December 2021, Volume 59, Issue 4
- 1159-1160 Invisible Labour: Support Service Workers in India's Information Technology Industry, by Indranil Chakraborty. Routledge India, October 2020, 190 pp. ISBN: 9781032016092, Price ₹995, h/b
by Hong Yu Liu - 1161-1162 Re‐union: How bold labor reforms can repair, revitalize, and reunite the United States. David Madland. ILR Press, 2021, 227 pp., ISBN 978‐1‐5017‐5537‐8‐52995, price £22.99
by Joyce C. Mamode - 1162-1164 A World Beyond Work?: Labour, Money and the Capitalist State Between Crisis and Utopia, edited by Ana Cecilia Dinerstein, Frederick Harry Pitts. Emerald Publishing Limited, 2021, 232 pp., ISBN: 9781787691469, Price, p/b
by Joseph Mellors - 1164-1166 International and comparative employment relations global crises and institutional responses. G. J. Bamber, F. L. Cooke, V. Doellgast and C. Wright. Sage Publications, 2021. ISBN‐978‐1‐5264‐9965‐3 (paperback) £39.24
by Peter Prowse - 1166-1168 The Death of Human Capital?: Its Failed Promise and How to Renew it in an Age of Disruption, by Phillip Brown, Hugh Lauder, Sin Yi Cheung. Oxford University Press, 4 Nov 2020, 304 pp., ISBN: 978–0190644314, Price, £18.99
by Michael Keaney - 1168-1170 Work and Personality Change What We Do Makes Who We Are, by Ying Wang and Chia‐Huei Wu. Bristol University Press, Feb 4, 2021, 152 pp., ISBN: 978–1529207552, Price GBP 32.00
by Anna‐Maria Köhnke - 1170-1172 Fighting for water: Resisting privatization in Europe. Bieler Andreas. Zed Books, 2021. ISBN: 9781786995087
by Vincenzo Maccarrone - 1173-1179 Angry Workers World. 2020. Class Power on Zero Hours. London: PM Press, 2020. ISBN:9781527258341 (p/b), 391 pages
by George Tsogas
September 2021, Volume 59, Issue 3
- 617-642 Mobilizing to Win in Europe: Change to Win and the Diffusion of Union Strategy
by Rebecca Kolins Givan & Adrienne E. Eaton - 643-668 The Role of Organizational Factors in Mobilizing Professionals: Evidence from Nurse Unions in the United States and Germany
by Nick Krachler & Jennie Auffenberg & Luigi Wolf - 669-700 Striking to Renew: Basque Unions’ Organizing Strategies and Use of the Strike‐Fund
by Jon Las Heras & Lluis Rodríguez - 701-729 Does Employment Protection Affect Qualification Mismatch?
by Agata Maida & Cristina Tealdi - 730-756 Occupational Licensing and the Skills Mismatch of Highly Educated Migrants
by Massimiliano Tani - 757-787 The Importance of Political Systems for Trade Union Membership, Coverage and Influence: Theory and Comparative Evidence
by John W. Budd & J. Ryan Lamare - 788-815 Inequality and the Economic Cycle: Disabled Employees’ Experience of Work during the Great Recession in Britain
by Melanie Jones & Kim Hoque & Victoria Wass & Nick Bacon - 816-847 Information Technology, Business Strategy and the Reassignment of Work from In‐House Employees to Agency Temps
by Adam Seth Litwin & Sherry M. Tanious - 848-873 New Interest Associations in a Neo‐Corporatist System: Adapting the Swiss Training System to the Service Economy
by Alexandra Strebel & Patrick Emmenegger & Lukas Graf - 874-898 From a ‘Moral Commentator’ to a ‘Determined Actor’? How the International Labour Organization (ILO) Orchestrates the Field of International Industrial Relations
by Huw Thomas & Peter Turnbull - 899-927 Hiring Frictions in a Regulated Occupation: Evidence from US Laboratories
by Andrew Weaver - 928-961 Measuring Multi‐Dimensional Labour Law Violation with an Application to South Africa
by Haroon Bhorat & Ravi Kanbur & Benjamin Stanwix & Amy Thornton - 964-966 Crossing Boundaries, Work and Industrial Relations in Perspective, by Russell Lansbury. Routledge, Oxford and New York, 2020, xi + 190 pp., ISBN: 978‐0‐367‐40802‐2 (hbk); 978‐0‐367‐80914‐0 (ebk), £110.00; £33.29
by Edmund Heery - 968-969 Gender and Work in Global Value Chains: Capturing the Gains? (Development Trajectories in Global Value Chains), by S. Barrientos. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2019, 306 pp., ISBN: 9781108679459, £66.25, hardcover, £20.49, paperback.
