October 2024, Volume 39, Issue 122
- 1-23 EU27- Turkey Commodity Trade And The J- Curve: New Evidence From Asymmetry Analysis (The Case of Plastics Industry)
by Eyüp Tekin & Mortaza Ojaghlou - 24-43 Comparison of Cash Levels of Securities Investment Trusts
by Yahya Sönmez - 44-58 Financial Performance Measurement with MAIRCA Method: Application on Turkish Banking Sector
by Yusuf Bahadır Kavas & Batuhan Medetoğlu - 59-78 The Effect of R&D Expenditures on Financial Performance: A Research on Defense Industry Companies
by Yusuf Tepeli & Çağatay Mirgen - 79-109 The Relationship Between Inflation, Human Development Index and CO2 in Selected Country Groups
by Ufuk Alkan & Canan Dağıdır Çakan & Aykut Şengül & Mehmet Hanifi Ateş - 110-133 Trade Credit Borrowing Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from Turkish Publicly Traded Firms
by Bahadır Karakoç - 134-156 The Relationship Between Military Expenditures, Unemployment and Economic Growth: An Analysis on Türkiye
by Nuh Ekrem Yıldırım - 157-186 Monetary and Credit Policies for the Transition to a Sustainable Economy in Turkey
by Sinan Şahin - 187-203 The Role of Technological Solutions in the Workload and Job Stress of Accounting Professionals
by Serpil Sevimli Deniz
April 2024, Volume 39, Issue 121
- 1-17 Comparative Analysis Of Tax Procedure Law, Turkish Financial Reporting Standards For Large And Medium-Sized Enterprises (FRS), And TAS 2 Regarding Elements That Form The Costs In Inventories
by Hüseyin Mert & Haluk Mert & Didem Özçelik - 19-34 Analysis of The Financial Performance of Turkish Deposit Banks by Using The Camels Analysis Method
by Emrah Tuner - 35-50 Support From Participation Banking to Renewable Energy Projects: Proposal for the Convertible Musharakah Sukuk Model
by Fatih Kazancı - 51-69 Diversification and Bank Risk: A Dynamic Panel Data Analysis of Deposit Banks in Turkey
by Haşmet Sarıgül - 71-87 The Use of Monte Carlo Simulation in Capital Budgeting: An Implementation on an Airport Privatization
by İsmail Çağrı Özcan - 89-117 The Impact of Cryptocurrency Investor Risk Perception and Awareness on the Current Uses and Future Projections of Cryptocurrencies: A Research on Istanbul Provincial Health Directorate Employees
by Mustafa Özyeşil & Havane Tembelo - 119-127 Evaluation of The Concept of Doubtful Receivables According to Accounting and Law
by Nevber Zeynep Eroğlu - 129-146 The Effect of Trade Openness on Economic Growth: A Fractional Frequency Fourier ADL Approach for Turkey
by Onur Yağış - 147-174 Factors Affecting Capital Adequacy: An Application for the Turkish Banking Sector
by Özgür Özel - 175-188 Evaluation of Annual Reports by Text Analysis: An Application in Bist100 Index
by Sedat Çerez & Abdullah Kürşat Merter & Yavuz Selim Balcıoğlu & Gökhan Özer - 189-216 The Mediating Role of Financial Literacy in the Impact of New Generation Branch Applications on Customer Satisfaction in Banking
by Serkan Demirel & Zahraa Alfuraiji - 217-234 Investigation of the Relationship Between Economic Policy Uncertainty Index and Stock Exchange Indices: The Case of OECD Countries
by Süreyya Yılmaz Özekenci - 235-253 Does Exchange Rate Volatility Affect Deposit Bank Loans? An Application on the Turkish Banking Sector
by Yasemin Karataş Elçiçek
October 2023, Volume 38, Issue 120
- 1-10 Bank Interest Rate Margins and Uncertainty: A Forward-Looking Approach
