Keller Independent School District elections (2018)

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Keller Independent School District elections

General election date
May 5, 2018 (Canceled)
Enrollment ('15-'16)
34,180 students

Two seats on the Keller Independent School District school board in Texas were up for by-district general election on May 5, 2018. However, the election was canceled due to lack of opposition. Place 6 incumbent Brad Schofield and Place 7 incumbent Ruthie Keyes were automatically re-elected.[1]


Place 6

Brad Schofield was automatically re-elected.

Place 7

Ruthie Keyes was automatically re-elected.

Additional elections on the ballot

See also: Texas elections, 2018

What was at stake?

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Candidate survey

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About the district

See also: Keller Independent School District, Texas

The Keller Independent School District is located in Texas. The district was the 38th-largest school district in the state in the 2014–2015 school year and served 33,619 students.[2]

Pivot Counties

See also: Pivot Counties by state

One of 254 Texas counties—0.4 percent—is a Pivot County. Pivot Counties are counties that voted for Barack Obama (D) in 2008 and 2012 and for Donald Trump (R) in 2016. Altogether, the nation had 206 Pivot Counties, with most being concentrated in upper midwestern and northeastern states.

Counties won by Trump in 2016 and Obama in 2012 and 2008
County Trump margin of victory in 2016 Obama margin of victory in 2012 Obama margin of victory in 2008
Jefferson County, Texas 0.48% 1.61% 2.25%

In the 2016 presidential election, Donald Trump (R) won Texas with 52.2 percent of the vote. Hillary Clinton (D) received 43.2 percent. In presidential elections between 1900 and 2016, Texas cast votes for the winning presidential candidate 66.7 percent of the time. In that same time frame, Texas supported Democratic candidates slightly more often than Republicans, 53.3 to 46.7 percent. The state, however, favored Republicans in every presidential election between 2000 and 2016.

Presidential results by legislative district

The following table details results of the 2012 and 2016 presidential elections by state House districts in Texas. Click [show] to expand the table. The "Obama," "Romney," "Clinton," and "Trump" columns describe the percent of the vote each presidential candidate received in the district. The "2012 Margin" and "2016 Margin" columns describe the margin of victory between the two presidential candidates in those years. The "Party Control" column notes which party held that seat heading into the 2018 general election. Data on the results of the 2012 and 2016 presidential elections broken down by state legislative districts was compiled by Daily Kos.[3][4]

In 2012, Barack Obama (D) won 54 out of 150 state House districts in Texas with an average margin of victory of 37.4 points. In 2016, Hillary Clinton (D) won 65 out of 150 state House districts in Texas with an average margin of victory of 36.4 points. Clinton won 10 districts controlled by Republicans heading into the 2018 elections.
In 2012, Mitt Romney (R) won 96 out of 150 state House districts in Texas with an average margin of victory of 36.2 points. In 2016, Donald Trump (R) won 85 out of 150 state House districts in Texas with an average margin of victory of 34.5 points.

Recent news

The link below is to the most recent stories in a Google news search for the terms Keller Independent School District Texas election. These results are automatically generated from Google. Ballotpedia does not curate or endorse these articles.

See also

Keller Independent School District Texas School Boards
School Board badge.png
Seal of Texas.png
School Board badge.png

External links
