January 2025, Volume 37, Issue 1
- 1-2 Message from the editor-in-chief
by Franz Waldenberger - 3-29 Digital work across the divide: Japan’s platform economy and labour market dualisation
by Deborah Giustini - 30-50 A subaltern civil war: Precariat in-fighting in Murakami Ryu’s Popular Hits of the Showa Era
by Barbara Greene - 51-67 Newspaper reports and the peaceful use of nuclear power from 1945 to 1963: An analysis of Japan’s Asahi and Yomiuri Shimbun
by Jincao Wang - 68-87 Railways as Japanese identity: Riding between confidence and inexperience
by Taku Tamaki - 88-109 Multiculturalism between ideology and practice: Immigrant self-narrations of community activism in Toyota, Japan
by Scott Ma & Mariana Alonso Ishihara - 110-136 Explaining important public contests in Japan: Rhetorical strategies, causality, and populism
by Petter Y. Lindgren - 137-141 The Samurai and the Cross: The Jesuit enterprise in early modern Japan
by Sophie Takahashi - 141-143 Nuclear Minds: Cold War psychological science and the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
by Florian Coulmas - 143-146 Japanese art in perspective: East-West encounters
by Philippe Bürgin - 146-148 Die Geschichte des japanischen Wirtschaftsstandortes Düsseldorf [The History of Düsseldorf as a Business Location for Japanese Companies]
by Jonathan Krautter
July 2024, Volume 36, Issue 2
- 157-158 Message from the managing editor
by Isaac Gagné - 159-180 What is the true impact of an apology?
by Jane Crawford Munro - 181-199 The origins of income equality with a small government in Japan: An analysis of the formation of Japanese-style income policy in 1975
by Ryotaro Takahashi - 200-221 The politics of depopulation in Japanese municipalities: Ideas and underlying ideologies
by Ken Victor Leonard Hijino - 222-242 Politics of inclusive consultation?: How the voices of disabled people’s rights and feminist campaigners prevailed in the debate on new eugenics in Japan
by Silvia Croydon - 243-260 Writing back to the Capitalocene: Radioactive foodscapes in Japan’s Post-3/11 literature
by Kristina Iwata-Weickgenannt & Aidana Bolatbekkyzy - 261-279 Between regional cooperation and strategic reorganization: An examination of the change in perceptions in Japanese security policy
by David Adebahr - 280-284 Yasukuni Fundamentalism: Japanese Religions and the Politics of Restoration
by Ernils Larsson - 285-288 Kyoto’s Renaissance: Ancient Capital for Modern Japan
by Elisabetta Porcu - 288-291 Active pursuit of pregnancy: Neoliberalism, postfeminism and the politics of reproduction in contemporary Japan
by Nora Kottmann - 291-293 Robots won’t save Japan: An ethnography of eldercare automation
by Hanno Jentzsch
January 2024, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 1-2 Message from the editor-in-chief
by Franz Waldenberger - 3-6 Introduction to the special issue: Art and regional revitalization - case studies from Japan
by Barbara Geilhorn - 7-19 Art festivals in Japan: Fueling revitalization, tourism, and self-censorship
by Eimi Tagore - 20-40 Art tourism and paradigms of island revitalization in Japan
by Carolin Funck & Meng Qu - 41-56 From social issue to art site and beyond – reassessing rural akiya kominka
by Anemone Platz - 57-69 Performance enacting mobility and shifting borders – the global countryside?
