Mississippi Treasurer election, 2015

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2015 Mississippi Treasurer Election

Table of Contents
Key deadlines
Campaign finance
Past elections
Recent news
See also
External links

Primary Date:
August 4, 2015

Primary Runoff Date (if necessary):
August 25, 2015

General Election Date:
November 3, 2015

Incumbent prior to election:
Lynn Fitch Republican Party
Lynn Fitch.jpg

Flag of Mississippi.png

The Mississippi Treasurer election took place on November 3, 2015, following a primary on August 4, 2015. Incumbent Lynn Fitch (R) was first elected in 2011 and she was running for a second term in 2015.

A primary election is an election in which registered voters select a candidate that they believe should be a political party's candidate for elected office to run in the general election. They are also used to choose convention delegates and party leaders. Primaries are state-level and local-level elections that take place prior to a general election. Mississippi state law stipulates that an individual can only participate in a party's primary if he or she "intends to support the nominations made in the primary" in which he or she participates. However, this is generally considered an unenforceable requirement. Consequently, Mississippi's primary is effectively open.[1][2]

For information about which offices are nominated via primary election, see this article.


General election

Republican Party Lynn Fitch (Incumbent) Approveda[3][4]
Reform Party Viola V. McFarland[3]

Lost in the primary

Republican Party David McRae[3][4]



Mississippi State Treasurer, 2015
Party Candidate Vote % Votes
     Republican Green check mark transparent.pngLynn Fitch Incumbent 79.2% 516,666
     Reform Viola V. McFarland 20.8% 135,878
Total Votes 652,544
Election results via Mississippi Secretary of State



There was no Democratic primary in 2015 as no candidate from the party filed to run.


Incumbent Fitch defeated McRae in the Republican primary and faced third-party challenger Viola V. McFarland in the general election.[4]

Mississippi Treasurer Republican Primary, 2015
Candidate Vote % Votes
Green check mark transparent.pngLynn Fitch 56.6% 154,492
David McRae 43.4% 118,411
Total Votes 272,903
Election results via Mississippi Secretary of State.

Key deadlines

Deadline Event
February 27, 2015 Filing deadline for party primary and independent candidates for the primary and general elections
March 3, 2015 Deadline for delivery of candidate lists from state parties to Mississippi Secretary of State
July 3, 2015 Voter registration deadline for primary
August 4, 2015 Primary election
August 25, 2015 Primary runoff (if necessary)
October 3, 2015 Voter registration deadline for general election
November 3, 2015 General election
November 13, 2015 Canvass of Returns and Declaration of Results by County Election Commission(s)[5]

Voter registration

For full information about voting in Mississippi, contact the state election agency.

Voters in Mississippi can register to vote by filling out registration forms at county clerk offices. The Mississippi Secretary of State also offers a mail-in application that must be accompanied by a copy of a government-issued photo ID, utility bill, paycheck or bank statement. The Mississippi Department of Public Safety is also capable of handling voter registration as part of driver's license applications. Residents can register to vote up to 30 days prior to the next election.[6]

The following qualifications must be met to successfully register to vote in Mississippi:[6]

U.S. citizenship
At least 18 years old by the next general election
Residency in Mississippi and county of registration for at least 30 days
Not under order of imprisonment for felony conviction
Have not been judged "mentally incompetent" in court

Campaign finance

Pre-election report (July 1, 2015 - July 25, 2015)
Comprehensive donor information for this election was collected from the state's campaign finance authority. Based on available campaign finance records, the candidates raised a total of $580,508 and spent a total of $852,110.72 during this reporting period. This information was last updated on July 29, 2015.[7]

Third periodic report (June 1, 2015 - June 30, 2015)
Comprehensive donor information for this election was collected from the state's campaign finance authority. Based on available campaign finance records, the candidates raised a total of $261,230 and spent a total of $206,370.28 during this reporting period. This information was last updated on July 26, 2015.[8]

Second periodic report (May 1, 2015 - May 31, 2015)
Comprehensive donor information for this election was collected from the state's campaign finance authority. Based on available campaign finance records, the candidates raised a total of $242,725 and spent a total of $73,214.69 during this reporting period. This information was last updated on June 26, 2015.[9]

First periodic report (Jan. 1, 2015 - April 30, 2015)
Comprehensive donor information for this election was collected from the state's campaign finance authority. Based on available campaign finance records, the candidates raised a total of $340,288.25 and spent a total of $166,056.43 during this reporting period. This information was last updated on May 8, 2015.[10]



The duties of the treasurer are detailed in the Mississippi Code and listed on the treasurer's website and are as follows:[11]

  • To invest and account for general, special, clearing and special purpose investment funds, as well as bond proceeds, according to specific legislated authorization and direction;
  • To account for and invest trust funds in the custody of the Treasurer;
  • To account for and disburse funds for scheduled payments on bonded indebtedness;
  • To prepare all reports and maintain all records required by the Federal Tax Reform Act for calculating any required arbitrage rebate;
  • To distribute proportionate tax revenues to counties, cities, and other taxing districts of the State;
  • To monitor the cash position of all Treasury funds to insure that cash balances are invested immediately and sufficient cash balances are on hand to pay obligations as they become due;
  • To provide a cash flow projection for the timing of receipts and disbursements;
  • To identify and recommend to other state agencies the use of cash management techniques which speed collection and increase earnings on investment balances;
  • To publish semi-annual GAAP report packages on all funds managed by the Treasurer for inclusion in the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report prepared by the Department of Finance and Administration;
  • To act as custodian of unclaimed property reported to the Treasurer and attempt to locate the rightful owners so that they may claim their property;
  • To serve as Treasurer to the Mississippi Employment Security Commission;
  • To insure that all State deposits in approved depository institutions are collateralized at 105% of the deposit balance according to statute;
  • To serve as custodian for securities pledged to the State and its agencies;
  • To annually approve and issue a commission to all financial institutions serving as depositories for State funds; and
  • To process and pay all warrants issued by the State in payment of its obligations;
  • The State Treasurer also represents the Executive Branch on various boards and commissions.

Past elections


See also: Mississippi down ballot state executive elections, 2011
Mississippi State Treasurer, 2011
Party Candidate Vote % Votes
     Republican Green check mark transparent.pngLynn Fitch 58.8% 513,132
     Democratic Connie Moran 38.2% 333,267
     Reform Shawn O'Hara 3% 26,421
Total Votes 872,820
Election results via Mississippi Secretary of State


Mississippi State Treasurer, 2007
Party Candidate Vote % Votes
     Republican Green check mark transparent.pngTate Reeves Incumbent 60.5% 436,833
     Democratic Shawn O'Hara 39.5% 284,789
Total Votes 721,622
Election results via Mississippi Secretary of State


Mississippi State Treasurer, 2003
Party Candidate Vote % Votes
     Republican Green check mark transparent.pngTate Reeves 51.8% 447,860
     Democratic Gary Anderson 46.6% 403,307
     Reform Lee Dilworth 1.6% 13,507
Total Votes 864,674
Election results via Mississippi Secretary of State

Recent news

This section links to a Google news search for the term "Mississippi + Treasurer + election + 2015"

See also

External links
