Gilbert, Arizona municipal elections, 2014

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Elections for the city council of Gilbert, Arizona were scheduled to take place on November 4, 2014. A primary election took place on August 26, 2014. The candidate filing deadline for candidates wishing to run in this election was July 28, 2014. Four seats were up for election.[1] Because four candidates received a majority of the votes in the primary election, the general election was called off. Eddie Cook, Victor Petersen, Jordan Ray and Brigette Peterson defeated Jason Cvancara, Tim Rinesmith and TJ Tillman.[2]

City council

Candidate list

August 26 Primary election candidates:

Election results

Gilbert City Council, 2014
Candidate Vote % Votes
Green check mark transparent.pngEddie Cook Incumbent 18.8% 14,482
Green check mark transparent.pngVictor Petersen Incumbent 15.3% 11,802
Green check mark transparent.pngBrigette Peterson 16.4% 12,702
Green check mark transparent.pngJordan Ray Incumbent 17.8% 13,771
Jason Cvancara 9.5% 7,302
Tim Rinesmith 8.3% 6,373
TJ Tillman 14% 10,794
Total Votes 60,059
Source: Maricopa County Records - 2014 Official Election Results

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