by Peter Eckersall & Tom Looser - 70-85 Motherhood discourses and political activism in post-3.11 movements in Japan
by Rosemary Soliman Dawood - 86-102 Narrating against dominance: Women and organized crime in Japanese discourse and popular culture
by Erik Ropers - 103-125 Conscription insurance in pre-war Japan - Private enterprise and national interest
by YingYing Jiang - 126-144 The Johnny’s sex abuse scandal and the role of media in Japan
by Igor Prusa - 145-148 Japan’s nationalist right in the internet age: Online media and grassroots conservative activism
by Yuki Asahina - 148-150 Cultural manifold analysis on national character
by Florian Coulmas - 150-153 Immigrant Japan: mobility and belonging in an ethno-nationalist society
by Gabriele Vogt - 153-156 Karma and punishment: Prison chaplaincy in Japan
by Timothy Benedict
July 2023, Volume 35, Issue 2
- 171-172 Message from the managing editor
by Isaac Gagné - 173-174 Introduction to special section: ‘Gender, family and work in the 21st century: Challenges and transformations’
by Glenda S. Roberts - 175-196 The masculinization of deprivation: Transformations in industrial and labor patterns and the emergence of the Men’s Crisis in Japan
by Kimio Itō & Allison Alexy - 197-213 Autonomy and responsibility: Women’s life and career choices in urban Japan
by Vincent Mirza - 214-247 The work, family and care nexus in Paris and Tokyo: Gender equality and well-being among urban professionals
by Glenda S. Roberts & Hiroko Costantini - 248-269 Redesigning What is National: The Politics of Education and the New Moral Education Initiative in Globalizing Japan
by Kazuya Fukuoka - 270-290 Robotic devices and ICT in long-term care in Japan: Their potential and limitations from a workplace perspective
by Gabriele Vogt & Anne-Sophie L. König - 291-293 Urban migrants in rural Japan: Between agency and anomie in a post-growth society
by Antonia Miserka - 293-297 Education and social justice in Japan
by Peter Cave - 297-299 Censorship in Japan
by Alexandra Hambleton
January 2023, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 1-2 Message from the editor-in-chief
by Franz Waldenberger - 3-15 Tokyo Olympics 2020: Between dream and contention
by David Chiavacci & Iris Wieczorek - 16-34 The 2020/2021 Tokyo Olympics: Does Japan get the gold medal or the wooden spoon?
by Paul O’Shea & Sebastian Maslow - 35-54 Online political communication about the Tokyo Olympics
by Jonathan Lewis - 55-57 The Tokyo 2020 Olympics: From a “safe pair of hands” to a corrupt pair of claws
by Jules Boykoff - 58-72 The capitalist realism of the 2020 Tokyo Olympic games
by Yoshifusa Ichii - 73-74 The 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games and the removal of migrants
by Toake Endoh - 75-93 “I want to bring this light to those in despair” – the Tokyo 2020 torch relay and the creation of Olympic legacies
by Andreas Niehaus - 94-116 Protesting legacies: Anti-Olympic movements in Japan before and after Tokyo 2020/1
by Sonja Ganseforth - 117-135 Akira and the Tokyo Olympics in 1964 and 2020/21: Reading the games through manga and anime—reading manga and anime through the games
by Christian Tagsold - 136-157 How the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games were embedded in urban planning documents: The enforcement of a metropolitan strategy in the Bay Area
by Alexandre Faure - 158-161 Children, cement, and catastrophe go well together. Review of Earthquake children: Building resilience from the ruins of Tokyo
by Sabine Frühstück - 161-163 How a reverse sankin kōtai will change Japan – how to simultaneously aim for work reform and regional revitalization
by Susanne Klien - 163-166 Drawing the sea near: Satoumi and coral reef conservation in Okinawa
by Sarah Bijlsma - 166-169 Cosmopolitan rurality, depopulation, and entrepreneurial ecosystems in 21st-century Japan
by Sebastian Polak-Rottmann
July 2022, Volume 34, Issue 2
- 125-126 Message from the managing editor
by Isaac Gagné - 127-135 Continuity and change 10 years after 3.11: Processes and dynamics in state-society relations
