March 2025, Volume 109, Issue 1
- 1-20 Proof of the conjecture on Markovian queues with Poisson control
by Bara Kim & Jeongsim Kim - 1-20 Overlap times in the G/G/1 queue via Laplace transforms
by Onno Boxma & Jamol Pender - 1-25 Call center data analysis and model validation
by Ger Koole & Siqiao Li & Sihan Ding - 1-26 Extreme values for the waiting time in large fork-join queues
by Dennis Schol & Maria Vlasiou & Bert Zwart - 1-31 Second-order bounds for the M/M/s queue with random arrival rate
by Wouter J. E. C. Eekelen & Grani A. Hanasusanto & John J. Hasenbein & Johan S. H. Leeuwaarden - 1-33 Optimal admission control in queues with multiple customer classes and abandonments
by Runhua Wu & Hayriye Ayhan - 1-39 Obliquely reflecting Brownian motion in nonpolyhedral, piecewise smooth cones, with an example of application to diffusion approximation of bandwidth-sharing queues
by Cristina Costantini - 1-44 Asymptotic variability analysis for tandem queues
by Yongjiang Guo & Yunan Liu & Kaiming Yang - 1-45 Analysis of a threshold-based priority queue
by Herwig Bruneel - 1-58 Heavy traffic scaling limits for shortest remaining processing time queues with light tailed processing time distributions
by Chunxu Ji & Amber L. Puha
December 2024, Volume 108, Issue 3
- 215-251 Singular control of (reflected) Brownian motion: a computational method suitable for queueing applications
by Baris Ata & J. Michael Harrison & Nian Si - 253-273 Palm problems arising in BAR approach and its applications
by Masakiyo Miyazawa - 275-320 Ergodic control of resource sharing networks: lower bound on asymptotic costs
by Amarjit Budhiraja & Michael Conroy & Dane Johnson - 321-382 Asymptotics for the Green’s functions of a transient reflected Brownian motion in a wedge
by Sandro Franceschi & Irina Kourkova & Maxence Petit - 383-414 A diffusion model of dynamic participant inflow management
by Baris Ata & Deishin Lee & Mustafa Hayri Tongarlak - 415-474 Managing flexibility: optimal sizing and scheduling of flexible servers
by Jinsheng Chen & Jing Dong - 475-577 Core allocation to minimize total flow time in a multicore system in the presence of a processing time constraint
by Rein Vesilo - 579-610 Applying queueing theory to evaluate wait-time-savings of triage algorithms
by Yee Lam Elim Thompson & Gary M. Levine & Weijie Chen & Berkman Sahiner & Qin Li & Nicholas Petrick & Jana G. Delfino & Miguel A. Lago & Qian Cao & Frank W. Samuelson - 611-660 An exact analysis and comparison of manual picker routing heuristics
by Tim Engels & Ivo Adan & Onno Boxma & Jacques Resing
October 2024, Volume 108, Issue 1
- 1-30 Queues with correlated inter-arrival and service times
by Qixin Wang & Jian-Qiang Hu - 31-79 Learning optimal admission control in partially observable queueing networks
by Jonatha Anselmi & Bruno Gaujal & Louis-Sébastien Rebuffi - 81-123 Adaptive minimax estimation of service time distribution in the $$M_t/G/\infty $$ M t / G / ∞ queue from departure data
by Wenwen Li & Alexander Goldenshluger - 125-184 Queue-length-aware dispatching in large-scale heterogeneous systems
by Jazeem Abdul Jaleel & Sherwin Doroudi & Kristen Gardner - 185-213 Capacity allocation in a two-channel service system from a social planner’s perspective
by Feray Tunçalp & Lerzan Örmeci & Evrim D. Güneş
September 2024, Volume 107, Issue 3
- 199-203 Editorial introduction: second part of the special issue on product forms, stochastic matching, and redundancy
by Kristen Gardner & Pascal Moyal - 205-256 New directions in pass-and-swap queues
by Jan-Pieter Dorsman & Kristen Gardner - 257-293 Performance paradox of dynamic matching models under greedy policies
