Minnesota Use of Lottery for Environmental Trust Fund, Amendment 1 (1998)

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Minnesota Constitution
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The Minnesota Use of Lottery for Environmental Trust Fund Amendment, also known as Amendment 1, was on the November 3, 1998 ballot in Minnesota as a legislatively referred constitutional amendment, where it was approved. The measure extended the use of the lottery for the environmental trust fund through the year 2025.[1]

Election results

Minnesota Amendment 1 (1998)
Approveda Yes 1,556,895 77.16%

Election results via: Minnesota Legislative Reference Library

Text of measure

The language that appeared on the ballot[2]:

Shall the Minnesota Constitution be amended to extend to the year 2025 the dedication of lottery proceeds to the environment and natural resources trust fund and to maximize the long-term total return to the fund?


The full text of the measure can be read here.

Similar measures

See also

External links
