Karl Frisch recall, Fairfax County Public Schools, Virginia (2024)

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Fairfax County Public Schools recall
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Karl Frisch
Recall status
Did not go to court
Signature requirement
Signatures equal to 10% of the number of people who voted in the last election for the office
See also
Recall overview
Political recall efforts, 2024
Recalls in Virginia
Virginia recall laws
School board recalls
Recall reports

An effort to recall Karl Frisch from his position as the Providence District representative on the Fairfax County Public Schools school board in Virginia did not go to court in 2024. The effort began in January 2024.[1] At the time the recall began, Frisch was serving as chair of the board.[2]

The recall effort started after Frisch was sworn into his second term on the board in December 2023 using five books with LGBTQ themes. All five books had been banned in other school districts.[1][3]

Frisch first won election to the board on November 5, 2019, with 62.4% of the vote against one opponent for the open Providence District seat. He won re-election on November 7, 2023, with 66.9% of the vote against one opponent.

Recall supporters

The recall petition said Frisch's "expressing support of the dissemination of sexually graphic material to minors" was the reason for the recall effort. "We have laws against pornography in this country in front of minors," Stacy Langton, a district parent, said. "If they can't legally buy it in town or be shown it, it doesn't magically become OK on a public school campus."[1]

Recall opponents

“Fairfax County residents want safe and inclusive schools with exceptional, well-compensated educators and equitable access to the rigorous academic and enrichment opportunities every student needs to succeed,” Frisch said during the swearing-in ceremony. “I am grateful for the trust Providence District families have placed in me, and with tonight’s Oath, I commit to standing strong for these values and advancing these priorities with my new and returning colleagues.”[3]

Path to the ballot

See also: Laws governing recall in Virginia

In the case of a successful recall petition, Virginia does not hold recall elections. Instead, the petition is sent to the circuit court for trial. Virginia allows the following grounds for recall: neglect of duty, misuse of office, or incompetence in the performance of duties when that neglect of duty, misuse of office, or incompetence in the performance of duties has a material adverse effect upon the conduct of the office.[4] The petition for recall must be signed by at least 10% of the number of people who voted in the last election for the office. The state does not have a time limit for circulating petitions.[5]

2024 recall efforts

See also: School board recalls

Ballotpedia tracked 40 school board recall efforts against 83 board members in 2024. Recall elections in 2024 removed 14 members from office, including three who resigned before the election, and retained seven members in office. The school board recall success rate was 13.4%.

The chart below details the status of 2024 recall efforts by individual school board member.

See also

External links