by Wiemann Anna & Florentine Koppenborg & Tobias Weiss - 136-156 Radiation moms’ organizational survival for a decade: A shift from advocacy to non-advocacy activities
by Ayaka Löschke - 157-186 Left-libertarian values and post-Fukushima social movements: Analyzing newcomers to protests in Japan
by Keiichi Satoh - 187-209 Japan’s Disaster Memorial Museums and framing 3.11: Othering the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster in cultural memory
by Julia Gerster & Elizabeth Maly - 210-227 Rethinking Japan’s depopulation problem: Reflecting on over 30 years of research with Chizu Town, Tottori Prefecture and the potential of SMART Governance
by Norio Okada - 228-244 Family planning and life planning in contemporary Japan: The “active pursuit of pregnancy” (ninkatsu) phenomenon and its stakeholders
by Isabel Fassbender - 245-247 Family-run universities in Japan: Sources of inbuilt resilience in the face of demographic pressure, 1992-2030
by Ulrich Teichler - 248-251 Spannungen im Japanischen Kaiserhaus: Prinzen als Oppositionelle in Krisen-, Kriegs- und Besatzungszeit 1930-1951 (Tensions in the Japanese imperial house: Princes as opposition members in the period of crisis, war and occupation 1930-1951), by Gerhard Krebs, OAG Iudicium Verlag, 2021
by Ernst Lokowandt - 252-255 Gender and the Koseki in contemporary Japan: Surname, power, and privilege
by Anna Lughezzani - 255-258 Sacred heritage in Japan
by Ernils Larsson - 259-262 Transpacific correspondence: Dispatches from Japan’s black studies
by Michio Arimitsu
January 2022, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 1-2 Message from the editor
by Franz Waldenberger - 3-12 Japan’s employment system and human resource management – coping with increasing adjustment pressures
by Parissa Haghirian - 13-41 The deepening divide In Japanese employment: The increasing marginalization of contract workers as explained by path dependence, vested interests, and social psychology
by Patricia (Tish) Robinson & Catherine Sibala & Kiyohiko Ito & Vicki L. Beyer - 42-57 Working the shopping mall: Labour shortages and the dualities in Japan’s labour economy
by Hendrik Meyer-Ohle - 58-86 Employment of senior workers in Japan
by Philippe Debroux - 87-105 Mutual learning between Japanese managers and foreign subordinates: Enablers for middle-up-down management under role definition flexibility at Japanese headquarters
by Kenta Koyama - 106-108 The political history of modern Japan: Foreign relations and domestic politics
by Jeremy A. Yellen - 108-111 Kulturen der Katastrophenberichterstattung – Eine Interviewstudie zur Fukushima-Krise in deutschen und japanischen Medien (Cultures of catastrophe-coverage – an interview study of the Fukushima crisis in the German and Japanese media)
by Frank Rövekamp - 112-114 Making meaningful lives: Tales from an aging Japan
by Nora Kottmann - 114-117 Christian sorcerers on trial: Records of the 1827 Osaka incident
by William Farge - 118-121 Making Xavier’s dream real: Vernacular writings of catholic missionaries in modern Japan
by Simon Hull - 121-122 The heavenly land and the land of the rising sun: Historical linkages, security cooperation and strategic partnership
by Astha Chadha - 123-124 Disruptions of daily life: Japanese literary modernism in the world
by Angela Yiu
July 2021, Volume 33, Issue 2
- 147-147 Message from the managing editor
by Isaac Gagné - 148-168 Crime prevention in a low-crime nation: an enquiry into Japanese bōhan initiatives
by Christoph Schimkowsky - 169-200 Media representation of an imagined imperial community: Digital media reports in Japan at the dawn of the Reiwa era and Emperor Naruhito’s ascension to the throne
by Shinobu Anzai - 201-224 Satirising imperial anxiety in Victorian Britain: Representing Japan in Punch Magazine, 1852-1893
by Amy Matthewson - 225-242 Was Fidel Castro’s Cuba rescued by the Yankees from Japanese aggression? A very special view of the Pacific War
by Gerhard Krebs - 243-248 Watsuji on nature: Japanese philosophy in the wake of Heidegger
