lucy N. Maya & Alfredo Ramírez - DTE 514 ¿Que tan predecible es la política monetaria? Un análisis econométrico del contenido informativo de los comunicados del Banco de México
by Rodolfo Cermeño & Claudia Navarrete - DTE 513 Determinantes de la morosidad: Un estudio panel para el caso de las cajas municipales de ahorro y crédito del Perú, 2003-2010
by Rodolfo Cermeño & Janina León Castillo & Gloria Mantilla Varas - DTE 506 Removing Cross-Border Capacity Bottlenecks in the European Natural Gas Market: A Proposed Merchant-Regulatory Mechanism
by Juan Rosellón & Anne Neumann & Hannes Weigt - DTE 505 Poverty Dynamics in Rural Mexico: An Analysis Using Four Generations of Poverty Measurement
by Alejandro López-Feldman & Javier Parada - DTE 504 A Note on Bargaining over Complementary Pieces of Information in Networks
by Kaniska Dam & Antonio Jiménez-Martínez - DTE 503 Ciclo de vida humano y ciclo de vida urbano: Urbanización y desarrollo económico
by David Mayer-Foulkes & Grodecz Alfredo Ramírez Fuentes - DTE 502 On the Existence of Sharecropping
by Kaniska Dam & Daniel Ruiz Pérez - DTE 501 Urbanization as a Fundamental Cause of Development
by David Mayer-Foulkes - DTE 500 El papel de la tasa de interés real en el ciclo económico de México
by Arturo Antón-Sarabia & Alan Villegas - DTE 499 La arquitectura de mercado del sector eléctrico mexicano
by Víctor Gerardo Carreón Rodríguez - DTE 498 Confianza, redes sociales y hábitos financieros: Un estudio empírico
by Sonia Di Giannatale & Alexander Elbittar & María José Roa García & Lucy N. Maya & Alfredo Ramírez - DTE 497 Coordination Incentives for Information Acquisition with a Finite Set of Players
by Antonio Jiménez-Martínez
- DTE 496 Trade Flows and Volatility of Their Fundamentals: Some Evidence from Mexico
by Rodolfo Cermeño & Bjamin S. Jensen & Huver Rivera - DTE 495 Principal-Agent Assignment: Implications for Incentives and Income Distribution in Tenancy Relationships
by Kaniska Dam - DTE 494 Who Runs Against the Incumbent? Candidate Entry Decisions
by Luciana Moscoso Boedo - DTE 493 El modelo HRV para expansión óptima de redes de transmisión: aplicaciones en Ontario
by Juan Rosellón & Juan Tregear & Eric Zenón - DTE 492 Notas sobre la primera crisis global del siglo XXI
by Alejandro Villagómez - DTE 490 Cooperation in the Prisoner's Dilemma with Short-Run Players
by Luciana Cecilia Moscoso Boedo - DTE 489 Job Search, Social Interactions and Labor Market Performance of Low-Skilled Immigrants
by Eva Arceo - DTE 488 Non-communicable Chronic Diseases in the Americas: An Economic Perspective on Health Policie
by David Mayer-Foulkes - DTE 487 Democratic Economics and Improved Governance: Development Policies for the G20
by David Mayer-Foulkes - DTE 484 Obstáculos al desarrollo del sistema financiero en México
by Fausto Hernández-Trillo - DTE 483 Incertidumbre, crecimiento del producto, inflación y depreciación cambiaria en México: Evidencia de modelos GARCH multivariados
by Rodolfo Cermeño & Benjamín Oliva - DTE 482 Mercado y autoconsumo. Vocación agropecuaria de los municipios de Guanajuato
by Kurt Unger - DTE 481 Divergences and Convergences in Human Development
by David Mayer-Foulkes - DTE 480 VAT Collection and Social Security Contributions under Tax Evasion: Is There a Link?
