Louisiana Central Community School System Act, Amendment 8 (2006)

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Louisiana Constitution
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Louisiana Amendment 8 (General), also known as the Central Community School System Act, was on the November 7, 2006, election ballot in Louisiana as a legislatively referred constitutional amendment, where it was approved. This measure proposed that a new public schoold district be created in East Baton Rouge Parish.[1][2]

Election results

Amendment 8, General
Approveda Yes 456,279 55%

Election results via: Louisiana Secretary of State

Text of measure

The question on the ballot:

To grant the Central community school system in East Baton Rouge Parish the same authority granted parishes for purposes of Article VIII, Section 13 of the Constitution of Louisiana, including purposes related to the minimum foundation program, funding for certain school books and instructional materials, and the raising of certain local revenues for the support of elementary and secondary schools.

(Amends Article VIII, Section 13(D)(1))[3]

See also

External links
