List of hospitals in Belgium
This is a list of hospitals and hospital networks in Belgium as of August 2019, sorted per region and per province. For each hospital or hospital network, the list includes if applicable their specialisation, the municipalities where they are located, any international hospital accreditation they have obtained as well as their number of hospital beds (an indicator of the overall size and importance of the hospital or network). Note that in Dutch a hospital is called ziekenhuis, kliniek or hospitaal, whilst in French a hospital is called hôpital, centre hospitalier or clinique. Some common abbreviations in this list are:
- 'AZ' indicates a general hospital (Dutch: Algemeen Ziekenhuis).
- 'UZ' indicates a university hospital (Dutch: Universitair Ziekenhuis), as does 'CHU' (French: Centre Hospitalier Universitaire).
- 'CHR' indicates a regional hospital, mostly found in larger towns and cities and their metropolitan area (French: Centre Hospitalier Régional), as does 'RZ' (Dutch: Regionaal Ziekenhuis).
- 'PZ' or 'PC' indicates a psychiatric hospital (Dutch: Psychiatrisch Ziekenhuis or Psychiatrisch Centrum), as does 'HP', 'CP' or 'CHP' (French: Hôpital Psychiatrique, Centre Psychiatrique or Centre Hospitalier Psychiatrique).
- 'UPC' indicates a psychiatric hospital associated with a university or a psychiatric division of a university hospital (Dutch: Universitair Psychiatrisch Centrum).
Flemish Region
[edit]West Flanders
[edit]General hospitals
[edit]- AZ Zeno
- Hospital sites located in Blankenberge and Knokke-Heist
- Has obtained accreditation by the NIAZ
- Disposes of 334 beds (all sites)
Specialised hospitals
[edit]- Koningin Elisabeth Instituut
- Rehabilitation hospital
- Located in Koksijde
- Has not obtained hospital-wide accreditation
- Disposes of 165 beds
- Revalidatiecentrum IMBO
- Rehabilitation hospital
- Located in Ostend
- Has not obtained hospital-wide accreditation
- Disposes of 125 beds
- PZ Onzelievevrouw
- Psychiatric hospital
- Located in Bruges
- Has obtained accreditation by the NIAZ
- Disposes of 412 beds
- PTC Rustenburg
- Psychiatric hospital
- Located in Bruges
- Has not obtained hospital-wide accreditation
- Disposes of 72 beds
- PC Sint-Amandus
- Psychiatric hospital
- Located in Beernem
- Has obtained accreditation by the NIAZ
- Disposes of 459 beds
- Kliniek Sint-Jozef
- Psychiatric hospital
- Located in Pittem
- Has not obtained hospital-wide accreditation
- Disposes of 197 beds
- PZ Heilige Familie
- Psychiatric hospital
- Located in Kortrijk
- Has obtained accreditation by the NIAZ
- Disposes of 120 beds
- PZ Heilig Hart
- Psychiatric hospital
- Located in Ypres
- Has not obtained hospital-wide accreditation
- Disposes of 347 beds
- PC Menen
- Psychiatric hospital
- Located in Menen
- Has not obtained hospital-wide accreditation
- Disposes of 233 beds
East Flanders
[edit]General hospitals
[edit]- AZ Sint-Blasius
- Hospital sites located in Dendermonde and Zele
- Has obtained accreditation by the JCI
- Disposes of 438 beds (all sites)
- Algemeen Stedelijk Ziekenhuis
- Hospital sites located in Aalst, Geraardsbergen and Wetteren
- Has obtained accreditation by the NIAZ
- Disposes of 568 beds (all sites)
- AZ Oudenaarde
- Located in Oudenaarde
- Has obtained accreditation by the NIAZ
