Kelly Ayotte possible presidential campaign, 2016

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Possible presidential candidate
Kelly Ayotte

Political offices:
U.S. Senator
Former Attorney General of New Hampshire

Ayotte on the issues:
TaxesGovernment regulationsInternational tradeBudgetsAgricultural subsidiesFederal assistance programsForeign affairsFederalismNatural resourcesHealthcareImmigrationEducationAbortionGay rights • Character

Republican Party Republican candidate:
Donald Trump
Ballotpedia's presidential election coverage

This page was current as of the 2016 election.

See also: Kelly Ayotte

Kelly Ayotte was considered a potential candidate for the office of President of the United States in 2016. She did not declare a run. Ayotte is a Republican member of the United States Senate from the state of New Hampshire. She was first elected to the Senate in 2010. Prior to her election, Ayotte served as New Hampshire Attorney General from 2004 to 2009.[1] In January 2015, Ayotte confirmed that she is running for re-election to the Senate, but she has not mentioned any intention to run for president in 2016. She said, “I haven’t had a formal kickoff yet, but yes, I’ve announced I’m running for re-election.”[2] According to Roll Call, "Republicans mentioned Ayotte as a potential pick for vice president, and if that happens, New Hampshire law allows candidates to run for re-election and on the national ticket in the same year."[2] Sixteen senators have been elected to the presidency, including President Barack Obama (D).[3]

On the issues

Economic and fiscal


See also: Kelly Ayotte possible presidential campaign, 2016/Taxes
  • In January 2014, Kelly Ayotte proposed ending the Child Tax Credit for undocumented workers as a way to pay for and "repeal the $6 billion pension cut from the December 2013 budget deal."[4][5]
"Ayotte Renews Opposition to Online Sales Tax," July 17, 2014.
  • Ayotte co-sponsored S.1183 - the Death Tax Repeal Act of 2013.[6]
  • Ayotte sponsored the Permanent Internet Tax Freedom Act of 2013, which proposed amending the Internet Tax Freedom Act "to make permanent the ban on state and local taxation of Internet access and on multiple or discriminatory taxes on electronic commerce."[7]
  • Ayotte voted for H.R. 8 - American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012, which made permanent most of the Bush tax cuts originally passed in 2001 and 2003, while also raising tax rates on the highest income levels.[8]
  • Ayotte signed the Taxpayer Protection Pledge.[9]
  • In 2011, Ayotte co-sponsored S.17 - the Medical Device Access and Innovation Protection Act, to repeal the medical device tax.[10]
  • In 2011, Ayotte said, "I will also continue to push for making the tax code simpler and more competitive, scaling back burdensome regulations, lowering health care costs, and reducing our massive debt."[11]

Government regulations

See also: Kelly Ayotte possible presidential campaign, 2016/Government regulations
  • Kelly Ayotte sponsored S.2141 the Sunscreen Innovation Act, which "Amends the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to establish a process for the review and approval of over-the-counter (OTC) sunscreen active ingredients." It became a law on November 26, 2014.[12]
  • In September 2014, Ayotte asked the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to "reconsider regulations shortening the recreational fishing season." She said, "I respectfully request that you reconsider your recent rule and work with local recreational fishermen to find a balanced approach that safeguards New Hampshire's critical recreational fishing industry while also preserving fishing stocks."[13]
  • In March 2014, Ayotte asked the Federal Communications Commission to "move forward promptly" with funding to bring broadband Internet to rural areas. According to The Hill, "The program is funded by fees on people’s phone bills."[14]
  • In 2012, Ayotte said, "Dodd/Frank is fundamentally flawed. In many ways, Dodd/Frank codifies 'too big to fail.'"[15]
  • In 2012, Ayotte voted against "S Amdt 2310 - Requires Labels on Foods with Genetically Modified Ingredients."[16]

International trade

See also: Kelly Ayotte possible presidential campaign, 2016/International trade
  • In 2011, Kelly Ayotte voted for free trade agreements with South Korea, Columbia and Panama. She said, "The free trade agreements with South Korea, Colombia, and Panama will help put Americans back to work and provide better opportunities for our manufacturers to sell their goods abroad."[11]