by Bušić Ana & Cadas Arnaud & Doncel Josu & Fourneau Jean-Michel - 295-339 On the sub-additivity of stochastic matching
by P. Moyal & A. Bušić & J. Mairesse
June 2024, Volume 107, Issue 1
- 1-30 Whittle index approach to multiserver scheduling with impatient customers and DHR service times
by Samuli Aalto - 31-61 On the time-dependent behavior of preemptive single-server queueing systems with Poisson arrivals
by Brian Fralix - 63-108 Exact results for the distribution of the partial busy period for a multi-server queue
by Josef Zuk & David Kirszenblat - 109-157 Fluid limits for QB-CSMA with polynomial rates, homogenization and reflection
by Eyal Castiel - 159-198 Analytic approach to the non-pre-emptive Markovian priority queue
by Josef Zuk & David Kirszenblat
April 2024, Volume 106, Issue 3
- 193-198 Editorial introduction: special issue on product forms, stochastic matching, and redundancy
by Kristen Gardner & Pascal Moyal - 199-238 A fluid approximation for a matching model with general reneging distributions
by Angelos Aveklouris & Amber L. Puha & Amy R. Ward - 239-284 Heavy traffic analysis of multi-class bipartite queueing systems under FCFS
by Lisa Aoki Hillas & René Caldentey & Varun Gupta - 285-331 Multi-component matching queues in heavy traffic
by Bowen Xie - 333-372 Efficient scheduling in redundancy systems with general service times
by Elene Anton & Rhonda Righter & Ina Maria Verloop
February 2024, Volume 106, Issue 1
- 1-66 A queueing model of dynamic pricing and dispatch control for ride-hailing systems incorporating travel times
by Amir A. Alwan & Baris Ata & Yuwei Zhou - 67-127 Some reflected autoregressive processes with dependencies
by Ioannis Dimitriou & Dieter Fiems - 129-158 Exact and asymptotic analysis of infinite server batch service queues with random batch sizes
by Ayane Nakamura & Tuan Phung-Duc - 159-191 Adaptive service rate control of an M/M/1 queue with server breakdowns
by Yi Zheng & Juxihong Julaiti & Guodong Pang
December 2023, Volume 105, Issue 3
- 171-187 Open networks of infinite server queues with non-homogeneous multivariate batch Poisson arrivals
by Somya Mehra & Peter G. Taylor - 189-232 Asymptotic behavior of a system of two coupled queues when the content of one queue is very high
by Herwig Bruneel & Arnaud Devos - 233-270 Reflected Brownian motion with drift in a wedge
by Peter Lakner & Ziran Liu & Josh Reed - 271-289 On a modified version of the Lindley recursion
by Dongzhou Huang - 291-316 Join-Up-To(m): improved hyperscalable load balancing
by Grzegorz Kielanski & Tim Hellemans & Benny Houdt - 317-354 Data flow dissemination in a network
by Aditya Gopalan & Alexander L. Stolyar
October 2023, Volume 105, Issue 1
- 1-4 Editorial introduction: special issue on Gaussian queues
by Krzysztof Dȩbicki & Enkelejd Hashorva & Michel Mandjes - 5-15 Gaussian limits for scheduled traffic with super-heavy tailed perturbations
by Victor F. Araman & Peter W. Glynn - 17-46 Queueing networks with path-dependent arrival processes
by Kerry Fendick & Ward Whitt - 47-98 Large deviations and long-time behavior of stochastic fluid queues with generalized fractional Brownian motion input
by Sumith Reddy Anugu & Guodong Pang - 99-128 On the maxima of suprema of dependent Gaussian models
by Lanpeng Ji & Xiaofan Peng - 129-137 On the speed of convergence of Piterbarg constants
by Krzysztof Bisewski & Grigori Jasnovidov - 139-170 Sojourns of fractional Brownian motion queues: transient asymptotics
by Krzysztof Dȩbicki & Enkelejd Hashorva & Peng Liu
August 2023, Volume 104, Issue 3
- 151-153 Obituary Narahari Umanath (‘Uma’) Prabhu (April 25th, 1924–October 14th, 2022)
