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News releases for April 2001

President George W. Bush meets with Congressmen at the White House Monday, April 30. WHITE HOUSE PHOTO BY PAUL MORSE April 30, 2001
President Bush Discusses First 100 Days at Congressional Luncheon
Listen to the President's Remarks
Statement by the President on Passing of Richard Scammon
Memorandum for the Secretary of State
Executive Order: Establishment of the President's Task Force on Puerto Rico's Status
President Bush to Nominate Randt to be Ambassador of the United
Nominations Sent to the Senate
Nominations Sent to the Senate
Nominations Sent to the Senate
A Proclamation by the President: National Day of Prayer, 2001
April 28, 2001
Radio Address by the President to the Nation  
Listen to the President's Remarks
Remarks by the President at White House Correspondents Dinner
President George W. Bush and Laura Bush greet those at the Bob Bullock History Museum before touring the museum Friday, April 27. WHITE HOUSE PHOTO BY PAUL MORSE April 27, 2001
President Bush Speaks at Dedication of Bob Bullock Texas History Musuem
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President Bush Declares Disaster Exists in Kansas
President Bush to Nominate James W. Ziglar to be Commissioner of Immigration and Naturalization
President Bush to Nominate Two Individuals to Serve in His Administration and Appoint Twenty-Four
President George W. Bush shakes hands with his father, former president George Bush, as former first lady Barbara Bush looks on from the podium during a Celebration of Reading event Thursday, April 26, in Houston. WHITE HOUSE PHOTO BY PAUL MORSE April 26, 2001
Remarks by the President, Former President Bush, Laura Bush, Former First Lady Bush and Former Prime Minister of England John Major
President Bush to Welcome Israeli President Moshe Katsav
President Bush Remembers Chornobyl Accident
Nominations Sent to the Senate
President Bush Nominates Johnson to Serve in His Administration
President Bush Speaks at Zephyr Field in New Orleans, Louisiana. White House photo by Paul Morse. April 25, 2001
President Bush Speaks at Zephyr Field in New Orleans, Louisiana
Listen to the President's Remarks
President Bush Commends Senate for Passage of Brownfields Legislation
Opening Day for White House South Lawn Tee Ball Announced
White House South Lawn Tee Ball Opening Day
President Bush Discusses the Budget and Taxes in Little Rock, Arkansas
President to Nominate George L. Argyros to be Ambassador to Spain
President Speaks at Tim Hutchinson for Senate Reception in Little Rock, Arkansas
President Bush Nominates Stuart Bernstein to be Ambassador to Denmark
President Bush Nominates Bonnie McElveen-Hunter to be Ambassador
President Bush to Nominate Charles J. Swindells to be Ambassdor to New Zealand
Text of A Letter from the President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate
Text of a Letter From the President to the Speaker of the House and the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
A Proclamation by the President: Loyalty Day, 2001
President George W. Bush meets winners of the President's Youth Environmental Awards in the White House Tuesday, April 24, 2001. WHITE HOUSE PHOTO BY PAUL MORSE April 24, 2001
President Bush Speaks to Winners of Environmental Youth Awards
Listen to the President's Remarks
President Bush to Nominate Four Individuals to Serve in His Administration
President's Message on Armenia
President George Bush meets with national champion Duke and Notre Dame basketball teams at the White House Monday. April 23, 2001
President Bush Welcomes the NCAA Men's Basketball Champions from Duke University and the NCAA Women's Basketball Champions from Notre Dame University
Listen to the President's Remarks
President Bush Recognizes National Teachers of the Year
President Bush to Nominate Four Individuals to Serve in His Administration
Nominations Sent to the Senate
April 22, 2001
President Bush Holds Press Conference at Conclusion of the Summit of the Americas
President Bush Thanks U.S. Mission at Summit of the Americas
April 21, 2001
President Bush Discusses the Summit of the Americas at Working Session  
President Bush and President Vicente Fox of Mexico Speak to Reporters
Radio Address by the President to the Nation