See also: Kelly Ayotte possible presidential campaign, 2016/Budgets
  • Ayotte voted for H.R.2775 - the Continuing Appropriations Act, 2014, which re-opened the government, lifted the $16.7 trillion debt limit and funded the government through January 15, 2014.[17]
  • Ayotte voted for H.R.325 - the No Budget, No Pay Act of 2013. The purpose of the bill was to temporarily suspend the debt ceiling and withhold the pay of members of Congress until a budget could be passed.[18]
  • On September 27, 2013, Ayotte commented on the government shutdown. She said, "Although I fully support defunding, repealing and replacing Obamacare, I voted for cloture - to move forward with the House bill - because I do not believe shutting down the government is an effective strategy, it simply won't work. Obamacare would keep going and we would harm the nation. It is unfortunate that the continuing resolution that was passed today by the Senate Democrats breaks the law and exceeds by $20 billion the spending limits enacted two years ago. This is no way to run a government, with short-term spending bills rather than a fiscally responsible budget for the nation. With over $17 trillion in debt, we must find a way to fund worthy priorities without busting the budget, and I will continue my efforts to do so. As this bill returns to the House, I hope we can resolve these issues and keep the government running."[19]
  • In December 2012, Ayotte expressed her disappointment with Barack Obama’s budget proposal, especially the lack of entitlement reform.[20]
  • Ayotte co-sponsored S.1340 - the Cut, Cap, and Balance Act of 2011. Ayotte chastised Democrats for their actions in response to the legislation. She said, "This is a plan that will deal with our fiscal crisis right now by establishing spending caps with real teeth, immediate spending reductions, and a Balanced Budget Amendment. I am disappointed that my Democratic colleagues have chosen to block consideration of this important legislation, which would get America's fiscal house in order and put our nation on a path to balance our budget and strengthen our economy."[21][22]

Agricultural subsidies

See also: Kelly Ayotte possible presidential campaign, 2016/Agricultural subsidies and 2016 presidential candidates on rural policy
  • In 2013, Kelly Ayotte voted against S.954 - the Agriculture Reform, Food, and Jobs Act of 2013, which, "amends the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, repeals direct payments to farmers, and amends crop insurance programs."[23][24]
  • In 2013, Ayotte voted in favor of S.Amdt.953 to S.954, which sought "To limit the amount of premium subsidy provided by the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation on behalf of any person or legal entity with an average adjusted gross income in excess of $750,000, with a delayed application of the limitation until completion of a study on the effects of the limitation."[25]

Federal assistance programs

See also: Kelly Ayotte possible presidential campaign, 2016/Federal assistance programs
  • In 2014, Kelly Ayotte voted for H.R.4302 - the Protecting Access to Medicare Act of 2014.[26]
  • In 2013, Ayotte voted against S.954 - the Agriculture Reform, Food, and Jobs Act of 2013, which, among other things, made cuts to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.[24]

Labor and employment

See also: Kelly Ayotte possible presidential campaign, 2016/Labor and employment
  • In November 2013, Ayotte voted for S.815 - the Employment Non-Discrimination Act of 2013, which "Prohibits covered entities (employers, employment agencies, labor organizations, or joint labor-management committees) from engaging in employment discrimination on the basis of an individual's actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity."[27]
  • In 2013, Ayotte co-sponsored S.1626 - the Family Friendly and Workplace Flexibility Act of 2013, which "Amends the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 to authorize private employers to provide compensatory time off to private employees at a rate of at least 1 1/2 hours per hour of employment for which overtime compensation is required." It was introduced but not voted on.[28]

