Comparison of lieutenant gubernatorial salaries

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Lieutenant gubernatorial salaries are typically determined either by a state's constitution or statute. Most often, the salary portion of a lieutenant governor's compensation is defined by law, but additional benefits (insurance, official residence, other work-related equipment) may be established by state agencies, customs, or other factors. In some cases, salaries are automatically increased each year either at the rate of inflation or by some other percentage chosen by the legislature.

In Alaska, Hawaii, New Jersey and Utah, the position of lieutenant governor is equivalent to that of secretary of state. Five states, however, do not have a lieutenant governor position: Maine, Arizona, Wyoming, New Hampshire, and Oregon. Salary information was compiled by the Council of State Governments for the lieutenant governors of Tennessee and West Virginia, where the president of the state Senate is granted the honorary title of lieutenant governor.

This page provides an overview of the annual salaries received by lieutenant governors since 2010. These salaries do not include benefits and other compensation used to determine total compensation figures. The data source is the annual Book of the States, a compilation of information collected by the Council of State Governments, a nonprofit organization sponsored by state governments. The organization collects salary data through an annual survey.

Lieutenant gubernatorial salaries by state

The states with the five highest lieutenant gubernatorial salaries in 2023 were New York at $210,000, Connecticut at $206,062, Massachusetts at $198,165, Pennsylvania at $192,897, and Ohio at $186,867.[1] The states with the five lowest lieutenant gubernatorial salaries in 2023 were Texas at $7,200, Virginia at $36,321, South Carolina at $46,545, Arkansas at $46,705, and Idaho at $52,990.[1][2]

Salary comparison table: 2010–2023

The following table lists the salary reported for each state's lieutenant governor in the Book of the States going back to 2010. Darker shades of grey indicate higher salaries. To rank states by lieutenant gubernatorial salary for a given year, click the header for that year.

See also

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  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Book of the States, "2023 edition: Chapter 4 - Selected State Administrative Officials: Annual Salaries," accessed December 19, 2024
  2. 2.0 2.1 Since West Virginia's president of the Senate is granted the honorary title of lieutenant governor, West Virginia was not included as having one of the lowest lieutenant gubernatorial salaries in 2023.
  3. Since West Virginia's president of the Senate is granted the honorary title of lieutenant governor, West Virginia was not included as having one of the lowest lieutenant gubernatorial salaries in 2022.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Book of the States, "2022 edition: Chapter 4 - Selected State Administrative Officials: Annual Salaries," accessed October 25, 2023
  5. Since West Virginia's president of the Senate is granted the honorary title of lieutenant governor, West Virginia was not included as having one of the lowest lieutenant gubernatorial salaries in 2021.