Texas down ballot state executive elections, 2014

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Texas Down Ballot State Executive Elections

Primary Date:
March 4, 2014

General Election Date:
November 4, 2014

Texas State Executive Elections
Top Ballot
GovernorLt. GovernorAttorney General
Down Ballot
Comptroller, Land Commissioner, Commissioner of Agriculture, Railroad Commissioner

Table of contents
Land Commissioner
Agriculture Commissioner
Railroad Commissioner
Key deadlines
Recent news
Flag of Texas.png

Four down ballot state executive positions were up for election in the state of Texas in 2014. The four down ballot races on the ballot were for the offices of Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts, Texas Land Commissioner, Texas Agriculture Commissioner and Texas Railroad Commission. The general election took place on November 4, 2014.

All four down ballot races featured Democratic, Republican, Green Party and Libertarian Party candidates vying for office. There were no incumbents seeking re-election to these offices, with three incumbents seeking higher office and Comptroller Susan Combs (R) retiring in 2014. Glenn Hegar, George P. Bush, Sid Miller and Ryan Sitton won in the general election.

A primary election is an election in which registered voters select a candidate that they believe should be a political party's candidate for elected office to run in the general election. They are also used to choose convention delegates and party leaders. Primaries are state-level and local-level elections that take place prior to a general election. Texas utilizes an open primary system. Voters do not have to register with a party in advance in order to participate in that party's primary. The voter must sign a pledge stating the following (the language below is taken directly from state statutes)[1]

The following pledge shall be placed on the primary election ballot above the listing of candidates' names: 'I am a (insert appropriate political party) and understand that I am ineligible to vote or participate in another political party's primary election or convention during this voting year.'[2]

For information about which offices are nominated via primary election, see this article.

Comptroller of Public Accounts


General election

Republican Party Glenn Hegar - State Senator[3]Green check mark transparent.png
Democratic Party Mike Collier - Houston businessman[4]
Libertarian Party Ben Sanders[5]
Green Party Deb Shafto[6]


Republican Party Susan Combs Incumbent[7]

Withdrew after primary

Republican Party Harvey Hilderbran - State Representative[8][9]

Lost in primary

Republican Party Debra Medina - Nurse, Rancher, 2010 candidate for governor[10]
Republican Party Raul Torres - CPA and former state representative[11]


General election

Texas Comptroller, 2014
Party Candidate Vote % Votes
     Republican Green check mark transparent.pngGlenn Hegar 58.4% 2,697,877
     Democrat Mike Collier 37.7% 1,742,119
     Libertarian Ben Sanders 3% 136,869
     Green Deb Shafto 1% 44,981
Total Votes 4,621,846
Election results via Texas Secretary of State

Primary election

Republican primary
Texas Comptroller Republican Primary, 2014
Candidate Vote % Votes
Green check mark transparent.pngGlenn Hegar 50% 612,269
Harvey Hilderbran 26% 318,899
Debra Medina 19.3% 236,531
Raul Torres 4.6% 56,937
Total Votes 1,224,636
Election results via Texas Secretary of State.
Democratic primary
  • Uncontested


The Comptroller is responsible for overseeing the financial operations of the state. The office of Comptroller pays bills, writes checks and manages the books for the multi-billion dollar business of Texas state government. Here are additional responsibilities of the office:

  • Taxes-The Texas Comptroller's office serves the state by collecting more than 60 separate taxes, fees and assessments[12]
  • Education-The Comptroller's office administers the state's 529 plans and promotes local economic growth by identifying and fostering work force development initiatives across the state.[13]
  • Revenue Estimates-The Comptrollers office produces the Biennial Revenue Estimate (BRE) before each session of the Texas Legislature. The report gives the Legislature a formal estimate of future available funds so that a budget may be made. The most recent BRE was published in 2011.[14]

Campaign finance

Comprehensive donor information for this election has been collected by Follow the Money. Based on available campaign finance records, the candidates raised a total of $3,942,987 during the election. This information was last updated on April 9, 2015.[15]

Campaign Contribution Totals
Candidate Office Result Contributions
Glenn HegarRepublican Party Texas Comptroller Won $2,133,036
Mike CollierDemocratic Party Texas Comptroller Defeated $1,558,361
Debra MedinaRepublican Party Texas Comptroller Defeated $207,195
Raul TorresRepublican Party Texas Comptroller Defeated $32,860
Harvey HilderbranRepublican Party Texas Comptroller Defeated $8,351
Ben SandersLibertarian Party Texas Comptroller Defeated $3,184
Deb ShaftoGreen Party Texas Comptroller Defeated $0
Grand Total Raised $3,942,987


General election

Texas Comptroller
Poll Glenn Hegar (R) Mike Collier (D)Deb Shafto (G)Ben Sanders (L)Margin of errorSample size
University of Texas/Texas Tribune
October 10-19, 2014
Note: The polls above may not reflect all polls that have been conducted in this race. Those displayed are a random sampling chosen by Ballotpedia staff. If you would like to nominate another poll for inclusion in the table, send an email to editor@ballotpedia.org.