- Disposes of 235 beds
- AZ Nikolaas
- Hospital sites located in Sint-Niklaas, Temse and Beveren
- Has obtained accreditation by the NIAZ
- Disposes of 810 beds (all sites)
- UZ Gent (associated with Ghent University)
Specialised hospitals
[edit]- PC Dr. Guislain
- Psychiatric hospital
- Hospital sites located in Ghent
- Has obtained accreditation by the NIAZ
- Disposes of 311 beds (all sites)
- PC Gent-Sleidinge
- Psychiatric hospital
- Hospital sites located in Ghent and Evergem
- Has not obtained hospital-wide accreditation
- Disposes of 320 beds (all sites)
- Karus
- Psychiatric hospital
- Hospital sites located in Ghent and Melle
- Has not obtained hospital-wide accreditation
- Disposes of 472 beds (all sites)
- PC Sint-Jan
- Psychiatric hospital
- Located in Eeklo
- Has not obtained hospital-wide accreditation
- Disposes of 201 beds
- PC Sint-Jan Baptist
- Psychiatric hospital
- Located in Zelzate
- Has obtained accreditation by the NIAZ
- Disposes of 219 beds
- PC Sint-Hiëronymus
- Psychiatric hospital
- Located in Sint-Niklaas
- Has not obtained hospital-wide accreditation
- Disposes of 220 beds
- APZ Sint-Lucia
- Psychiatric hospital
- Hospital sites located in Beveren and Sint-Niklaas
- Has not obtained hospital-wide accreditation
- Disposes of 288 beds
- PC Sint-Franciscus - De Pelgrim
- Psychiatric hospital
- Hospital sites located in Oosterzele and Zottegem
- Has not obtained hospital-wide accreditation
- Disposes of 223 beds
- PC Ariadne
- Psychiatric hospital
- Located in Lede
- Has obtained accreditation by the NIAZ
- Disposes of 185 beds
[edit]General hospitals
[edit]- AZ Monica (includes the Eeuwfeestkliniek)
- UZA (associated with the University of Antwerp)
- AZ Klina
- Hospital sites located in Brasschaat and Wuustwezel
- Has obtained accreditation by the JCI
- Disposes of 581 beds (all sites)
- AZ Rivierenland
- Hospital sites located in Bornem, Rumst and Willebroek
- Has obtained accreditation by the NIAZ
- Disposes of 416 beds (all sites)
Specialised hospitals
[edit]- Revalidatieziekenhuis RevArte
- Rehabilitation hospital
- Located in Edegem
- Has obtained accreditation by the NIAZ
- Disposes of 194 beds
- Ziekenhuis Netwerk Antwerpen: PZ Stuivenberg
- Psychiatric hospital (part of ZNA network)
- Located in Antwerp
- Has obtained accreditation by the JCI
- Disposes of 313 beds
- UPC Duffel (associated with UZA)
- Psychiatric hospital
- Located in Duffel
- Has not obtained hospital-wide accreditation
- Disposes of 601 beds
- Multiversum
- Psychiatric hospital
- Hospital sites located in Boechout and Mortsel
- Has obtained accreditation by the NIAZ
- Disposes of 591 beds (all sites)
- PZ Bethaniënhuis
- Psychiatric hospital
- Hospital sites located in Kapellen and Zoersel
- Has not obtained hospital-wide accreditation
- Disposes of 621 beds (all sites)
- OPZ Geel
- Psychiatric hospital
- Located in Geel
- Has not obtained hospital-wide accreditation
- Disposes of 316 beds and 431 places in family care
Flemish Brabant
[edit]General hospitals
[edit]Specialised hospitals
[edit]- Revalidatieziekenhuis Inkendaal
- Rehabilitation hospital
- Located in Sint-Pieters-Leeuw
- Has obtained accreditation by the NIAZ
- Disposes of 178 beds
- National Multiple Sclerosis Centre
- Rehabilitation hospital
- Located in Steenokkerzeel