Foreign affairs

See also: Kelly Ayotte possible presidential campaign, 2016/Foreign affairs

Iran nuclear deal

See also: 2016 presidential candidates on the Iran nuclear deal
  • On April 2, 2015, Kelly Ayotte released the following statement on the Iran nuclear deal: "While I will closely review this framework, the devil is in the details. Given Iran's history of failing to comply with UN resolutions and continued deceit regarding its nuclear program, any final agreement must include unlimited, unannounced, and completely unfettered nuclear inspections throughout Iran. I remain deeply concerned that based on the parameters announced today, Iran could retain a one-year breakout period that leaves it in a position to sprint toward a bomb should it choose to do so. This framework also appears to leave Iran with a significant enrichment capability, which could prompt a response from Arab nations with respect to their own nuclear programs. In addition, these parameters fail to address Iran's regional terrorism, including its destabilizing actions in Yemen. Given these serious concerns and in light of the enormous security implications of any final agreement, I believe it is imperative that the full details of any final agreement be released publicly and that the president first allow the people's elected representatives in Congress - rather than the UN - to review any final agreement before any sanctions are lifted by the administration. There is strong bipartisan support for the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act, which I'm cosponsoring, and I will continue to work across the aisle to exercise robust oversight over any final agreement with Iran."[29]

Military preparedness and budget

“WMUR Clip on Ayotte Provision in VA Bill,” June 2014.
  • In 2014, Ayotte, whose husband is a former A-10 pilot, opposed the Air Force’s proposal to retire the A-10.[30]
  • Ayotte rejected military base closures in May 2014. She said, "The readiness mark does not authorize another round [of closures]. I know that the chair and I are on the exact same page on this. …Now is not the time to spend millions of upfront dollars on another BRAC round, especially as DOD has been forced to ground combat aircraft, cancel ship deployments and furlough workers."[31]
  • Ayotte voted for H.R.3230 - the Veterans Access, Choice, and Accountability Act of 2014. According to The Concord Monitor, "Sens. Kelly Ayotte and Jeanne Shaheen fought for a key provision that allows veterans who live in a state without a 'full-service' VA medical facility to access care at private providers." After the legislation passed, Ayotte said, "Veterans have not had what many of us have taken for granted: the ability to choose our own health care provider. It’s about choice for our veterans, respect for our veterans to decide what is best for them."[32]
  • Ayotte vowed to fight military pension cuts passed as part of a December 2013 budget deal. She said, "All you have to do is introduce legislation repealing this and putting a pay-for in. I know that within the trillions we’re going to spend in next decade that we can find $6 billion, rather than taking it out of the backs of the men and women in uniform."[33]
  • Sens. Ayotte, Jon Kyl and Bob Corker wrote an op-ed in 2012 urging members of Congress to fund the 2010 New START treaty, which would refurbish “aging nuclear weapons" and build “a critical plutonium handling facility.”[34]

National security

  • Ayotte opposed Barack Obama’s plan to release Guantánamo Bay detainees. In December 2014, she said, "The need for this detention facility has actually become more apparent. Now is not the time to be closing the facility at Guantánamo."[35]
  • During the 2014 midterm elections, Ayotte expressed concern about Obama’s handling of ISIS. She said, "I’m very concerned about…his resolve in that regard and I think that’s something that we have to stay focused on. We need to ensure that this isn’t just surrounding what we’re doing now. He has made clear this is going to take a sustained effort and he has to be prepared to have the resolve to engage in that sustained effort to destroy ISIS."[36]
  • In a September 2014 letter to Treasury Secretary Jack Lew, Ayotte wrote, "Dismantling ISIS' financial foundation is critical to our ability to protect our homeland and ultimately defeat ISIS." She asked Lew to detail his plans to cut off funding from ISIS.[37]
  • In August 2014, Ayotte criticized Obama’s handling of ISIS. She said, "As ISIS — a well-armed, funded, and organized force — seeks to develop terrorist cells outside of the Middle East, it is also expanding and solidifying its control of an enormous safe haven in the heart of the Middle East that can be used to train terrorists and launch attacks against our homeland and our allies. Yet, this administration's approach in Iraq dangerously fails to acknowledge this reality."[38]
"Ayotte Discusses Paris Terrorist Attack, Transfer of Gitmo Detainees," January 7, 2015.
"Ayotte: What Do we Know About Americans Fighting with ISIS?" September 10, 2014.
"Ayotte: Administration's Syria Policy is Incoherent," September 12, 2013.