by Arturo Antón-Sarabia & Fausto Hernández-Trillo - DTE 479 Expansión de las redes de transmisión eléctrica en Norteamérica: Teoría y aplicaciones
by Juan Rosellón & Eric Zenón - DTE 478 Racionalidad, uso de información y decisiones financieras
by María José Roa García - DTE 477 King Solomon's Dilemma: An Experimental Study on Implementation
by Alexander Elbittar & Sonia B. Di Giannatale - DTE 476 Aproximación con algoritmos evolutivos de la frontera de Pareto de un modelo dinámico de agente-principal con acciones discretas
by Sonia B. Di Giannatale & Itza Curiel & Juan Herrera & Katya Rodriguez - DTE 475 Política fiscal contracíclica en México durante la crisis reciente: Un análisis preliminar
by Alejandro Villagómez & Luis Navarro - DTE 474 The Effect of Agricultural Subsidies on Migration and Agricultural Employment
by John Scott-Andretta & Alfredo Cuecuecha - DTE 473 The Incidence of Agricultural Subsidies in Mexico
by John Scott-Andretta - DTE 472 The Hydrocarbon Sector in Mexico: From the Abundance to the Uncertain Future
by Victor Carreon-Rodriguez & Juan Rosellón & Erik Zenón - DTE 471 Impacto de noticias macroeconómicas en el mercado accionario mexicano
by Rodolfo Cermeño & Mahetabel Solís Montes
- DTE 470 Strategic Information Acquisition in Networked Groups with 'Informational Spillovers' Abstract: This paper develops a model of costly information acquisition by agents who are connected through a network. For a exogenously given network, each agent decides first on information acquisition from his neighbors and then, after processing the information acquired, takes an action. Each agent is concerned about the extent to which other agents align their actions with the underlying state. A new equilibrium notion, which is in the spirit of perfect Bayesian equilibrium, is proposed to analyze information acquisition decisions within networked groups. This equilibrium notion allows each agent to compute, when deciding about information acquisition, the extent to which changes in his information acquisition decision will affect his own perception of future expected payoffs. Agents anticipate and incorporate such changes in their information acquisition decisions. Both the efficient and the equilibrium information acquisition profiles are characterized and the compatibility between them is related to the density of the network
by Antonio Jiménez-Martínez - DTE 469 Desempeño de estimadores alternativos en modelos GARCH bivariados con muestras finitas
by Rodolfo Cermeño & Daniel Ángeles Galván - DTE 468 Labels for Misbehavior in a Population with Short-Run Players
by Luciana Cecilia Moscoso Boedo - DTE 467 Long-Term Fundamentals of the 2008 Economic Crisis
by David Mayer-Foulkes - DTE 466 Notes on the Constrained Suboptimality Result by J. D. Geanakoplos and H. M. Polemarchakis (1986)
by Antonio Jiménez-Martínez - DTE 465 Long-run Cost Functions for Electricity Transmission
by Juan Rosellon & Ingo Vogelsang & Hannes Weigt - DTE 464 Descomposición de la pobreza multidimensional mediante el enfoque de conjuntos difusos: Una aplicación para el México rural
by Alejandro López-Feldman & José Refugio Vallejo & Claudia Fonseca - DTE 463 Incentives for Transmission Investment in the PJM Electricity Market: FTRs or Regulation (or both?)
by Juan Rosellón & Zdeñka Myslíková & Eric Zenón - DTE 462 Competitividad y especialización de la economía de Guanajuato: Un acercamiento municipal, 1993-2003
by Kurt Unger - DTE 461 A General Equilibrium Analysis of the Credit Market
by Kaniska Dam - DTE 460 Job Matching, Competition and Managerial Incentives
by Kaniska Dam - DTE 459 On the Relationship between Market Power and Bank Risk Taking
by Kaniska Dam & Marc Escrihuela-Villar & Santiago Sánchez Pages - DTE 458 Desarrollo financiero y capital social: un estudio empírico de la Caja popular Mixtlán
by Sonia B. Di Giannatale & Alexander Elbittar & María José Roa García & Patricia López - DTE 456 Efectos del ciclo económico en EE. UU. sobre la producción y el empleo en México
by Arturo Antón-Sarabia - DTE 454 Monetary Policy Rules in a Small Open Economy: An Application to Mexico
by Alejandro Villagómez & Juan Ignacio Hernández - DTE 453 Impacto de la reforma al sistema de pensiones en México sobre el ahorro
by Alejandro Villagómez & Juan Ignacio Hernández
- DTE 457 Preferencias sociales, cooperación y desarrollo financiero: un experimento de campo
by María José Roa García & Sonia Di Giannatale Menegalli & Alexander Elbittar - DTE 451 The Role of Scale in Mexican Community Forest Management
by Juan Manuel Torres Rojo & David B. Bray & Octavio S. Magaña - DTE 450 Determinantes del cambio de uso/cobertura arbolada en México: un enfoque a través de probabilidades de transición
by Juan Manuel Torres Rojo & Francisco Moreno & Octavio S. Magaña - DTE 449 La demanda por importaciones y exportaciones: evidencia de cointegración para México, 1991-2005
by Rodolfo Cermeño & Huver Rivera - DTE 448 Convergencia de las entidades federativas de México, 1940-2004: un enfoque de series de tiempo