by Vidyadhar Kulkarni & Michel Mandjes - 155-174 Stability of a cascade system with two stations and its extension for multiple stations
by Masakiyo Miyazawa & Evsey Morozov - 175-185 Proof of the conjecture on the stability of a multi-class retrial queue with constant retrial rates
by Bara Kim & Jeongsim Kim - 187-210 Minimizing the mean slowdown in the M/G/1 queue
by Samuli Aalto & Ziv Scully - 211-238 Proofs of conjectures on the competition between observable and unobservable servers
by Bara Kim & Jeongsim Kim & Yan Su & Chia-Li Wang - 239-267 Externalities in the M/G/1 queue: LCFS-PR versus FCFS
by Royi Jacobovic & Nikki Levering & Onno Boxma
June 2023, Volume 104, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editorial
by Michel Mandjes - 3-18 Thirty-six years of contributions to queueing systems: a content analysis, topic modeling, and graph-based exploration of research published in the QUESTA journal
by Aminath Shausan & Aapeli Vuorinen - 19-52 Further results of Markovian bulk-arrival and bulk-service queues with general-state-dependent control
by Xiaohan Wu & Anyue Chen - 53-64 Stability of a cascade system with multiple stations
by Bara Kim & Jeongsim Kim - 65-105 Refined tail asymptotic properties for the $$M^X/G/1$$ M X / G / 1 retrial queue
by Bin Liu & Jie Min & Yiqiang Q. Zhao - 107-150 Exponential asymptotic optimality of Whittle index policy
by Nicolas Gast & Bruno Gaujal & Chen Yan
April 2023, Volume 103, Issue 3
- 187-239 Comparison of stability regions for a line distribution network with stochastic load demands
by M. H. M. Christianen & J. Cruise & A. J. E. M. Janssen & S. Shneer & M. Vlasiou & B. Zwart - 241-274 Estimating customer delay and tardiness sensitivity from periodic queue length observations
by Liron Ravner & Jiesen Wang - 275-312 Stability regions of systems with compatibilities and ubiquitous measures on graphs
by Jocelyn Begeot & Irène Marcovici & Pascal Moyal - 313-346 Diffusion parameters of flows in stable multi-class queueing networks
by Sarat Babu Moka & Yoni Nazarathy & Werner Scheinhardt - 347-365 Retrial queues with constant retrial times
by Dieter Fiems
February 2023, Volume 103, Issue 1
- 1-43 A transient symmetry analysis for the M/M/1/k queue
by William A. Massey & Emmanuel Ekwedike & Robert C. Hampshire & Jamol J. Pender - 45-94 The periodic steady-state solution for queues with Erlang arrivals and service and time-varying periodic transition rates
by B. H. Margolius - 95-130 Age of information using Markov-renewal methods
by George Kesidis & Takis Konstantopoulos & Michael A. Zazanis - 131-159 Fork–join and redundancy systems with heavy-tailed job sizes
by Youri Raaijmakers & Sem Borst & Onno Boxma - 161-185 Applications of fluid models in service operations management
by Noa Zychlinski
December 2022, Volume 102, Issue 3
- 353-371 On the Gittins index for multistage jobs
by Samuli Aalto & Ziv Scully - 373-430 On the Whittle index of Markov modulated restless bandits
by S. Duran & U. Ayesta & I. M. Verloop - 431-480 A general “power-of-d” dispatching framework for heterogeneous systems
by Jazeem Abdul Jaleel & Sherwin Doroudi & Kristen Gardner & Alexander Wickeham - 481-508 Strategic customer behavior and optimal policies in a passenger–taxi double-ended queueing system with multiple access points and nonzero matching times
by Hung Q. Nguyen & Tuan Phung-Duc - 509-552 Uniform stability of some large-scale parallel server networks
by Hassan Hmedi & Ari Arapostathis & Guodong Pang - 553-556 Correction to: Extremal GI/GI/1 queues given two moments: exploiting Tchebycheff systems
by Yan Chen & Ward Whitt
October 2022, Volume 102, Issue 1
