List of California ballot propositions
California Ballot Propositions |
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From 1910 through 2022, 1,293 statewide ballot propositions were on the California ballot. The decade with the most ballot propositions was the 1970s. The decade with the least was the 1950s. The single year with the most ballot propositions was 1914, with 48 propositions.
Californians can vote on the full spectrum of types of ballot measures, including:
- Initiated constitutional amendments
- Legislatively-referred constitutional amendments
- Initiated state statutes
- Legislatively-referred state statutes
- Referred bond propositions
- Veto referenda
Starting in 2010, ballot propositions in California were only put on the ballot during even-numbered years. Moreover, in 2011, California lawmakers passed a bill requiring all citizen-initiated measures—initiatives and veto referendums—to appear before voters during the general election in November or even-numbered years.
See also
External links
- Search Google News for this topic
- California's ballot pamphlets and voter guides
- Historical data on California propositions provided by the LAO
- Hastings California I&R database
- California on Smart Voter
- Initiative and Referendum Institute's information on California propositions
- Historical election results
- Historical Resources Provided by the California Secretary of State
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