2025, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-26 Evaluating ICT Integration and Gender Equality in Physics Education among Ugandan Teacher Trainees
by Dr. Waninga Willy & Mr. Olinga John Paul & Mr. Opus Michael & Ms Ajuko Annah Grace - 27-42 Teaching Through Content-Based and ESP Theories: Need for Vocational English in Agronomy and Veterinary Sections in Beni Secondary Schools
by Kakule Kavulikirwa Edmond, M.Ed & Prof. Tembue Zembele wa Ololo, PhD - 43-60 Which Way Equitable Access to Quality and Relevant Education in South Africa? A Comparative Review of NGO versus Quintile One Primary Schools in KwaZulu-Natal Province
by Mokhosi Buyiswa & Asiimwe Specioza - 61-76 Creating Instructional Audios to Enhance University Students’ Instruction in the midst of Large Student Numbers
by Jacob Manu & Samuel Antwi
2024, Volume 8, Issue 9
- 1-19 Empowering Novice Teachers through Mentorship and Supported Teaching in Schools: Implications for Education Policy and Practice
by Robert Ampomah & Jacob Manu & Kwadwo Oteng Akyina - 20-35 The Impact of Translanguaging on the Reading Comprehension Lessons in 3rd Forms in the Kabarhe North Territory
by Michel Tshikisha MUYAYA, MA & Prof. Mathieu Joseph Wa Ololo TEMBUE, PhD
2024, Volume 8, Issue 8
- 1-13 Relationship Between Street Hawking, Study Habit and Academic Performance of Upper Basic School Students in Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, Nigeria
by Gidado, Bello Kumo & Esomojumi, Rosemary Taiwo - 14-25 Factors Associated with Effectiveness of Comprehensive Sexuality Education in Secondary Schools in Luanshya District, Zambia
by Nawa Clinsmann Nalishebo & Paul M Syapiila BSc, MPH & BSc MSc Chuube Samson - 26-39 Educational Strategies for Enhancing Student Outcomes: Insights from Secondary Schools in Mbarara Municipality
by Florah Kobusiingye - 40-49 Interest Divergence: The Root of Losing a Passion for Teaching and Learning
by Nhut Luan Au & Thi Ngoc My Do & Dang Phuoc Hien Nguyen - 50-63 Developing Discovery Learning Model on the Theme of Tofu Industry to Improve Students’ Numeracy Skills
by Mukholi Fatur Rosida & Prof. Dr. Didik Sugeng Pambudi, M.S & Dr. Dian Kurniati, S,Pd., M.Pd & Dr. Nurcholif Diah Sri Lestari, S.Pd., M.Pd & Dr. Abi Suwito, S,Pd., M.Pd.
2024, Volume 8, Issue 6
- 1-23 Parenting styles and substance abuse among Muslim students in secondary schools in Nakaloke Town Council, Mbale City, Uganda
by Mabanja Ashiraf & Assoc. Prof. Dr. Matovu Musa - 24-56 Enhancing Physics Education in Ugandan Teacher Training Institutions: Technology Integration and Gender-Inclusive Teaching Strategies
by Waninga Willy & Olinga John Paul & Ajuko Anna Grace & Opusi Michael - 57-70 The Effects of Sheng’ Vocabulary Usage in the Learning of Kiswahili Grammar in Public Secondary Schools in Kenya
by Dorcas, Mugun & John Simiyu & Rachel Koros - 71-87 The Role of Student Affairs in Promoting Student Success and Retention
by John Johnson A. Sabodogo - 88-105 Performance Appraisal Practices and Teacher Performance in Public Secondary Schools in Kenya: A Case of Busia County
by Pamela Naswa Khaemba & Prof. Julius Kiprop Maiyo & Prof. Muganda Munir Manini
2024, Volume 8, Issue 5
- 1-24 Effects of Financial Management on Learners’ Performance in Muslim Government Aided Primary Schools in Luwero District, Uganda
by Lubwama Hamiis Abasi & Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nabukeera Madinah & Assoc. Prof. Dr. Matovu Musa - 25-42 Empowering Educational Leaders: Nurturing Strong Teaching and Learning Environments in Kenyan Schools
by Nipael Mrutu & Zaituni Ali & Alice Mwang'ombe - 43-57 Exploring the Psychosocial Challenges Experienced by Teenage Student Mothers in Senior High Schools in Asene Manso Akroso District, Ghana