by Fabian van Onzen - 970-971 Review of Value Chains: The New Economic Imperialism
by Fabian van Onzen - 972-973 Private regulation of labor standards in global supply chains: Problems, progress and prospects
by Jean Jenkins - 974-976 Disrupting Deportability: Transnational Workers Organize. By Leah F. Vosko. Ithaca, NY: ILR Press, Cornell University Press, 2019. 192 pp. ISBN 9781501742132, $115.00 (hardcover); ISBN 9781501742149, $26.95 (paperback)
by Valeria Pulignano
June 2021, Volume 59, Issue 2
- 251-278 Do Unions Cause Job Dissatisfaction? Evidence from a Quasi‐Experiment in the United Kingdom
by Ioulia Bessa & Andy Charlwood & Danat Valizade - 279-306 How Job Changes Affect People's Lives — Evidence from Subjective Well‐Being Data
by Adrian Chadi & Clemens Hetschko - 307-334 The Effects of Minimum Wage Policy on the Long‐Term Care Sector in England
by Florin Vadean & Stephen Allan - 335-369 30,000 Minimum Wages: The Economic Effects of Collective Bargaining Extensions
by Pedro S. Martins - 370-397 Does Modernizing Union Administrative Practices Promote or Hinder Union Revitalization? A Comparative Study of US, UK and Australian Unions
by Paul F. Clark & Greg J. Bamber & Paul V. Whitehead & Lois S. Gray & Sandra Cockfield & Kay Gilbert - 398-417 Under the Surface of Individual and Differentiated Pay in Sweden: A Zero‐Sum Game of Performance‐Based Pay?
by Ylva Ulfsdotter Eriksson & Bengt Larsson & Petra Adolfsson - 418-443 Employment and Wages over the Business Cycle in Worker‐Owned Firms: Evidence from Spain
by Jose Garcia‐Louzao - 444-473 Embedded Fixers, Pragmatic Experimenters, Dedicated Activists: Evaluating Third‐Party Labour Market Actors’ Initiatives for Skilled Project‐Based Workers in the Gig Economy
by Bas A. S. Koene & François Pichault - 474-502 Constructing Inequalities: Tenure Trajectories of Immigrant Workers and Union Strategies in the Milan Construction Sector
by Lorenzo Frangi & Tingting Zhang & Rupa Banerjee - 503-531 Divided We Stand? Coalition Dynamics in the German Union Movement
by Martin Behrens & Andreas Pekarek - 532-567 Hero or Villain? A Cohort and Generational Analysis of How Youth Attitudes Towards Unions Have Changed over Time
by Rachel Aleks & Tina Saksida & Aaron S. Wolf - 568-594 Finance, Discipline and the Labour Share in the Long‐Run: France (1911–2010) and Sweden (1891–2000)
by Giorgos Gouzoulis - 595-597 Women's activism behind the screens. Trade unions and gender inequality in the British Film and Television Industries, by Frances C. Galt. Bristol: Bristol University Press, 2021
by Cecile Guillaume - 597-599 Austerity, Women and the Role of the State Lived Experiences of the Crisis, by Vicki Dabrowski. Bristol University Press, 2020, 210 pp., ISBN: 978–1529210521, Price £75
by Manisha Kushwaha - 599-600 Japan's Far More Female Future, by Bill Emmott. 224 pp. ISBN: 9780198865551, Price $40.00
by Ning Wu - 601-602 Despotism on demand: How power operates in the flexible workplace, by Alex Wood.Cornell University Press, 2020, 192 pp. ISBN: 1501748882. Price $26.95
by Conor Cradden - 603-605 Undoing Work, Rethinking Community. A Critique of the Social Function of Work, by Chamberlain, James, A. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, 2018, 192 pp. ISBN 9781501748448, paperback. $19.95
by Gabriel Espinoza - 605-606 Workers’ self‐management in Argentina: Contesting neo‐liberalism by occupying companies, creating coperatives, and recuperating autogestión, edited by Marcelo Vieta
by Catherine Spellman - 607-608 Working in the context of austerity: Challenges and struggles, edited by Donna Baines, Ian Cunningham. Bristol University Press, 2020, 364 pp., ISBN: 978–1529208672, Price, £80.00
by Michael Keaney - 609-610 Re‐inventing Labour Law Enforcement. A Socio‐Legal Analysis by Louise Munkholm. Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2020, 208 pp., ISBN: 978‐1‐50992‐637‐4, £65.00 hardback
by Lorena Poblete - 610-612 The Right to Strike in International Law, by Jeffrey Vogt, Janice Bellace, Lance Compa, K.D. Ewing, Lord Hendy QC, Klaus Lörcher and Tonia Novitz. Oxford/New York: Hart/Bloomsbury, 223 pp., ISBN: 9781509933556 (hardback), 9781509933570 (Epub). £65 hardback, £58.50 Ebook
by Margaret Prior
March 2021, Volume 59, Issue 1
- 3-24 Uneven Development, Uneven Response: The Relentless Search for Meaningful Regulation of GVCs
by Jonathan Morris & Jean Jenkins & Jimmy Donaghey - 25-51 Explaining Employment Effects in Multipolar Value Chains: A Cross‐National Study on Soft Drinks and Dairy Manufacturing in Europe
by Valeria Pulignano & Nikolaus Hammer & Nadja Doerflinger - 52-83 Upstreamness, Wages and Gender: Equal Benefits for All?
