Montana Noxious Weed Management, C-40 (2004)

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Montana Constitution
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The Montana Noxious Weed Management Amendment, also known as C-40, was on the November 2, 2004 ballot in Montana as a legislatively referred constitutional amendment, where it was approved. The measure created a $10 million trust fund for the purpose of noxious weed management.[1][2]

Election results

Montana C-40 (2004)
Approveda Yes 323,929 75.51%

Election results via: Montana Secretary of State

Text of measure

The text of the measure can be read here.


The argument for the amendment was prepared by Senator William Glaser (R-44) and Rep. Diane Rice. They argued that C-40 would help protect Montanans from "unsightly and devastating" weeds throughout the state and would be an economic boost to the state's agricultural industry. They also ensured voters that the amendment would not require any new taxes since it is only a protective measure to prevent raiding of the trust fund by the legislature during tight budgetary times.[3]


No opponent committee was formed for C-40.[3]

See also

External links


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