Undated material is presented at the end, although it may be more recent than other items
- 20225 Gendered Impacts of Colonial Education: the Role of Access and Norms Transmission in French Morocco
by Amélie Allegre & Oana Borcan & Christa Brunnschweiler - 20125 Dynamic Spending and Portfolio Decisions with an Internal Soft Habit
by knut Anton Mork & Frida Nymark Engelstad
- 20024 When petroleum revenue transparency policy meets citizen engagement reality: Survey evidence from Indonesia
by Christa Brunnschweiler & Päivi Lujala & Primi Putri & Sabrina Scherzer & Indah Wardhani - 19924 Teacher demand, teacher education, and teacher shortages. A new data set 1861-2024 for Norway
by Torberg Falch & Bjarne Strøm - 19824 Apprenticeship as Critical Transition in Vocational Education, the Role of Training Agencies
by Torberg Falch & Anna Cecilia Rapp
- 19723 Climate change and reindeer herding – a bioeconomic model on the economic implications for Saami reindeer herders in Sweden and Norway
by Irmelin Slettemoen Helgesen & Anne Borge Johannesen - 19623 Dynamic time series modelling and forecasting of COVID-19 in Norway
by Gunnar BÃ¥rdsen & Ragnar Nymoen
- 19522 Public sector wage compression and wage inequality: Gender and geographic heterogeneity
by Jørn Rattsø & Hildegunn E Stokke - 19322 The Importance of Tutors’ Instructional Practices: Evidence from a Norwegian Field Experiment
by Hans Bonesrønning & Jon Marius Vaag Iversen
- 19121 Mobility of novice teachers
by Torberg Falch & Bjarne Strøm - 19021 Government funding incentives and study program capacities in public universities: theory and evidence
by Jan Morten Dyrstad & Mia Marie Wallgren Sohlman & Tor Henrik Teigen - 18921 Soft habits
by Knut Anton Mork & Vegard Skonseng Bjerketvedt - 18821 For whom are cities good places to live?
by Fredrik Carlsen & Stefan Leknes
- 18720 When outside options bite: Labor demand in the Norwegian salmon farming industry and educational investments
by Ole Henning Nyhus - 18620 The long Norwegian boom: Dutch disease after all?
by Knut Anton Mork - 18520 Adult skills and labor market conditions during teenage years: Cross-country evidence from ALL and PIAAC
by Marianne Haraldsvik & Bjarne Strøm - 18420 The effect of central government grants on local educational policy
by Rune Borgan Reiling & Kari Vea Salvanes & Astrid Marie Jorde Sandsør & Bjarne Strøm - 18320 Assortative labor matching, city size, and the education level of workers
by Stefan Leknes & Jørn Rattsø & Hildegunn E. Stokke
- 18219 Modelling and forecasting wind drought
by Gunnar Bårdsen & Stan Hurn & Kenneth Lindsay - 18119 Expectations switching in a DSGE model for the UK
by Anette Borge & Gunnar Bårdsen & Junior Maih - 18019 Beauty and Adolescent Risky Behaviours
by Colin Green & Luke Wilson & Anwen Zhang - 17919 Portfolio Choice for a Resource-based Sovereign Wealth Fund: An analysis of Cash Flows
by Knut Anton Mork & Hanna Marisela Eap & Magnus Eskedal Haraldsen - 17819 A free rider problem? The effect of electric vehicles on urban toll prices in Norway
by Lana Krehic - 17719 School spending and extension of the youth voting franchise: Evidence from an experiment in Norway
by Ole Henning Nyhus & Bjarne Strøm
- 17618 Does Performance Pay Increase Alcohol and Drug Use?