by Nicola Gagliardi & Benoît Mahy & François Rycx - 84-113 Planting Seeds for Social Dialogue: An Institutional Work Perspective
by Annelien Gansemans & Céline Louche & Marijke D'Haese - 114-138 A ‘Decent Cuppa’: Worker Power and Consumer Power in the Sri Lankan Tea Sector
by Huw Thomas - 139-166 South Korea's Automotive Labour Regime, Hyundai Motors’ Global Production Network and Trade‐Based Integration with the European Union
by Liam Campling & James Harrison & Ben Richardson & Adrian Smith & Mirela Barbu - 167-190 Does an Entrepreneurial Career Pay for Women in China?
by Lin Xiu & Morley Gunderson - 191-213 Towards a Socialization of the EU's New Economic Governance Regime? EU Labour Policy Interventions in Germany, Ireland, Italy and Romania (2009–2019)
by Jamie Jordan & Vincenzo Maccarrone & Roland Erne - 214-235 Flexibilization at the Core to Reduce Labour Market Dualism: Evidence from the Spanish Case
by Luis Cárdenas & Paloma Villanueva - 236-238 Workers' Inquiry and Global Class Struggle. Strategies, Tactics, Objectives, edited by Robert Ovetz 288 pages. ISBN: 9780745340869, price £12.49
by Rohan Dominic Mathews - 238-241 Review on the ‘Handbook of Research on Employee Voice’, edited by Wilkinson, A., Donaghey, J., Dundon, T. and Freeman, R. B. Handbook of Research on Employee Voice, 2nd edn, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2020
by Vassil Kirov - 241-242 Contemporary Global Issues in Human Resource Management (2020) Ed. Mehmet Ali Turkmenoglu and Berat Cicek Emerald Publishing. £75
by Pauric P. O'Rourke - 242-244 Review of the Triumph of Doubt: Doubt Dark Money and the Science of Deception by David Michaels. Oxford University Press. 2020 ISBN: 978019092265
by Andrew Watterson - 244-246 Strategic Compensation and Talent Management: Lessons for Managers, by Jed DeVaro. Cambridge University Press, UK, 2020, 361 pp., ISBN: 9781108861458, Price 51.99, p/b
by Alex Bryson - 246-247 Invisibility by Design: Women and Labor in Japan's Digital Economy, by Gabriella Lukacs
by Jonathan Morris
December 2020, Volume 58, Issue 4
- 761-784 Migration, Ethnicity and Solidarity: ‘Multinational Workers’ in the Former Soviet Union
by Claudio Morrison & Devi Sacchetto & Richard Croucher - 785-815 Behind Migrant and Non‐Migrant Worktime Inequality in Europe: Institutional and Cultural Factors Explaining Differences
by Renate Ortlieb & Julian Winterheller - 816-843 The Influence of Unions on CSR: Is There a Trade‐Off Between Employee‐Oriented and Non–Employee‐Oriented Policies?
by Muhammad Umar Boodoo - 844-873 The Impact of Suppliers’ Adoption of Voluntary Labour Codes/Certifications on Job Quality in Global Supply Chains: The Sri Lankan Case of Garments without Guilt
by Mevan Jayasinghe & Larry W. (Chip) Hunter - 874-903 Trust and Workplace Performance
by John T. Addison & Paulino Teixeira - 904-935 Getting the Measure of Employee‐Driven Innovation and Its Workplace Correlates
by Alan Felstead & Duncan Gallie & Francis Green & Golo Henseke - 936-972 Productivity and Wage Effects of Firm‐Level Collective Agreements: Evidence from Belgian Linked Panel Data
by Andrea Garnero & François Rycx & Isabelle Terraz - 973-1003 Health Effects of Risky Lifestyles and Adverse Working Conditions: Are Older Individuals More Penalized?