by Baki Cem Şahin - 11-30 The Relationship Between the Country Selection Decision of Foreign Portfolio Investments and the Economic Freedom Index
by Cem Kartal & Mürüvet Acar Karaboğa - 31-50 The Impact Of Financial Institution Development on The Tax Burden in Fragile Five Countries
by Hakan Yıldırım & Yasin Karadeniz - 51-72 Analysis Of The Factors Affecting The Residential Property Price Index For New Dwellings In Türkiye
by Nurgün Komşuoğlu Yılmaz - 73-96 Evaluation of The Performance of Excise Tax on Demerit Goods in Turkey
by Osman Gülden & Mustafa Mıynat - 97-130 Examination of Factors Determining Bad Debt Provisions: Effects of Receivables Management, Conservatism and Earnings Management
by Serdar Benligiray & Ahmet Onay - 131-154 Türkiye İç Piyasasında Ulusal Çimento Talebinin Yapay Sinir Ağları Ile Tahmini
by Selim Tüzüntürk & Fatma Sert Eteman - 155-174 Impact Of Covid-19 On Digital Banking Applications
by M. Esra Atukalp - 175-202 Trade Wars: The Cases of USA, Mexico, China
by Serkan Şengül - 203-230 Closing The Finance Inspection Board and Its Effect on Public Financial Audit
by Hüseyin Işık - 231-246 The Effect Of Us Monetary Policy Uncertainty On Stock Returns: Bist100 Example
by Hakan Yıldırım & Saffet Akdağ & İ. Gökçe Kaya - 247-262 Integrated Analysis Of The Cost Of Living Index In Asian Countries
by Tuğba Yılmaz & Elçin Noyan - 263-276 General Budget Balance and Inflation in Türkiye: The ARDL Bounds Test Approach
by Semra Altıngöz Zarplı
April 2023, Volume 38, Issue 119
- 1-20 Relationship between Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance Performance and Financial Performance
by Kemal Çek - 21-38 Centralization of Enforcement and Finance Inspection Board
by Songül Demirel Değirmenci - 39-60 The Effects Of Oil Prices And Exchange Rate Volatility On Transport Activities In Turkey’S Foreign Trade
by Hakan Aracı & Gökhan Berk Özbek & Kübra Göksu Köstepen Özbek - 61-76 The Relationship Of Banks’ Profitability And Financial Soundness Indicators: Granger Causality Analysis In Turkey
by Sabrı Burak Arzova & Bertaç Şakir Şahin - 77-96 Effect of Operating Expenses on Firm Profitability: A Study on Firms Traded in the BIST30 Index
by Turan Öndeş & Muhammet Levet - 97-115 The Political and Economic Dimension of the Turkey-USSR Straits Problem (1945-1953)
by Mehmet Yıldırım
October 2022, Volume 37, Issue 118
- 1-12 Importance Weights Of Performance Ratios: Analyzing Hedge Funds By Entropy Method
by Aykan Coşkun & İsrafil Zor - 13-32 Investigation Techniques, Methods, Types, and Increasing Impact of Forensic Accounting in Digital Period
by İbrahim Mert - 33-70 Econometric Analysis of the Relationship Between Inequality of Income Distribution and Financial Development (2000-2019)
by Esra Erik Akyol & Murat Akbalık - 71-100 Analysis of the Asymmetric Effects of Global Uncertainty Factors on BIST Stock Prices Evidence from NARDL Model
by Mevlüt Camgöz - 101-130 An Assessment of the Monetary Policies Implemented by the Central Bank of Turkey During the Covid-19 Epidemic
by Özlem Ülger - 131-160 The Theoretical Framework of Pork Barreling
by Ersin Yavuz & Sevinç Yaraşır Tülümce - 161-178 Impact of Financial Benchmarks Upon the Portfolio Distribution of Mutual Funds: The Evidence from