by Colin Green & John Heywood & Ben Artz - 17518 Dynamic private-public wage gap: Return to experience, education level and cit effect
by Jørn Rattsø & Hildegunn E.Stokke - 17418 Identification of the private-public wage gap
by Jørn Rattsø & Hildegunn E.Stokke
- 17316 Welfare state generosity and student performance: Evidence from international student tests 1980 ? 2003
by Torberg Falch & Justina AV Fischer - 17216 Preparation time, exam scores, and tertiary education
by Simon Søbstad Bensnes - 17116 The gender wage gap and the early-career effect
by HIldegunn E. Stokke - 17016 Investing it, spending it: Interactions between Spending and Investment Decisions with a Sovereign Wealth Fund
by Snorre Lindset & Knut Anton Mork
- 16915 The Silence of the Lambs: Payment for Carnivore Conservation and Sheep Farming
by Anders Skonhoft - 16815 Regional payroll tax cuts and individual wages: Heterogeneous effects across education groups
by Hildegunn Ekroll Stokke - 16715 Resource curse avoidance: Governmental intervention and wage formation in the Norwegian petroleum sector
by Jan Morten Dyrstad - 16615 You sneeze, you lose: The impact of pollen exposure on cognitive performance during high-stakes high school exams
by Simon Søbstad Bensnes - 16515 Earning or learning? The impact of relaxing shop opening hours restrictions on youth employment, education and earnings
by Simon Søbstad Bensnes & Bjarne Strøm - 16415 Do smaller classes always improve students' long run outcomes?
by Torberg Falch & Astrid Marie Jorde Sandsør & Bjarne Strøm - 16315 Handling amenities in income taxation: Analysis of tax distortions in a migration equilibrium model
by Jørn Rattsø & Hildegunn E Stokke - 16215 For whom are cities good places to live?
by Fredrik Carlsen & Stefan Leknes
- 16114 Natural Rerources and public Sector Wages
by Pernille Parmer - 16014 Hydropower Policy and Energy Saving Incentives
by Pernille Parmer - 15914 No blessing, no curse? On the benefits of being a resource-rich southern region of Italy
by Roberto Iacono - 15814 The Norwegian support and subsidy of electric cars. Should it be adopted by other countries?
by Anders Skonhoft & Bjart Holtsmark - 15714 Quality of life and population size: Causal evidence with historical mines
by Stefan Leknes
- 15613 Property Rights, Oil and Income Levels: Over a Century of Evidence
by Christa N. Brunnschweiler & Simone Valente - 15513 Wild salmon fishing:Harvesting the old or young?
by Anders Skonhoft & Peichen Gong - 15413 An Institutional Perspective on Externalities.The Nordic Wolf Re-Colonization
by Jan Tore Solstad & Eivind Egeland Aronsen & Anders Skonhoft - 15313 International Resource Tax Policies Beyond Rent Extraction
by Simone Valente & Luca Bretschger - 15213 Education, experience and dynamic urban wage premium
by Fredrik Carlsen & Jorn Rattso & Hildegunn E. Stokke - 15113 A New Keynesian Framework and Wage and Price Dynamics in the US
by Bjørnar Karlsen Kivedal - 15013 Causal effects of mathematics
by Torberg Falch & Ole Henning Nyhus & Bjarne Strom - 14913 Local Natural Resource Curse?
by Lars-Erik Borge & Pernille Parmer & Ragnar Torvik - 14813 Bank Debt Regulations Implications for Bank Capital and Bond Risk
by Stig Helberg & Snorre Lindset - 14713 China's Savings Multiplier
by Halvor Mehlum & Ragnar Torvik & Simone Valente - 14613 Gender Peer Effects on Further Education
by Kaja Høiseth Brugård - 14513 Does School Choice Improve Student Performance?
by Kaja Høiseth Brugård - 14413 Endogenous Growth and Property Rights Over Renewable Resources
by Simone Valente & Nujin Suphaphiphat & Pietro F. Peretto - 14313 Income and choice under risk
by Arnt O. Hopland & Egil Matsen & Bjarne Strøm - 14213 Livestock management at northern latitudes. Potential economic effects of climate change in sheep farming
by Anne Borge Johannesen & Anders Skonhoft & Anders Nielsen - 14113 Frequentist evaluation of small DSGE models
by Gunnar Bårdsen & Luca Fanelli - 14013 Why Do Voters Dismantle Checks and Balances? Extensions and Robustness
by Ragnar Torvik & Daron Acemoglu & James A. Robinson - 13913 Why Do Voters Dismantle Checks and Balances?