International relations

"Ayotte Calls For Suspension of US Aid to Egypt," August 19, 2013.
  • Kelly Ayotte sponsored the United States-Israel Strategic Partnership Act of 2014, which "Expresses the sense of Congress that Israel is a major U.S. strategic partner." The act became law on December 19, 2014.[40]
  • In July 2014, Ayotte supported arming the Ukrainian military. She said, "The administration needs to provide the military and the lethal support that the Ukrainian military has asked [for] so that they can defend themselves against Russian aggression."[41]
  • Ayotte drafted legislation in April 2014 to impose sanctions on Russia. She said, "The administration should not delay any longer in imposing immediate and severe sanctions on Russia's banking and financial sector. We must act now — before it's too late. …The legislation I'm crafting would impose immediate additional sanctions on the Russian economy, with even harsher sanctions — such as on Russia's energy sector — if Putin takes further aggressive actions against Ukraine. My proposal would also authorize provisions to provide critical support to the Ukrainian military."[42]

Epidemic control

"Ayotte Q&A at Hearing on Preparedness For Public Health Threats in Wake of Ebola Response," November 19, 2014.
  • In response to the 2014 Ebola epidemic, Kelly Ayotte wrote the following on her website: "The administration must work with our international partners to immediately ramp up efforts to stop this outbreak at its source in West Africa. We also must ensure our health care professionals are well-prepared and properly trained to identify, isolate, and treat Ebola cases. In addition, I believe that travel between the U.S. and affected countries should be restricted to only cases in which travel is absolutely necessary, such as to assist with the Ebola response."[43]



See also: Kelly Ayotte possible presidential campaign, 2016/Federalism
  • When asked about the role of the Supreme Court in a 2010 debate, Kelly Ayotte said, "When it comes to Supreme Court Justices, we need a single standard, not a double standard. And that single standard would be are they qualified and do they adhere to the Constitution."[44]
  • In 2010, Ayotte expressed her support for Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Antonin Scalia, whom she called “strong, conservative justices.”[44]
  • In 2010, "Ayotte said Elena Kagan is unqualified to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court," according to The Concord Monitor.[45]
First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution
  • On January 3, 2015, Kelly Ayotte posted the following tweet: "No country or entity should be permitted to use cyber-attacks to intimidate Americans or undermine freedom of speech."[46]
  • On July 15, 2014, Ayotte and Sen. Deb Fischer published an op-ed about the Burwell v. Hobby Lobby case in The Wall Street Journal. They wrote, "Those who distort the court's decision insist that one cannot support religious liberty and also support access to safe, affordable birth control. But these are principles that we, and millions of others, support. Americans believe strongly that we should be able to practice our religion without undue interference from the government. It's a fundamental conviction that goes to the very core of our character—and dates back to the founding of our nation. The Supreme Court's decision in the Hobby Lobby case, which protects rights of conscience, reaffirmed our centuries-old tradition of religious liberty."[47]
Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution
  • In April 2013, after voting against the Manchin-Toomey background check compromise, which would have required background checks before purchasing a gun, Kelly Ayotte said, "What we need to do is focus on mental health, ultimately. But I understand and respect that you have a different viewpoint." According to The Washington Post, Ayotte said that "she voted against the plan because it was flawed and that it wouldn’t have stopped the Sandy Hook killer. She said she did not believe that it would have stemmed the flow of illegal guns or compelled the Justice Department to aggressively enforce or prosecute existing gun laws."[48]
  • According to Politico, on May 9, 2013, "The American Future Fund launched this ad praising Republican Sen. Kelly Ayotte for her opposition to the Manchin-Toomey gun control bill."[49]
  • In May 2013, the National Rifle Association released and ad defending Ayotte after Michael Bloomberg’s anti-gun group released an ad criticizing her vote on the Manchin-Toomey compromise. The narrator in the ad said, "Seen this TV ad paid for by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg? Don’t believe it. Kelly Ayotte voted for a bipartisan plan to make background checks more effective… Ayotte voted for a bipartisan plan to reform our broken mental health system. Ayotte voted for resources to prosecute criminals who use guns. Kelly Ayotte stands with prosecutors and police for New Hampshire values."[49]
  • In a 2013 op-ed, Ayotte wrote, "Out of state special interests are running false ads attacking me and even lying about my efforts to prevent gun-related violence. I want to set the record straight: I support effective background checks and in fact voted recently to improve the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS). Some of my colleagues want to expand the broken background check system we have now. In my view, we shouldn’t be expanding a flawed system. The focus should be on fixing the existing system, which criminals are flouting."[50]
  • According to the National Review, Ayotte "didn’t support a 'Stand Your Ground' proposal" when she served as New Hampshire Attorney General.[51]
Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution
  • Kelly Ayotte voted for S.990 - the PATRIOT Sunsets Extension Act of 2011, which “Amends the USA PATRIOT Improvement and Reauthorization Act of 2005 to extend until June 1, 2015, provisions concerning roving electronic surveillance orders and requests for the production of business records and other tangible things. Amends the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 to extend until June 1, 2015, a provision revising the definition of an 'agent of a foreign power' to include any non-U.S. person who engages in international terrorism or preparatory activities ('lone wolf' provision)."[52]
Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution
  • When asked by in August 2012 if she was a Libertarian, Kelly Ayotte said, "I really consider myself 'me,' and just evaluate every issue by asking if it is the proper role of government and if it is consistent with the Constitution. Should this be something that should be handled by the federal government or the states?"[53]
  • When asked about states' rights during a 2010 debate, Ayotte said, "We should be going back to our Constitution, to local control, to people, to families, and our elected officials who are here to represent you. And that's been lost unfortunately in Washington."[54]
Crime and justice
  • In September 2014, Kelly Ayotte co-sponsored S.1323 - the Protecting Our Youth from Dangerous Synthetic Drugs Act of 2013, which, among other things, sought to combat the use of the synthetic drug "spice."[55]
  • Ayotte co-sponsored S.47 - the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013. The purpose of the bill was to combat violence against women, from domestic violence to international trafficking in persons. The bill was passed by the Senate on February 12, 2013, by a vote of 78 - 22.[56]
  • In 2013, Ayotte explained that she opposed repealing the death penalty in New Hampshire. She said, "Particularly in cases for our police officers, it is important that in that narrow set of cases, that the death penalty is one of the penalties the attorney general can consider depending on the case."[57]
  • Ayotte co-sponsored several bills to combat human trafficking, including: the Stop Exploitation Through Trafficking Act (S. 1733), the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2011, S. 1249, "a bipartisan bill that would elevate the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking to a full bureau within the State Department" and the Boko Haram Terrorist Designation Act of 2013 (S. 198).[58]
  • According to National Review, "Ayotte was chief of the homicide unit in the AG’s office. Her reputation from those years, when she tenaciously went after cop killers, remains the keystone of her political persona. She often refers to that experience when speaking at political events — and she’s empathetic without getting drawn into the emotion of the issue, much in the same way she once handled tricky murder cases."[51]