- Has obtained accreditation by the JCI
- Disposes of 120 beds
- PZ Sint-Annendael
- Psychiatric hospital
- Located in Diest
- Has obtained accreditation by the NIAZ
- Disposes of 178 beds
- UPC KU Leuven (associated with the KU Leuven)
- Psychiatric hospital
- Hospital sites located in Kortenberg and Leuven
- Has obtained accreditation by the JCI
- Disposes of 596 beds (all sites)
- UPC Sint-Kamillus (associated with the KU Leuven)
- Psychiatric hospital
- Hospital sites located in Bierbeek and Leuven
- Has obtained accreditation by the NIAZ
- Disposes of 385 beds (all sites)
- PZ Sint-Alexius
- Psychiatric hospital
- Located in Grimbergen
- Has obtained accreditation by the NIAZ
- Disposes of 169 beds
- PK Alexianen Tienen
- Psychiatric hospital
- Hospital sites located in Leuven and Tienen
- Has obtained accreditation by the NIAZ
- Disposes of 300 beds (all sites)
[edit]General hospitals
[edit]- Jessa Ziekenhuis
- Hospital sites located in Hasselt and Herk-de-Stad
- Has obtained accreditation by the NIAZ
- Disposes of 981 beds (all sites)
- Sint-Franciscusziekenhuis
- Located in Heusden-Zolder
- Has obtained accreditation by the NIAZ
- Disposes of 268 beds
- Sint-Trudo Ziekenhuis
- Located in Sint-Truiden
- Has obtained accreditation by the JCI
- Disposes of 310 beds
Specialised hospitals
[edit]- Revalidatie & MS Centrum
- Rehabilitation hospital
- Located in Pelt
- Has obtained accreditation by the NIAZ
- Disposes of 120 beds
- PZ Asster
- Psychiatric hospital
- Hospital sites located in Sint-Truiden
- Has not obtained hospital-wide accreditation
- Disposes of 581 beds (all sites)
- Medisch Centrum Sint-Jozef
- Psychiatric hospital
- Located in Bilzen
- Has obtained accreditation by the NIAZ
- Disposes of 330 beds
- Kinderpsychiatrisch Centrum Genk
- Psychiatric hospital
- Located in Genk
- Has not obtained hospital-wide accreditation
- Disposes of 27 beds
- OPZ Rekem
- Psychiatric hospital
- Located in Lanaken
- Has obtained accreditation by the NIAZ
- Disposes of 288 beds
Brussels-Capital Region
[edit]Due to its bilingual nature, hospitals in the Brussels-Capital Region can be either monolingual Dutch, monolingual French or bilingual depending on their nature. University hospitals belong to one of the two linguistic communities and are therefore monolingual Dutch or French by law. Other public hospitals managed by a public authority have to be bilingual by law. Private hospitals not managed by a public authority are legally not bound to either language, but most cater to both. However, all hospital emergency services in the Brussels-Capital Region (no matter if they're part of a public or private hospital) are required to be bilingual, since patients transported by emergency ambulance do not have a free choice to which hospital they will be brought. Mind that this is only the de iure situation, de facto are some hospitals that are legally required to be bilingual seriously lacking in personnel that's proficient in the other language. This list indicates whether hospitals or hospital networks are officially monolingual or bilingual. The name of the bilingual hospitals is also given in the two languages.[1]
Additionally, hospitals where younger members of the Belgian royal family were born are indicated with an asterisk (*).