by Ragnar Torvik & Daron Acemoglu & James A. Robinson
- 13812 Central government control and fiscal adjustment : Norwegian evidence
by Arnt Ove Hopland - 13712 Forecast robustness in macroeconometric models
by Gunnar Bårdsen & Dag Kolsrud & Ragnar Nymoen - 13612 The dynamics of an animal - vegetation system: Sheep farming
by Anders Skonhoft & José-María Da Rocha - 13512 Maintenance and building conditions in Norwegian local governments: Economic and political determinants
by Anders Skonhoft & Vebjørn Veiberg & Asle Gauteplass & Jon Olaf Olaussen & Erling L. Meisingset & Atle Mysterud - 13412 International partnerships, foreign control and income levels : theory and evidence
by Christa N. Brunnschweiler & Simone Valente - 13312 Testing for rational bubbles in the housing market
by Bjørnar Karlsen Kivedal - 13212 Student performance and imprisonment
by Kaja Høiseth Brugård & Torberg Falch - 13112 Maintenance and building conditions in Norwegian local governments: Economic and political determinants
by Arnt Ove Hopland & Lars-Erik Borge - 13012 Rebellion against Reason? A Study of Expressive Choice and Strikes
by Christa N. Brunnschweiler & Colin Jennings & Ian A. MacKenzie - 12912 Optimal exploitation of a renewable resource with capital limitations
by Anders Skonhoft & Asle Gauteplass - 12812 Petro populism
by Egil Matsen & Ragnar Torvik & Gisle J. Natvik - 12712 A DSGE Model with Housing in the Cointegrated VAR Framework
by Bjørnar Karlsen Kivedal - 12612 Is it really worse with a Bird in Hand? A comparison of fiscal rules for resource-rich economies
by Roberto Iacono - 12512 School building conditions and student achievments: Norwegian evidence
by Arnt Ove Hopland - 12412 The Flows of the Pacific: Asian foreign exchange markets through tranquility and turbulence
by Hans Jørgen Tranvåg & Dagfinn Rime
- 12311 On the management of interconnected wildlife populations
by Anders Skonhoft & Wenting Chen - 12211 Should Economists Listen to Educational Psychologists? Some Economics of Student Motivation
by Jocelyn Donze & Trude Gunnes - 12111 An Ecological-Economic Model on the Effects of Interactions between Escaped Farmed and Wild Salmon (Salmo salar)
by Anders Skonhoft & Yajie Liu & Ola H. Diserud & Kjetil Hindar - 12011 When a Fish is a Fish: The Economic Impacts of Escaped Farmed Fish
by Yajie Liu & Jon Olaf Olaussen & Anders Skonhoft - 11911 The maximum economic yield management of an age-structured salmon population
by Anders Skonhoft - 11811 Geographical constraints and educational attainment
by Bjarne Strøm & Torberg Falch & Päivi Lujala - 11711 Why Do Voters Dismantle Checks and Balances?
by Ragnar Torvik & Daron Acemoglu & James A. Robinson - 11611 School facilities and student achievements: evidence from the Timss
by Arnt Ove Hopland - 11511 Financial incentives and study duration in higher education
by Trude Gunnes & Lars J. Kirkebøen & Marte Rønning - 11411 Homework assignment and student achievement in OECD countries
by Torberg Falch & Marte Rønning - 11311 Educational Evaluation Schemes and Gender Gaps in Student Achievement
by Torberg Falch & Linn Renée Naper - 11211 Accumulation of education and regional income growth: Limited human capital effects in Norway
by Jørn Rattsø & Hildegunn E. Stokke - 11111 Migration and dynamic agglomeration economies: Regional income growth in Norway
by Jørn Rattsø & Hildegunn E. Stokke - 11011 MOSES: Model of Swedish Economic Studies
by Gunnar Bårdsen & Ard den Reijer & Patrik Jonasson & Ragnar Nymoen
- 10910 Teacher mobility responses to wage changes: evidence from quasi-natural experiment
by Torberg Falch - 10810 Asymmetric unemployment rate dynamics in Australia
by Gunnar Bårdsen & Stan Hurn & Zoë McHugh
- 10709 Parental Income and Risk Behaviour as Determinants of Adolescent Health
by Ivar Pettersen - 10609 Health and anthropometric features as determinants of annual income in Norway
by Ivar Pettersen - 10509 Livestock as insurance and social status. Evidence from reindeer herding in Norway
by Anne Borge Johannesen & Anders Skonhoft - 10409 Forecasting Levels of log Variables in Vector Autoregressions
by Gunnar Bårdsen & Helmut Lütkepohl - 10309 Industrial labor productivities and tariffs in South Africa: Identification based on multilateral liberalization reform