Natural resources

See also: Kelly Ayotte possible presidential campaign, 2016/Natural resources
Climate change
"Kelly Ayotte and John McCain Discuss Climate Change and Energy Policy," March 13, 2010.
  • According to a December 2014 Boston Globe article, Kelly Ayotte, "said she believes there is evidence of human impact on the environment." Ayotte said, "Just like the Democrats, the Republicans have different viewpoints, so I don’t think that any one senator represents the party."[59]
Energy production
  • At a Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions forum in December 2014, Kelly Ayotte said, "We’re missing an opportunity as we think about long term energy policy for this country, that will help our economy, that will protect our security, that will protect our environment. And, that’s only going to happen if all the stakeholders come together and we actually are willing to take these issues up in Congress – not just 'we disapprove of this' – what’s your alternative? What is your alternative that is going to make a difference, that is going to ensure that we can impose market-based solutions, where we have everyone together, and all the stakeholders together. That’s when we will make a difference, and that is where this discussion has to go. If we continue the either/or discussion, we are not doing what we should do for the United States of America, and the opportunities we have in this great country."[60]
  • According to her website, Ayotte "wants to expand domestic sources of energy - including environmentally responsible oil and natural gas production," and she "recognizes that clean and reliable nuclear power is essential to reducing America's dependence on fossil fuels."[61]
Keystone XL Pipeline
  • Kelly Ayotte voted to approve the Keystone XL Pipeline in November 2014. She said, "Construction of the Keystone XL pipeline has support from Republicans, Democrats, manufacturers, and labor unions because of the project's positive impact on energy production and economic growth. It's being held up because of partisan politics in Washington, DC, despite the fact that the project has been under review for the past six years and has cleared environmental reviews by the Obama administration. States affected by Keystone XL have supported advancing this project, and this bipartisan legislation seeks to allow the project to advance while complying with applicable state and local laws, including those protecting private property rights."[62]
  • In 2012, Ayotte co-sponsored a bill to approve the Keystone XL Pipeline project. She said, "Keystone is a shovel ready project that will create thousands of jobs while helping reduce America's energy dependence on foreign regimes. Having been under environmental review for more than three years, there is no reason for this project to be delayed further. If the President won't act to move forward with this worthy project, Congress will."[63]
Environmental policy
  • In 2012, Kelly Ayotte, voted "against a 'resolution of disapproval' of the MATS rule, which would require coal-fired power plants to reduce uncontrolled mercury emissions by 90 percent by 2015."[64]
  • In 2012, Ayotte said, "All EPA regulations need to be carefully evaluated on a case-by-case basis to determine their impact on the environment and on the economy. In the Senate, I will continue to take a commonsense approach to responsible environmental protection."[64]
Cap and trade
  • According to The New York Times, Ayotte opposed cap and trade during her 2010 campaign for Senate.[65]