Listen to the President's Remarks
President's Earth Day Statement
Fact Sheet: Andean Regional Initiative - Quebec, Canada
Fact Sheet: American Fellows Initiative - Quebec, Canada
Fact Sheet: Caribbean Third Border Initiative - Quebec, Canada
Fact Sheet: Creating Centers of Excellence for Teacher Training - Quebec, Canada
Fact Sheet: Inter-American E-Business Fellowship Program - Quebec, Canada
Fact Sheet: Tropical Forest Conservation Act - Quebec, Canada
Fact Sheet: President's Speech at the Summit of the Americas - Quebec City, Canada
President meets with Canadian Prime Minister Chretien. April 20, 2001
President Bush Departs to Quebec, Canada for Summit of the Americas
Listen to the President's Remarks
President Bush to Nominate Brauer to be Ambassador to Belgium
President Bush Meets with Andean Leaders in Quebec, Canada
President Bush Speaks With Central American Leaders in Quebec, Canada
President Bush to Nominate Two Individuals to Serve in His Administration
April 19, 2001
Remarks by the President, Secretary of State Colin Powell, and EPA Administrator Christine Todd Whitman in Environmental Announcement  
Listen to the President's Remarks
President Bush Welcomes President De La Rua of Argentina
Remarks by the President in Days of Remembrance Observance
President Expresses Concern for Families Displaced by Mississippi River Flooding
President Bush to Visit Spain
President Bush to Nominate Three Individuals to Serve in His Administration
President George W. Bush and First Lady Laura Bush tour the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. PHOTOS BY PAUL MORSE April 18, 2001
President Bush Speaks at Holocaust Museum
Listen to the President's Remarks
President Bush Speaks at Central Connecticut State University in New Britain, Connecticut
Listen to the President's Remarks
President Bush to Nominate Six Individuals to Serve in His Administration
A Proclamation by the President: National Park Week, 2001
April 17, 2001
President Bush Declares Several Mississippi Counties Disaster Areas  
President Bush Speaks to the Organization of American States
Listen to the President's Remarks
President Supports Rule to Expand Information Available to Public about Presence of Lead and Lead Emissions
President Bush to Nominate Eight Individuals to Serve in His Administration
President Bush speaks to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. April 16, 2001
President Bush Speaks at United States Chamber of Commerce
President Bush Welcomes Chilean President Lagos to Oval Office
President Bush to Nominate One Individual to Serve in His Administration and His Appointment of Two Individuals
A Proclamation by the President: National Volunteer Week, 2001
April 15, 2001
U.S. Forces Participate in Apprehension of Indicted War Criminal  
April 14, 2001
Radio Address by the President to the Nation  
Listen to the President's Remarks
April 13, 2001
Easter Greetings  
Text of a Letter From the President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate
President Bush to Welcome Prime Minister Hariri of Lebanon to the White House
President and Mrs. Bush Release 2000 Tax Return
Vice President and Mrs. Cheney Release 2000 Income Tax Return
Personnel Announcement
Visit by President Boris Trajkovski of Macedonia
Text of a Letter From The President On CFE Compliance
Memorandum for the Secretary of State
President Bush speaks to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce April 12, 2001
President Bush Speaks on Parental Empowerment in Education
Listen to the President's Remarks
Remarks by the President Upon the Return From China of U.S. Service Members
President's Statement on Medical Privacy Information
President Bush to Nominate Palmer to be Ambassador of the United States to Portugal
President Bush to Nominate Freeman to be Ambassador of the United States to Belize
President Bush to Nominate Coats as Ambassador of the United States to the Federal Republic of Germany
Remarks by the President During Event in Honor of Thomas Jefferson's Birthday
A Proclamation by the President: Thomas Jefferson Day, 2001
President Bush Signs Bills Renaming Postal Facilities
President visited with students at Concord, Middle School in North Carolina. April 11, 2001
President Bush Speaks at Concord Middle School in Concord, North Carolina