by Hans Peter Liederbach - 248-250 Review of Karl Haushofer und die OAG: Deutsch-japanische Netzwerke in der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts (Karl Haushofer and the German East Asiatic Society: German-Japanese Networks in the First Half of the 20th Century)
by Adam Cathcart - 250-253 Empire of dogs. Canines, Japan, and the making of the modern imperial world
by Barbara Holthus - 253-256 Living transnationally between Japan and Brazil: Routes over roots
by Suma Ikeuchi - 256-259 Rethinking Japanese feminisms
by Jasmin Rückert - 259-261 Branding Japanese food: from Meibutsu to Washoku
by Simon Paxton - 261-263 Review of the story of Japan’s Ohmi merchants: The precept of Sanpo-yoshi
by Dylan Scudder - 263-265 Tanaka Kōtarō and world law: Rethinking the natural law outside the west
by Kei Uno
January 2021, Volume 33, Issue 1
- 1-2 Message from the editor
by Franz Waldenberger - 3-23 Staying connected: Effects of online platforms on transnational family relations and social capital
by Rumika Suzuki Hillyer - 24-40 War memories and Japanese citizens’ views toward the self-defense forces
by Satoshi Machida - 41-56 Japanese national identity and the positioning of English as opportunity or obstruction
by Damian J. Rivers - 57-122 Uniformity or polarization? The nuclear power debate in Japanese newspapers and political coalitions, 1973–2014
by Tobias Weiss - 123-137 Épistémologie à la japonaise: Kanamori Osamu and the history and philosophy of science in Japan
by Hansun Hsiung - 138-141 Soka Gakkai’s human revolution: The rise of a mimetic nation in modern Japan
by Mark Teeuwen - 141-143 The Anime Boom in the United States: lessons for global creative industries
by Eyal Ben-Ari - 143-146 The sportsworld of the Hanshin Tigers: Professional baseball in modern Japan
by Lee Thompson
July 2020, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 149-149 Message from the Managing Editor
by Isaac Gagné - 150-173 Picturing translocal matters in a mobile world: Photography as a method of ethnographic research at a Japanese gathering in Berlin
by Julia Gerster & Natalia Morokhova - 174-196 Tabunka Kyōsei without immigration policy: The role of centers for international exchange and their challenges
by Viktoriya Kim & Philip Streich - 197-217 Who am I with others?: Selfhood and shuwa among mainstream educated deaf and hard-of-hearing Japanese youth
by Jennifer M. McGuire - 218-239 The taught curriculum of moral education at Japanese elementary school: the role of classtime in the broad curriculum
by Sam Bamkin - 240-261 Area studies and the disciplines: Japanese Studies and anthropology in comparative perspective
by Eyal Ben-Ari - 262-265 The self-defense forces and postwar politics in Japan
by William L. Brooks - 265-267 Review of Landscape gardener Ogawa Jihei and his times: A profile of modern Japan
by Christian Tagsold - 267-269 Food safety after Fukushima: Scientific citizenship and the politics of risk
by Cornelia Reiher - 269-272 Das Atombombenmuseum Hiroshima: Erinnern jenseits der Nation (1945-1975)
by Sonja Hülsebus - 272-275 Marketcraft: How governments make markets work
by Jonathan Krautter
January 2020, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 1-1 Message from the editor
by Franz Waldenberger - 2-5 Governing death and dying in Japan and its colonies – From state control to self-optimization
by Juljan Biontino & Dorothea Mladenova & Celia Spoden - 6-24 Changes in funerary rites and burial practices in Modern Korea (1876–1945)
by Juljan Biontino - 25-42 Graveyard geomancy in Korea under Japanese rule – Focusing on the 1930s
by Ri-Hye Han - 43-62 The “improvement of funeral ceremonies” movement and the creation of “modern” Japanese subjects in Taiwan during Japanese rule
by Chizuru Tainaka - 63-82 Deciding one’s own death in advance: Biopower, living wills, and resistance to a legislation of death with dignity in Japan
by Celia Spoden - 83-102 Governing through kodokushi. Japan’s lonely deaths and their impact on community self-government
