Maine State Highways Bond Issue, Referendum Question No. 1 (1951)

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The Maine State Highways Bond Issue, also known as Referendum Question No. 1, was on the September 10, 1951 ballot in Maine as a legislatively referred bond question, where it was approved. The measure authorized the issuance of $27 million in bonds to build state highways.[1][2]

Election results

Maine Referendum Question No. 1 (1951)
Approveda Yes 36,661 68.53%

Election results via: Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library, Votes on Maine Bond Issues, 1951-

Text of measure

The language appeared on the ballot as:[2]


"Shall a bond issue be ratified for the purposes set forth in 'An Act to Authorize the Issuance of Bonds in the amount of Twenty-Seven Million Dollars on Behalf of the State of Maine for the Purpose of Building State Highways,' passed by the 95th Legislature?" [3]

Similar measures

Funding for state highway construction projects has been a frequent ballot issue in Maine. The following lists those that have been approved and defeated.



See also

External links


  1. Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library, "Votes on Maine Bond Issues, 1951-," accessed April 8, 2014
  2. 2.0 2.1 Lewiston Evening Journal, "Specimen Ballot," August 31, 1951
  3. Note: This text is quoted verbatim from the original source. Any inconsistencies are attributable to the original source.