- 1-5 Editorial introduction to the special issue “Masakiyo Miyazawa—75”
by Xinyun Chen & Jim G. Dai & Sergey Foss - 7-23 Functional equations with multiple recursive terms
by Ivo Adan & Onno Boxma & Jacques Resing - 25-52 Large deviations for stochastic fluid networks with Weibullian tails
by Mihail Bazhba & Chang-Han Rhee & Bert Zwart - 53-68 Derivative of the expected supremum of fractional Brownian motion at $$H=1$$ H = 1
by Krzysztof Bisewski & Krzysztof Dȩbicki & Tomasz Rolski - 69-86 Queueing and risk models with dependencies
by O. J. Boxma & M. R. H. Mandjes - 87-122 State space collapse for multi-class queueing networks under SBP service policies
by Chang Cao & J. G. Dai & Xiangyu Zhang - 123-141 A dual skew symmetry for transient reflected Brownian motion in an orthant
by Sandro Franceschi & Kilian Raschel - 143-174 WCFS: a new framework for analyzing multiserver systems
by Isaac Grosof & Mor Harchol-Balter & Alan Scheller-Wolf - 175-217 Subexponential asymptotics of asymptotically block-Toeplitz and upper block-Hessenberg Markov chains
by Hiroyuki Masuyama - 219-225 On busy periods of the critical GI/G/1 queue and BRAVO
by Yoni Nazarathy & Zbigniew Palmowski - 227-267 Tail asymptotics in any direction of the stationary distribution in a two-dimensional discrete-time QBD process
by Toshihisa Ozawa - 269-307 Birth and death processes in interactive random environments
by Guodong Pang & Andrey Sarantsev & Yuri Suhov - 309-351 Optimal staffing for ticket queues
by Li Xiao & Susan H. Xu & David D. Yao & Hanqin Zhang
August 2022, Volume 101, Issue 3
- 197-220 Applying optimization theory to study extremal GI/GI/1 transient mean waiting times
by Yan Chen & Ward Whitt - 221-244 Asymptotics of waiting time distributions in the accumulating priority queue
by Joris Walraevens & Thomas Giel & Stijn Vuyst & Sabine Wittevrongel - 245-290 Regulation of a single-server queue with customers who dynamically choose their service durations
by Royi Jacobovic - 291-328 Analysis of a tripartite entanglement distribution switch
by Philippe Nain & Gayane Vardoyan & Saikat Guha & Don Towsley - 329-351 Infinite-server systems with Hawkes arrivals and Hawkes services
by Dharmaraja Selvamuthu & Paola Tardelli - 353-391 A load balancing system in the many-server heavy-traffic asymptotics
by Daniela Hurtado-Lange & Siva Theja Maguluri
June 2022, Volume 101, Issue 1
- 1-56 Appointment-driven queueing systems with non-punctual customers
by Oualid Jouini & Saif Benjaafar & Bingnan Lu & Siqiao Li & Benjamin Legros - 57-92 Instability of SRPT, SERPT and SJF multiclass queueing networks
by Łukasz Kruk & Tymoteusz Chojecki - 93-112 Fluid limits for shortest job first with aging
by Yonatan Shadmi - 113-135 Heavy traffic limits for queues with non-stationary path-dependent arrival processes
by Kerry Fendick & Ward Whitt - 137-164 Fluid limits of a loss storage network
by Ahmed El Kharroubi & Soukaina El Masmari - 165-196 Tandem fluid queue with long-range dependent inputs: sticky behaviour and heavy traffic approximation
by Hongshuai Dai
April 2022, Volume 100, Issue 3
- 167-168 Editorial introduction to ‘100 views on queues’
by Marko Boon & Onno Boxma & Sergey Foss - 169-171 Queueing theory: past, present, and future
by Peter W. Glynn - 173-175 From PH/MAP to ME/RAP
by Søren Asmussen & Mogens Bladt - 177-179 Stability and partial instability of multi-class retrial queues
by Konstantin Avrachenkov - 181-183 Norton’s theorem and insensitivity
by Richard J. Boucherie - 185-187 Some thoughts on the analysis of coupled queues
by Herwig Bruneel - 189-191 Retrial queues with generally distributed retrial times