by Rodolfo Cermeño & Daniel Garrido - DTE 447 La tarifa de generación en México estimada con el mecanismo de orden de mérito
by Víctor Carreón & Evangelina Dardati Cavallero - DTE 446 Innovación de procesos en el costo de generación de electricidad
by VíctorCarreón & Alfonso Zerón - DTE 445 A Theory of Firm Decline
by Sonia Di Giannatale Menegalli & Gian Luca Clementi & Thomas Cooley - DTE 444 Evaluación de políticas y programas públicos: de las evaluaciones a las políticas
by John Scott - DTE 443 Incidencia de las transferencias públicas en el ingreso de los trabajadores de salario mínimo en México: actualización 2006 y análisis de perfiles
by John Scott - DTE 442 El problema al final de la muestra en la estimación del PIB potencial
by Arturo Antón-Sarabia - DTE 441 Redistributive Constraints under High Inequality: The Case of Mexico
by John Scott - DTE 440 A Cohort Analysis of Labor Participation in Mexico, 1987-2008
by Robert Duval Hernández & Pedro Orraca - DTE 437 The Cognitive Transition in Mexico: Economic Geography and Local Governance Impacts
by David Mayer-Foulkes - DTE 436 Economic Geography of Human Development: Stratified Growth in Bolivia, Brazil, Guatemala and Peru
by David Mayer-Foulkes - DTE 435 Competencia, rentabilidad e innovación: estímulos a la I&D en México
by Kurt Unger - DTE 433 Comportamiento crítico autoorganizado de la superficie agrícola siniestrada: su uso en la definición de riesgo agroclimático
by Juan Manuel Torres Rojo - DTE 429 Análisis empírico simultáneo de los beneficios y el tamaño óptimo de las microempresas informales: evidencia para México
by Sonia Di Giannatale & Ricardo Smith Ramírez & Gibrán Ramírez Abarca - DTE 428 Economic Challenges for Global Governance
by David Mayer-Foulkes - DTE 427 Una introducción conceptual al desarrollo financiero, capital social y anonimidad: el caso de México
by Sonia Di Giannatale & María José Roa García & Patricia López - DTE 426 Lumpy Investment in Regulated Natural Gas Pipelines: An Application of the Theory of The Second Best
by Juan Rosellón & Dagobert L. Brito - DTE 425 A Monte Carlo EM algorithm for FIML estimation of multivariate endogenous switching models with censored and discrete responses
by Ricardo Smith - DTE 424 A Dynamic Incentive Mechanism for Transmission Expansion in Electricity Networks Theory, Modeling and Application
by Juan Rosellon & Hannes Weigt - DTE 423 Quasi-Rents and Pricing Gas in Mexico
by Juan Rosellon & Dagobert L. Brito - DTE 422 Análisis de la evolución de la matrícula de la licenciatura en economía en México, 1974-2004
by Alejandro Villagómez & Robert Duval-Hernández & Lucía Cerilla - DTE 420 Viejas ideas económicas con nuevas tecnologías matemáticas
by David Juárez Luna & José Carlos Ramírez Sánchez - DTE 416 Demand Reduction and Bidder Collusion in Uniform- and Discriminatory-Price Auctions: An experimental study
by Alexander Elbittar & Andrei Gomberg - DTE 415 Asignación de trasplantes renales en México: estimación de un sistema de puntajes
by Alexander Elbittar & Gabriela Calderón
- DTE 414 Salud, sistemas de salud y pobreza: una síntesis de la literatura
by John Scott - DTE 408 Apertura y empleos: la economía de los sectores comerciables y no comerciables de las regiones de México
by Kurt Unger - DTE 407 Median-Unbiased Estimation in Panel Data: Methodology and Applications to the GDP Convergence and Purchasing Power Parity Hypotheses
by Rodolfo Cermeño - DTE 406 Impacto del crédito en el bienestar
by Víctor Gerardo Carreón Rodríguez & Malena Svarch Pérez - DTE 405 Network Structure in a Link-formation Game: An Experimental Study
by Alexander Elbittar & Rodrigo Harrison & Roberto Muñoz - DTE 404 Uniform-Price Auctions without Exogenous Uncertainty: An experimental study
by Alexander Elbittar & Andrei Gomberg - DTE 403 FIML estimation of treatment effect models with endogenous selection and multiple censored responses via a Monte Carlo EM Algorithm
by Ricardo Smith Ramírez - DTE 402 Testing for information asymmetries in voluntary conservation contracts
by Ricardo Smith Ramírez - DTE 401 Dynamics of Labor Market Earnings in Urban Mexico, 1987-2002
by Robert Duval Hernández - DTE 400 Impacto del Seguro Popular sobre la desigualdad en el financiamiento de la salud en México, 2004-2010
by John Scott - DTE 398 Problemas de financiamiento en gobiernos locales: ¿cuál es el papel de la Banca de Desarrollo?
by Fausto Hernández-Trillo - DTE 396 A Combined Merchant-Regulatory Mechanism for Electricity Transmission Expansion in Europe
by Juan Rosellon & Hannes Weigt - DTE 395 Agricultural Policy and Rural Poverty in Mexico
by John Scott - DTE 394 Tentación, auto-control y precios no lineales: análisis de un mercado de automóviles en México
by Sonia Di Giannatale Menegalli & Elizabeth Cuevas - DTE 392 El mercado de crédito en México
by Víctor Gerardo Carreón Rodríguez & Malena Svarch Pérez - DTE 391 Merchant Electricity Transmission Expansion: A European Case Study
by Juan Rosellon & Tarjei Kristiansen - DTE 390 Crecimiento Económico, estructura de edades y bono demográfico
by María José Roa García & José Luis Cendejas Bueno