by Elena Cottini & Paolo Ghinetti - 1004-1038 The Effect of Computer Use on Work Discretion and Work Intensity: Evidence from Europe
by Seetha Menon & Andrea Salvatori & Wouter Zwysen - 1039-1040 Employment and Disability: Issues, Innovations, and Opportunities, edited by Susanne Bruyère, Labor and Employment Relations Series, Illinois, USA, 2019. 346 pp., ISBN 978‐0‐913447‐18‐5, Price $34.95 paperback
by Susan Corby - 1041-1042 Gender, Ageing and Extended Working Life: Cross‐National Perspectives, by Áine Ní Léim, Debra Street, Sarah Vickerstaff, Clary Krekula and Wendy Loretto. Policy Press, UK, 2019, 256pp., ISBN: 978‐1447325116, Price 21.59, h/b
by Emma Waight - 1042-1044 Women and Work: Feminism, Labour and Social Reproduction, by SusanFerguson. Pluto Press, 2020
by Anna Paraskevopoulou - 1044-1046 Getting in and Getting on in the Youth Labour Market: Governing Young People’s Employability in Regional Context. by Pauline Leonard and Rachel Wilde. Bristol University Press, UK, 2019, 160pp., ISBN: 978‐1529202298, Price 45.34, h/b
by Yooseop Chun - 1046-1048 Workers Without Borders. Posted Work and Precarity in the EU. Ines Wagner
by Cat Spellman - 1048-1049 Dying for an iPhone: Apple, Foxconn and the Lives of China's Workers
by Joe Buckley - 1049-1051 Divided Unions: The Wagner Act, Federalism, and Organized Labor, by Alexis N. Walker. University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, 2020, 184 pp, ISBN: 9780812251821, Price £59.25, hardback
by Jason Russell - 1051-1054 The Wealth of (Some) Nations. Imperialism and the Mechanics of Value Transfer, by ZakCope. Pluto Press, London, 2019, 272 pp., ISBN 978 0 74533 8859, £9.99, paperback
by George Tsogas - 1054-1056 Empirical Research on an Unconditional Basic Income in Europe, edited by LeiDelsen, Springer Nature, Switzerland, 2019, 233 pp., ISBN (print) 978‐3‐030‐30043‐2
by Mircea Gherghina - 1056-1058 Research Handbook on Labour, Business and Human Rights Law, edited by Janice R. Bellace and Beryl ter Haar. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK, 2019, 528 pp., ISBN: 978‐1‐78642‐310‐7, £195.00 (US$290.00)
by Stefan Zagelmeyer
September 2020, Volume 58, Issue 3
- 483-506 Uberizing the Legal Profession? Lawyer Autonomy and Status in the Digital Legal Market
by Yao Yao - 507-531 Zero Hours Contracts and Their Growth
by Egidio Farina & Colin Green & Duncan McVicar - 532-557 To Extend or Not to Extend: Explaining the Divergent Use of Statutory Bargaining Extensions in the Netherlands and Germany
by Thomas Paster & Dennie Oude Nijhuis & Maximilian Kiecker - 558-586 Opting Out, Collective Contracts and Labour Flexibility: Firm‐Level Evidence for The Italian Case
by Mirella Damiani & Fabrizio Pompei & Andrea Ricci - 587-616 When Do Companies Train Low‐Skilled Workers? The Role of Institutional Arrangements at the Company and Sectoral Level
by Philip Wotschack - 617-643 Developing Technician Skills for Innovative Industries: Theory, Evidence from the UK Life Sciences Industry, and Policy Implications
by Paul Lewis - 644-689 Not for the Profit, But for the Training? Gender Differences in Training in the For‐Profit and Non‐Profit Sectors
by Benoit Dostie & Mohsen Javdani - 690-718 Birds, Birds, Birds: Co‐Worker Similarity, Workplace Diversity and Job Switches
by Boris Hirsch & Elke J. Jahn & Thomas Zwick - 719-742 Workforce Composition and Individual Wages — An Employer–Employee Data Analysis
by Annekatrin Niebuhr & Jan Cornelius Peters - 743-745 Deaths of Despair and the Future of Capitalism, by Anne Case and Angus Deaton. Princeton University Press, US, 2020, 312pp., ISBN: 9780691190785, Price 27.95, h/b
by John S. Heywood - 745-746 Riding for Deliveroo: Resistance in the New Economy, by Callum Cant. Polity Press, Cambridge, 2020, 199 pp., ISBN: 9781509535507 (cloth); ISBN: 9781509535514 (paper); ISBN: 9781509535521 (ebook), £14.99 pb
by Vincent Pasquier - 747-752 Militant Acts: The Role of Investigations in Radical Political Struggles, by Marcelo Hoffman. SUNY Press, New York, 2019, 204pp., ISBN: 9781438472614, Price 16.49, p/b. Living and Dying on the Factory Floor, by David Ranney. PM Press, Oakland, CA, May 2019, 192pp., ISBN: 978–1629636399, Price $13.99, p/b
by George Tsogas - 752-754 No One Size Fits All: Worker Organization, Policy, and Movement in a New Economic Age, edited by Janice Fine, Linda Burnham, Kati Griffith, Minsun Ji, Victor Narro and Steven Pitts. Labour and Employment Relations Association Series, Champaign, IL, 2018, 404 pp., ISBN 978‐0‐913447‐16‐1, Price: $34.95
by Edward Webster - 754-756 Phil Taylor and Sian Moore, Cabin Crew Conflict: The British Airways Dispute 2009–11, London: Pluto Press, 2019; £20.00
by Grace J. Whitfield - 756-758 Exploring Trade Union Identities: Union Identity Niche Identity and the Problem of Organizing the Unorganized, by Bob Smale. Bristol University Press, Bristol, UK, 2020, 186 pp., ISBN (print) 978‐5292‐0407‐0, £45, hardback
by Yang Song
June 2020, Volume 58, Issue 2
- 241-272 When Do Employees Choose to Be Represented on the Board of Directors? Empirical Analysis of Board‐Level Employee Representation in Denmark
by Aleksandra Gregorič & Thomas Poulsen - 273-300 Understanding What Has Been Happening to the Public‐Sector Pay Premium in Great Britain: A Distributional Approach Based on the Labour Force Survey
by Philip Murphy & David Blackaby & Nigel O'Leary & Anita Staneva - 301-335 Tweeting and Retweeting for Fight for $15: Unions as Dinosaur Opinion Leaders?