by Dieter Fiems - 193-195 Stationary distributions and the random-product representation
by Brian Fralix - 197-199 Correlation in redundancy systems
by Kristen Gardner - 201-203 The multiserver job queueing model
by Mor Harchol-Balter - 205-207 Martingales associated with functions of Markov and finite variation processes
by Offer Kella - 209-211 Monotonicity of the mean queue size in DPS systems
by Bara Kim - 213-215 Ross’s second conjecture and supermodular stochastic ordering
by Lasse Leskelä - 217-219 New ways of solving large Markov chains
by Nelly Litvak - 221-223 The Wei–Norman method for the infinite-server queue with phase-type arrivals
by Andreas Löpker - 225-227 Stability condition of a cascade system with a general number of stations
by Masakiyo Miyazawa & Evsey Morozov - 229-231 Characterisation of multivariate phase type distributions
by Bo Friis Nielsen - 233-235 Queueing models with service speed adaptations at arrival instants of an external observer
by Rudesindo Núñez-Queija & Balakrishna Prabhu & Jacques Resing - 237-239 Perishable inventories and queues with impatience
by D. Perry & W. Stadje - 241-243 Quasi-stationary distributions for queueing and other models
by Phil Pollett - 245-247 Birth–death fluid queues and orthogonal polynomials
by Werner R. W. Scheinhardt - 249-251 A multi-server/single-server duality
by Alan Scheller-Wolf - 253-255 On the quantum entanglement of random walks and queueing systems
by Mark S. Squillante - 257-259 Growth-collapse effects applied to cash management and queues
by W. Stadje & D. Perry - 261-263 Spatial queues with a moving server
by Peter Taylor - 265-267 The two-matrix problem
by Miklós Telek - 269-271 Parallel multi-type many server conjecture
by Gideon Weiss - 273-275 Queues with no-show customers
by Serhan Ziya - 277-279 Parallel server systems in extended heavy traffic
by Rami Atar & Eyal Castiel & Martin I. Reiman - 281-283 Open problems for critically loaded k-limited polling systems
by Marko A. A. Boon & Erik M. M. Winands - 285-287 Exact asymptotics of Gaussian-driven tandem queues
by Krzysztof Dȩbicki - 289-291 On the transition times in a loss model of wireless networks
by Mathilde Durvy & Olivier Dousse & Patrick Thiran - 293-295 Convergence in the total variation norm in multiserver queues
by Sergey Foss - 297-299 Why (and when) do asymptotic methods work so well?
by Nicolas Gast - 301-303 Open problems in refined mean field approximations
by Tim Hellemans & Benny Van Houdt - 305-307 Synchronization in a self-exciting buffer model
by Ingemar Kaj - 309-311 Multivariate M/G/1 systems with coupled input and parallel service
by Michel Mandjes - 313-315 Scaling regimes of growth networks
by Predrag Jelenković & Petar Momčilović - 317-319 Rates of convergence of the join the shortest queue policy for large-system heavy traffic
by Debankur Mukherjee - 321-323 Information-based long-range dependence
by Ilkka Norros - 325-327 Queueing models for addictive tasks
by Binyamin Oz & Seva Shneer & Ilze Ziedins - 329-331 First exit time for a discrete-time parallel queue
by Zbigniew Palmowski - 333-335 Transient behaviors of single-server queues with diffusive rates
by Guodong Pang & Andrey Sarantsev & Yuri Suhov - 337-339 Many-server limits for service systems with dependent service and patience times
by Pascal Moyal & Ohad Perry - 341-343 Moderate deviation asymptotics of the GI/G/n queue in the Halfin–Whitt regime
by Anatolii A. Puhalskii - 345-347 Beyond mean-field limits for the analysis of large-scale networks
by Kavita Ramanan - 349-351 Comparing backwards and forwards random walk maxima
by Karl Sigman - 353-355 On level-dependent QBD processes with explosive state space