by Daniel Yelkpieri & Michael Nyabido Bileman & Matthew Kojo Namale - 58-74 An Assessment Study on the Current Use of the 4-K Club Activities in Teaching of the Competency-Based Agriculture Subject in Grades 4-6 at Primary Schools in Makindu Sub-County, Kenya
by Robert Kyalo Ndambuki & Miriam Nthenya Kyule & Jacob J.J.O Konyango - 75-96 Exploring Teachers’ Professional Development Based on Pedagogical Content Knowledge: A Case of in-Service Biology Teachers in Tanzania
by Hassan A. Mateka & Neema Magambo & Medard Rembesha
2024, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 1-10 Finding the Locus of Project Management Principles in School Leadership and Management: A Conceptual Perspective
by Dr Barber Mbangwa Mafuwane (PhD) - 11-19 Developing Students’ Competences in the Era of Technology: Experience of Integrating Writing in a Content Course at Christian Bilingual University of Congo
by Mumbere Malonga Mashauri & Malobi Pato & Lotsove Makuru - 20-41 Teaching Methods and Gender as Determinants of Academic Achievement of Students in Agriculture Subject in Ndhiwa Sub County, Kenya
by Dr. Peter Oyier Ogweno & Dr. Peter Odhiambo Ongang’a & Ms. Quinter Akeyo Mbai - 42-53 Interaction Challenges Faced by Primary School Pupils in an EFL Classroom at Bunia in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
by Malobi Pato & Lotsove Makuru & Mumbere Malonga Mashauri - 54-71 Intellectual Capital and Performance of Staff at Selected Institutions of Higher Learning in Uganda
by Sempijja Emmanuel & Nabukeera Madinah & Matovu Musa
2024, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 1-25 Teaching Quality Care for Healthcare Professionals: Delphi Consensus on Designing Drama
by Heba M. Nageh & Samar E. Abdelraouf & Samia M. Abd El-Mouty - 26-35 Influence of Management of Physical Facilities on Quality of Education in Selected Private Universities in Kenya
by Beth Githaiga Nduta & Florence M. Itegi & Peter N. Muchanje - 36-55 The Contribution of Sesotho Literature Books Read in Lesotho Secondary Schools in Perpetuating and Reinforcing Gender Stereotypes
by Mapulane Mochekele & Dr. Nthama Matsie - 56-66 Integrating Rural Economic Development into the Adult Basic Education and Training (ABET) Curriculum as a Practice to Ensure Sustainable Livelihoods
by Barber Mbangwa Mafuwane - 67-76 Teacher Workload and Implementation of Digital Literacy Programme in Public Primary Schools in Kitui West Subcounty, Kenya
by Muthengi Brian Kitonga & Prof Jeremiah Kalai & Dr Lucy Njagi
2024, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 1-27 Unleashing the Power of Love, Passion, Creativity, and Humanity in Novice Teachers' First Year
by Dr. Al-Khansaa Daib & Dr. Edna Green - 28-50 Development of Malaysian Science Standard Document for Teaching Year Four Student according to Neoteric Approach Curriculum: A Concept Paper
by Ng Kai Ling & Syakirah Samsudin & Muhamad Ikhwan Mat Saad & Anis Nazihah Mat Daud & Nurul Saidah Abdul Rahim & Harleny Abd Arif & Normah Jusoh - 51-63 Cameroonian Pre-service Science Teachers' Conceptions of the Nature of Science and its Determinants
by Dr. Lawrence Ntam Nchia & Dr. Ayina Bouni & Dr. Awomo Ateba Jeremie & Dr. Hamadou Halidou - 64-81 Exploring Students' and Teachers' Perceptions of Student-Centered Learning in a Community College, England - United Kingdom
by Oluwatosin, Rebecca Oluwafunmilola - 82-94 Psychological Well-Being as Correlate of Academic Achievement among Postgraduate Students in Ghanaian Public Universities
by John N-yelbi & Mary Magdalene Awuku-Larbi
2024, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-12 Investigating the Effect of the Traditional Flipped Classroom in Teaching Primary 3 Class Mathematics
by Jamiu Temitope Sulaimon & Blandina Manditereza - 13-31 Variables Affecting 21st Century K-12 Students' Mathematics Achievements: A Systematic Review