by Lorenzo Frangi & Tingting Zhang & Robert Hebdon - 336-363 Towards a New Flashmob Unionism: The Case of the Fight for 15 Movement
by Vincent Pasquier & Thibault Daudigeos & Marcos Barros - 364-395 Is Profit Sharing Productive? A Meta‐Regression Analysis
by Hristos Doucouliagos & Patrice Laroche & Douglas L. Kruse & T. D. Stanley - 396-423 Broad‐Based Employee Ownership and Labour Productivity During the 2008 Recession: Evidence from Public Firms in Europe
by Kyoung Yong Kim & Pankaj C. Patel - 424-446 Rethinking Power, Strategy and Renewal: Members and Unions in Crisis
by Bradon Ellem & Caleb Goods & Patricia Todd - 447-470 UK Unions, Collective Action and the Cost Disease
by Paul Willman & Alex Bryson & John Forth - 471-472 The Realities and Futures of Work, by David Peetz. ANU Press Acton ACT 2601, Australia, 2019, 405 pp., ISBN (print): 978 1 76046 310 6, Available to download for free at, paperback
by Sue Abbott - 473-474 Self‐Employment as Precarious Work: A European Perspective, Edited by Wieteke Conen and Joop Schippers, 273 pp., ISBN: 978178811 502 5, Price £95
by Jason Heyes - 474-476 Precarious Work: The Challenges for Labour Law in Europe, edited by Jeff Kenner, Izabella Florczak Marta and Otto. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, MA, USA, 2019, 264 pp., ISBN: 9781788973250, Price: £90.00, hardback
by Ioulia Bessa - 476-479 From Migrant to Worker: Global Unions and Temporary Labor Migration in Asia, by M. Ford. Ithaca: Cornell University Press (ILR Press), 2019
by Assaf S. Bondy
March 2020, Volume 58, Issue 1
- 3-26 Do Immigrants Trust Trade Unions? A Study of 18 European Countries
by Anastasia Gorodzeisky & Andrew Richards - 27-49 Constructing Transnational Solidarity: The Role of Campaign Governance
by Santanu Sarkar & Sarosh Kuruvilla - 50-81 Who Works for Whom and the UK Gender Pay Gap
by Sarah Louise Jewell & Giovanni Razzu & Carl Singleton - 82-113 Pay and Job Rank among Academic Economists in the UK: Is Gender Relevant?
by Karen Mumford & Cristina Sechel - 114-141 The Many Meanings of Co‐Operation in the Employment Relationship and Their Implications
by Mark Bray & John W. Budd & Johanna Macneil - 142-167 Partnering against Insecurity? A Comparison of Markets, Institutions and Worker Risk in Canadian and Swedish Retail
by Sean O'Brady - 168-198 Service Delivery Networks and Employment Relations at German Airports: Jeopardizing Industrial Peace on the Ground?
by Markus Helfen & Jörg Sydow & Carsten Wirth - 199-223 When Preventing Absenteeism Fuels Long‐Sickness Leave: The Case of a Leading Operator for Local Transport Services
by Philippe Askenazy & Damien Cartron - 224-226 Fighting Fire: One Hundred Years of The Fire Brigades Union by Sian Moore, Tessa Wright and Philip Taylor. Oxford: New Internationalist, 2018, 336 pages, ISBN: 9781780264929, £9.99, paperback
by Frank Burchill - 226-228 Unions and Employment in a Market Economy: Strategy, Influence and Power in Contemporary Britain by Andrew Brady. Routledge, New York, 2019, 210 pp., ISBN: 978‐1‐138‐48987‐5, £115.00, hardback
by Ian McCartney - 228-233 The New Politics of Transnational Labour: Why Some Alliances Succeed, by Marissa Brookes. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2019
by Demet Ş. Dinler - 233-235 Homeworking Women. A Gender Justice Perspective, by Annie Delaney, Rosaria Burchielli, Shelley Marshall and Jane Tate. Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon and New York, NY, 2018, 186 pp., ISBN: 978‐1‐783‐53532‐3, Price £34.99 paperback
by Lorena Poblete - 235-237 Everyday Economics: A User's Guide To The Modern Economy, by Steve Coulter. Agenda Publishing Limited, UK, 2017, 200 pp. ISBN: 9781911116363, paperback
by Rahul Suresh Sapkal - 237-238 A Casebook on Labour Law by Ewan McGaughey. Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2019, pp.897 + preface and tables etc, ISBN 9781849465298, price £53.99, paperback
by Roger M Walden
December 2019, Volume 57, Issue 4
- 721-731 Re‐Examining Advances in Occupational Licensing Research: Issues and Policy Implications
by Alex Bryson & Morris M. Kleiner - 732-763 Occupational Licensing and the Earnings Premium in the United States: Updated Evidence from the Current Population Survey
by Samuel J. Ingram - 764-790 There and Back Again: The De‐Licensing and Re‐Licensing of Barbers in Alabama
by Edward J. Timmons & Robert J. Thornton - 791-817 Effects of Occupational Licensing and Unions on Labour Market Earnings in Canada
by Tingting Zhang - 818-849 Occupational Regulation in the European Union: Coverage and Wage Effects
by Maria Koumenta & Mario Pagliero - 850-869 Who Supports Professional Certification? Insights from Employment Arbitration
by Mark Gough & Kyle Albert - 870-893 Does Regulation Trade Off Quality against Inequality? The Case of German Architects and Construction Engineers
by Davud Rostam‐Afschar & Kristina Strohmaier - 894-918 The Effects of Occupational Licensing: Evidence from Business‐Level Data
by Marek Zapletal - 919-943 How Much of Barrier to Entry is Occupational Licensing?