Texas Comptroller - Republican Primary
Poll Debra Medina Raul TorresGlenn HegarHarvey HilderbranDon't KnowMargin of errorSample size
University of Texas/Texas Tribune Poll
October 18-27, 2013
Note: The polls above may not reflect all polls that have been conducted in this race. Those displayed are a random sampling chosen by Ballotpedia staff. If you would like to nominate another poll for inclusion in the table, send an email to editor@ballotpedia.org.
Texas Comptroller - Republican Primary
Poll Debra Medina Raul TorresGlenn HegarHarvey HilderbranMargin of errorSample size
University of Texas/Texas Tribune Poll
February 7-17, 2014
Note: The polls above may not reflect all polls that have been conducted in this race. Those displayed are a random sampling chosen by Ballotpedia staff. If you would like to nominate another poll for inclusion in the table, send an email to editor@ballotpedia.org.

Campaign advertisements

Land Commissioner


General election

Republican Party George P. Bush - Attorney and consultant, son of former Governor of Florida Jeb Bush and the nephew, grandson of Presidents George W. Bush, George H.W. Bush, respectively.[16]Green check mark transparent.png
Democratic Party John Cook - Former mayor of El Paso[17]
Libertarian Party Justin Knight[18]
Green Party Valerie Alessi[6]

Filed for other office

Republican Party Jerry Patterson - Ran for Lieutenant Governor of Texas[16]

Lost primary or at convention

Republican Party David Watts - Technology Consultant[19]
Libertarian Party Steven L. Childs[5][18]


Libertarian Party Ed Tidwell - Lago Vista City Council member[20]


General election

Texas Land Commissioner, 2014
Party Candidate Vote % Votes
     Republican Green check mark transparent.pngGeorge P. Bush 60.7% 2,826,751
     Democrat John Cook 35.3% 1,645,696
     Libertarian Justin Knight 2.7% 126,406
     Green Valerie Alessi 1.3% 60,112
Total Votes 4,658,965
Election results via Texas Secretary of State

Primary election

Republican primary
Texas Lands Commissioner Republican Primary, 2014
Candidate Vote % Votes
Green check mark transparent.pngGeorge P. Bush 73% 937,987
David Watts 27% 346,949
Total Votes 1,284,936
Election results via Texas Secretary of State.
Democratic primary
  • Uncontested


1. Superintend, control, and direct the official conduct of subordinate officers of the land office
2. Execute and perform all acts relating to public real property of the state or rights of individuals in public real property which is required by law
3. Make and enforce suitable rules consistent with the law; and
4. Give information when required to the governor and the legislature relating to public real property and the land office.

Campaign finance

Comprehensive donor information for this election has been collected by Follow the Money. Based on available campaign finance records, the candidates raised a total of $5,386,253 during the election. This information was last updated on April 9, 2015.[21]

Campaign Contribution Totals
Candidate Office Result Contributions
George P. BushRepublican Party Texas Land Commissioner Won $5,292,154
John CookDemocratic Party Texas Land Commissioner Defeated $77,246
David WattsRepublican Party Texas Land Commissioner Defeated $16,853
Justin KnightLibertarian Party Texas Land Commissioner Defeated $0
Valerie AlessiGreen Party Texas Land Commissioner Defeated $0
Grand Total Raised $5,386,253


Texas Land Commissioner
Poll George P. Bush (R) John Cook (D)Ulises Cabrera (G)Justin Knight (L)Margin of errorSample size
University of Texas/Texas Tribune
October 10-19, 2014
Note: The polls above may not reflect all polls that have been conducted in this race. Those displayed are a random sampling chosen by Ballotpedia staff. If you would like to nominate another poll for inclusion in the table, send an email to editor@ballotpedia.org.