by Isaac Gyan Ayeh - 32-52 Investigation of the Effect of Gamified Learning on Motivation and Success in Math Class
by Ümit Karabıyık - 53-65 Professionalization of Teaching in Nigeria
by Ogieva Adesuwa Evelyn & Efosa-Ehioghiren Augustina Izuhiuwa - 66-90 Cultural Texts, a Key to Communicative Competence in Third and Fourth Forms Secondary School in Goma
by Ukobizaba Nduwayezu Babona
2023, Volume 7, Issue 8
- 1-18 Critical Thinking in Curriculum Content: The Case of Uganda
by Esther Katende - 19-39 Critical Thinking and Higher Education: A Historical, Theoretical and Conceptual Perspective
by Esther Katende - 40-56 Students' Perceptions toward Health Science Career Choice: A Case from Cambodia
by Virak Sorn - 57-79 Critical Thinking in Curriculum Practice: The Case of Higher Institutions of Learning in Uganda
by Esther Katende - 80-100 Challenges of the Supported Teaching in Schools (Sts) Programme: A Case of E.P College of Education Amedzofe
by Comfort Bobi & Courage Jerry Worlanyo Mawutor & Martin Ahiavi
2023, Volume 7, Issue 7
- 1-14 Developing English Language Competence through Content and Language Integrated Learning Approaches: Teachers' Perceptions of the Teaching Practice at the Bilingual Christian University of Congo
by Mumbere Malonga Mashauri & John Mumbere Muthambuko - 15-29 Exploring Effective ICT Integration Strategies in Education: A Case of Two Public Primary Schools in Mombasa, Kenya
by Juma R. Haji & Rose J. Shiyo & Nipael E. Mrutu - 30-42 Assessment of Early Childhood Education Programme Implementation by Pre-schools during COVID-19 Lockdown in Nigeria
by Okunaiya. Gbone Adunola & Olajide. Simeon Olayinka - 43-64 Effective Disciplinary Strategies to Combating Indiscipline in Public Senior High Schools in Kumasi, Ghana
by Paul Kwasi Kumah & Jonathan Mensah Dapaah & Peter Dwumah & Bimpeh Asiedu Hubert & Isaac Addai - 65-81 Assessing the Efficacy of Peer Teaching as an Alternative to Teaching Practice: A Case of Molepolole College of Education
by Tshepo A. Kgwefane & Gosiame Setogile Masimega
2023, Volume 7, Issue 6
- 1-23 Effectiveness of E-Learning on Students' Learning Process at Catholic University of Eastern Africa
by Olivia Susan Ochoo & Dr. Shem Mwalw'a & Dr. Elizabeth Nduku - 24-39 Decolonizing Kenyan Curriculum and Self-Reliance
by Dr James Mwenda Murungi & Prof Njoki N.Wane & Prof George M. Muthaa - 40-45 Delivering Effective Medical Education in the Midst of a Pandemic-A Reflective Narrative
by Ganesh Ramachandran & Aung Ko Ko Min & Munandy Alagar - 46-75 School Administrators' Support for Teachers' Training and Maintenance of Digital Literacy Devices, in the Implementation of Digital Literacy Programme in Public Primary Schools in Kitui County-Kenya
by Esther Wambua & Prof. Florence Kisirkoi & Prof Paul Maithya - 76-100 School Administrators' Possession of Digital Skills and Digital Literacy Content for Implementation of Digital Literacy Program in Public Primary Schools in Kitui County-Kenya
by Esther Wambua & Prof. Florence Kisirkoi & Prof Paul Maithya
2023, Volume 7, Issue 5
- 1-29 Examining Professional Training and Continuing Education of Teachers in the Junior High Schools of the Upper West Region of Ghana
by Eliasu Alhassan & Susan Libanus & Thaddeus Arkum Aasoglenang - 30-46 Investment in Teacher-Education Versus Teacher-Educational Research for Effective Teacher-Professional Learning
by Nipael Mrutu & Esther Kibga & Aladini Hoka & Peter Kajoro & Fredrick Mtenzi & Jamila Kova & Hamis Nkota & Tage Biswalo - 47-58 Efficacy of PBL Approach in Bahraini Context: Views and Reflections
by A. Alzayed Aljalahma - 59-87 Problems and Prospects of Learners with Visual Impairment in Biology Inclusive Classrooms of the Western Highlands of Cameroon
