2016 presidential candidates on federal assistance programs

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2016 Presidential Election
Date: November 8, 2016

Winner: Donald Trump (R)
Hillary Clinton (D) • Jill Stein (G) • Gary Johnson (L) • Vice presidential candidates

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For information about Social Security under the Trump administration, click here.

The overview of the issue below was current as of the 2016 election.
Social Security is said to touch the lives of more Americans than any other federal program. At the end of 2014, 59 million individuals were receiving benefits and 166 million were paying into the system by way of payroll taxes.[1] The ratio of workers to beneficiaries has declined over time and reduced the amount of excess funds earning interest.[2] This ratio is not predicted to increase in the near term, particularly as more baby boomers retire. Under the present system, today's Social Security taxes pay the benefits of today's retirees.[1] For these and other reasons, the system is unsustainable over the long term.[3] The 2016 presidential candidates offered policy solutions and plans that could benefit workers and future retirees and address the system's financial outlook should the next president take action.

See what the 2016 candidates and their respective party platforms said about Social Security and other federal assistance programs below.

Interested in reading more about the 2016 candidates' stances on issues related to federal assistance programs?
Ballotpedia also covered what the candidates said about budgets, healthcare, taxes, and labor and employment.

  • Hillary Clinton supported enhanced benefits for the most vulnerable seniors, improving how Social Security works for women, and expanding Social Security benefits for those caring for elderly relatives to make up for the benefits they lose by taking time off of work.
  • Donald Trump believed that he and other wealthy Americans should relinquish their Social Security benefits and that widespread fraud exists in the Medicare, disability insurance, and food stamp programs. Trump supported the 1996 Welfare Reform Act’s work requirement.
  • Jill Stein supported establishing a "Medicare for All" system, designing effective anti-poverty programs that preserve dignity, and creating ample public housing with affordable utilities.
  • Gary Johnson supported providing government assistance to those truly in need. Johnson also supported cuts to Medicaid and Medicare combined with block grants to the states to design and run entitlement programs.
  • Democratic ticket

    Democratic Party Hillary Clinton

    • In an interview with Vox conducted on June 22, 2016, and published on July 11, 2016, Hillary Clinton discussed extreme poverty and welfare reform with interviewer Ezra Klein. Clinton said, “We had policies that I think contributed greatly to the increase in childhood poverty starting in 2001, the Great Recession being the worst of those. But there were also policy decisions, regulatory changes — providing more leeway to the states, so that they did not have either the requirement or the incentive to continue lifting people, particularly kids, out of poverty. … I think we have to do much more to target federal programs to the poorest, where intergenerational poverty is once again a cycle. Congressman Jim Clyburn has a creative idea called the 10-20-30 approach, where you would put a percentage of federal funds — 10 percent of federal funds — in those communities that are most impoverished and have been for 30 years.”[4]
    • At a campaign event in Iowa, on November 22, 2015, Hillary Clinton unveiled a proposal to expand Social Security benefits for those caring for elderly relatives to compensate for the loss of benefits they face when they take time off of work to do so. Those benefits would be calculated based on their top thirty-five years of earnings. The plan also would allow people caring for aging parents and grandparents to offset up to $6,000 in out-of-pocket caregiving costs, for a savings of up to $1,200 off of their tax bill. She framed the plan as an extension of the Affordable Care Act, President Obama's signature healthcare law. According to Clinton's proposal, caregiving encouraged “seniors to remain in their own homes, maintain independence, save costs, and still obtain the support they need. Clinton also recommended expanding "respite care," which provides care when the caregiver needs a break from the responsibility. The entire plan was estimated to cost $10 billion over 10 years, according to Politico.[5] [6] [7]
    Hillary Clinton on Social Security & Medicare
    • On October 21, 2015, Clinton posted an essay on Medium criticizing Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad (R) for signing over the management of the state’s Medicaid program to private companies. “I’m very wary of proposals like this because when Republicans say ‘privatize services,’ too often they mean cut services. At the federal level, Republicans put forward budgets year after year that would block grant the program and cut Medicaid by up to a third, putting millions of beneficiaries at risk. In particular, in Iowa, I believe advocates have raised some legitimate concerns about the companies that were awarded contracts that have faced accusations of mismanagement,” wrote Clinton.[8]
    • In April 2015, Clinton completed a questionnaire on labor issues for the AFL-CIO. Reuters reported on August 17, 2015, that Clinton stated in this questionnaire that she wanted to “improve how Social Security works for women” and “enhance benefits for our most vulnerable seniors.”[9]
    • In 2013, while members of Congress were debating the details of HR 2642 - Agricultural Act of 2014, also known as the Farm Bill, Clinton tweeted: "What happens to kids in families cut from unemployment insurance & food stamps? They’re #2SmallToFail, & deserve an equal chance to succeed."[10]
    • According to the The Washington Post, during the 2008 presidential campaign, Clinton said that "she did not think the Social Security system is in crisis, would appoint a bipartisan commission as president to make recommendations for a long-term fix, would not talk about specific ideas during the campaign and would resist doing so as president until the commission offered up its proposals." In addition, Clinton opposed "private or personal accounts as any part of a Social Security fix."[11]