Agriculture Commissioner


General election

Republican Party Sid Miller - Former state representative[22]Green check mark transparent.png
Democratic Party Jim Hogan[23]
Libertarian Party Rocky Palmquist - 2010 Bastrop County Commission Candidate[24][18]
Green Party Kenneth Kendrick - Former Manager of the Peanut Corporation of America[25]

Filed for other office

Republican Party Todd Staples - Ran for Texas Lieutenant Governor

Lost primary or at convention

Republican Party Tommy Merritt - Former state representative[26]
Republican Party J. Allen Carnes - Mayor of Uvalde[27]
Republican Party Eric Opiela - Attorney, rancher and former State Republican Executive Director[28]
Republican Party Joe Cotten[29]
Democratic Party Richard "Kinky" Friedman - Musician and rancher[30]
Democratic Party Hugh Asa Fitzsimons, III[31]
Libertarian Party Rick Donaldson[5][18]


Republican Party Brandon Creighton - State representative[32][33]


General election

Texas Agriculture Commissioner, 2014
Party Candidate Vote % Votes
     Republican Green check mark transparent.pngSid Miller 58.6% 2,698,694
     Democrat Jim Hogan 36.8% 1,697,083
     Libertarian Rocky Palmquist 2.9% 132,511
     Green Kenneth Kendrick 1.7% 77,548
Total Votes 4,605,836
Election results via Texas Secretary of State

Primary election

Republican primary
Texas Agriculture Commissioner Republican Primary, 2014
Candidate Vote % Votes
Green check mark transparent.pngSid Miller 34.6% 411,560
Green check mark transparent.pngTommy Merritt 20.9% 249,440
Eric Opiela 17.4% 207,222
Joe Cotten 14.6% 174,348
J. Allen Carnes 12.4% 148,222
Total Votes 1,190,792
Election results via Texas Secretary of State.
Democratic primary
Texas Agriculture Commissioner Democratic Primary, 2014
Candidate Vote % Votes
Green check mark transparent.pngJim Hogan 38.7% 190,090
Green check mark transparent.pngRichard "Kinky" Friedman 37.7% 185,180
Hugh Asa Fitzsimons, III 23.5% 115,395
Total Votes 490,665
Election results via Texas Secretary of State.


Republican runoff
Texas Agriculture Commissioner Republican Primary Runoff, 2014
Candidate Vote % Votes
Green check mark transparent.pngSid Miller 53.2% 364,756
Tommy Merritt 46.8% 320,835
Total Votes 685,591
Election results via Texas Secretary of State. Vote totals above are unofficial and reflect 98 precincts reporting.
Democratic runoff
Texas Agriculture Commissioner Democratic Primary Runoff, 2014
Candidate Vote % Votes
Green check mark transparent.pngJim Hogan 53.7% 105,887
Richard "Kinky" Friedman 46.3% 91,282
Total Votes 197,169
Election results via Texas Secretary of State. Vote totals above are unofficial and reflect 98 precincts reporting.


The commissioner of agriculture performs specific duties in the following several different areas:[34]

  • Consumer Protection
  • Production Agriculture
  • Healthy Living
  • Economic Development:

Campaign finance

Comprehensive donor information for this election has been collected by Follow the Money. Based on available campaign finance records, the candidates raised a total of $3,669,656 during the election. This information was last updated on April 9, 2015.[35]

Campaign Contribution Totals
Candidate Office Result Contributions
Sid MillerRepublican Party Texas Agriculture Commissioner Won $837,832
Eric OpielaRepublican Party Texas Agriculture Commissioner Defeated $1,522,591
Tommy MerrittRepublican Party Texas Agriculture Commissioner Defeated $713,401
J. Allen CarnesRepublican Party Texas Agriculture Commissioner Defeated $398,787
Hugh Asa Fitzsimons, IIIDemocratic Party Texas Agriculture Commissioner Defeated $134,497
Kinky FriedmanDemocratic Party Texas Agriculture Commissioner Defeated $42,452
Joe CottenRepublican Party Texas Agriculture Commissioner Defeated $18,250
Kenneth KendrickGreen Party Texas Agriculture Commissioner Defeated $1,846
Jim HoganDemocratic Party Texas Agriculture Commissioner Defeated $0
Rocky PalmquistLibertarian Party Texas Agriculture Commissioner Defeated $0
Grand Total Raised $3,669,656


Texas Agriculture Commissioner
Poll Sid Miller (R) Jim Hogan (D)Kenneth Kendrick (G)Rocky Palmquist (L)Margin of errorSample size
University of Texas/Texas Tribune
October 10-19, 2014
Note: The polls above may not reflect all polls that have been conducted in this race. Those displayed are a random sampling chosen by Ballotpedia staff. If you would like to nominate another poll for inclusion in the table, send an email to editor@ballotpedia.org.