See also: Kelly Ayotte possible presidential campaign, 2016/Healthcare
"Ayotte: Health Care Mandate is Affront to Religious Liberty," February 7, 2012.
  • According to her website, Kelly Ayotte "wants to replace Obamacare with true health care reform that harnesses the power of competition to bring down costs and expand access to quality care. That includes better facilitating the purchase of health insurance across state lines and enabling small businesses to form pools that enhance their purchasing power. Additionally, she believes health savings accounts should be expanded, individuals who purchase health insurance should have the same tax benefits that employers receive, and that states should be allowed to establish adequate high risk pools."[66]
  • In November 2013, Ayotte criticized the implementation of the Affordable Care Act. She said, "Call a time out, Mr. President. It’s not working … the problem is much deeper [than the healthcare exchange website]." According to ‘The Hill, Ayotte "suggested that instead of a healthcare exchange, Americans should be able to purchase health insurance across state lines, increasing competition and lowering costs."[67]
  • Ayotte has sponsored and co-sponsored several bill to improve the mental health system, including: The Mental Health First Aid Act (S. 153), Garrett Lee Smith Memorial Act (S. 116), Mental Health Awareness and Improvement Act (S. 689), Justice and Mental Health Collaboration (S. 162) and Caring for America's Heroes Act (S. 2276).[68]


See also: Kelly Ayotte possible presidential campaign, 2016/Immigration
"Ayotte Backs Amendment to Strengthen Border Security," June 20, 2013.
  • In June 2013, Ayotte expressed her support for the Senate Gang of Eight immigration reform bill. She called the legislation "a thoughtful, bipartisan solution to a tough problem."[70]
  • In June 2013, Ayotte voted for S.Amdt.1197 to S.744 "To require the completion of the 350 miles of reinforced, double-layered fencing described in section 102(b)(1)(A) of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 before registered provisional immigrant status may be granted and to require the completion of 700 miles of such fencing before the status of registered provisional immigrants may be adjusted to permanent resident status." The amendment was rejected.[71]


See also: Kelly Ayotte possible presidential campaign, 2016/Education
  • In a 2014 op-ed, Kelly Ayotte and Ajit Pai argued that the E-Rate, "the nation's largest education technology program" needed to be reformed so that the program would benefit students in rural school districts.[72]
  • According to the Political Guide, in 2010, Ayotte "stated in a debate that she would like to overhaul the bureaucracy for the department of education, but stopped short of calling for its abolishment. She states that she supports charter schools, homeschooling and school choice. She states that the department should be downsized."[73]