General hospitals
[edit]- UMC Sint-Pieter / CHU Saint-Pierre (associated with the ULB and VUB)
- Hospital sites located in the City of Brussels
- Has obtained accreditation by ACI
- Disposes of 582 beds (all sites)
- Bilingual Dutch-French
- UVC Brugmann / CHU Brugmann (associated with the ULB and VUB)
- Hospital sites located in Laeken, Neder-Over-Heembeek and Schaerbeek
- Has not obtained hospital-wide accreditation
- Disposes of 853 beds (all sites)
- Bilingual Dutch-French
- Cliniques universitaires Saint-Luc (*) (associated with the UCLouvain)
- Located in Woluwe-Saint-Lambert
- Has obtained accreditation by ACI
- Disposes of 973 beds
- Monolingual French
- Hôpital Erasme (*) (associated with the ULB)
- Hospital sites located in Anderlecht, Laeken and Woluwe-Saint-Lambert
- Has not obtained hospital-wide accreditation
- Disposes of 858 beds
- Monolingual French
- Iris Ziekenhuizen Zuid / Hôpitaux Iris Sud
- Hospital sites located in Anderlecht, Etterbeek, Forest and Ixelles
- Has not obtained hospital-wide accreditation
- Disposes of 550 beds (all sites)
- Bilingual Dutch-French
- Kliniek Sint-Jan / Clinique Saint-Jean (*)
- Hospital sites located in the City of Brussels, Jette and Saint-Josse-ten-Noode
- Has not obtained hospital-wide accreditation
- Disposes of 548 beds (all sites)
- Bilingual Dutch-French (not subject to language laws)
- Hospital sites located in Anderlecht, Auderghem, Ganshoren and Walloon Brabant
- Has not obtained hospital-wide accreditation
- Disposes of 1,052 beds (all sites)
- Bilingual Dutch-French (not subject to language laws)
- Queen Astrid Military Hospital (part of the Armed Forces)
- Located in Neder-Over-Heembeek
- Has not obtained hospital-wide accreditation
- Disposes of an unknown number of beds
- Bilingual Dutch-French (military institution)
Specialised hospitals
[edit]- Institut Jules Bordet (associated with the ULB)
- Cancer hospital
- Located in Anderlecht
- Has not obtained hospital-wide accreditation
- Disposes of 160 beds
- Bilingual Dutch-French
- UKZKF / HUDERF (associated with UVC/CHU Brugmann)
- Children's hospital
- Located in Laeken
- Has obtained accreditation by ACI
- Disposes of 178 beds
- Bilingual Dutch-French
- SILVA medical
- Geriatric, rehabilitation and psychiatric hospital
- Hospital sites located in Molenbeek-Saint-Jean and Walloon Brabant
- Has not obtained hospital-wide accreditation
- Disposes of 440 beds (all sites)
- Bilingual Dutch-French (not subject to language laws)
- Valisana (associated with Saint-Luc)
- Rehabilitation and psychiatric hospital
- Hospital sites located in Saint-Josse-ten-Noode and Berchem-Sainte-Agathe
- Has not obtained hospital-wide accreditation
- Disposes of 275 beds (all sites)
- Bilingual Dutch-French (not subject to language laws)
- Centre Hospitalier Jean Titeca
- Psychiatric hospital
- Located in Schaerbeek
- Has not obtained hospital-wide accreditation
- Disposes of 255 beds
- Monolingual French (not subject to language laws)
- Epsylon
- Psychiatric hospital
- Hospital sites located in Uccle
- Has not obtained hospital-wide accreditation
- Disposes of 312 beds (all sites)
- Monolingual French (not subject to language laws)
- Kliniek Zonder Zorgen / Clinique Sans Souci
- Psychiatric hospital
- Located in Jette
- Has not obtained hospital-wide accreditation
- Disposes of 145 beds
- Bilingual Dutch-French (not subject to language laws)
- Psycho-sociaal Centrum Sint-Alexius
- Psychiatric hospital
- Located in Ixelles
- Has not obtained hospital-wide accreditation
- Disposes of 44 beds
- Monolingual Dutch (not subject to language laws)
Walloon Region
[edit]Walloon Brabant
[edit]General hospitals