by Therese Munga Shallo Tchombe & Shiynyuy Elinis Laila & Ade Cyril Mancho - 88-102 Experiences of Senior Secondary School siSwati Teachers on Use of Project-Based Learning
by Portia P. Mkhonta-Khoza
2023, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 1-13 Public Basic Schools in Southern Sudan and the Sultanate of Oman (Comparative Study)
by Arop Deng Kuol Arop - 14-24 Appropriation of Adult Education for Academic Achievement Towards Sustaining the Rights of Physically Challenged Students in Higher Institutions in Lagos
by Ajayi, Rachael Adejoke & Aranmolate, Temitope Raheedat - 25-41 Assessing the Impact of Tidal Waves on Learners' Education of Residents of Some Coastal Communities in the Western Region of Ghana
by Kojo Amuah Prah & James Nweah-Ackah Mochiah & Rev. Sr Joana Duker - 42-51 Accessibility to Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETfund) and Effect on Academic Staff Job Performance in Southwest Universities, Nigeria
by Olorunsola E. Olufunmilola & Aina A. Christianah - 52-63 A Content Analysis of the English Reading Text's Appropriateness in the Pupil's Book of Action Pack Six in Jordan
by Tahani Al-Zou'bi & Prof. Oqlah Smadi
2023, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 1-30 Using Differentiated Instruction to Promote Creativity, Critical Thinking and Learning: Perspective of Teachers
by Comfort Bobi & Martin Ahiavi - 31-44 Les comptences gnriques recherches chez les chefs d'tablissement d'enseignement à l'ère de la direction au service des apprentissages des lèves
by Denise Bergeron & Judicaël Alladatin & Jean Bernatchez - 45-67 Principals' Teacher Management Strategies and Learners' Academic Achievement in Public Secondary Schools in Kilifi Sub-County, Kenya
by Kilwake Everlyne & Kinikonda Okemasisi & Margaret Aringo - 68-73 Explore the Role of Different Cognitive Functions in Education
by Asaad Mohammed Ahmed Babker - 74-99 The Performance of the Textiles and Apparel Sector and the Challenge of Environmental Sustainability in Ghana: A Qualitative Study
by Joana Akweley Zanu
2023, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-11 Research on Adult Learners' Performance in English Language in Literacy Centres in Imenti-North Sub-County, Meru County Kenya
by Carolyne Mwendwa Muriungi - 12-39 Integration of Information Communication Technology Instructional Resources on Students' Motivation and Achievement in Chemistry Practical in Secondary Schools in Kenya
by Titus Sifuna Munene & Prof. Stanley N. Mutsotso & Dr. Edwin N. Masibo - 40-67 Head teacher Leadership Styles and Teacher Performance in Primary Schools in Kaabong District, Uganda
by Elizabeth Akullo & Venance Kamanyire - 68-82 Gender Influence of College Tutors Perception of ICT Integration in Teaching and Learning in Volta Region of Ghana
by Cephas Lokpo & Maxwell Seyram Kumah - 83-96 Investigating School Principals Management Practices in The Implementation of Teacher Performance Appraisal in Public Secondary Schools in Kisauni Sub-County, Mombasa County, Kenya
by Douglas Kioko Wambua & Dr. Susan Macharia
2022, Volume 6, Issue 6
- 1-15 Redesigning the College of Education Curriculum to meet the Learner Centered Approach Needs of the Pre-service teacher for Effective Implementation of the Standard Based Curriculum in Ghana
by Sampson, L.K Yekple & John-Newton Kumi & Maxwell, S. Kumah - 16-28 Influence of Assessment Practices on Business Education Students' Academic Performance in Nigerian Colleges of Education
by Dr. Lawrence F. Ademiluyi & Mr. David A. Akinlabi - 29-50 Digital Platform Skills for Teachers in Public Primary Schools in Homa Bay County, Kenya
by Dr. Ouma Omito & Dr. Jane Kembo - 51-70 Analysis of Eswatini Senior Secondary School SiSwati Teachers' Inclusive Education Practice
