Idaho Public School Fund, HJR 1 (2000)

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Idaho Constitution
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The Idaho Public School Fund Amendment, also known as House Joint Resolution 1, was on the November 7, 2000 ballot in Idaho as a legislatively referred constitutional amendment, where it was approved. The measure renamed the Public School Fund to the Public School Permanent Endowment Fund, authorized money from the Public School Earnings Reserve Fund to be deposited in the Public School Permanent Endowment Fund and allowed revenues from the sale of public school endowment lands to be deposited into a Land Bank Fund.[1]

Election results

Idaho HJR 1 (2000)
Approveda Yes 312,433 69.48%

Election results via: Idaho Secretary of State

Text of measure

Ballot title

The question appeared on the ballot as:[2]

"Shall Section 4, Article IX of the Constitution of the State of Idaho be amended to:

1. Change the name of the Public School Fund to the Public School Permanent Endowment Fund; 2. Provide that the fund shall consist of proceeds from the sale of school lands and amounts allocated from the Public School Earnings Reserve Fund; 3. Provide that proceeds from the sale of school lands may be deposited into a land bank fund to be used to acquire other lands within the state; and 4. To provide that if those proceeds are not used to acquire other land within a time provided by the legislature, the proceeds shall be deposited into the Public School Permanent Endowment Fund along with any earnings on the proceeds?".[3]

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