Listen to the President's Remarks
Remarks by the President When Meeting the Parents of Petty Officer Third Class Steven Blocher - Concord, North Carolina
Remarks by the President at Greenville, North Carolina Welcome Event - Greenville, North Carolina
President Bush to Nominate Two Individuals to Serve in His Administration
Remarks by the President on Release of American Servicemen and Women in China
Letter from Ambassador Prueher to Chinese Minister of Foreign Affairs Tang
Agreement Reached to Bring EP-3 Crew Home from Hainan Island
President Bush Takes Students from Cleveland Elementary School on a Tour at the White House April 10, 2001
Remarks by the President in Character Education Event
Listen to the President's Remarks
Remarks of the President and His Majesty King Abdullah of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in Photo Opportunity
A Proclamation by the President: National D.A.R.E. Day, 2001
A Proclamation by the President: National Crime Victims' Rights
President Bush discusses the budget in the Cabinet Room with his Cabinet. April 9, 2001
President Bush Discusses Budget with Cabinet
Interactive Map: See How the Budget Affects Your State
President Bush Releases Budget
Press Briefing by OMB Director Mitch Daniels on the Budget
Listen to the President's Remarks
President Bush Announces Evertz to be the Director of the Office National AIDS Policy
A Proclamation by the President: Jewish Heritage Week, 2001
Statement by the Press Secretary
President Bush to Nominate Four Individuals to Serve in His Administration
April 7, 2001
Radio Address by the President to the Nation  
Listen to the President's Remarks
April 6, 2001
President Bush Congratulates Winners of Horatio Alger Award  
President Bush Speaks at 2000 Malcolm Baldridge Awards Ceremony
President Bush Nominates Six Individuals to Serve in His Administration
President Bush Announces Intention to Nominate Ambassador to Czech Republic
Statement by the Press Secretary
Nominations Sent to the Senate
Nominations Sent to the Senate
Executive Order: Amendment to Executive Order 13202
President George W. Bush Speaks at the American Society of Newspaper Editors luncheon on April 5, 2001 in Washington DC. WHITE HOUSE PHOTO BY PAUL MORSE April 5, 2001
President Bush Speaks at American Society of Newspaper Editors Annual Convention
Listen to the President's Remarks
President Bush Speaks at U.S. Conference of Mayors National Summit
President Bush to Nominate Four Individuals to Serve in His Administration
Nominations Sent to the Senate
President Bush to Visit Poland
Executive Order: Further Amendment to Executive Order 10000
April 4, 2001
President Applauds House of Representative's Action on Death Tax  
President Bush to Nominate Cobb to be Ambassador of the United States to Jamaica
President Bush to Nominate Gioia to be Ambassador of the United States to the Republic Of Malta
A Proclamation by the President: National Organ and Tissue Donor
Nominations Sent to the Senate
Personnel Announcements
Executive Order: Termination of Emergency Authority For Certain Export Controls
Text of a Letter from the President to the Speaker of the House
April 3, 2001
President Speaks at Leadership Forum in Wilmington, Delaware  
Listen to the President's Remarks
President Discusses American Plane and Crew in China
President Bush Announces Eleven People to Serve in His Administration
Presidential Nominations Sent to the Senate
President Bush greets members of the National Restaurant Association. White House photo by Eric Draper. April 2, 2001
Statement by the President on American Plane and Crew in China  
President Bush Speaks to National Restaurant Association
     listenListen to the President's Remarks

A Proclamation by the President: Pan American Day and Pan American Week, 2001
Remarks by the President in Photo Opportunity with Congressional Hispanic Caucus
A Proclamation by the President: National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day, 2001
Remarks by the President in Photo Opportunity with Congressional Trade Leaders
Remarks by President Bush and Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak
April 1, 2001
President Welcomes Arrest of Milosevic  
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