See also: Kelly Ayotte possible presidential campaign, 2016/Abortion
  • At the National Right to Life convention, Kelly Ayotte criticized Barack Obama’s stance on abortion. She said, "How we treat the weakest among us is truly a reflection on who we are as a nation and President Obama’s record shocks the conscious when it comes to protecting life and unfortunately on many other issues as well."[74]
  • In 2011, Ayotte co-sponsored the "No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act."[75]
  • New Hampshire passed a law in June 2003 requiring parental consent for a minor to have an abortion. Planned Parenthood challenged the law, and the U.S. District Court for the District of New Hampshire found the law unconstitutional. In 2004, Ayotte, who was New Hampshire's attorney general, brought the case Ayotte v. Planned Parenthood of Northern New England to the Supreme Court and won. According to, "Although the Supreme Court had quibbles with the New Hampshire law, the Court ultimately upheld a state’s right to enact parental notification laws."[76]

Gay rights

See also: Kelly Ayotte possible presidential campaign, 2016/Gay rights
  • On March 28, 2013, Kelly Ayotte said, "Ultimately I do think this is a matter for the states and states should decide how to define marriage. New Hampshire’s already made that decision and I respect the decision."[77]
  • In 2013, Ayotte expressed her supported for the Defense of Marriage Act.[77]

