Bradley Beck

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Bradley Beck
Image of Bradley Beck



Pasadena City College, 1998


California State University, Northridge, 2001


Service / branch

U.S. Army

Years of service

1985 - 1994

San Gabriel, Calif.
Non-practicing Christian

Bradley Beck (independent) ran for election for Governor of Nevada. He did not appear on the ballot for the general election on November 8, 2022.

Beck completed Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey in 2022. Click here to read the survey answers.


Bradley Beck was born in San Gabriel, California. Beck served in the U.S. Army from 1985 to 1994. He earned an associate degree from Pasadena City College in 1998 and a bachelor's degree from California State University at Northridge in 2001. Beck's career experience includes working as a mud logging geologist, an Uber and Lyft driver, and a pizza deliverer.[1]



See also: Nevada gubernatorial election, 2022

General election

General election for Governor of Nevada

Joe Lombardo defeated incumbent Steve Sisolak, Brandon Davis, and Edward Bridges II in the general election for Governor of Nevada on November 8, 2022.

Image of Joe Lombardo
Joe Lombardo (R)
Image of Steve Sisolak
Steve Sisolak (D)
Image of Brandon Davis
Brandon Davis (L) Candidate Connection
Image of Edward Bridges II
Edward Bridges II (Independent American Party)
 Other/Write-in votes

Total votes: 1,019,071
Candidate Connection = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.
If you are a candidate and would like to tell readers and voters more about why they should vote for you, complete the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection Survey.

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Withdrawn or disqualified candidates

Democratic primary election

Democratic primary for Governor of Nevada

Incumbent Steve Sisolak defeated Tom Collins in the Democratic primary for Governor of Nevada on June 14, 2022.

Image of Steve Sisolak
Steve Sisolak
Image of Tom Collins
Tom Collins
 Other/Write-in votes

Total votes: 175,674
Candidate Connection = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.
If you are a candidate and would like to tell readers and voters more about why they should vote for you, complete the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection Survey.

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Republican primary election

Republican primary for Governor of Nevada

The following candidates ran in the Republican primary for Governor of Nevada on June 14, 2022.

Image of Joe Lombardo
Joe Lombardo
Image of Joey Gilbert
Joey Gilbert
Image of Dean Heller
Dean Heller
Image of John J. Lee
John J. Lee
Image of Guy Nohra
Guy Nohra
Image of Fred Simon Jr.
Fred Simon Jr.
Image of Tom Heck
Tom Heck Candidate Connection
Image of Eddie Hamilton
Eddie Hamilton
Image of Amber Whitley
Amber Whitley
Image of William Walls
William Walls
Gary Evertsen
Image of Seven Achilles Evans
Seven Achilles Evans
Edward O'Brien
Image of Barak Zilberberg
Barak Zilberberg
Image of Stan Lusak
Stan Lusak
 Other/Write-in votes

Total votes: 228,570
Candidate Connection = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.
If you are a candidate and would like to tell readers and voters more about why they should vote for you, complete the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection Survey.

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Withdrawn or disqualified candidates

Campaign themes


Ballotpedia survey responses

See also: Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection

Candidate Connection

Bradley Beck completed Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey in 2022. The survey questions appear in bold and are followed by Beck's responses. Candidates are asked three required questions for this survey, but they may answer additional optional questions as well.

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I was born and raised in California. When things got out of control and the cost of living became too expensive, I moved to Nevada. Now Nevada seems to be having the same problems as California. Rents are going too high for average people to keep up, wages aren't keeping up with inflation or the cost of living, there is a lack of affordable housing and the rich and corporations want us to believe there is no money to make the things that us regular Americans need and desire happen because their profit margins need to go up to astronomical levels..

I wish to bring a new perspective to Nevada. Because I am not a business owner or millionaire, I have experienced what most of us have experienced. I have had to get student loans. I've been homeless and had to rely on the Veterans Administration which had no assistance. I have had to make use of Food Stamps and Unemployment and see the problems that must be addressed to make these services work instead of just providing services that most people can't even use. I have recently bought a home and know the trouble most Americans face in this process.

We need to give the power back to the people and hold our politicians accountable for their ineptitude and lack of proper planning. We need to bring Nevada into the 21st Century. A vote for me can insure that "your" voice is heard, not the voices of the 10% who control our lives and want us to believe their voices matter. They don't.
  • Rent Control - Limit Foreign Corporations and Wall Street from buying up all our property and maintain a legitimate rent increase, not more than 6%, which is what everyone was given as a cost of living increase.
  • Affordable housing - Bring in companies that make 3-D printed homes and make building mobile homes and lower cost housing a priority, not multi-million dollar estates for the wealthy.
  • Force businesses with over 20 employees to pay them a living wage and support unionization of anyone who wishes to unionize.
I wish to bring Nevada into the 21st Century. That means investing in infrastructure, bringing our rural communities up to speed and bringing more social services to the elderly, our Veterans, the disabled and the mentally ill. A chain is only as strong as it's weakest link.

