John Kavanagh recall, Arizona House of Representatives (2013)

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Arizona House of Representatives recall
John Kavanagh.gif
John Kavanagh
Recall status
Did not go to a vote
See also
Recall overview
Political recall efforts, 2013
Recalls in Arizona
Arizona recall laws
State legislative recalls
Recall reports

An effort to recall John Kavanagh, a member of the Republican Party, from his elected position representing District 23 in the Arizona House of Representatives was launched on March 25, 2013.[1] No news of the effort was reported after the July 23 submission deadline, and the effort was assumed abandoned.


  • March 25: Raise The Bar Arizona filed recall paperwork with the Arizona Secretary of State.
  • July 23: Deadline to collect 16,920 signatures to force a recall election.


Raise The Bar Arizona, a newly-formed group wanting "to raise the bar in Arizona politics so everyone can expect quality legislation from elected officials," was the group targeting Kavanagh for recall. "Representative Kavanagh has done a number of things this session that, as we stated, doesn't go with his campaign promises," said chair Brianna Pantilione.[2] Kavanagh waved off the efforts merely as an abuse of the system aimed at harassing elected officials. “If they succeed, they’ll recall me five months before my primary,” he said.[1]

Petition language

The application for recall petition against Kavanagh read:[3]

Following attacks on students, LGBTQ individuals, and attempts to thwart legitimate recall efforts, we have found it necessary to begin recall efforts against State Representative John Kavanagh. In an unprecedented waste of taxpayer money, Representative Kavanagh has advocated for legislation that is discriminatory, unnecessary, and leaving the state open to costly lawsuits. Representative John Kavanagh presents himself as an advocate for small government, while actually attempting to expand the reach of government into Arizonan's personal lives. Representative John Kavanagh has spent his time in office unconstitutionally attacking specific groups such as students rather than fulfilling his campaign promises to limit government and use taxpayer's money effectively.[4]

Path to the ballot

See also: Laws governing recall in Arizona

Recall organizers were required to turn in 16,920 valid signatures by July 23 in order to force a recall.[3]

See also

External links