by Nils Dahl - 103-127 Optimizing one’s own death: The Shūkatsu industry and the enterprising self in a hyper-aged society
by Dorothea Mladenova - 128-140 Smartphones versus NHK? Mobilization strategies of the Japanese anti-nuclear movement under Abe’s restrictive media policy
by Anna Wiemann - 141-144 Intimacy and reproduction in contemporary Japan
by Nora Kottmann - 145-147 An anthropology of the machine: Tokyo’s commuter train network
by Florian Purkarthofer - 148-148 Erratum
by The Editors
July 2019, Volume 31, Issue 2
- 117-117 Message from the managing editor
by Isaac Gagné - 118-121 Introduction to special section: Emotions and affect in studies on contemporary Japan
by Barbara Holthus - 122-140 Becoming right-wing citizens in contemporary Japan
by Yūki Asahina - 141-158 Emotional costs of providing social support to political prisoners
by Patricia G. Steinhoff - 159-179 “Coming Out” as a family with an LGB member in Japan: Normalizing strategies and negotiating with social norms
by Kotona Motoyama - 180-196 The roads to disaster, or rewriting history from the margins—Yū Miri’s JR Ueno Station Park Exit
by Kristina Iwata-Weickgenannt - 197-214 The Olympics and Japanese national identity: Multi-layered otherness in Tokyo 2016 and 2020
by Taku Tamaki - 215-233 An investigation into the roles of the Katakana syllabary in Japanese discourse: From the perspective of discourse producers’ motivation
by Yumiko Cochrane - 234-263 The academics and their institutional environment in Japan – A view from outside
by Ulrich Teichler - 264-267 Being young in super-aging Japan: Formative events and cultural reactions
by Zi Wang - 268-271 The Japanese adult video industry
by Jamie Coates - 271-275 The category of religion in contemporary Japan: Shūkyō & Temple Buddhism
by Ernils Larsson
January 2019, Volume 31, Issue 1
- 1-1 Message from the editor
by Franz Waldenberger - 2-20 What shapes local demand for ‘guest worker’ migrants in Japan? The case of the seafood processing industry
by Yusuke Mazumi - 21-39 Six years after: ‘Fukushima memories’ and continued willingness to participate in energy and environmental policy-making process in Japan
by Hidenori Nakamura - 40-60 Reconstruction machizukuri and negotiating safety in post-3.11 community recovery in Yamamoto
by Pilvi Posio - 61-78 Becoming Purikyua: Building the lifestyle-text in Japanese girls’ franchises
by Anya C. Benson - 79-98 Explaining Doraemon’s perduring popularity: Structural analysis, specious technology and mother’s indulgent affection
by Robert C. Marshall - 99-102 Cool Japan – Case studies from Japan’s cultural and creative industries
by Ronald Saladin - 102-105 Cool Japanese men: Studying new masculinities at Cambridge
by Elizabeth Miles - 105-107 Japan–China relations in the modern era
by Robert Hoppens - 107-111 Destiny: The Secret Operations of the Yodogō Exiles
by John Cussen - 111-116 Review of spaces in translation – Japanese Gardens and the West
by Wybe Kuitert
July 2018, Volume 30, Issue 2
- 143-143 Message from the managing editor
by Isaac Gagné - 144-163 Pop culture contents and historical heritage: The case of heritage revitalization through ‘contents tourism’ in Shiroishi city
by Takayoshi Yamamura - 164-188 Protecting Japan from immigrants? An ethical challenge to security-based justification in immigration policy
by Johan Rochel - 189-203 The last suffrage movement in Japan: Voting rights for persons under guardianship
by Sae Okura - 204-226 Regulating risks in healthcare in Japan: Between new politics and the tradition of liberal practice in medicine
by Naonori Kodate - 227-242 Prolonging working life in Japan: Issues and practices for elderly employment in an aging society
by Julien Martine & Jacques Jaussaud - 243-247 Pan-Asian sports and the emergence of modern Asia
by Lee Thompson - 247-250 Placing empire: travel and the social imagination in imperial Japan
by Andrew Elliott - 251-253 Japan in Asia: Post-cold-war diplomacy
by André Asplund - 253-258 Mutual perceptions and images in Japanese–German relations 1860–2010