    Democratic Party Tim Kaine

    • On April 14, 2016, Tim Kaine, along with several Senate colleagues, introduced the States Achieve Medicaid Expansion (SAME) Act of 2016, a bill to ensure that any state that expands Medicaid eligibility after 2014 would be eligible for the same federal matching funds as states that expanded earlier under the Affordable Care Act.[15]
    • Kaine and U.S. Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) announced on December 7, 2015, that 18 Virginia localities would receive more than $1.5 million in grants under the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Program. “Providing Americans with the resources to succeed in today’s workforce is critical for a strong economy and helps families keep food on the table,” Kaine said. “I applaud the Department of Housing and Urban Development for taking this approach to spurring economic activity. These grants will give Virginians the opportunity to increase their income and move up the economic ladder.”[16]

    Republican ticket

    Republican Party Donald Trump

    • At the No Labels conference on October 12, 2015, Donald Trump said he and other ultra-wealthy Americans should “voluntarily” relinquish their Social Security benefits. “I have friends that are worth hundreds of millions and billions of dollars and get Social Security. They don’t even know the check comes in,” he said.[17]
    • While speaking at the Iowa Freedom Summit in January 2015, Trump said he would save Social Security. He stated, "We have to make our country rich again so we can do that, so we can save Social Security. Because I'm not a cutter. I'll probably be the only Republican that doesn't want to cut Social Security. I want to make the country rich so that Social Security can be afforded and Medicare and Medicaid. Get rid of the waste. Get rid of the fraud. But you deserve your Social Security."[18]
    • In his 2011 book, Time to Get Tough, Trump discussed his position on several federal assistance and entitlement programs.
    • Defending Social Security, Trump wrote, "It's not unreasonable for people who paid into a system for decades to expect to get their money's worth–that's not an 'entitlement,' that's honoring a deal. We as a society must also make an ironclad commitment to providing a safety net for those who can't make one for themselves. Social Security is here to stay. To be sure, we must reform it, root out the fraud, make it more efficient, and ensure that the program is solvent. Same goes for Medicare. Again, people have lived up to their end of the bargain and paid into the program in good faith. Of course they believe they're 'entitled' to receive the benefits they paid for–they are!"[20]
    • Trump criticized Medicare and disability insurance benefits for being rampant with fraud.[21]
    • Trump wrote, "The food stamp program was originally created as temporary assistance for families with momentary times of need. And it shouldn't be needed often. Thankfully, 96 percent of America's poor parents say their children never suffer even a day of hunger. But when half of food stamp recipients have been on the dole for nearly a decade, something is clearly wrong, and some of it has to do with fraud."[22]
    • Trump also praised the 1996 Welfare Reform Act's welfare-to-work measure in this book. Trump wrote, "To get your check, you had to prove that you were enrolled in job-training or trying to find work. But here's the rub: the 1996 Welfare Reform Act only dealt with one program, Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC), not the other seventy-six welfare programs which, today, cost taxpayers more than $900 billion annually. We need to take a page from the 1996 reform and do the same for other welfare programs. Benefits should have strings attached to them. After all, if it's our money recipients are getting, we the people should have a say in how it's spent. The way forward is to do what we did with AFDC and attach welfare benefits to work. The Welfare Reform Act of 2011–proposed by Republican Congressman Jim Jordan of Ohio, Tim Scott of South Carolina, and Scott Garrett of New Jersey–does just that."[23]

