Jesse Garza

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Jesse Garza
Republican National Convention, 2016
Status:District-level delegate
Congressional district:7
Bound to:Donald Trump
Delegates to the RNC 2016
Calendar and delegate rules overviewTypes of delegatesDelegate rules by stateState election law and delegatesDelegates by state

Jesse Garza was a district-level delegate to the 2016 Republican National Convention from Wisconsin. Garza was one of six delegates from Wisconsin bound by state party rules to support Donald Trump at the convention.[1] As of July 13, 2016, Trump had approximately 1,542 delegates. The winner of the Republican nomination needed the support of 1,237 delegates. Trump formally won the nomination on July 19, 2016.

Delegate rules

See also: RNC delegate guidelines from Wisconsin, 2016 and Republican delegates from Wisconsin, 2016

At-large delegates from Wisconsin to the Republican National Convention were selected by a committee formed by the candidate who received a plurality of the statewide vote in the state presidential primary election and ratified by the State Executive Committee. For district-level delegates, the district chairman of each district compiled a list of delegates from which the presidential candidate who won a plurality of the vote in that district selected three delegates. Delegates from Wisconsin were bound to a candidate on all ballots at the convention unless the candidate released them or failed to receive one-third of the vote on a ballot.

Wisconsin primary results

See also: Presidential election in Wisconsin, 2016
Wisconsin Republican Primary, 2016
Candidate Vote % Votes Delegates
Green check mark transparent.pngTed Cruz 48.2% 531,129 36
Donald Trump 35.1% 386,290 6
John Kasich 14.1% 155,200 0
Jeb Bush 0.3% 3,156 0
Ben Carson 0.5% 5,608 0
Chris Christie 0.1% 1,310 0
Carly Fiorina 0.1% 825 0
Jim Gilmore 0% 242 0
Mike Huckabee 0.1% 1,428 0
Rand Paul 0.2% 2,491 0
Marco Rubio 1% 10,569 0
Rick Santorum 0% 510 0
Other 0.2% 2,288 0
Totals 1,101,046 42
Source: The New York Times and Wisconsin Vote

Delegate allocation

See also: 2016 presidential nominations: calendar and delegate rules

Wisconsin had 42 delegates at the 2016 Republican National Convention. Of this total, 24 were district-level delegates (three for each of the state's eight congressional districts). District delegates were allocated on a winner-take-all basis; the candidate who won a plurality of the vote in a congressional district received all of that district's delegates.[2][3]

Of the remaining 18 delegates, 15 served at large. Wisconsin's at-large delegates were allocated on a winner-take-all basis. The candidate who won a plurality of the statewide vote received all of the state's at-large delegates. In addition, three national party leaders (identified on the chart below as RNC delegates) served as bound delegates to the Republican National Convention.[2][3]

See also
