Humboldt USD 258 recall, Kansas (2014)

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Humboldt USD 258 Board of Education recall
Ballotpedia Election Coverage Badge.png
Steve Sellmen
Recall status
Did not go to a vote
See also
Recall overview
Political recall efforts, 2014
Recalls in Kansas
Kansas recall laws
School board recalls
Recall reports

An effort to recall the Humboldt USD 258 Board of Education in Kansas was begun on September 8, 2014, but did not go to a vote. The petition for the recall was announced at a school board meeting on that day. The petition accuses the board of multiple failures, but specifically claims that the board members have been using school funds for themselves. This includes using school funds to pay for personal trips outside of board member duties.[1] The main effort focused on recalling Steve Sellmen, but the recall petition filed to remove him was not approved by the Allen County Attorney's office on September 22, 2014. The office cited a lack of specificity in the petition language as the main reason for not approving it.[2]

Recall supporter arguments

Briana Wilkerson read the announcement of the recall petition at the September 8, 2014, school board meeting. The petition claims that the board has failed to provide adequate oversight and to require accountability over the schools administration, as well as failing to follow contract procedures. Additionally, board members are accused of using school funds for personal trips.[1]

Path to the ballot

See also: Laws governing recall in Kansas

The recall petition was announced at the September 8, 2014, school board meeting. It must be submitted to the elections board and signed by Allen County Attorney Wade Bowie within five days of its submission. If the petition format is approved, supporters will have 90 days to circulate it to gather signatures numbering 40 percent of those cast in the last election for the office which is being recalled.[1]

See also

External links

Additional reading