[edit]- Clinique Saint-Pierre
- Located in Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve
- Has obtained accreditation by ACI
- Disposes of 425 beds
- Hospital sites located in Braine-l'Alleud and the Brussels-Capital Region
- Has not obtained hospital-wide accreditation
- Disposes of 1,052 beds (all sites)
Specialised hospitals
[edit]- SILVA medical
- Geriatric, rehabilitation and psychiatric hospital
- Hospital sites located in Waterloo, Wavre and the Brussels-Capital Region
- Has not obtained hospital-wide accreditation
- Disposes of 440 beds (all sites)
- CHN William Lennox (associated with Saint-Luc)
- Psychiatric hospital
- Located in Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve
- Has obtained accreditation by ACI
- Disposes of 159 beds
- Centre Hospitalier Le Domaine (associated with the ULB)
- Psychiatric hospital
- Located in Braine-l'Alleud
- Has not obtained hospital-wide accreditation
- Disposes of 143 beds
- La Petite Maison
- Psychiatric hospital
- Located in Chastre
- Has not obtained hospital-wide accreditation
- Disposes of 60 beds
[edit]- Centre de Santé des Fagnes, Chimay
- Centre Hospitalier de Jolimont-Lobbes, La Louvière and Lobbes
- Centre Hospitalier EpiCura, Ath, Baudour and Hornu (ULB)
- Centre Hospitalier Régional, Mons and Boussu
- CH de Mouscron, Mouscron
- CHU de Charleroi, Charleroi (ULB)
- CHU Tivoli, La Louvière (ULB)
- CHR Haute-Senne (UCLouvain - ULB)
- Saint Vincent, Soignies
- Le Tilleriau, Soignies
- Centre Médical Brainois, Braine-le-Comte
- Centre Médical de Tubize, Tubize
- Centre Médical d’Enghien, Enghien
- Le Goéland, Neufvilles
- CHR Clinique Saint-Joseph, Colfontaine (UCLouvain)
- CHR Mons-Hainaut, Mons (UCLouvain)
- CHWAPI (Centre Hospitalier de Wallonie picarde), Tournai
- CNDG (Clinique Notre-Dame de Grâce), Gosselies (UCLouvain)
- Grand Hôpital de Charleroi, Charleroi
- Hôpital Ambroise Paré, Mons (ULB)
- Hôpital de Warquignies, Colfontaine (UCLouvain)
[edit]- CHR de Namur, Namur
- CHR Val de Sambre, Sambreville
- CHU UCLouvain Namur (UCLouvain)
- Saint-Luc Bouge, Namur
- Beau Vallon Psychiatric Hospital, Saint-Servais (UCLouvain Saint-Luc)
[edit]- Groupe santé CHC, Liège
- Centre Hospitalier du Bois de l'Abbaye et de Hesbaye, Seraing
- Centre Hospitalier Peltzer La Tourelle, Verviers
- CHR Citadelle, Liège (ULiège)
- CHR Huy, Huy
- CHU de Liège, Liège (ULiège)
- Clinique St. Josef, Saint-Vith
- Hôpital St. Nikolaus, Eupen
[edit]- Vivalia
- Six hospital sites (five general and one psychiatric)
- Hospital sites located in Arlon, Bastogne, Bertrix, Libramont-Chevigny, Marche-en-Famenne and Virton
- Has not obtained hospital-wide accreditation
- Disposes of 1,190 beds (all sites)
See also
[edit]External links
[edit]- Belgian Hospital Association (Belgische Vereniging der Ziekenhuizen – Association belge des Hôpitaux)
- Conference of Academic Hospitals of Belgium (Raad van Universitaire Ziekenhuizen van België – Conférence des Hôpitaux Académiques de Belgique)
[edit]- ^ "Welke taal moeten de Brusselse ziekenhuizen gebruiken?" [Which language do hospitals in Brussels have to use?]. (in Dutch). Agency for Care and Health. Retrieved 18 September 2019.
- Gezondheidszorginstellingen [Health care institutions]. (in Dutch). FPS Public Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment. Retrieved 14 September 2019.
- JCI-Accredited Organizations. Joint Commission International. Retrieved 14 September 2019.
- Overzicht instellingen [Overview institutions]. (in Dutch). Nederlands Instituut voor Accreditatie in de Zorg. Retrieved 14 September 2019.
- Internationally Accredited Organizations. Accreditation Canada. Retrieved 14 September 2019.