by Fatih Kayhan & Berra Doğaner & Mehmet İslamoglu - 179-198 A Research on the Use of the Market Approach in Determining the Value of the First Publicly Offered Companies in the BIST in the 2020-2021 Period
by Hasan Yalçın - 199-220 Econometric Analysis of the Relationship of Financial Access, Economic Growth and Private Sector Investments
by Münevvere Yıldız - 221-238 An Analysis on the Capital Structure of Family Firms
by Aclan Omağ & Altan Masun - 239-256 The Relationship Between Port Operational Efficiency and Profitability: A Research on TCDD Ports
by Serdar Alnıpak - 257-270 Relations Among Residential Rent Price Index, Sales’ Volume, Reit Index And Residential Sales Price Index: A Panel Regression Analysis
by Nurgün Komşuoğlu Yılmaz - 271-306 An Evaluation on the Application of the Liberal International Trade Policies Ottoman Empire in Its Last Century
by Zelha Altınkaya
April 2022, Volume 37, Issue 117
- 9-20 The Effect of Exchange Rate Changes on Inflation in Developing Countries
by Alican Umut - 21-40 Tax Attractiveness Index In OECD Countries: Panel Data Analysis
by Mustafa Alpin Gülşen - 41-62 Stock Market Index Prediction Using Dollar-TL and Euro-TL Exchange Rates With K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm
by Çiğdem Özarı & Özge Demirkale - 63-76 Analysis of Intraday Non-Linear Asymmetrical Relationship in US Stock Exchanges with Momentum Threshold Models
by Ayben Koy & Mehmet Yusuf Güngör & Oğuz Şimşek - 77-100 The Relationship Between Stock Market Index Returns and Gold Returns during the First Year of the Coronavirus Pandemic
by Onur Oğuz & Özge Korkmaz - 101-114 Corporate Cash Holding and Monetary Policy
by Baki Cem Şahin & Selçuk Gül - 115-134 Terrorist Attacks and The Effect of Defense Expenditure on Growth: Analysis of Turkey
by Kubilay Çağrı Yılmaz - 159-176 Investigation Of Financial Performance Indicators Affecting Corporate Sustainability of Participation Banks
by Fatih Akbaş & Ferudun Kaya - 177-196 Weak Form Efficiency and Cryptocurrency Market
by Süleyman Açıkalın & İlker Sakınç - 197-214 An Economy-Political Analysis On Economy Security
by Halil İbrahim Aydın & Muhammet Cemal Şahinoğlu & Ahmet Ateş - 215-232 BIST Corporate Governance Index Price Prediction with a Facebook Prophet Analysis Method
by Güzhan Gülay & Veclal Gündüz & Erdem Öncü & Hüseyin Karşılı
October 2021, Volume 36, Issue 116
- 9-36 Operating Performance of Management Buyouts: Non-PTP Dimension of Acquisitions
by Lokman Tütüncü - 37-56 The Relationship Between Financial Development and Firm Performance: Sectoral Evidence from Borsa Istanbul
by Mert Topçu & Beste Selin Öztekin - 57-72 Corporate Governance and Portfolio Performance: Evidence from BRICS Countries
by Aslı Aybars & Mehtap Öner & Emre Zehir - 73-92 Analysis of the Relationship Between Credit Default Swaps (CDS),Credit Ratings and Stock Markets: The Case of Turkey
by Hakan Sarıtaş & Emre Kılıç & Elif Hill Nazlıoğlu - 93-118 Does Huawei Pose a Threat to Technology Competition
by Barış Esen - 119-142 Analysis of the Deposit Banks Quoted in BIST wıth Topsis and Entropy Methods in Terms of IMF Financial Soundness Indicators
by Mehmet Mete Karadağ - 143-154 Weather Anomaly: Panel Data Analysis
by Aysel Gündoğdu - 155-170 Evaluation of 2001 Crisis in Dollarization Dimension with VAR Analysis
by Ayşegül Ak - 171-201 Crypto Monetary Policies in Turkey in terms of Public Policy Analysis
by Osman Hatipoğlu