by Jørn Rattsø & Torfinn Harding - 10209 Looking Abroad, but Lagging Behind: How the World Technology Frontier Affects South Africa
by Jørn Rattsø & Torfinn Harding - 10109 Efficiency potential and determinants of efficiency: An analysis of the care of elderly sector in Norway
by Lars-Erik Borge & Marianne Haraldsvik - 10009 Grey power and public budgets: Family altruism helps children, but not elderly
by Joern Rattsoe & Rune J. Soerensen - 9909 Wage inequality, comparative advantage and skill biased technical change in South Africa
by Joern Rattsoe & Hildegunn Ekroll Stokke - 9809 Regional income convergence, skilled migration and productivity response: Explaining relative stagnation in the periphery
by Joern Rattsoe & Hildegunn Ekroll Stokke
- 9708 Student progression in upper secondary education: The effect of academic ability, gender, and schools
by Torberg Falch & Bjarne Stroem - 9608 Teacher shortages and the business cycle
by Torberg Falch & Kaare Johansen & Bjarne Stroem - 9508 Public sector decentralization and school performance: International evidence
by Torberg Falch & Justina AV Fischer - 9408 Multinational supermarket chains in developing countries: Does local agriculture benefit
by Hildegunn Ekroll Stokke - 9308 Quasi-experimental estimates of the effect of class size on achievement in Norway
by Marte Rønning & Edvin Leuven & Hessel Oosterbeek - 9208 The effect of early cognitive ability on earnings over the life-cycle
by Torberg Falch & Sofia Sandgren
- 9107 Service Production and Patient Satisfaction in Primary Care
by Fredrik Carlsen & Jostein Grytten & Irene Skau - 9007 Habit formation, strategic extremism and debt policy
by Egil Matsen & Øystein Thøgersen - 8907 Modern fishing technology and profitability in a second best situation
by Anders Skonhoft - 8807 Myopic or constrained by balanced-budget-rules? The intertemporal spending behavior of Norwegian local governments
by Lars-Erik Borge & Per Tovmo - 8707 Optimal Portfolio Choice and Investment in Education
by Egil Matsen & Snorre Lindset - 8607 Young and old competing for public welfare services
by Lars-Erik Borge & Jørn Rattsø - 8507 Restoring a Fish Stock: A Dynamic Bankruptcy Problem
by Anders Skonhoft & Elena Inarra - 8407 Public Sector Efficiency: The Roles of Political and Budgetary Institutions, Fiscal Capacity and Democratic Participation
by Lars-Erik Borge & Torberg Falch & Per Tovmo
- 8307 Joker: Choice in a simple game with large stakes
by Egil Matsen & Bjarne Strøm - 8206 Primary Physicians’ Response to Changes in Fees
by Fredrik Carlsen & Jostein Grytten & Irene Skau - 8106 Using survey data to study capitalization of local public services
by Fredrik Carlsen & Jørn Rattsø & Bjørg Langset & Lasse Stambøl - 8006 Do local authorities set local fiscal variables to influence population flows?
by Fredrik Carlsen - 7906 Election cycles, party ideology and incumbent popularity: theory and evidence for OECD economies
by Fredrik Carlsen - 7806 Centralized or decentralized financing of local governments? Consequences for efficiency and inequality of service provision
by Lars-Erik Borge - 7706 The silence of the lambs
by Anders Skonhoft - 7606 Property taxation as incentive for cost control:Empirical evidence for utility services in Norway
by Lars-Erik Borge & Jørn Rattsø - 7506 Constitutions and the resource curse
by Jørgen Juel Andersen & Silje Aslaksen - 7406 Playing Chicken with Salmon
by Jon Olaf Olaussen - 7306 The effect of education on cognitive ability
by Torberg Falch & Sofia Sandgren - 7206 Resource Boom, Productivity Growth and Real Exchange Rate Dynamics - A dynamic general equilibrium analysis of South Africa
by Hildegunn Ekroll Stokke - 7106 When is Democracy an Equilibrium?: Theory and Evidence from Colombia's La Violencia
by Ragnar Torvik & James A. Robinson & Mario Chacón - 7006 Economic modeling approaches for wildlife and species conservation
by Anders Skonhoft - 6906 Operating costs in Norwegian toll companies: A panel data analysis
by Gunnar Bårdsen & Erik Amdal & Kåre Johansen & Morten Welde - 6806 Evaluation of macroeconomic models for financial stability analysis
by Gunnar Bårdsen & Kjersti-Gro Lindquist & Dimitrios P. Tsomocos - 6606 Portfolio Choice when Managers Control Returns
by Egil Matsen - 6506 Politics in Wage setting: Does government colour matter?