by Christian W. Spang - 258-261 A Japanese Jungian perspective on mental health and culture: wandering madness
by Hara Takahashi - 261-265 Cutting through the ideology and politics of sacred groves at Shinto Shrines: A book review of Shinto, nature, and ideology in contemporary Japan: Making sacred forests
by John Nelson - 265-268 Religion in Japanese daily life, by David C. Lewis, Abingdon, UK, Routledge, 2017, viii+ 346 pp., EUR €115 (hardback), ISBN 9781138677982
by Ian Reader - 269-272 Review of Care communication: Making a home in a Japanese eldercare facility
by Yoshiko Matsumoto
January 2018, Volume 30, Issue 1
- 1-2 Message from the Editor
by Franz Waldenberger - 3-27 The relation between law and technology in Japan: liability for technology-related mass damage in the cases of Minamata disease, asbestos, and the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster
by Hiroki Kawamura - 28-42 Ōta Tenrei’s defense of birth control, eugenics and euthanasia
by Astghik Hovhannisyan - 43-59 Social inclusion of senior citizens in Japan: an investigation into the ‘Community-based Integrated Care System’
by Nils Dahl - 60-77 The relationship between education and child welfare in Japanese children’s self-reliance support facilities
by Shunsuke Takada - 78-96 Reforms to strengthen moral education in Japan: a preliminary analysis of implementation in schools
by Sam Bamkin - 97-116 Voices from the disaster area: local and regional media in Miyagi and Fukushima prefectures after ‘3.11’
by Florian Meissner - 117-134 Normative power Japan: settling for ‘Chinese democracy’
by Andre Asplund - 135-137 Trauma, dissociation and re-enactment in Japanese literature and film
by Hosea Hirata - 138-141 ‘History Wars’ and reconciliation in Japan and Korea: the roles of historians, artists and activists
by Juljan Biontino
July 2017, Volume 29, Issue 2
- 1-1 Corrigendum
by The Editors - 1-1 Corrigendum
by The Editors - 1-1 Corrigendum
by The Editors - 105-105 Greetings from the Managing Editor
by The Editors - 106-116 Squared diaspora: Representations of the Japanese diaspora across time and space
by Wolfram Manzenreiter - 117-131 Immigrant integration through food: Nikkei cuisine in Peru
by Ayumi Takenaka - 132-147 Rooted-transnationalism and the representational function of food in Hiromi Goto’s Chorus of Mushrooms
by Lyle De Souza - 148-161 Eating Japanese food in diaspora as identity building: The case of a Japanese Canadian church
by Hisako Omori - 162-176 Making place: Old Japan at the Japanese department store Shirokiya in Honolulu
by Jutta Teuwsen - 177-192 ‘Transmitting the message of Okinawa by drums’: Representations of Japanese-ness and Okinawan-ness in Okinawan dance in Santa Cruz, Bolivia
by Yvonne Siemann - 193-213 Living under more than one sun: The Nikkei Diaspora in the Americas
by Wolfram Manzenreiter - 214-229 From ethnic religion to generative selves: Pentecostalism among Nikkei Brazilian migrants in Japan
by Suma Ikeuchi - 230-245 Intergenerational circular migration and differences in identity building of Nikkei Peruvians
by Ana Sueyoshi - 246-260 A tree house in Tokyo: Reflections on Nikkei, citizenship, belonging, architecture, and art on the 75th anniversary of Japanese American and Japanese Canadian internment
by Millie Creighton
January 2017, Volume 29, Issue 1
- 1-1 Message from the editor
by Franz Waldenberger - 2-13 Food, agriculture and risk in contemporary Japan
by Cornelia Reiher & Tomiko Yamaguchi - 14-30 Young organic farmers in Japan: Betting on lifestyle, locality, and livelihood
by Nancy Rosenberger - 31-46 Abandoned land, corporate farming, and farmland banks: a local perspective on the process of deregulating and redistributing farmland in Japan
by Hanno Jentzsch - 47-66 Of beans and bonds: Canadian farmers, Japanese buyers, and the moral economy of the non-GM soybean
by Gavin H. Whitelaw - 67-88 Food safety and regulatory change since the ‘mad cow’ in Japan: Science, self-responsibility, and trust
by Tine Walravens - 89-91 Paul B. Watt, Demythologizing pure land Buddhism: Yasuda Rijin and the Shin Buddhist tradition
by Steffen Döll