Nevada needs to step up with Corporations and the wealthy finally paying a fair share just like the rest of us. I would increase the Corporate tax in Nevada to 30% - if they don't like it - there's the door. I will also incentivize companies who are not only American, but ethical and moral to come to Nevada. I wish to prevent foreign owned Companies and Corporations from laundering their money in Nevada by buying our property and businesses and then raising rent and prices of the goods they sell.

I wish to build more affordable housing by bringing in companies who build affordable 3-D printed homes and smaller homes for first time buyers and low-income families who have been screwed out of their American Dream, now that most things we value as Americans are mostly out of reach.

It's about time we as Americans get together and agree on what makes us Americans. It's not accommodating the extremely wealthy - they are trying to convince voters that the enemy is us. Don't believe them. We all have a common goal - to live a free and happy life.
I am a student of History and therefore look up to various figures from our past. My favorite President is Abraham Lincoln, who I believe was our greatest President, although greatly flawed.

Another group of people I look up to are those who braved the trails to the West - the Wagon Trains of the Oregon Trail, the Mountain Men and trappers who laid the trails like Kit Carson and Jim Bridger, and our proud Native American brothers and sisters, who we owe a great debt to that should be paid.

Very few of our political figures and celebrities have the empathy and compassion to even understand the issues facing everyday Americans. They are too out of touch with the struggles of those of us not in that 10%. Because their lives are good and their worries are few, they believe that the status quo is where things should be. If you can't relate to people that not only have different problems than you, but are physically or mentally different than you, things seem to be just fine.

We need to be more open minded about the problems and issues the 90% face, not the problems and issues of the wealthy. Their problems pale in comparison with not being able to afford rent, not being able to provide child care, having no medical insurance or problems affording prescription drugs, drug abuse, mental illness, physical disabilities, Veterans issues, the problem with homelessness, and a complete lack of affordable housing, along with not making enough at a menial job to pay the bills.

The one person that I believe represents these ideals is Katie Porter. She is a Congresswoman from Orange County, California and is a mother and everyday American. She brings to politics what has been lacking for many years. Someone like her and myself who has experienced what everyday people experience - the problems associated with being part of that 90% that never seems to get an even break while the wealthy get free money and bailouts from the Government.
I am 100% transparent about my views on everything. This is reflected on my Facebook page, which Facebook refuses to give me a blue check mark for to establish that I am actually me. Go figure.

The address is - there are hundreds of posts describing in detail my views on political issues along with moral and ethical issues. All for the perusing.
When I was with the 2-144 Field Artillery, a unit of the California National Guard, our motto was: Duty, Honor, Courage. I believe every elected official should have these qualities, along with a deep empathy and the ability to wlk in someone's shoes - to be able to relate to someone's problems even though they are not your problems. This is a quality that is lacking in today's politics.
Again, I believe a politician or public servant needs to be empathetic to the problems and issues of those less fortunate than the wealthy. When you live a life of luxury, it doesn't leave much of an ability to relate to the issues that matter to the majority of the population. My life experience allows me to see most people for who they are - not republicans or Democrats, but Americans.
The responsibility of any elected official is to be the public servant of the people, not themselves or those of special interests or wealthy donors. To serve the people to the best of their ability under the law.
I would like to be known as a politician who was not corrupt or unethical and actually was able to bring about the changes necessary to bring all citizens of Nevada into the 21st Century, not just the Casino owners and the wealthy.
In 1973, we were living in Pasadena, California and my mom ended up choosing the theme to the Rose Parade. She chose Movie Memories, along with John Wayne to be the Grand Marshall. They also accepted her choice and we got to meet not only John Wayne, but Pat Nixon, the First Lady. I was 6 years old and don't remember much about the event other than that Wayne was a very big man.
My first job was working for a women's shoe store down the street from where I lived. I was 16. I held that job till I was sent to basic training for the Army National Guard at 17 years old 5 days after graduating High School.
Watchers, by Dean Koontz. Love Science fiction and Horror - Watchers has a bit of both and has characters anyone can relate to, along with a very special Golden retriever. When I was background on an episode of Just Shoot Me with David spade, I was standing in a fake bookstore on the set with another extra, waiting for the next scene.

He asked me if I read and if any of the books were any good. I saw a copy of Watchers and told him it was my favorite book, having read it several times. I also told him that they made a cheap b-movie version with Mark Singer, who played the Beastmaster. They took a fantastic book and ruined it with a cheap production.