    Republican Party Mike Pence

    • During his 2015 CPAC speech, Mike Pence said, "When it comes to most public assistance programs, states are simply better-equipped to innovate and manage anti-poverty programs in a fiscally-responsible way. Because states can’t print money. ...In Indiana, we ended traditional Medicaid for all able-bodied adults and replaced it with consumer driven healthcare and health savings accounts."[25]
    • In 2014, Pence chose not to accept federal funds for a pre-kindergarten pilot study. He explained that the funding "would have required us to expand our pre-K pilot before it is even up and running. It's important to note that many early learning programs across the country have not been successful over the years. On behalf of the children the pilot is designed to serve, it is imperative that Indiana get this right. ...It is important not to allow the lure of federal grant dollars to define our state's mission and programs. More federal dollars do not necessarily equal success, especially when those dollars come with requirements and conditions that will not help — and may even hinder — running a successful program of our own making."[26]
    • Read more of Mike Pence's public statements on 2016 campaign issues.

    Green candidate

    Green Party Jill Stein

    • On her 2016 presidential campaign website, Jill Stein's Power to the People plan included a proposal to end poverty: "Guarantee economic human rights, including access to food, water, housing, and utilities, with effective anti-poverty programs to ensure every American a life of dignity." Stein also proposed making healthcare a right. Her plan called for establishing an "improved 'Medicare For All' single-payer public health insurance program to provide everyone with quality health care, at huge savings."[27]
    • On her 2012 presidential campaign website, Jill Stein supported expanding "rental and home ownership assistance and create ample public housing" and guaranteeing "the right to accessible and affordable utilities – heat, electricity, phone, internet, and public transportation – through democratically run, publicly owned utilities that operate at cost, not for profit." She also rejected cuts to Medicare and Social Security.[28]
    • Read more of Jill Stein's public statements on 2016 campaign issues.

    Libertarian Party Libertarian candidate

    Gary Johnson

    Gary-Johnson-(New Mexico)-circle.png
    • In an interview with Reason.com on September 26, 2016, Johnson said, "And balancing the federal budget, that's all about young people. That's all about these programs: Medicaid, Medicare, a healthcare safety net that will actually exist for young people today. My generation, I'm gonna get healthcare. I'm gonna get retirement, but you're not as a young person. Come on. We've blown it. Young people, I know they recognize this."[30]
    • During an interview with The Texas Tribune on April 12, 2016, Gary Johnson discussed government assistance programs. On deciding who should receive government assistance, Johnson said, “I’m not for survival of the fittest. I have identified people that truly are in need. Without government help, they’re really going to fall through the cracks. But we’ve gone way over the line in defining in need. That needs to be scaled back, or we’re going to find ourselves not being able to provide any of these services. So I am for smaller government. Less taxes. That’s more freedom for you and I to spend that money. … I’m proposing a balanced budget, and you can’t balance the budget if you don’t address Medicaid, Medicare and military spending. The only way to accomplish this is to give it up to the states, which are laboratories of best practice. [Johnson says the federal government should give states block grants for entitlement programs and allow them to set the rules.] You will ultimately have best practices that will be emulated. We’re also going to witness horrible failure that would later be avoided.”[31]
    • In an August 2011 interview, Johnson said he would reduce the cost of Medicare and Medicaid and increase state oversight of the programs. "I would have the federal government cut Medicare and Medicaid by 43 percent and block grant the programs [to the states] with no strings. Instead of giving the states one dollar—and it’s not really giving because there are strings attached—the federal government needs to give the states 57 cents, take away the strings and give the states carte blanche for how to give health care to the poor," he said.[32]

