Maine Highway and Bridge Improvement, Referendum Question No. 1 (1979)

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The Maine Highway and Bridge Improvement Bond Issue, also known as Referendum Question No. 1, was on the November 6, 1979 ballot in Maine as a legislatively referred bond question, where it was approved.[1] The measure issued $16.5 million in bonds for highway and bridge improvements. The bonds were scheduled to be expended over two years by the Department of Transportation. From 1979 to 1980, $9.2 million was allocated. From 1980 to 1981, $7.3 million was allocated.[2][3]

Election results

Maine Referendum Question No. 1 (1979)
Approveda Yes 187,734 72.05%

Election results via: Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library, Votes on Maine Bond Issues, 1951-

Text of measure

The language appeared on the ballot as:[3]

"Shall a bond issue be ratified in the amount of $16,500,000 for bridge and highway improvements?" [4]

Similar measures

Funding for state highway construction projects has been a frequent ballot issue in Maine. The following lists those that have been approved and defeated.



See also

External links
