Lakewood School District Levy Replacements, 2 (April 2012)

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Two Lakewood School District Levy Replacement measures were on the April 17, 2012 ballot in the Lakewood school district area which is in Snohomish County.

Both measures were approved

The first measure sought to replace an expiring school levy with one set at a rate of $3.47 per $1,000 of assessed property value for a period of four years which will pay for programs and operational costs in the district.

  • YES 1,363 (56.46%)Approveda
  • NO 1,051 (43.53%)

The second measure sought to replace an expiring school levy with one set at a rate of $2.01 per $1,000 of assessed property value for a period of two years which will pay for technology upgrades and capital improvement projects in the district.[1]

  • YES 1,276 (52.97%)Approveda
  • NO 1,133 (47.03%)[2]

These two measures were originally supposed to be on the February 14 ballot but the County Auditor's office did not have records indicating the School Board's resolutions so the Board will have to resubmit the resolutions. School officials noted that this would give the district more time to garner support for the two measures.[3]