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    1. 1.0 1.1 Pew Research Center, "5 facts about Social Security," August 18, 2015
    2. Social Security Online, "Covered Workers and Beneficiaries," accessed September 8, 2016
    3. Social Security Online, News Release: Social Security Not Sustainable for the Long Term," March 17, 2003
    4. Vox, "The Vox Conversation: Hillary Clinton," June 22, 2016
    5. The Briefing, "Hillary Clinton’s Plan to Invest in the Caring Economy: Recognizing the Value of Family Caregivers and Home Care Workers," accessed November 23, 2015
    6. Politico, "Clinton proposes $6,000 tax credit for family caregivers," November 22, 2015
    7. The Washington Post, "Clinton backs tax credit to help those caring for elderly relatives," November 22, 2015
    8. Medium, "Iowa Republicans Are Putting Medicaid At Risk. We Can’t Let Them Do That," October 20, 2015
    9. Yahoo News, "Clinton tells organized labor she would enhance Social Security for some," August 17, 2015
    10. Politico, "Clinton hits cuts to jobless benefits," accessed January 29, 2015
    11. Washington Post, "Clinton Slips Social Security Questions," accessed January 29, 2015
    12. New York Times, “With a Step Right, Senator Clinton Agitates the Left," May 22, 2002
    13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 Note: This text is quoted verbatim from the original source. Any inconsistencies are attributable to the original source.
    14. Democratic Party, "The 2016 Democratic Party Platform," accessed August 23, 2016
    15. Tim Kaine United States Senator for Virginia, "Warner, Kaine Introduce Bill to Strengthen Federal Support for Medicaid Expansion," April 14, 2016
    16. Tim Kaine United States Senator for Virginia, "Press Release: Warner, Kaine Announce $1.5 Million in Federal Funding to Help Virginians on Public Assistance Become Self-Sufficient," December 7, 2015
    17. The Wall Street Journal, "Donald Trump: My Rich Friends Shouldn’t Take Social Security," October 12, 2015
    18. Bloomberg, "How 'The Donald' Would Save Social Security," January 24, 2015
    19. Newsmax, "Trump at CPAC: What Really Happened," March 22, 2013
    20. Trump, Donald. (2011). Time to Get Tough. Washington, DC: Regnery Publishing. (pages 68-69)
    21. Trump, Donald. (2011). Time to Get Tough. Washington, DC: Regnery Publishing. (page 77)
    22. Trump, Donald. (2011). Time to Get Tough. Washington, DC: Regnery Publishing. (pages 113-114)
    23. Trump, Donald. (2011). Time to Get Tough. Washington, DC: Regnery Publishing. (pages 116)
    24. Republican Party, "The 2016 Republican Party Platform," accessed August 23, 2016
    25. MikePence.com, "Governor Pence CPAC Speech," accessed April 1, 2015
    26. Indy Star, "Mike Pence: Why I rejected federal preschool funds," accessed April 1, 2015
    27. Jill Stein for President, "Power to the People Plan," accessed July 20, 2016
    28. Jill Stein for President, "Issues," accessed July 6, 2015
    29. Green Party, "The 2016 Green Party Platform on Social Justice," accessed August 23, 2016
    30. Reason.com, "Gary Johnson and Bill Weld Answer Your Questions on Facebook With Matt Welch," September 26, 2016
    31. The Texas Tribune, "Libertarian Eyes a Third-Party Presidential Chance," April 12, 2016
    32. Scott Holleran, "Interview with Gary Johnson," August 21, 2011
    33. Scribd, "Club for Growth: 2012 Presidential White Paper #9," July 21, 2011
    34. Libertarian Party, "The 2016 Libertarian Party Platform," accessed August 23, 2016