by Tetsuya Takine - 357-359 An open problem about the rate of convergence in Erlang-Sevastyanov’s model
by Alexander Veretennikov - 361-363 Asymptotics in priority queues: from finite to infinite capacities
by Joris Walraevens - 365-367 New decomposition approximations for queueing networks
by Ward Whitt & Wei You - 369-371 Conjectures on symmetric queues in heavy traffic
by Bert Zwart - 373-375 Minimizing the mean slowdown in a single-server queue
by Samuli Aalto - 377-379 Parking game
by Ivo Adan & Rajeeva Karandikar & Vidyadhar Kulkarni - 381-383 Optimal control of a loss system with feedback
by Faruk Akın & E. Lerzan Örmeci - 385-387 Weakening the grip of the model
by Venkat Anantharam - 389-391 Replication vs speculation for load balancing
by Jonatha Anselmi - 393-395 Server assignment policies in queues with customer abandonments
by Hayriye Ayhan - 397-399 Load balancing in large-scale heterogeneous systems
by Sem Borst - 401-403 Modelling heterogeneity in many-server queueing systems
by Burak Büke - 405-407 Conditioned tandem networks
by Bernardo D’Auria - 409-411 Services shaped by history
by Andrew Daw - 413-415 Metastability in queues
by Jing Dong - 417-419 Optimal control of energy-aware queueing systems
by Douglas G. Down - 421-423 How much information should be given to the strategic customers of a queueing system?
by Antonis Economou - 425-427 Policy robustness in queueing networks
by Itai Gurvich & John J. Hasenbein - 429-431 Profit maximization and cost balancing in queueing systems
by Refael Hassin - 433-435 Optimal timing of arrival to a queue
by Moshe Haviv - 437-439 How should volunteers be dispatched to out-of-hospital cardiac arrest cases?
by Shane G. Henderson & Pieter L. van den Berg & Caroline J. Jagtenberg & Hemeng Li - 441-443 Routing with too much information?
by Esa Hyytiä & Peter Jacko & Rhonda Righter - 445-447 Personalized scheduling in service systems
by Rouba Ibrahim - 449-451 A load-balancing problem for distributed bulk-service queues with size-dependent batch processing times
by Yoshiaki Inoue - 453-455 Internalization of externalities in queues with discretionary services
by Royi Jacobovic - 457-459 From Erlang formula to robust control
by Matthieu Jonckheere - 461-463 Resource pooling in electricity grids: wind, storage and transmission
by Frank Kelly - 465-467 In search of the least age of information
by George Kesidis & Takis Konstantopoulos & Michael A. Zazanis - 469-471 The slow-server problem with multiple slow servers
by Ger Koole - 473-475 New frontiers for stochastic matching
by Jean Mairesse & Pascal Moyal - 477-479 Optimal admission policy to an observable M/G/1 queue
by Binyamin Oz - 481-483 Optimization of time-dependent queueing systems
by Raik Stolletz - 485-487 Distributionally robust views on extremal queues
by Wouter Eekelen & Johan S. H. Leeuwaarden - 489-491 Transplant queueing
by Uri Yechiali - 493-495 Statistical inference in queueing networks with probing information
by Nelson Antunes & Gonçalo Jacinto & António Pacheco - 497-499 Reinforcement learning in queues
by U. Ayesta - 501-503 Stationary queues in space and time
by François Baccelli - 505-507 Validating state-dependent queues in health care
by René Bekker - 509-511 Some open problems in exact simulation of stochastic differential equations
by Jose H. Blanchet - 513-515 Learning to cooperate in agent-based control of queueing networks
by Vivek S. Borkar - 517-519 Learning and data-driven optimization in queues with strategic customers
by Apostolos Burnetas - 521-523 Learning in queues
by Bruno Gaujal - 525-527 Calibrating nonstationary queueing network models
by Harsha Honnappa