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Requirements for Filing Candidacy

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Federal Offices
Office Sought Filing Location Campaign Account Required Financial Disclosure Required Filing Fee Required
President State No* No
Vice President State No* No
U.S. Senate State No * No
U.S. Congress State No * No
Delegates to the Convention State and designated atellite locations No * No

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State Offices
Office Sought Filing Location Campaign Account Required Financial Disclosure Required Filing Fee Required
Governor State Yes Yes - State
Lt. Governor State Yes Yes - State
Comptroller State Yes Yes - State
Attorney General State Yes Yes - State
State Senate State Yes Yes - State
House of Delegate State Yes Yes - State
Circuit Court Judge State Yes Yes - (2) Judicial
Circuits 1-7 $50.00
Circuit 8 $300.00

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County Offices
Office Sought Filing Location Campaign Account Required Financial Disclosure Required Filing Fee Required
County Executive County Yes Yes - County
County Council County Yes Yes - County
Co. Commissioners County Yes Yes - County
County Treasurer County Yes Yes - County
State's Attorney County Yes Yes - State
Baltimore City $150.00
Clerk of the Courts County Yes Yes - State
Baltimore City $150.00
Register of Wills County Yes Yes - State
Baltimore City $150.00
Orphans Court Judge County Yes Yes - (2) Judicial
Baltimore City $150.00
Sheriff County Yes Yes - State
Baltimore City $150.00
Board of Education County Yes Yes - Bd.-Ed.

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Baltimore City Offices
Office Sought Filing Location Campaign Account Required Financial Disclosure Required Filing Fee Required
Mayor City Yes Yes- City $150
City Council City Yes Yes- City

$150- President

$50- District

Party Offices
Office Sought Filing Location Campaign Account Required Financial Disclosure Required Filing Fee Required
Central Committee County No No

* Federal Law controls the manner in which candidates for Federal Office and their committees' raise, spend and report campaign funds. Contact the Federal Election Commission at 1-800-424-9530 prior to the occurence of financial activity.

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