As I was telling this kid this story, out from the backstage came George Segal, another actor on the show. He told me that he couldn't help overhearing me tell this and said that Watchers was also one of his favorite books and that yes, they made an awful movie out of a great book. He then walked away. George Segal, one of my favorite actors of my youth, didn't have to come over to us and say that. That was a truly class-act. He will be fondly remembered may he rest in peace.
Atticus Finch - One of the most honorable men I've ever read about in a fantastic but flawed book by Harper Lee.
The Foo Fighters - "Learning to Fly". Been to over 60 concerts in my lifetime. Love Rock N Roll.
A Governor is someone who makes things happen in his or her state. I believe that our Governor, who came from Southern Nevada, has ignored the needs of rural Nevada in favor of the needs of the Casinos and the wealthy.

A Governor is someone who should be involved with the needs of all of the communities, cities and townships, in order to manage the Government agencies that aid those areas. The problem is that services have been provided but are not adequate for the 21st Century. There is a lack of infrastructure, of medical facilities, of jobs and industry other than Casinos and hospitality jobs, along with a complete lack of affordable housing. It is the job of the Governor to promote his or her state to bring business and income to the state so that the residents have no needs.

A Governor is someone who should have the best and brightest of every field working at a common goal - to effectively use the most current science and knowledge in order to come up with big ideas to tackle the problems we face, not to rely on backwards politicians who are too old or too set in their ways to see the future.
The problem with most politicians is that they tell you they are in touch with their residents needs but are completely unapproachable when actual people need something. I want to make the Governor's office one of the People. Give the people the ability, by polling or by actually answering the phone, the opportunity to tell the Governor what changes really need to be made, not the needs of special interests or Corporations. I believe that if something is favored by the "majority" of the population, it is the job of the Governor to insure this policy or service is made into law or provided. When the people have no voice, nothing gets done other than pandering to the needs of that 10% again, not those who are actually suffering because they can't get an EBT card, or their unemployment benefits.
Budgets shouldn't be difficult. I spent 10 years in the California National Guard dealing with $100 wrenches, outdated contracts on outdated equipment, using or losing budget allowances for the fiscal year - I know that there is always a way to more efficiently manage our budget and I firmly believe that the buck stops with the Governor. Again, the needs of the wealthy and Corporations outweigh the needs of the majority of the population if you listen to most politicians because they have skin in the game. We need more everyday Americans to hold public office so the experience and empathy they bring to the office is justified, not just lip service by a wealthy career politician.
Again, my focus is on the needs of the majority of people who live in Nevada - those that hold regular jobs like hospitality and tourism, Casino jobs, and the wealth of Walmart and Amazon employees who are barely able to survive in today's economy.

Anything I can do to change the odds to be in favor of renters rather than landlords, employees instead of employers, and the downtrodden, I will do. If it is within my power as Governor under the law, I will make it happen.

I don't think it is within the power of the Governor to make executive decisions or use a veto to bring about change not favored by the majority of the population. It is his or her job to convince the people that what he or she is doing is justified, based on facts and sustainable.
Sure, because the Governor is the highest elected office in the State. If there is a legislature that is divided or possesses a majority that conflicts with the majority of voters and residents, it can create a standstill with nothing getting done, kind of like what we are facing on a national level.

The Governor should be ultimately responsible for making decisions based on how his state can best effect everyone, not just one political party. If not given veto power, one party can push through legislation not favored by everyone but a certain few.
In my opinion, the Governor should use the communication between the various counties and cities to find out the needs of his or her state, then use the legislature to enact legislation if needed to bring about the changes necessary to effectively govern and give those people within the state their rightful freedoms and benefits under the law.
I am a Geologist and Archaeologist. I enjoy history of the Western United States, along with Ghost Towns and Mining Towns.

For someone of my interests, Nevada is a goldmine. We need to take advantage of our rich history and build on that to not only revitalize some of our rural areas, but to also bring tourists and businesses to our towns, to bring Nevada into the 21st Century.
Affordable housing/Rent Control.

Giving every employee in Nevada a "living wage"



Education - needs to change - pay teachers more!!

Anything from George Carlin. Can't really repeat most of his material though. Gonna have to google
When faced by a State Emergency - we need to increase our National Guard in Nevada. I would build more Armories and make service in the Guard only in Nevada - I would make every attempt to remove the federal requirement for the National Guard and give incentives to young people to join. This would help in State Emergencies, which is why the Governor has those powers.

Note: Ballotpedia reserves the right to edit Candidate Connection survey responses. Any edits made by Ballotpedia will be clearly marked with [brackets] for the public. If the candidate disagrees with an edit, he or she may request the full removal of the survey response from Ballotpedia does not edit or correct typographical errors unless the candidate's campaign requests it.

See also

External links


  1. Information submitted to Ballotpedia through the Candidate Connection survey on April 3, 2022