by Kåre Johansen & Ørjan Mydland & Bjarne Strøm
- 6405 The economics of a stage-structured wildlife population model
by Jon Olaf Olaussen & Anders Skonhoft - 6305 Stylized dynamic model representations - a note
by Gunnar Bårdsen - 6205 Efficiency potential and efficiency variation in Norwegian lower secondary schools
by Lars-Erik Borge & Linn Renée Naper - 6105 The bioeconomics of a wild Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) recreational fishery
by Jon Olaf Olaussen & Anders Skonhoft - 6005 Protected areas, wildlife conservation and local welfare
by Anne Borge Johannesen - 5905 On the Economics of Biological Invasion: An application to recreational fishing
by Jon Olaf Olaussen - 5805 A theory of civil conflict and democracy in rentier states
by Silje Aslaksen & Ragnar Torvik - 5705 Cursed by resources or institutions?
by Halvor Mehlum & Karl Ove Moene & Ragnar Torvik - 5605 A Political Economy Theory of the Soft Budget Constraint
by James A. Robinson & Ragnar Torvik - 5505 The costs and benefits of animal predation: An analysis of Scandinavian wolf re-colonization
by Anders Skonhoft - 5405 Monetary policy and asset prices: To respond or not?
by Gunnar Bårdsen & Q. Farooq Akram & Øyvind Eitrheim - 5305 Decentralization with Property Taxation to Improve Incentives: Evidence from Local Governments’ Discrete Choice
by Jørn Rattsø & Jon Hernes Fiva - 5005 Marine reserves. A bio-economic model with asymmetric density dependent migration
by Anders Skonhoft & Claire Armstrong - 4905 Productivity Growth in Backward Economies and the Role of Barriers to Technology Adoption
by Hildegunn Ekroll Stokke - 4805 The Barrier Model of Productivity Growth: South Africa
by Torfinn Harding & Jørn Rattsø
- 5105 Property Taxation as a Determinant of School District Efficiency
by Marte Rønning & Jon Hernes Fiva - 4704 Savers, Spenders and Fiscal Policy in a Small Open Economy
by Egil Matsen & Ragnar Torvik & Tommy Sveen - 4604 Ramsey model of barriers to growth and skill-biased income distribution in South Africa
by Hildegunn Ekroll Stokke & Jørn Rattsø - 4504 Tourism, Poaching and Wildlife Conservation: What can Integrated Conservation and Development Projects accomplish?
by Anders Skonhoft & Anne Borge Johannesen - 4404 Conservation of wildlife. A bio-economic model of a wildlife reserve under the pressure of habitat destruction and harvesting outside the reserve
by Anders Skonhoft & Claire Armstrong - 4304 Wage Bargaining and Monopsony
by Torberg Falch & Bjarne Strøm - 4204 Welfare Competition in Norway
by Jørn Rattsø & Jon Hernes Fiva - 4104 Modelling inflation in the Euro Area
by Eilev S. Jansen - 4004 Testing for a time-varying price-cost markup in the Euro area inflation process
by Christopher Bowdler & Eilev S. Jansen - 3904 Managing a Migratory Species that is both a Value and Pest
by Jon Olaf Olaussen & Anders Skonhoft - 3804 Wildlife Conservation Policies and Incentives to Hunt: An empirical analysis of illegal hunting in western Serengeti, Tanzania
by Anne Borge Johannesen
- 3704 Designing Integrated Conservation and Development Projects (ICDPs): Illegal hunting, wildlife conservation and the welfare of the local people
by Anne Borge Johannesen - 3604 Teacher Turnover and Non-Pecuniary Factors
by Torberg Falch & Bjarne Strøm - 3503 Property Rights and Natural Resource Conservation. A Bio-Economic Model with Numerical Illustrations from the Serengeti-Mara Ecosystem
by Anne Borge Johannesen & Anders Skonhoft - 3403 Teacher Sorting, Teacher Quality, and Student Composition: Evidence from Norway
by Hans Bonesrønning & Torberg Falch & Bjarne Strøm - 3303 Estimating the Elasticity of Labour Supply to an Enterprise Utilizing a Quasi–Natural Experiment
by Torberg Falch - 3203 Wage Bargaining and Political Strength in the Public Sector
by Torberg Falch & Bjarne Strøm - 3103 The Bioeconomics of Controlling an African Rodent Pest Species
by Anders Skonhoft & Nils Chr. Stenseth & Herwig Leirs & Harry P. Andreassen & Loth S.A. Mulungu - 2803 Interest Rate Decisions in an Asymmetric Monetary Union
by Egil Matsen & Øistein Røisland
- 2703 Optimal Dutch Disease
by Egil Matsen & Ragnar Torvik - 2402 Wage Bargaining and Employer Objectives
by Torberg Falch - 2102 The Empirical (ir)Relevance of the New Keynesian Phillips Curve
by Gunnar Bårdsen & Eilev S. Jansen & Ragnar Nymoen - 1702 International Diversification, Growth, and Welfare with Non-Traded Income Risk and Incomplete Markets
by Egil Matsen - 1002 A smooth-transition model of the Australian unemployment rate
by Gunnar Bårdsen & Stan Hurn & Zoë McHugh - 0302 Regional Wage Curves Empirical Evidence from Norway
by Kåre Johansen
- 2502 Non-linear Unemployment Effects in Sickness Absence: Discipline or Composition Effects?
