Jim Turini and Jackie Thomas recall, Dacono, Colorado (2023)

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Jim Turini and Jackie Thomas recall
Ballotpedia Election Coverage Badge.png
Jim Turini
Jackie Thomas
Recall status
Recall approved
Recall election date
June 27, 2023
Signature requirement
189 signatures
See also
Recall overview
Political recall efforts, 2023
Recalls in Colorado
Colorado recall laws
City council recalls
Recall reports

An election to recall City Councilman Jim Turini and Councilwoman Jackie Thomas was scheduled for June 27, 2023, in Dacono, Colorado. Voters recalled both Turini and Thomas.[1][2][3][4]

Recall vote

Turini recall

Jim Turini recall, 2023

Jim Turini lost the Dacono City Council recall election on June 27, 2023.

Total Votes

Thomas recall

Jackie Thomas recall, 2023

Jackie Thomas lost the Dacono City Council recall election on June 27, 2023.

Total Votes

Replacement question

General election

Special general election for Dacono City Council (2 seats)

Michelle Rogers and Tony Cummings won election in the special general election for Dacono City Council on June 27, 2023.

Michelle Rogers (Nonpartisan)
Tony Cummings (Nonpartisan)

Total votes: 1,104
Candidate Connection = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.
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Recall supporters

Organizers said that they initiated the recall campaign in response to Turini and Thomas' votes to fire City Manager A.J. Euckert in a meeting on February 13, 2023. The recall petition alleged that Turini and Thomas, with respect to the February 13 meeting, “intentionally withheld information … by not providing timely and full disclosure of potential agenda information; in violation of the Open Meetings Law."[1][2]

Recall organizer Megan Thornam told Yellowscene Magazine, "It’s very clear from the meeting that half of the city council did not know this was going to happen. ... And for that to be happening, and the way that it happened, it very much appeared to us like a political stunt.”[1]

Mayor Pro Tem Kathryn Wittman and Councilman Danny Long also voted to fire Euckert. Organizers said that they were not seeking to recall Wittman because her term was scheduled to end in November 2023. Long was not eligible to be recalled because he had not served six months in office at the time the recall campaign began.[2]

Recall opponents

Thomas gave the following statement on the recall campaign: “I was disappointed to see this Recall action taken by some Dacono citizens. I was not contacted directly to discuss the reasons for my vote. ... I have several months ago arrived at the decision that the City Manager’s vision for the City was not consistent with the feedback that I continually receive from both Dacono businesses and Dacono individuals; consensus was that we needed a change.”[2]

Turini reached out to Ballotpedia on April 17, 2023, with the following statement on the recall campaign.

I openly campaigned and was elected on a platform of change and economic growth for Dacono. The firing of the city manager was a step many constituents demanded, after decades of stagnation and not keeping up with our municipal neighbors, a majority of council members chose to Move Dacono forward. I'm proud to have included my vote for progress and a new direction, regardless of the political attacks on my motives and character. Change is hard, can be misunderstood, and can threaten the status quo, but it doesn't make it any less necessary. I ask for your support in taking Dacono to a new level of prosperity by voting NO on the recall question for myself, Jim Turini.[5]

Path to the ballot

Laws governing recall in Colorado

Dacono Clerk Valerie Taylor approved the petitions for circulation on February 28, 2023.[1] For a recall election to be scheduled, organizers needed to collect 189 signatures.[2]

See also

External links