by Portia P. Mkhonta-Khoza & Nonhlanhla A. Dlamini - 71-82 An Empirical Review of Role of Education Technology Drivers (EDUTECH) on Education in Emergencies (EiE) Classroom/Non-Classroom Outcomes for Marginalized Countries: The Somalia Perspective
by Abdifatah Osman Hussein
2022, Volume 6, Issue 5
- 1-20 The Supervision of English Language Teachers in Public Secondary Schools in Kenya: A Critical Role of Heads of English Department
by Wakasa Diana Barasa & Onsare Paul Onchera & Okari Florence Mokeira - 21-28 The Influence of Teachers Agreeableness and Openness to Experience on Secondary School Students' English Language Academic Achievement in Ogoja Education Zone of Cross River State, Nigeria
by Ntu N. Nkomo & Ushie Peter Ochiche & Akpan, Emmanuel Mendie - 29-48 Teacher-Learner-Resources Instructional Interaction Pattern and Secondary School Learners' Attainment in Biology in Kakamega County-Kenya
by Nasiali Ebby Vakhoya & Edwin Masibo & Christine Nabwire - 49-65 A Comparative Study on Assessment Practices Between Private and Public Early Childhood Centres in Kumasi Metropolis, Ghana
by Samuel, Oppong Frimpong - 66-80 Institutional Factors and Academic Staff Job Performance in Public Universities in Southwest, Nigeria
by ADESOLA, Michael Babatunde & EKUNDAYO, Haastrup Timilehin
2022, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 1-11 Gender Difference In Performance In Four Science Subjects In Borno State Colleges Of Education
by ADAM Mohammed & KIME Mallam Mustapha & WALI Hassan Mohammed - 12-29 Application Of Demonstration Strategy And Computer Aided Instruction On Students' Acquisition Of Keyboarding Skills: A Review Of Its Effects
by Lawrence Femi Ademiluyi, Ph.D & Esther Olaitan Olupayimo - 30-47 Investigating the Influence of Social Support Factors on Retention of Boys in Public Secondary Schools in Marsabit County
by Safina Mohammed Aga & Dr. Severina Mwirichia & Sabina Murithi - 48-55 Effective Teaching Of Physical Education To Learners With Visual Disability: A Literature Review
by Rose A. Jakinda & Dr. Simon Munayi (Ph.D) & Dr. Janet Chumba (Ph.D) & Benson Gathoni - 56-69 Impact of Insecurity on Curriculum Implementation at Tertiary Institutions in Benue State Nigeria, West Africa
by Micheal Hangerior Saaondo & Dr Gabriel Akpe
2022, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 1-12 Effect Of Google Classroom Application On Undergraduate Students' Scores In Educational Technology In University Of Calabar, Nigeria
by Ekpo-Eloma Ekpo O. & Effiong Abigail Aniefiok & Bisong Anthony Etta & Udoh Victoria Inebehe - 13-33 The Strategies Of Improving Effective Implementation Of The Competence-Based Curriculum In Secondary Schools In Tanzania: The Case Study Of Tabora Region
by Ernest S. Assey - 34-51 Factors That Hinder Community-Based Secondary Schools In Tanzania From Implementing The Curriculum Effectively: A Case Study Of Tabora Region
by Ernest S. Assey & Winfrida Malingumu & Emmanuel Babyegeya - 52-75 Systematic Literature Review Of Interventions Supported By Integration Of Ict In Education To Improve Learners' Academic Performance In Stem Subjects In Kenya
by Prof. Jimmy. Macharia - 76-85 Redefining Punishment As A Means Of Discipline In Schools: An Example From Kopano Matlwa'S Spilt Milk
by Dare, S.O. & Adeniranye, A.C.
2022, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 35-55 The Construction Path Of First-Class Undergraduate Majors In Local Application-Oriented Universities In China-- An Empirical Study Based On Student Satisfaction Evaluation
by Yuan-kai Wang & Chuan-li Liu & Xu-qing Liu - 56-72 Students' Participation In The Decision-Making Process In The Ghanaian Tertiary Institutions
by Benjamin Boampong Owusu & Festus Nyame - 73-91 Application And Constraints Of Brain-Based Learning In Physics Education
by Amarachukwu Nkechi Nwoye & Juliet Ogoma Ibeanu & Shittu Ganiu Temitayo