Railroad Commissioner


General election

Republican Party Ryan Sitton - Oilfield engineer and small business owner[36]Green check mark transparent.png
Democratic Party Steve Brown - Former chair, Fort Bend County Democrats[37]
Libertarian Party Mark Miller - Businessman[20][18]
Green Party Martina Salinas[6]

Filed for other office

Republican Party Barry Smitherman - Ran for attorney general[38]

Lost primary

Democratic Party Dale Henry - Previous candidate for Railroad Commission[39]
Republican Party Wayne Christian - Financial planner and former state representative[40]
Republican Party Becky Berger - Oil geologist[41]
Republican Party Malachi Boyuls - Venture capitalist, attorney[42]


Republican Party Stefani Carter - State representative[43][44]
Republican Party Ray Keller - Former state representative[45]
Republican Party Joe Pool, Jr. - Attorney, Energy Company Executive[46]
Libertarian Party Jason Marshall Kute[5][18]
Independent Billy Wayne Engle Jr.[47]


General election

Texas Railroad Commissioner, 2014
Party Candidate Vote % Votes
     Republican Green check mark transparent.pngRyan Sitton 58.3% 2,690,624
     Democrat Steve Brown 36.5% 1,682,644
     Libertarian Mark Miller 3.2% 145,365
     Green Martina Salinas 2% 93,800
Total Votes 4,612,433
Election results via Texas Secretary of State

Primary election

Republican primary
Texas Railroad Commissioner Republican Primary, 2014
Candidate Vote % Votes
Green check mark transparent.pngWayne Christian 42.7% 503,634
Green check mark transparent.pngRyan Sitton 30.5% 360,125
Becky Berger 16.8% 198,672
Malachi Boyuls 10% 117,511
Total Votes 1,179,942
Election results via Texas Secretary of State.
Democratic primary
Texas Railroad Commissioner Democratic Primary, 2014
Candidate Vote % Votes
Green check mark transparent.pngSteve Brown 64% 299,009
Dale Henry 36% 168,036
Total Votes 467,045
Election results via Texas Secretary of State.
Texas Railroad Commissioner Republican Primary Runoff, 2014
Candidate Vote % Votes
Green check mark transparent.pngRyan Sitton 57.3% 400,259
Wayne Christian 42.7% 298,659
Total Votes 698,918
Election results via Texas Secretary of State. Vote totals above are unofficial and reflect 98 precincts reporting.


The Commission is responsible for overseeing and regulating the oil and gas industry, gas utilities, pipeline safety, safety in the liquefied petroleum gas industry, and surface coal and uranium mining in the state of Texas.

Campaign finance

Comprehensive donor information for this election has been collected by Follow the Money. Based on available campaign finance records, the candidates raised a total of $5,468,371 during the election. This information was last updated on April 9, 2015.[48]

Campaign Contribution Totals
Candidate Office Result Contributions
Ryan SittonRepublican Party Texas Railroad Commissioner Won $4,070,984
Malachi BoyulsRepublican Party Texas Railroad Commissioner Defeated $967,367
Wayne ChristianRepublican Party Texas Railroad Commissioner Defeated $307,260
Steve BrownDemocratic Party Texas Railroad Commissioner Defeated $70,157
Becky BergerRepublican Party Texas Railroad Commissioner Defeated $48,922
Martina SalinasGreen Party Texas Railroad Commissioner Defeated $2,856
Mark MillerLibertarian Party Texas Railroad Commissioner Defeated $825
Dale HenryDemocratic Party Texas Railroad Commissioner Defeated $0
Grand Total Raised $5,468,371


Texas Railroad Commissioner
Poll Ryan Sitton (R) Steve Brown (D)Martina Salinas (G)Mark Miller (L)Margin of errorSample size
University of Texas/Texas Tribune
October 10-19, 2014
Note: The polls above may not reflect all polls that have been conducted in this race. Those displayed are a random sampling chosen by Ballotpedia staff. If you would like to nominate another poll for inclusion in the table, send an email to editor@ballotpedia.org.

Key deadlines

Deadline Event
December 9, 2013 Filing deadline for candidates
March 4, 2014 Primary election
May 27, 2014 Primary run-off election
November 4, 2014 General election
January 20, 2015 Inauguration

Recent news

Land Commissioner

This section links to a Google news search for the term "Texas + Agriculture + Commissioner + elections"

Comptroller of Public Accounts

This section links to a Google news search for the term "Texas + Comptroller + elections"

Land Commissioner

This section links to a Google news search for the term "Texas + Land + Commissioner + elections"

Railroad Commissioner

This section links to a Google news search for the term "Texas + Railroad + Commissioner + elections"

