Maine Transportation Improvements and Air-Medical System, Question 6 (2003)

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The Maine Transportation Improvements and Air-Medical System Bond Issue, also known as Question 6, was on the November 4, 2003 ballot in Maine as a legislatively referred bond question, where it was approved. The measure issued $63.45 million in bonds to fund multiple transportation improvement projects. These funds would be matched by federal, local and private funds. The majority of the funds were for highway and bridge improvements, including the replacement of the Waldo-Hancock Bridge across the Penobscot River. It also included funds to expand the air-medical response system throughout the state.[1][2]

Election results

Maine Question 6 (2003)
Approveda Yes 326,802 65.55%

Election results via: Maine Secretary of State, Elections Division: Referendum Election Tabulations, November 4, 2003

Text of measure

The language appeared on the ballot as:[1]

ME2003Nov Question 6.PNG



The following description of the intent and content of this ballot measure was provided in the Maine Citizen's Guide to the Referendum Election:

This Act would authorize the State to issue bonds in an amount not to exceed $63,450,000 to raise funds for a variety of transportation related projects. The bonds would run for a period not longer than 10 years from the date of issue and would be backed by the full faith and credit of the State.

The Department of Transportation would expend proceeds of the sale of the bonds totaling $60,450,000 as follows:

$42,000,000 on highway and bridge improvements, including $4,000,000 toward replacing the Waldo-Hancock Bridge across the Penobscot River;
$7,850,000 on rail improvements;
$4,550,000 on port and ferry improvements;
$3,600,000 on airport improvements;
$1,250,000 on pedestrian and bicycle trail improvements; and
$1,200,000 on transit and park and ride improvements.

The above projects would be matched by federal funds and/or local or private funds.

The Department of Public Safety would expend the remaining bond proceeds, in the amount of $3,000,000 to expand the air-medical response system throughout the state. These funds would be matched by $217,000 in federal funds.

If approved, the bond authorization would take effect 30 days after the Governor’s proclamation of the vote.

A statement of the Treasurer describing the financial considerations of this bond issue is published together with this statement.

A "YES" vote approves authorization of a $63,450,000 bond issue to finance all of the above activities.

A "NO" vote disapproves the bond issue in its entirety. [3]

Maine Secretary of State


Fiscal note

The total estimated life cost of these bonds was $80,026,313, with $63,450,000 in principal and $16,576,313 in interest, assuming 4.75 percent over 10 years.[1]

Path to the ballot

The bond issues denoted in Questions 4, 5 and 6 of the 2003 ballot in Maine were all contained in one legislative act. The full text of that act can be read here. Question 6 was described in Part A of the legislation. Question 4 was described in Part B, and Question 5 was described in Part C.[1]

See also

External links