by Peter Q. Blair & Bobby W. Chung - 944-946 In Memoriam WILLIAM (WILLY) BROWN 1945–2019
by David Metcalf - 947-949 Rethinking Global Labour by Ronaldo Munck. Agenda Publishing, Newcastle‐upon‐Tyne, 2018, 280 pp., ISBN: 9781788211055, £19.99, paperback
by George Tsogas - 949-950 What's Wrong with Work?, by Lynne Pettinger. Policy Press, Bristol, 2019, 240 pp., ISBN: 978‐1447340089, £12.99, paperback
by Carla Maria Kayanan - 950-952 Globalization and Labour in the Twenty‐First Century, by Verity Burgmann. Routledge, New York and London, 2018, 261 pp., ISBN 978‐0‐415‐52853‐5, Price £37.99 (paperback)
by Mary Gearey - 952-954 Strong Governments, Precarious Workers: Labor Market Policy in the Era of Liberalization by Philip Rathgeb. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY, 2018, xviii + 215 pp., ISBN: 978‐1‐5017‐3058‐0, Price £45.00 hardback
by Valeria Pulignano - 954-956 The Politics of Social Inclusion and Labor Representation: Immigrants and Trade Unions in the European Context by Heather Connolly, Stefania Marino and Miguel Martínez Lucio. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY and London, 2019, 200 pp., ISBN: 9781501736575, Price £ 33.32, paperback
by Gabriella Cioce - 956-958 Collective Bargaining and Gender Equality (Gendered Economy), by Jane Pillinger and Nora Wintour. Agenda Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, 2018, 192 pp., ISBN 9781788210768, £22.50, paperback
by John Page - 958-959 The Impoverishment of the American College Student, by James V. Koch. Brookings Institution Press, Washington, DC, 2019, 283 pp., ISBN: 9780815732617, $24.99, softback
by John S. Heywood
September 2019, Volume 57, Issue 3
- 421-452 Interest Arbitration and the Narcotic Effect: Evidence from Three Decades of Collective Bargaining in Ontario
by Michele Campolieti & Chris Riddell - 453-478 The Structure of the Wage Gap for Temporary Workers: Evidence from Australian Panel Data
by Inga Laß & Mark Wooden - 479-512 Is Job Insecurity Higher in Leveraged Buyouts?