See also

External links


  1. Texas Statutes, "Section 172.086," accessed October 7, 2024
  2. Note: This text is quoted verbatim from the original source. Any inconsistencies are attributable to the original source.
  3. Community Impact Newspaper, "Glenn Hegar plans candidacy for state comptroller," June 5, 2013
  4. Burnt Orange Report, "Mike Collier, Democrat and Businessman, Steps Up for Texas Comptroller," August 23, 2013
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Politics1, "Texas," accessed November 12, 2013
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Green Party of Texas, "Press Release: 50 Candidates File to Run as Greens in Texas," December 10, 2013
  7. Reporternews.com, "Comptroller Combs will not run for any statewide office in 2014," May 29, 2013 (dead link) (dead link)
  8. Texas Tribune, "Hilderbran Launches Campaign for Comptroller," August 20, 2013
  9. Texas Tribune, "Lobbyist: Efforts Afoot to Get Candidates to Drop Out," March 10, 2014
  10. Medina for Texas, "Campaign website," accessed July 24, 2013
  11. Rio Grande Guardian, "Torres: I am running for Texas Comptroller," May 29, 2013
  12. Taxes
  13. Education
  14. 2011 BRE
  15. Follow the Money, "Overview of Texas 2014 elections," accessed April 13, 2015
  16. 16.0 16.1 The Associated Press, "George P. Bush running for Texas land commissioner," March 12, 2013
  17. KVIA, "Former mayor John Cook running for Texas Land Commissioner," September 2, 2013
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 18.4 18.5 Independent Political Report, "Texas, Wisconsin Libertarian Conventions This Weekend," 4/11/2014
  19. KFYO, "Texas Land Commissioner Candidate David Watts Says Land Commissioner Needs An Executive, Not A Politician [AUDIO," July 25, 2013]
  20. 20.0 20.1 Texas Tribune, "Libertarian Kathie Glass Announces Bid for Governor," October 2, 2013
  21. Follow the Money, "Overview of Texas 2014 elections," accessed April 13, 2015
  22. Miami Herald, "Fmr state Rep. Miller enters ag commissioner race," October 17, 2013 (dead link)
  23. Texas Democrats, " Texas Democrats Running for Office," November 9, 2013
  24. Facebook, " Rocky Palmquist," accessed September 16, 2013
  25. Food Safety News, "Former PCA Manager Running for Texas Agriculture Commissioner," December 4, 2013
  26. News-Journal, "Former lawmaker ponders bid for state agriculture commissioner," July 26, 2013
  27. Dallas Morning News, "Uvalde mayor, J. Allen Carnes, makes bid for agriculture commissioner official," September 5, 2013
  29. Green Papers, "Texas Commissioner of Agriculture 2014," accessed December 6, 2013
  30. KVUE, "Kinky Friedman announces bid in TX Ag race," October 14, 2013 (dead link)
  31. Dallas Morning News, "Candidates for statewide offices in Texas," December 9, 2013
  32. Dallas Morning News, "Rep. Brandon Creighton Announces Bid for Agriculture Commissioner," August 9, 2013
  33. Burnt Orange Report, "Agriculture Commissioner: Rep. Brandon Creighton (R) Quits Race; Sid Miller (R) Returns," October 17, 2013
  34. Texas Department of Agriculture, "What does the TDA do?" accessed December 27, 2011
  35. Follow the Money, "Overview of Texas 2014 elections," accessed April l3, 2015
  36. Texas GOP Vote, "Oilfield Engineer Ryan Sitton Enters Crowded Field in Race for Texas Railroad Commission," September 26, 2013
  37. Texas Tribune, "Steve Brown to Run for Railroad Commissioner," November 8, 2013
  38. Texas Tribune, "Smitherman to Announce Run For Attorney General," June 24, 2013
  39. Houston Chronicle, "Filing deadline today," December 9, 2013
  40. Panola Watchman, "Wayne Christian to run for Texas Railroad Commission," September 13, 2013
  41. Texas Civil Justice League PAC, "Geologist Becky Berger To Seek Republican Nomination For Texas Railroad Commissioner," July 2, 2013
  42. My West Texas, "Railroad Commission candidate seeks supporters in Midland," June 26, 2013
  43. Dallas Morning News, "Texas Rep. Stefani Carter announces bid for Railroad Commissioner," July 8, 2013
  44. Dallas Morning News, "Stefani Carter drops bid for Railroad Commission," October 22, 2013
  45. Midlothian Mirror, "Keller announces bid for Texas Railroad Commission," July 31, 2013
  46. Guidry News, "Joe Pool for Texas Railroad Commissioner Campaign," July 21, 2013
  47. Billy for Agriculture Commissioner, "About Billy," accessed July 12, 2013 (dead link)
  48. Follow the Money, "Overview of Texas 2014 elections," accessed April l3, 2015