by Solveig Osborg Ose & Jan Morten Dyrstad - 2302 Learning by Exporting and Productivity-investment Interaction: An Intertemporal General Equilibrium Analysis of the Growth Process in Thailand
by Hildegunn Ekroll Stokke & Jørn Rattsø & Xinshen Diao - 2202 International spillovers, productivity growth and openness in Thailand: An intertemporal general equilibrium analysis
by Hildegunn Ekroll Stokke & Jørn Rattsø & Xinshen Diao - 1202 Modelling Wages and Prices in Australia
by Gunnar Bårdsen & Stan Hurn & Zoë McHugh - 0802 Public Employment and Regional Risk Sharing: Norway 1977-90
by Egil Matsen & Lars-Erik Borge - 0202 On Asymmetric Information across Countries and the Home-Bias Puzzel
by Egil Matsen - 0102 Habit Persistence and Welfare Gains from International Asset Trade
by Egil Matsen
- 1802 A Wage Curve for the Interwar Labour Market: Evidence from a Panel of Norwegian Manufacturing Industries
by Gunnar Bårdsen & Jurgen Doornik & Jan Tore Klovland - 1602 Testing Steady-State Implications for the NAIRU
by Gunnar Bårdsen & Ragnar Nymoen - 1502 Financial Integration and Consumption Comovements in the Nordic Countries
by Egil Matsen & Øystein Thøgersen - 1302 Model Specification and Inflation Forecast Uncertainty
by Gunnar Bårdsen & Eilev S. Jansen & Ragnar Nymoen - 1102 Designing Social Security – A Portfolio Choice Approach
by Egil Matsen & Øystein Thøgersen
- 2602 Absence and Overtime Work:Empirical Evidence from Norway
by Solveig Osborg Ose & Jan Morten Dyrstad - 0502 Econometric Inflation Targeting
by Gunnar Bårdsen & Eilev S. Jansen & Ragnar Nymoen - 0402 The Generic Properties of Equilibrium Correction Mechanisms
by Gunnar Bårdsen & Stan Hurn & Kenneth Lindsay
- 19422 How does testing young children influence educational attainment and well-being?
by Colin Green & Ole Henning Nyhus & Kari Vea Salvanes - 19222 Capital preservation and current spending with Sovereign Wealth Funds and Endowment Funds: A simulation study
by Knut Anton Mork & Haakon Andreas Trønnes & Vegard Skonseng Bjerketvedt - 3003 Growth, Development and Land-Use in a Simple Agrarian Economy with Endogeneous Population
by Anders Skonhoft & Jan Tore Solstad - 2903 Wage Formation, Regional Migration and Local Labour Market Tightness
by Kåre Johansen & Fredrik Carlsen & Knut Røed - 2002 Wages and Subjective Assessments of Regional Labour Market Pressure
by Kåre Johansen & Fredrik Carlsen - 1402 Survey-based Indicators of Regional Labour Markets and Interregional Migration in Norway
by Kåre Johansen & Fredrik Carlsen - 0902 Nonlinear Wage Responses to Internal and External Factors
by Kåre Johansen - 0602 Hysteresis in Unemployment: Evidence from Norwegian Counties
by Kåre Johansen