by Nick Bacon & Kim Hoque & Mike Wright - 513-539 Strategic Dilemmas: How Managers Use HR Practices to Meet Multiple Goals
by Jae Eun Lee & Rosemary Batt & Lisa M. Moynihan - 540-575 Performance Pay and Applicant Screening
by Uwe Jirjahn & Jens Mohrenweiser - 576-598 Collective Action, Business Cleavages and the Politics of Control: Segmentalism in the Swiss Skill Formation System
by Patrick Emmenegger & Lina Seitzl - 599-623 Work and Volunteering: Longitudinal Relationships between Work‐Related Experiences and Volunteering Behaviour
by Daniela Lup & Jonathan E. Booth - 624-650 Family, Place and the Intergenerational Transmission of Union Membership
by Alex Bryson & Rhys Davies - 651-675 Shareholders of the World United? Organized Labour's Preferences on Corporate Governance under Pension Fund Capitalism in the United States, United Kingdom and France
by Paul Bridgen & Marek Naczyk - 676-712 Are There Gains to Joining a Union? Evidence from Mexico
by Héctor Gutiérrez Rufrancos - 713-715 American Labour's Cold War Abroad: From Deep Freeze to Détente, 1945–1970, by Anthony Carew. Athabasca University Press, Edmonton, Canada, 2018, 1008 pp., ISBN 978‐1‐77199‐211‐4, Price £45.00 hardback
by Melanie Simms - 715-716 Women's Work: How Mothers Manage Flexible Working in Careers and Family Life, by Zoe Young. Bristol University Press, Bristol, UK, 2018, 232 pp., ISBN: 978‐1‐5292‐0203‐8, £24.99, paperback
by Tracy Walsh - 716-718 Employment Law and Human Rights (3rd edn), edited by Robin Allen, Rachel Crasnow, Anna Beale, Claire McCann, Rachel Barrett. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2018, 636 pp., ISBN: 978‐0198783978, Price £75.00, p/b
by Fotis Vergis
June 2019, Volume 57, Issue 2
- 223-246 Shades of Authoritarianism and State–Labour Relations in China
by Jude Howell & Tim Pringle - 247-274 A Tale of Two Deltas: Labour Politics in Jiangsu and Guangdong
by Manfred Elfstrom - 275-301 Bargained Equality: The Strengths and Weaknesses of Workplace Gender Equality Agreements and Plans in France
by Susan Milner & Hélène Demilly & Sophie Pochic - 302-327 Gender Pay Gap, Voluntary Interventions and Recession: The Case of the British Financial Services Sector
by Geraldine Healy & M. Mostak Ahamed - 328-349 Employment Institutions under Liberalization Pressures: Analysing the Effects of Regulatory Change on Collective Bargaining in Spain
by Martí López‐Andreu - 350-376 Long‐Run Patterns of Labour Market Polarization: Evidence from German Micro Data
by Ronald Bachmann & Merve Cim & Colin Green - 377-407 Collective Bargaining and the Evolution of Wage Inequality in Italy
by Francesco Devicienti & Bernardo Fanfani & Agata Maida - 408-410 Wobblies of the World: A Global History of the IWW, edited by Peter Cole, David Struthers, Kenyon Zimmer, Pluto Press, London, 2017, 280 pp., ISBN: 9780745399591, Price £19.99, paperback
by Mark Bergfeld - 410-412 Social Movements and Organized Labour: Passions and Interests, edited by Jürgen R. Grote and Claudius Wagemann. Routledge, Abingdon, 2018, 232 pp., ISBN: 9781472472045, Price £115.00, hardback
by Vincent Pasquier - 412-414 Choke Points: Logistics Workers Disrupting the Global Supply Chain, edited by Jake Alimhomed‐Wilson and Immanuel Ness. Pluto Press, London, 2018, 288 pp., ISBN 978‐0745337241, Price £18.99 paperback
by Jeremy Anderson - 414-416 A Manifesto for Labour Law: Towards a Comprehensive Revision of Workers’ Rights and Rolling out the Manifesto for Labour Law, edited by K. D. Ewing, John Hendy and Carolyn Jones. The Institute of Employment Rights, Liverpool, June 2016 and September 2018, ISBN: 978‐1‐906703‐32‐5 and 978‐1‐906703‐40‐0, both priced £40, paperback
by Roger M. Walden - 416-418 The Emerging Industrial Relations of China, edited by William Brown and Chang Kai. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2017, 266 pp., ISBN: 978‐1107114418, Price £22.99, paperback
by Chris Smith
March 2019, Volume 57, Issue 1
- 3-32 Improvisers, Incrementalists and Strategists: How and Why Organizations Adopt ADR Innovations
by William (Bill) Roche & Paul Teague & Tom Gormley & Denise Currie - 33-61 Non‐Standard Time Wage Premiums and Employment Effects: Evidence from an Australian Natural Experiment
by Serena Yu & David Peetz - 62-85 Buying into Capitalism? Employee Ownership in a Disconnected Era
by Ross Brown & Ronald McQuaid & Robert Raeside & Matthew Dutton & Valerie Egdell & Jesus Canduela - 86-106 The Role of Employee Stock Purchase Plans — Gift and Incentive? Evidence from a Multinational Corporation
by Alex Bryson & Richard B. Freeman - 107-142 Profit‐Sharing and Wages: An Empirical Analysis Using French Data between 2000 and 2007
by Noélie Delahaie & Richard Duhautois - 143-181 Poaching and Firm‐Sponsored Training
by Jens Mohrenweiser & Thomas Zwick & Uschi Backes‐Gellner - 182-201 Catching Fire: Institutional Interdependencies in Union‐Facilitated Knowledge Diffusion