Recent news

This section links to a Google news search for the term Kelly + Ayotte + 2016

See also


  1. Biographical Directory of U.S. Congress, "Ayotte," accessed July 1, 2013
  2. 2.0 2.1 Roll Call, "Senators Confirm Re-Election Bids for 2016," accessed February 25, 2015
  3. United States Senate, "Senators Who Became President," accessed October 16, 2013
  4. The Hill, "Reid says he'll allow a vote on Ayotte's amendment," accessed January 14, 2015
  5. The Hill, “Ayotte proposes tax hike on 4M poor Latino children,” accessed January 14, 2015
  6., “S.1183 - Death Tax Repeal Act of 2013,” accessed January 14, 2015
  7., “S.31 - Permanent Internet Tax Freedom Act of 2013,” accessed January 14, 2015
  8. GovTrack, “H.R. 8 (112th): American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012,” accessed January 15, 2015
  9. Americans for Tax Reform, “The Taxpayer Protection Pledge Database," accessed January 14, 2015
  10., “S.17 - Medical Device Access and Innovation Protection Act,” accessed January 14, 2015
  11. 11.0 11.1, “Senator Ayotte's Statement on Free Trade Agreements, accessed January 14, 2014
  12., “S.2141 - Sunscreen Innovation Act,” accessed January 14, 2015
  13., “Ayotte Protests Regulations that Hurt New Hampshire's Recreational Fishermen,” accessed January 15, 2015
  14. The Hill, “GOP senators press FCC on rural broadband,” accessed January 15, 2014
  15., “Ayotte Gets Earful from Portsmouth Business Leaders," accessed January 16, 2015
  16. ‘’VoteSmart, “S Amdt 2310 - Requires Labels on Foods with Genetically Modified Ingredients,” accessed January 15, 2014
  17., “H.R.2775 - Continuing Appropriations Act, 2014,” accessed January 15, 2015
  18., “H.R.325 - No Budget, No Pay Act of 2013," accessed January 15, 2015
  19., “Ayotte Votes to Prevent Government Shutdown,” accessed January 15, 2015
  20., “Senators clash over proposals to avoid the fiscal cliff,” accessed January 14, 2015
  21., “Senator Ayotte Supports ‘Cut, Cap and Balance Act.,” accessed January 14, 2015
  22., “S.1340 - the Cut, Cap, and Balance Act of 2011,” accessed January 14, 2014
  23. Project Vote Smart, "S 954 - Agriculture Reform, Food, and Jobs Act of 2013 - Key Vote," accessed January 15, 2015
  24. 24.0 24.1, “S.954 - Agriculture Reform, Food, and Jobs Act of 2013," accessed January 15, 2015 Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name "farmbill" defined multiple times with different content
  25., "S.Amdt.953 to S.954,” accessed January 15, 2015
  26., “H.R.4302 - Protecting Access to Medicare Act of 2014,” accessed January 15, 2015
  27., “S.815 - Employment Non-Discrimination Act of 2013,” accessed January 15, 2015
  28., “S.1626 - Family Friendly and Workplace Flexibility Act of 2013,” accessed January 15, 2015
  29., "Ayotte Statement on Iran Deal Framework," accessed April 19, 2015
  30. The Hill, “Lawmakers push back at plans to end A-10,” accessed January 14, 2014
  31. The Hill, “Senators reject military base closures,” accessed January 14, 2015
  32. Concord Monitor, “Sens. Jeanne Shaheen, Kelly Ayotte tout VA reform package at event in Merrimack,” accessed January 16, 2015
  33. The Hill, “Senators vow to stop military pension cuts,” accessed January 14, 2015
  34. Politico, “Restore commitment to nuclear modernization,” accessed January 21, 2015
  35. The Hill, “GOP senators blast Obama’s release of Gitmo prisoners,” accessed January 14, 2015
  36. The Hill, “Ayotte questions Obama's commitment to ISIS fight,” accessed January 14, 2014
  37. The Hill, “Ayotte presses Treasury on cutting off ISIS funds,” accessed January 14, 2014
  38. The Hill, “Ayotte to Obama: ISIS threat demands a strategy,” accessed January 14, 2014
  39. Project Vote Smart, "PN 48 - Nomination of John Brennan to be Director of the Central Intelligence Agency - Voting Record," accessed September 25, 2013
  40., “S.2673 - United States-Israel Strategic Partnership Act of 2014,” accessed January 14, 2015
  41. The Hill, “Senate GOP trio: Obama should arm Ukraine,” accessed January 14, 2014
  42. The Hill, “Ayotte: 'We must act now' on more Russian sanctions,” accessed January 14, 2014
  43., “Update on Ebola Response & More News,” accessed January 14, 2015
  44. 44.0 44.1 Political Guide, “Kelly Ayotte on Supreme Court Justices," accessed January 15, 2015
  45. Concrod Monitor, "Ayotte calls Justice Kagan ‘unqualified'," accessed January 16, 2015
  46. Twitter, “Kelly Ayotte,” accessed January 21, 2015
  47. The Wall Street Journal, “The Hobby Lobby Decision and Its Distortions,” accessed January 21, 2015
  48. The Washington Post, “Sen. Kelly Ayotte becomes focus of gun-control groups’ efforts,” accessed January 16, 2015
  49. 49.0 49.1 Politico, “NRA ad defends Kelly Ayotte," accessed January 16, 2015
  50. Politico, “Kelly Ayotte says she backs gun checks," accessed January 16, 2015
  51. 51.0 51.1 National Review, "The Ayotte Delusion,” accessed January 15, 2014
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  54. Political Guide, “Kelly Ayotte on The Tenth Amendment,” accessed January 15, 2015
  55., “S.1323 - Protecting Our Youth from Dangerous Synthetic Drugs Act of 2013,” accessed January 16, 2015
  56., “S.47 - Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013,” accessed January 14, 2015
  57., “Sen. Ayotte Says She's Confident Supreme Court Will Uphold Death Sentence,” accessed January 15, 2015
  58., “Human Trafficking,” accessed January 15, 2014
  59. Boston Globe, “New clout for climate change naysayer,” accessed January 15, 2015
  60. Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions, “Senator Ayotte and Representative Gibson Headline CRES Forum,” accessed January 15, 2015
  61., “Energy,” accessed January 15, 2015
  62., “Senator Ayotte's Statement on Vote to Advance Keystone XL Pipeline,” accessed January 21, 2015
  63., “Ayotte Backs Bipartisan Legislation to Approve Keystone XL Pipeline,” accessed January 21, 2015
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  65. The New York Times, “Across the Board, GOP Senate Candidates Shy Away From Cap and Trade,” accessed January 21, 2015
  66., “Health Care,” accessed January 15, 2014
  67. The Hill, “Ayotte: O-Care ‘breaks my heart’,” accessed January 14, 2014
  68., “Mental Health,” accessed January 15, 2014
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  70. Politico, “Ayotte endorses immigration bill,” accessed January 14, 2015
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  72., “Another View -- Kelly Ayotte and Ajit Pai: Bringing the rural classroom into the Digital Age,” accessed January 14, 2015
  73. Political Guide, “Kelly Ayotte on Education,” accessed January 15, 2015
  74. SBA List, “Senator Kelly Ayotte Stands Up For Life,” accessed January 14, 2015
  75., “No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act,” accessed January 14, 2014
  76., “Pro-Life Hero: The Real Kelly Ayotte,” accessed January 14, 2015
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