by John E. McCarthy - 202-203 The Spirit of Marikana: The Rise of Insurgent Trade Unionism in South Africa, by Luke Sinwell and Siphiwe Mbatha. Pluto Press, London, 2016, 240 pp., ISBN: 9780745336534, Price £75.00, hardback
by Chris Rimell - 204-205 The Making of an African Working Class: Politics, Law, and Cultural Protest in the Manual Workers' Union of Botswana, by Pnina Werbner. Pluto Press, London, 2014, 306 pp., ISBN: 9780745334950, Price £27.99
by Lidis Garbovan - 205-207 Just Work? Migrant Workers’ Struggles Today, Ed. by Aziz Choudry and Mondli Hlatshwayo, ISBN: 9780745335834
by Katarina Hollan - 207-210 Global Perspectives on Workers’ and Labour Organizations, edited by Maurizio Atzeni and Immanuel Ness. Springer, London, 2018, 173 pp., ISBN: 978‐981‐10‐7882‐8, €119.59, hardback
by George Tsogas - 210-211 The Thatcherite Offensive: A Neo‐Poulantzasian Analysis, by Alexander Gallas. Haymarket Books, Chicago, IL, 2016, 192 pp., ISBN: 978‐1608466979, $28.00, paperback
by Elaine Sio‐ieng Hui - 212-213 The Death of Homo Economicus: Work, Debt and the Myth of Endless Accumulation, by Peter Fleming. Pluto Press, London, UK, 2017, 320 pp., ISBN: 9780745399409, £14.99, paperback
by Breffni Lennon - 213-216 The Mythology of Work: How Capitalism Persists Despite Itself, edited by Peter Fleming. Pluto Press, London, 2015, 199 pp., ISBN: 978 0 74533 486 8, £60.00, hardback
by David Watson - 216-217 Shopping for Change: Consumer Activism and the Possibilities of Purchasing Power, by Louis Hyman and Joseph Tohill. Cornell University Press, New York, 2017, 380 pp., ISBN: 978–1771131445, Price £20.99, paperback
by Francesca Sobande - 217-219 Extending Working Life for Older Workers: Age Discrimination Law, Policy and Practice by Alysia Blackham. Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2016, ISBN: 978 1 50990 576 8, Kindle Edition £38.28, £28.99, paperback
by George R. Bell
December 2018, Volume 56, Issue 4
- 693-715 Migrating Industrial Relations: Migrant Workers’ Initiative Within and Outside Trade Unions
by Gabriella Alberti & Davide Però - 716-743 Union Renewal and Workplace Greening — Three Case Studies
by Tom Farnhill - 744-769 The Earnings Effect of Sexual Orientation: British Evidence from Worker‐Firm Matched Data
by Jing Wang & Morley Gunderson & David Wicks - 770-797 Are There Unexplained Financial Rewards for the Snakes in Suits? A Labour Market Analysis of the Dark Triad of Personality
by Joanne Kathryn Lindley - 798-834 Why Do Workers with Disabilities Earn Less? Occupational Job Requirements and Disability Discrimination
by Douglas Kruse & Lisa Schur & Sean Rogers & Mason Ameri - 835-858 Company Closures and the Erosion of the Political Centre: Evidence from Germany
by Nils Braakmann - 859-881 Country of Origin Effects and New Financial Actors: Private Equity Investment and Work and Employment Practices of French Firms
by Anne Stevenot & Loris Guery & Geoffrey Wood & Chris Brewster - 882-883 Dying to Work: Death and Injury in the American Workplace, by Jonathan D. Karmel. ILR Press, Ithaca, NY, 2017, 264 pp., ISBN: 978‐1501709982, Price £34.00, hardback
by Andrew Watterson - 884-885 Labor in Israel: Beyond Nationalism and Neoliberalism, by Jonathan Preminger. ILR Press, Ithaca, NY, 2018, 252 pp., ISBN: 978‐1‐5017‐1712‐3, $60.00, hardback
by Ciaran Cross - 886-887 Whistleblowing: Law and Practice, by JeremyLewis, JohnBowers QC, MartinFodder, and JackMitchell. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2017, 832 pp., ISBN: 978‐0198788034, £175.00, hardback
by Louise Chalkley & John Hogan
September 2018, Volume 56, Issue 3
- 463-483 Positive Action Towards Gender Equality: Evidence from the Athena SWAN Charter in UK Medical Schools
by Ian Gregory‐Smith - 484-502 Paradox Lost: The Disappearing Female Job Satisfaction Premium
by Colin P. Green & John S. Heywood & Parvinder Kler & Gareth Leeves - 503-555 A Cross‐Country Comparison of Gender Differences in Job‐Related Training: The Role of Working Hours and the Household Context
by Christina Boll & Elisabeth Bublitz - 556-578 Women's Participation in a Radical Trade Union Movement That Claims to be Feminist
by Cécile Guillaume - 579-602 Labour Market Dualism and Diversification in Japan
by Hiroaki Richard Watanabe - 603-630 The Layering of Meso‐Level Institutional Effects on Employment Systems in Japan
by Jonathan Morris & Rick Delbridge & Takahiro Endo - 631-655 Economic Integration and State Responses: Change in European Industrial Relations since Maastricht
by Guglielmo Meardi - 656-678 A Primordial Attachment to the Nation? French and Irish Workers and Trade Unions in Past EU Referendum Debates
by Élodie Béthoux & Roland Erne & Darragh Golden - 679-681 On New Terrain: How Capital is Reshaping the Battleground of Class War, by Kim Moody. Haymarket Books, Chicago, IL, 2017, 304 pp., ISBN: 9781608468461, $18.00, paperback
by Ian Manborde